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The Divided Self.

Once upon a time, there was a character. But then that character changed. And he existed until a previous or different version of him/her/itself reappered as another character. Or the original author recreated the character for another editorial. And where there was one character, there were two or more thanks to a convenient retcon.

List items

  • 1. Wally West

    After Flashpoint Wally west was reinvented to resemble the TV series The Flash's Wally West

  • 2. Wallace West

    After the return of Flash (Wally West), Wally West 2 it was revealed as a cousin with the same name.

  • 3. Squadron Sinister

    The first one to go against the Avengers. It was revealed than they were created by the Collector.

  • 4. Squadron Supreme

    Retcon: the original Squadron appeared after their copy.

  • 5. Hyperion (Construct)

    The first one to go against the Avengers. It was revealed than was created by the Collector.

  • 6. Hyperion

    Retcon: the original Hyperion appeared after his copy.

  • 7. Speed Demon

    The copy from Squadron sinister, who rebranded himself later.l

  • 8. Whizzer (Stewart)

    The "original", from the heroic Squadron.

  • 9. Doctor Spectrum (Obatu)

    The copy from Squadron sinister

  • 10. Doctor Spectrum

    The "original", from the heroic Squadron.

  • 11. Superman

    Who is this guy again?

  • 12. Kal-L

    The Golden age Superman, created along with earth-2

  • 13. Kingdom Come Superman

    The superman from a elseworld/possible future, retconned into a Superman from a parallel universe.

  • 14. Huntress (Wayne)

    The daughter of Bruce Wayne from a parallel earth.

  • 15. Huntress (Bertinelli)

    Retcon: reinvented as a mafia princess.

  • 16. Kathy Kane

    Bruce Wayne's cousin and the first Batwoman. She was later recovered as another character.

  • 17. Batwoman

    Bruce Wayne's cousin and the first Batwoman. The post crisis reinvention.

  • 18. Lena Luthor

    Originally the sister of Lex, retconned intohis daughter, but recovered as estranged sister.

  • 19. Lena Luthor

    Daughter of Lex.

  • 20. Jean Grey

    The first marvel girl and original host of the Phoenix, she died, came back, died again, came back as a noisy teenager.

  • 21. Phoenix Force

    The phoenix was the realonewho died instead Jean Grey.

  • 22. Madelyne Pryor

    She was exactly identical to jean grey but without powers. After Jean returned the first time, she was "revealed" to be a clone.

  • 23. Dick Grayson

    The original robin since the 40s.

  • 24. Dick Grayson (Earth 2)

    The Golden Age Robin.He was a Dick Grayson who never stopped being Robin.

  • 25. Deathwing

    A Dick Grayson from a false future. It was never revealed who he really was.

  • 26. Captain America

    Created by Simon and Kirby when they worked for Marvel, he was the first supersoldier, who dissapeared after WW2 (that means, his publication stopped) and returned in the 60s.

  • 27. Grand Director

    The 50s Captain America, the first try to recover the characters. He was retconed into an impostor with extremist mcartism views of America.

  • 28. Fighting American

    Created by Simon and Kirby when they didn't worked for Marvel anymore.

  • 29. Jim Hammond

    The original Human torch, his body was used to built the Vision. But both co-exist!!

  • 30. Vision

    The Vision and Jim hammond have the same body, DIVIDED by Immortus.

  • 31. Kang

    Rama Tut's second identity, it became another person.

  • 32. Immortus

    Rama Tut's third identity, it became another person.

  • 33. Marcus Kang

    Rama Tut's forth identity, revealed as a son.

  • 34. Iron Lad

    Rama Tut's fifth identity, an heoric one.

  • 35. Supergirl

    The original was the cousin of Superman. Died in the crisis but reappered later. Meanwhile...

  • 36. Matrix

    She was replaced by a alien shapeshifter goo who possed as a Supergirl. Things got weird when...

  • 37. Linda Danvers

    Matrix fussioned itself with human Linda Lee Danvers. The union was an earth born angel. Later linda and Matrix were separated but Linda keep some powers.

  • 38. Lee

    After the cancelation of Supergirl, Peter David created Lee, who is nothing but a continuation the earth Angel supergirl saga.

  • 39. Howard the Duck

    Created by Steve Gerber the modern Howard is a clone created by copyright motives. The original Howard changed his name ad entered to Wittnes protection program.

  • 40. Leonard The Duck

    Acording with Steve gerber, the creator of Howard, the Duck, Leonard is the REAL Howard. But don't tell it to Marvel.

  • 41. Von Bach

    Kingdom Come character. When Jones and Ross tried to introduce Von Bach in the regular continuity, the idea was nixed.

  • 42. Rebel

    Instead of Von Bach, Rebel make his debut, but the similarities are pretty obvious.

  • 43. Mantis

    From Avenger to cosmic traveler to the legendary Celestial Madonna, Mantis is perhaps one of the most well-traveled characters in the Marvel Universe. She was created by Steve Englehart.

  • 44. Willow

    She is the Marvel's "Mantis" character brought to the DC Universe by Steve Englehart.

  • 45. Question (Sage)

    Steve Ditko's right wing detective.

  • 46. Mr. A

    Steve Ditko's righter wing detective.

  • 47. Billy Batson

    The original Captain marvel. He was so fameous in England than he spawned a ersazt character: Marvelman.

  • 48. Marvelman

    When the war (WW2)interrupted the material of Captain Marvel, the britains created marvel as replacement.

  • 49. Man of Miracles

    When Todd McFarlane tried to use Marvel(Miracle)man in his Spawn comics, legal issues made this imposible. Man of miracles was createdto fullfill the role planned for Miracleman then.

  • 50. Rom

    There is certain risk on use licenced characters in your own universe as, losing the licence.

  • 51. Ikon

    Don't worry, Ikon is the new Marvel's Space Knight to replace ROM... but nobody cared.

  • 52. Union Jack

    A flag cladded british hero from Marvel comics. By definition a legacy character

  • 53. Jack Staff

    A reinvention of Union Jack. When it was rejected by Marvel, creator Paul Grist went to Image where he developted his ideas. He have his own american supersoldier, by the way.

  • 54. Major Force

    The opposite to Captain Atom, he had been killed several times.

  • 55. Black Jack

    A very similar looking character with the same personality than major Force who made his debut in theNew 52. He was soon killed, but then Major Force reappered, looking exactly like him. It was a name change or a editorial mistake?

  • 56. Spider-Woman

    Jessica Drew, the first Spider-Woman, was the initial main character for theseries Alias. She was a Bendis fetish. But the idea was nixed, but not the series.

  • 57. Jessica Jones

    To replace Spider-Woman, Bndis created Jessica Jones,with whom he had more creative freedom.

  • 58. George Taylor

    The original boss of Clark Kent. Reintroduced as the editor of a competitor journal.

  • 59. Perry White

    Introduced in radio show and in the silver age, he became the iconic Daily planet editor.

  • 60. John Constantine

    the original badass magician.

  • 61. Willoughby Kipling

    Grant Morrison wanted to use Constantine in Doom Patrol but his idea was nixed. So Morrison created his own Constantine.

  • 62. Reflecto

    Originally a future superhero who died; Later a combined identity for Superboy/Ultra Boy; eventually he was retconned into arimboriansuperhero who indeed died fighting for the Legion.

  • 63. Skrulls

    The original green skined alien invader of Marvel, they weren't cool enough to be ultimate invaders.

  • 64. Chitauri

    The Ultimate Skrulls, the chitauri survived the end of the Ultimate universe to be another alien race and made to the movies before the skrulls.

  • 65. Phantom Lady

    One of the earlier examples, Phantom Lady was a Quality character who was believed to be in the public domain after the dissapearance of her publisher house. However her rights had went to DC.

  • 66. Nightveil

    Fox published Phantom Lady stories, but when they discover that DC had the rights, they rebranded the published character into Nightveil. 'Cos DC have good lawyers, you know?

  • 67. Gemini

    A creation of Al Gordon for DC Comics.

    A girl from the future, half way between god and man, who traveled to the past with a violent savage hero (Timber Wolf) whom she soothed.

    (But later he traveled back to the 31st century, he left her in the past, there was an cosmic event, retcon included, and.. nobody remember her again).

  • 68. Skylark

    A creation of Al Gordon in Image Comics.

    A girl from the future, half way between god and man, who traveled to the past with a violent savage hero (Wildstar) whom she soothed.

    (Or maybe she is Gemini after travel to another universe.)

  • 69. Louis Sendak

    Originally, Scarab was going to be a Vertigo story for Dr. Fate, but it was considered to much Vertigo for Dr. Fate,so the writer created Louis Sendak.

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325 252162 12 24
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The Divided Self.

Once upon a time, there was a character. But then that character changed. And he existed until a previous or different version of him/her/itself reappered as another character. Or the original author recreated the character for another editorial. And where there was one character, there were two or more thanks to a convenient retcon.

List items

  • 1. Wally West

    After Flashpoint Wally west was reinvented to resemble the TV series The Flash's Wally West

  • 2. Wallace West

    After the return of Flash (Wally West), Wally West 2 it was revealed as a cousin with the same name.

  • 3. Squadron Sinister

    The first one to go against the Avengers. It was revealed than they were created by the Collector.

  • 4. Squadron Supreme

    Retcon: the original Squadron appeared after their copy.

  • 5. Hyperion (Construct)

    The first one to go against the Avengers. It was revealed than was created by the Collector.

  • 6. Hyperion

    Retcon: the original Hyperion appeared after his copy.

  • 7. Speed Demon

    The copy from Squadron sinister, who rebranded himself later.l

  • 8. Whizzer (Stewart)

    The "original", from the heroic Squadron.

  • 9. Doctor Spectrum (Obatu)

    The copy from Squadron sinister

  • 10. Doctor Spectrum

    The "original", from the heroic Squadron.

  • 11. Superman

    Who is this guy again?

  • 12. Kal-L

    The Golden age Superman, created along with earth-2

  • 13. Kingdom Come Superman

    The superman from a elseworld/possible future, retconned into a Superman from a parallel universe.

  • 14. Huntress (Wayne)

    The daughter of Bruce Wayne from a parallel earth.

  • 15. Huntress (Bertinelli)

    Retcon: reinvented as a mafia princess.

  • 16. Kathy Kane

    Bruce Wayne's cousin and the first Batwoman. She was later recovered as another character.

  • 17. Batwoman

    Bruce Wayne's cousin and the first Batwoman. The post crisis reinvention.

  • 18. Lena Luthor

    Originally the sister of Lex, retconned intohis daughter, but recovered as estranged sister.

  • 19. Lena Luthor

    Daughter of Lex.

  • 20. Jean Grey

    The first marvel girl and original host of the Phoenix, she died, came back, died again, came back as a noisy teenager.

  • 21. Phoenix Force

    The phoenix was the realonewho died instead Jean Grey.

  • 22. Madelyne Pryor

    She was exactly identical to jean grey but without powers. After Jean returned the first time, she was "revealed" to be a clone.

  • 23. Dick Grayson

    The original robin since the 40s.

  • 24. Dick Grayson (Earth 2)

    The Golden Age Robin.He was a Dick Grayson who never stopped being Robin.

  • 25. Deathwing

    A Dick Grayson from a false future. It was never revealed who he really was.

  • 26. Captain America

    Created by Simon and Kirby when they worked for Marvel, he was the first supersoldier, who dissapeared after WW2 (that means, his publication stopped) and returned in the 60s.

  • 27. Grand Director

    The 50s Captain America, the first try to recover the characters. He was retconed into an impostor with extremist mcartism views of America.

  • 28. Fighting American

    Created by Simon and Kirby when they didn't worked for Marvel anymore.

  • 29. Jim Hammond

    The original Human torch, his body was used to built the Vision. But both co-exist!!

  • 30. Vision

    The Vision and Jim hammond have the same body, DIVIDED by Immortus.

  • 31. Kang

    Rama Tut's second identity, it became another person.

  • 32. Immortus

    Rama Tut's third identity, it became another person.

  • 33. Marcus Kang

    Rama Tut's forth identity, revealed as a son.

  • 34. Iron Lad

    Rama Tut's fifth identity, an heoric one.

  • 35. Supergirl

    The original was the cousin of Superman. Died in the crisis but reappered later. Meanwhile...

  • 36. Matrix

    She was replaced by a alien shapeshifter goo who possed as a Supergirl. Things got weird when...

  • 37. Linda Danvers

    Matrix fussioned itself with human Linda Lee Danvers. The union was an earth born angel. Later linda and Matrix were separated but Linda keep some powers.

  • 38. Lee

    After the cancelation of Supergirl, Peter David created Lee, who is nothing but a continuation the earth Angel supergirl saga.

  • 39. Howard the Duck

    Created by Steve Gerber the modern Howard is a clone created by copyright motives. The original Howard changed his name ad entered to Wittnes protection program.

  • 40. Leonard The Duck

    Acording with Steve gerber, the creator of Howard, the Duck, Leonard is the REAL Howard. But don't tell it to Marvel.

  • 41. Von Bach

    Kingdom Come character. When Jones and Ross tried to introduce Von Bach in the regular continuity, the idea was nixed.

  • 42. Rebel

    Instead of Von Bach, Rebel make his debut, but the similarities are pretty obvious.

  • 43. Mantis

    From Avenger to cosmic traveler to the legendary Celestial Madonna, Mantis is perhaps one of the most well-traveled characters in the Marvel Universe. She was created by Steve Englehart.

  • 44. Willow

    She is the Marvel's "Mantis" character brought to the DC Universe by Steve Englehart.

  • 45. Question (Sage)

    Steve Ditko's right wing detective.

  • 46. Mr. A

    Steve Ditko's righter wing detective.

  • 47. Billy Batson

    The original Captain marvel. He was so fameous in England than he spawned a ersazt character: Marvelman.

  • 48. Marvelman

    When the war (WW2)interrupted the material of Captain Marvel, the britains created marvel as replacement.

  • 49. Man of Miracles

    When Todd McFarlane tried to use Marvel(Miracle)man in his Spawn comics, legal issues made this imposible. Man of miracles was createdto fullfill the role planned for Miracleman then.

  • 50. Rom

    There is certain risk on use licenced characters in your own universe as, losing the licence.

  • 51. Ikon

    Don't worry, Ikon is the new Marvel's Space Knight to replace ROM... but nobody cared.

  • 52. Union Jack

    A flag cladded british hero from Marvel comics. By definition a legacy character

  • 53. Jack Staff

    A reinvention of Union Jack. When it was rejected by Marvel, creator Paul Grist went to Image where he developted his ideas. He have his own american supersoldier, by the way.

  • 54. Major Force

    The opposite to Captain Atom, he had been killed several times.

  • 55. Black Jack

    A very similar looking character with the same personality than major Force who made his debut in theNew 52. He was soon killed, but then Major Force reappered, looking exactly like him. It was a name change or a editorial mistake?

  • 56. Spider-Woman

    Jessica Drew, the first Spider-Woman, was the initial main character for theseries Alias. She was a Bendis fetish. But the idea was nixed, but not the series.

  • 57. Jessica Jones

    To replace Spider-Woman, Bndis created Jessica Jones,with whom he had more creative freedom.

  • 58. George Taylor

    The original boss of Clark Kent. Reintroduced as the editor of a competitor journal.

  • 59. Perry White

    Introduced in radio show and in the silver age, he became the iconic Daily planet editor.

  • 60. John Constantine

    the original badass magician.

  • 61. Willoughby Kipling

    Grant Morrison wanted to use Constantine in Doom Patrol but his idea was nixed. So Morrison created his own Constantine.

  • 62. Reflecto

    Originally a future superhero who died; Later a combined identity for Superboy/Ultra Boy; eventually he was retconned into arimboriansuperhero who indeed died fighting for the Legion.

  • 63. Skrulls

    The original green skined alien invader of Marvel, they weren't cool enough to be ultimate invaders.

  • 64. Chitauri

    The Ultimate Skrulls, the chitauri survived the end of the Ultimate universe to be another alien race and made to the movies before the skrulls.

  • 65. Phantom Lady

    One of the earlier examples, Phantom Lady was a Quality character who was believed to be in the public domain after the dissapearance of her publisher house. However her rights had went to DC.

  • 66. Nightveil

    Fox published Phantom Lady stories, but when they discover that DC had the rights, they rebranded the published character into Nightveil. 'Cos DC have good lawyers, you know?

  • 67. Gemini

    A creation of Al Gordon for DC Comics.

    A girl from the future, half way between god and man, who traveled to the past with a violent savage hero (Timber Wolf) whom she soothed.

    (But later he traveled back to the 31st century, he left her in the past, there was an cosmic event, retcon included, and.. nobody remember her again).

  • 68. Skylark

    A creation of Al Gordon in Image Comics.

    A girl from the future, half way between god and man, who traveled to the past with a violent savage hero (Wildstar) whom she soothed.

    (Or maybe she is Gemini after travel to another universe.)

  • 69. Louis Sendak

    Originally, Scarab was going to be a Vertigo story for Dr. Fate, but it was considered to much Vertigo for Dr. Fate,so the writer created Louis Sendak.

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The Divided Self.

Once upon a time, there was a character. But then that character changed. And he existed until a previous or different version of him/her/itself reappered as another character. Or the original author recreated the character for another editorial. And where there was one character, there were two or more thanks to a convenient retcon.

List items

  • 1. Wally West

    After Flashpoint Wally west was reinvented to resemble the TV series The Flash's Wally West

  • 2. Wallace West

    After the return of Flash (Wally West), Wally West 2 it was revealed as a cousin with the same name.

  • 3. Squadron Sinister

    The first one to go against the Avengers. It was revealed than they were created by the Collector.

  • 4. Squadron Supreme

    Retcon: the original Squadron appeared after their copy.

  • 5. Hyperion (Construct)

    The first one to go against the Avengers. It was revealed than was created by the Collector.

  • 6. Hyperion

    Retcon: the original Hyperion appeared after his copy.

  • 7. Speed Demon

    The copy from Squadron sinister, who rebranded himself later.l

  • 8. Whizzer (Stewart)

    The "original", from the heroic Squadron.

  • 9. Doctor Spectrum (Obatu)

    The copy from Squadron sinister

  • 10. Doctor Spectrum

    The "original", from the heroic Squadron.

  • 11. Superman

    Who is this guy again?

  • 12. Kal-L

    The Golden age Superman, created along with earth-2

  • 13. Kingdom Come Superman

    The superman from a elseworld/possible future, retconned into a Superman from a parallel universe.

  • 14. Huntress (Wayne)

    The daughter of Bruce Wayne from a parallel earth.

  • 15. Huntress (Bertinelli)

    Retcon: reinvented as a mafia princess.

  • 16. Kathy Kane

    Bruce Wayne's cousin and the first Batwoman. She was later recovered as another character.

  • 17. Batwoman

    Bruce Wayne's cousin and the first Batwoman. The post crisis reinvention.

  • 18. Lena Luthor

    Originally the sister of Lex, retconned intohis daughter, but recovered as estranged sister.

  • 19. Lena Luthor

    Daughter of Lex.

  • 20. Jean Grey

    The first marvel girl and original host of the Phoenix, she died, came back, died again, came back as a noisy teenager.

  • 21. Phoenix Force

    The phoenix was the realonewho died instead Jean Grey.

  • 22. Madelyne Pryor

    She was exactly identical to jean grey but without powers. After Jean returned the first time, she was "revealed" to be a clone.

  • 23. Dick Grayson

    The original robin since the 40s.

  • 24. Dick Grayson (Earth 2)

    The Golden Age Robin.He was a Dick Grayson who never stopped being Robin.

  • 25. Deathwing

    A Dick Grayson from a false future. It was never revealed who he really was.

  • 26. Captain America

    Created by Simon and Kirby when they worked for Marvel, he was the first supersoldier, who dissapeared after WW2 (that means, his publication stopped) and returned in the 60s.

  • 27. Grand Director

    The 50s Captain America, the first try to recover the characters. He was retconed into an impostor with extremist mcartism views of America.

  • 28. Fighting American

    Created by Simon and Kirby when they didn't worked for Marvel anymore.

  • 29. Jim Hammond

    The original Human torch, his body was used to built the Vision. But both co-exist!!

  • 30. Vision

    The Vision and Jim hammond have the same body, DIVIDED by Immortus.

  • 31. Kang

    Rama Tut's second identity, it became another person.

  • 32. Immortus

    Rama Tut's third identity, it became another person.

  • 33. Marcus Kang

    Rama Tut's forth identity, revealed as a son.

  • 34. Iron Lad

    Rama Tut's fifth identity, an heoric one.

  • 35. Supergirl

    The original was the cousin of Superman. Died in the crisis but reappered later. Meanwhile...

  • 36. Matrix

    She was replaced by a alien shapeshifter goo who possed as a Supergirl. Things got weird when...

  • 37. Linda Danvers

    Matrix fussioned itself with human Linda Lee Danvers. The union was an earth born angel. Later linda and Matrix were separated but Linda keep some powers.

  • 38. Lee

    After the cancelation of Supergirl, Peter David created Lee, who is nothing but a continuation the earth Angel supergirl saga.

  • 39. Howard the Duck

    Created by Steve Gerber the modern Howard is a clone created by copyright motives. The original Howard changed his name ad entered to Wittnes protection program.

  • 40. Leonard The Duck

    Acording with Steve gerber, the creator of Howard, the Duck, Leonard is the REAL Howard. But don't tell it to Marvel.

  • 41. Von Bach

    Kingdom Come character. When Jones and Ross tried to introduce Von Bach in the regular continuity, the idea was nixed.

  • 42. Rebel

    Instead of Von Bach, Rebel make his debut, but the similarities are pretty obvious.

  • 43. Mantis

    From Avenger to cosmic traveler to the legendary Celestial Madonna, Mantis is perhaps one of the most well-traveled characters in the Marvel Universe. She was created by Steve Englehart.

  • 44. Willow

    She is the Marvel's "Mantis" character brought to the DC Universe by Steve Englehart.

  • 45. Question (Sage)

    Steve Ditko's right wing detective.

  • 46. Mr. A

    Steve Ditko's righter wing detective.

  • 47. Billy Batson

    The original Captain marvel. He was so fameous in England than he spawned a ersazt character: Marvelman.

  • 48. Marvelman

    When the war (WW2)interrupted the material of Captain Marvel, the britains created marvel as replacement.

  • 49. Man of Miracles

    When Todd McFarlane tried to use Marvel(Miracle)man in his Spawn comics, legal issues made this imposible. Man of miracles was createdto fullfill the role planned for Miracleman then.

  • 50. Rom

    There is certain risk on use licenced characters in your own universe as, losing the licence.

  • 51. Ikon

    Don't worry, Ikon is the new Marvel's Space Knight to replace ROM... but nobody cared.

  • 52. Union Jack

    A flag cladded british hero from Marvel comics. By definition a legacy character

  • 53. Jack Staff

    A reinvention of Union Jack. When it was rejected by Marvel, creator Paul Grist went to Image where he developted his ideas. He have his own american supersoldier, by the way.

  • 54. Major Force

    The opposite to Captain Atom, he had been killed several times.

  • 55. Black Jack

    A very similar looking character with the same personality than major Force who made his debut in theNew 52. He was soon killed, but then Major Force reappered, looking exactly like him. It was a name change or a editorial mistake?

  • 56. Spider-Woman

    Jessica Drew, the first Spider-Woman, was the initial main character for theseries Alias. She was a Bendis fetish. But the idea was nixed, but not the series.

  • 57. Jessica Jones

    To replace Spider-Woman, Bndis created Jessica Jones,with whom he had more creative freedom.

  • 58. George Taylor

    The original boss of Clark Kent. Reintroduced as the editor of a competitor journal.

  • 59. Perry White

    Introduced in radio show and in the silver age, he became the iconic Daily planet editor.

  • 60. John Constantine

    the original badass magician.

  • 61. Willoughby Kipling

    Grant Morrison wanted to use Constantine in Doom Patrol but his idea was nixed. So Morrison created his own Constantine.

  • 62. Reflecto

    Originally a future superhero who died; Later a combined identity for Superboy/Ultra Boy; eventually he was retconned into arimboriansuperhero who indeed died fighting for the Legion.

  • 63. Skrulls

    The original green skined alien invader of Marvel, they weren't cool enough to be ultimate invaders.

  • 64. Chitauri

    The Ultimate Skrulls, the chitauri survived the end of the Ultimate universe to be another alien race and made to the movies before the skrulls.

  • 65. Phantom Lady

    One of the earlier examples, Phantom Lady was a Quality character who was believed to be in the public domain after the dissapearance of her publisher house. However her rights had went to DC.

  • 66. Nightveil

    Fox published Phantom Lady stories, but when they discover that DC had the rights, they rebranded the published character into Nightveil. 'Cos DC have good lawyers, you know?

  • 67. Gemini

    A creation of Al Gordon for DC Comics.

    A girl from the future, half way between god and man, who traveled to the past with a violent savage hero (Timber Wolf) whom she soothed.

    (But later he traveled back to the 31st century, he left her in the past, there was an cosmic event, retcon included, and.. nobody remember her again).

  • 68. Skylark

    A creation of Al Gordon in Image Comics.

    A girl from the future, half way between god and man, who traveled to the past with a violent savage hero (Wildstar) whom she soothed.

    (Or maybe she is Gemini after travel to another universe.)

  • 69. Louis Sendak

    Originally, Scarab was going to be a Vertigo story for Dr. Fate, but it was considered to much Vertigo for Dr. Fate,so the writer created Louis Sendak.

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The Divided Self.

Once upon a time, there was a character. But then that character changed. And he existed until a previous or different version of him/her/itself reappered as another character. Or the original author recreated the character for another editorial. And where there was one character, there were two or more thanks to a convenient retcon.

List items

  • 1. Wally West

    After Flashpoint Wally west was reinvented to resemble the TV series The Flash's Wally West

  • 2. Wallace West

    After the return of Flash (Wally West), Wally West 2 it was revealed as a cousin with the same name.

  • 3. Squadron Sinister

    The first one to go against the Avengers. It was revealed than they were created by the Collector.

  • 4. Squadron Supreme

    Retcon: the original Squadron appeared after their copy.

  • 5. Hyperion (Construct)

    The first one to go against the Avengers. It was revealed than was created by the Collector.

  • 6. Hyperion

    Retcon: the original Hyperion appeared after his copy.

  • 7. Speed Demon

    The copy from Squadron sinister, who rebranded himself later.l

  • 8. Whizzer (Stewart)

    The "original", from the heroic Squadron.

  • 9. Doctor Spectrum (Obatu)

    The copy from Squadron sinister

  • 10. Doctor Spectrum

    The "original", from the heroic Squadron.

  • 11. Superman

    Who is this guy again?

  • 12. Kal-L

    The Golden age Superman, created along with earth-2

  • 13. Kingdom Come Superman

    The superman from a elseworld/possible future, retconned into a Superman from a parallel universe.

  • 14. Huntress (Wayne)

    The daughter of Bruce Wayne from a parallel earth.

  • 15. Huntress (Bertinelli)

    Retcon: reinvented as a mafia princess.

  • 16. Kathy Kane

    Bruce Wayne's cousin and the first Batwoman. She was later recovered as another character.

  • 17. Batwoman

    Bruce Wayne's cousin and the first Batwoman. The post crisis reinvention.

  • 18. Lena Luthor

    Originally the sister of Lex, retconned intohis daughter, but recovered as estranged sister.

  • 19. Lena Luthor

    Daughter of Lex.

  • 20. Jean Grey

    The first marvel girl and original host of the Phoenix, she died, came back, died again, came back as a noisy teenager.

  • 21. Phoenix Force

    The phoenix was the realonewho died instead Jean Grey.

  • 22. Madelyne Pryor

    She was exactly identical to jean grey but without powers. After Jean returned the first time, she was "revealed" to be a clone.

  • 23. Dick Grayson

    The original robin since the 40s.

  • 24. Dick Grayson (Earth 2)

    The Golden Age Robin.He was a Dick Grayson who never stopped being Robin.

  • 25. Deathwing

    A Dick Grayson from a false future. It was never revealed who he really was.

  • 26. Captain America

    Created by Simon and Kirby when they worked for Marvel, he was the first supersoldier, who dissapeared after WW2 (that means, his publication stopped) and returned in the 60s.

  • 27. Grand Director

    The 50s Captain America, the first try to recover the characters. He was retconed into an impostor with extremist mcartism views of America.

  • 28. Fighting American

    Created by Simon and Kirby when they didn't worked for Marvel anymore.

  • 29. Jim Hammond

    The original Human torch, his body was used to built the Vision. But both co-exist!!

  • 30. Vision

    The Vision and Jim hammond have the same body, DIVIDED by Immortus.

  • 31. Kang

    Rama Tut's second identity, it became another person.

  • 32. Immortus

    Rama Tut's third identity, it became another person.

  • 33. Marcus Kang

    Rama Tut's forth identity, revealed as a son.

  • 34. Iron Lad

    Rama Tut's fifth identity, an heoric one.

  • 35. Supergirl

    The original was the cousin of Superman. Died in the crisis but reappered later. Meanwhile...

  • 36. Matrix

    She was replaced by a alien shapeshifter goo who possed as a Supergirl. Things got weird when...

  • 37. Linda Danvers

    Matrix fussioned itself with human Linda Lee Danvers. The union was an earth born angel. Later linda and Matrix were separated but Linda keep some powers.

  • 38. Lee

    After the cancelation of Supergirl, Peter David created Lee, who is nothing but a continuation the earth Angel supergirl saga.

  • 39. Howard the Duck

    Created by Steve Gerber the modern Howard is a clone created by copyright motives. The original Howard changed his name ad entered to Wittnes protection program.

  • 40. Leonard The Duck

    Acording with Steve gerber, the creator of Howard, the Duck, Leonard is the REAL Howard. But don't tell it to Marvel.

  • 41. Von Bach

    Kingdom Come character. When Jones and Ross tried to introduce Von Bach in the regular continuity, the idea was nixed.

  • 42. Rebel

    Instead of Von Bach, Rebel make his debut, but the similarities are pretty obvious.

  • 43. Mantis

    From Avenger to cosmic traveler to the legendary Celestial Madonna, Mantis is perhaps one of the most well-traveled characters in the Marvel Universe. She was created by Steve Englehart.

  • 44. Willow

    She is the Marvel's "Mantis" character brought to the DC Universe by Steve Englehart.

  • 45. Question (Sage)

    Steve Ditko's right wing detective.

  • 46. Mr. A

    Steve Ditko's righter wing detective.

  • 47. Billy Batson

    The original Captain marvel. He was so fameous in England than he spawned a ersazt character: Marvelman.

  • 48. Marvelman

    When the war (WW2)interrupted the material of Captain Marvel, the britains created marvel as replacement.

  • 49. Man of Miracles

    When Todd McFarlane tried to use Marvel(Miracle)man in his Spawn comics, legal issues made this imposible. Man of miracles was createdto fullfill the role planned for Miracleman then.

  • 50. Rom

    There is certain risk on use licenced characters in your own universe as, losing the licence.

  • 51. Ikon

    Don't worry, Ikon is the new Marvel's Space Knight to replace ROM... but nobody cared.

  • 52. Union Jack

    A flag cladded british hero from Marvel comics. By definition a legacy character

  • 53. Jack Staff

    A reinvention of Union Jack. When it was rejected by Marvel, creator Paul Grist went to Image where he developted his ideas. He have his own american supersoldier, by the way.

  • 54. Major Force

    The opposite to Captain Atom, he had been killed several times.

  • 55. Black Jack

    A very similar looking character with the same personality than major Force who made his debut in theNew 52. He was soon killed, but then Major Force reappered, looking exactly like him. It was a name change or a editorial mistake?

  • 56. Spider-Woman

    Jessica Drew, the first Spider-Woman, was the initial main character for theseries Alias. She was a Bendis fetish. But the idea was nixed, but not the series.

  • 57. Jessica Jones

    To replace Spider-Woman, Bndis created Jessica Jones,with whom he had more creative freedom.

  • 58. George Taylor

    The original boss of Clark Kent. Reintroduced as the editor of a competitor journal.

  • 59. Perry White

    Introduced in radio show and in the silver age, he became the iconic Daily planet editor.

  • 60. John Constantine

    the original badass magician.

  • 61. Willoughby Kipling

    Grant Morrison wanted to use Constantine in Doom Patrol but his idea was nixed. So Morrison created his own Constantine.

  • 62. Reflecto

    Originally a future superhero who died; Later a combined identity for Superboy/Ultra Boy; eventually he was retconned into arimboriansuperhero who indeed died fighting for the Legion.

  • 63. Skrulls

    The original green skined alien invader of Marvel, they weren't cool enough to be ultimate invaders.

  • 64. Chitauri

    The Ultimate Skrulls, the chitauri survived the end of the Ultimate universe to be another alien race and made to the movies before the skrulls.

  • 65. Phantom Lady

    One of the earlier examples, Phantom Lady was a Quality character who was believed to be in the public domain after the dissapearance of her publisher house. However her rights had went to DC.

  • 66. Nightveil

    Fox published Phantom Lady stories, but when they discover that DC had the rights, they rebranded the published character into Nightveil. 'Cos DC have good lawyers, you know?

  • 67. Gemini

    A creation of Al Gordon for DC Comics.

    A girl from the future, half way between god and man, who traveled to the past with a violent savage hero (Timber Wolf) whom she soothed.

    (But later he traveled back to the 31st century, he left her in the past, there was an cosmic event, retcon included, and.. nobody remember her again).

  • 68. Skylark

    A creation of Al Gordon in Image Comics.

    A girl from the future, half way between god and man, who traveled to the past with a violent savage hero (Wildstar) whom she soothed.

    (Or maybe she is Gemini after travel to another universe.)

  • 69. Louis Sendak

    Originally, Scarab was going to be a Vertigo story for Dr. Fate, but it was considered to much Vertigo for Dr. Fate,so the writer created Louis Sendak.

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The Divided Self.

Once upon a time, there was a character. But then that character changed. And he existed until a previous or different version of him/her/itself reappered as another character. Or the original author recreated the character for another editorial. And where there was one character, there were two or more thanks to a convenient retcon.

List items

  • 1. Wally West

    After Flashpoint Wally west was reinvented to resemble the TV series The Flash's Wally West

  • 2. Wallace West

    After the return of Flash (Wally West), Wally West 2 it was revealed as a cousin with the same name.

  • 3. Squadron Sinister

    The first one to go against the Avengers. It was revealed than they were created by the Collector.

  • 4. Squadron Supreme

    Retcon: the original Squadron appeared after their copy.

  • 5. Hyperion (Construct)

    The first one to go against the Avengers. It was revealed than was created by the Collector.

  • 6. Hyperion

    Retcon: the original Hyperion appeared after his copy.

  • 7. Speed Demon

    The copy from Squadron sinister, who rebranded himself later.l

  • 8. Whizzer (Stewart)

    The "original", from the heroic Squadron.

  • 9. Doctor Spectrum (Obatu)

    The copy from Squadron sinister

  • 10. Doctor Spectrum

    The "original", from the heroic Squadron.

  • 11. Superman

    Who is this guy again?

  • 12. Kal-L

    The Golden age Superman, created along with earth-2

  • 13. Kingdom Come Superman

    The superman from a elseworld/possible future, retconned into a Superman from a parallel universe.

  • 14. Huntress (Wayne)

    The daughter of Bruce Wayne from a parallel earth.

  • 15. Huntress (Bertinelli)

    Retcon: reinvented as a mafia princess.

  • 16. Kathy Kane

    Bruce Wayne's cousin and the first Batwoman. She was later recovered as another character.

  • 17. Batwoman

    Bruce Wayne's cousin and the first Batwoman. The post crisis reinvention.

  • 18. Lena Luthor

    Originally the sister of Lex, retconned intohis daughter, but recovered as estranged sister.

  • 19. Lena Luthor

    Daughter of Lex.

  • 20. Jean Grey

    The first marvel girl and original host of the Phoenix, she died, came back, died again, came back as a noisy teenager.

  • 21. Phoenix Force

    The phoenix was the realonewho died instead Jean Grey.

  • 22. Madelyne Pryor

    She was exactly identical to jean grey but without powers. After Jean returned the first time, she was "revealed" to be a clone.

  • 23. Dick Grayson

    The original robin since the 40s.

  • 24. Dick Grayson (Earth 2)

    The Golden Age Robin.He was a Dick Grayson who never stopped being Robin.

  • 25. Deathwing

    A Dick Grayson from a false future. It was never revealed who he really was.

  • 26. Captain America

    Created by Simon and Kirby when they worked for Marvel, he was the first supersoldier, who dissapeared after WW2 (that means, his publication stopped) and returned in the 60s.

  • 27. Grand Director

    The 50s Captain America, the first try to recover the characters. He was retconed into an impostor with extremist mcartism views of America.

  • 28. Fighting American

    Created by Simon and Kirby when they didn't worked for Marvel anymore.

  • 29. Jim Hammond

    The original Human torch, his body was used to built the Vision. But both co-exist!!

  • 30. Vision

    The Vision and Jim hammond have the same body, DIVIDED by Immortus.

  • 31. Kang

    Rama Tut's second identity, it became another person.

  • 32. Immortus

    Rama Tut's third identity, it became another person.

  • 33. Marcus Kang

    Rama Tut's forth identity, revealed as a son.

  • 34. Iron Lad

    Rama Tut's fifth identity, an heoric one.

  • 35. Supergirl

    The original was the cousin of Superman. Died in the crisis but reappered later. Meanwhile...

  • 36. Matrix

    She was replaced by a alien shapeshifter goo who possed as a Supergirl. Things got weird when...

  • 37. Linda Danvers

    Matrix fussioned itself with human Linda Lee Danvers. The union was an earth born angel. Later linda and Matrix were separated but Linda keep some powers.

  • 38. Lee

    After the cancelation of Supergirl, Peter David created Lee, who is nothing but a continuation the earth Angel supergirl saga.

  • 39. Howard the Duck

    Created by Steve Gerber the modern Howard is a clone created by copyright motives. The original Howard changed his name ad entered to Wittnes protection program.

  • 40. Leonard The Duck

    Acording with Steve gerber, the creator of Howard, the Duck, Leonard is the REAL Howard. But don't tell it to Marvel.

  • 41. Von Bach

    Kingdom Come character. When Jones and Ross tried to introduce Von Bach in the regular continuity, the idea was nixed.

  • 42. Rebel

    Instead of Von Bach, Rebel make his debut, but the similarities are pretty obvious.

  • 43. Mantis

    From Avenger to cosmic traveler to the legendary Celestial Madonna, Mantis is perhaps one of the most well-traveled characters in the Marvel Universe. She was created by Steve Englehart.

  • 44. Willow

    She is the Marvel's "Mantis" character brought to the DC Universe by Steve Englehart.

  • 45. Question (Sage)

    Steve Ditko's right wing detective.

  • 46. Mr. A

    Steve Ditko's righter wing detective.

  • 47. Billy Batson

    The original Captain marvel. He was so fameous in England than he spawned a ersazt character: Marvelman.

  • 48. Marvelman

    When the war (WW2)interrupted the material of Captain Marvel, the britains created marvel as replacement.

  • 49. Man of Miracles

    When Todd McFarlane tried to use Marvel(Miracle)man in his Spawn comics, legal issues made this imposible. Man of miracles was createdto fullfill the role planned for Miracleman then.

  • 50. Rom

    There is certain risk on use licenced characters in your own universe as, losing the licence.

  • 51. Ikon

    Don't worry, Ikon is the new Marvel's Space Knight to replace ROM... but nobody cared.

  • 52. Union Jack

    A flag cladded british hero from Marvel comics. By definition a legacy character

  • 53. Jack Staff

    A reinvention of Union Jack. When it was rejected by Marvel, creator Paul Grist went to Image where he developted his ideas. He have his own american supersoldier, by the way.

  • 54. Major Force

    The opposite to Captain Atom, he had been killed several times.

  • 55. Black Jack

    A very similar looking character with the same personality than major Force who made his debut in theNew 52. He was soon killed, but then Major Force reappered, looking exactly like him. It was a name change or a editorial mistake?

  • 56. Spider-Woman

    Jessica Drew, the first Spider-Woman, was the initial main character for theseries Alias. She was a Bendis fetish. But the idea was nixed, but not the series.

  • 57. Jessica Jones

    To replace Spider-Woman, Bndis created Jessica Jones,with whom he had more creative freedom.

  • 58. George Taylor

    The original boss of Clark Kent. Reintroduced as the editor of a competitor journal.

  • 59. Perry White

    Introduced in radio show and in the silver age, he became the iconic Daily planet editor.

  • 60. John Constantine

    the original badass magician.

  • 61. Willoughby Kipling

    Grant Morrison wanted to use Constantine in Doom Patrol but his idea was nixed. So Morrison created his own Constantine.

  • 62. Reflecto

    Originally a future superhero who died; Later a combined identity for Superboy/Ultra Boy; eventually he was retconned into arimboriansuperhero who indeed died fighting for the Legion.

  • 63. Skrulls

    The original green skined alien invader of Marvel, they weren't cool enough to be ultimate invaders.

  • 64. Chitauri

    The Ultimate Skrulls, the chitauri survived the end of the Ultimate universe to be another alien race and made to the movies before the skrulls.

  • 65. Phantom Lady

    One of the earlier examples, Phantom Lady was a Quality character who was believed to be in the public domain after the dissapearance of her publisher house. However her rights had went to DC.

  • 66. Nightveil

    Fox published Phantom Lady stories, but when they discover that DC had the rights, they rebranded the published character into Nightveil. 'Cos DC have good lawyers, you know?

  • 67. Gemini

    A creation of Al Gordon for DC Comics.

    A girl from the future, half way between god and man, who traveled to the past with a violent savage hero (Timber Wolf) whom she soothed.

    (But later he traveled back to the 31st century, he left her in the past, there was an cosmic event, retcon included, and.. nobody remember her again).

  • 68. Skylark

    A creation of Al Gordon in Image Comics.

    A girl from the future, half way between god and man, who traveled to the past with a violent savage hero (Wildstar) whom she soothed.

    (Or maybe she is Gemini after travel to another universe.)

  • 69. Louis Sendak

    Originally, Scarab was going to be a Vertigo story for Dr. Fate, but it was considered to much Vertigo for Dr. Fate,so the writer created Louis Sendak.

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1. Wally West

After Flashpoint Wally west was reinvented to resemble the TV series The Flash's Wally West

2. Wallace West

After the return of Flash (Wally West), Wally West 2 it was revealed as a cousin with the same name.

3. Squadron Sinister

The first one to go against the Avengers. It was revealed than they were created by the Collector.

4. Squadron Supreme

Retcon: the original Squadron appeared after their copy.

5. Hyperion (Construct)

The first one to go against the Avengers. It was revealed than was created by the Collector.

6. Hyperion

Retcon: the original Hyperion appeared after his copy.

7. Speed Demon

The copy from Squadron sinister, who rebranded himself later.l

8. Whizzer (Stewart)

The "original", from the heroic Squadron.

9. Doctor Spectrum (Obatu)

The copy from Squadron sinister

10. Doctor Spectrum

The "original", from the heroic Squadron.

11. Superman

Who is this guy again?

12. Kal-L

The Golden age Superman, created along with earth-2

13. Kingdom Come Superman

The superman from a elseworld/possible future, retconned into a Superman from a parallel universe.

14. Huntress (Wayne)

The daughter of Bruce Wayne from a parallel earth.

15. Huntress (Bertinelli)

Retcon: reinvented as a mafia princess.

16. Kathy Kane

Bruce Wayne's cousin and the first Batwoman. She was later recovered as another character.

17. Batwoman

Bruce Wayne's cousin and the first Batwoman. The post crisis reinvention.

18. Lena Luthor

Originally the sister of Lex, retconned intohis daughter, but recovered as estranged sister.

19. Lena Luthor

Daughter of Lex.

20. Jean Grey

The first marvel girl and original host of the Phoenix, she died, came back, died again, came back as a noisy teenager.

21. Phoenix Force

The phoenix was the realonewho died instead Jean Grey.

22. Madelyne Pryor

She was exactly identical to jean grey but without powers. After Jean returned the first time, she was "revealed" to be a clone.

23. Dick Grayson

The original robin since the 40s.

24. Dick Grayson (Earth 2)

The Golden Age Robin.He was a Dick Grayson who never stopped being Robin.

25. Deathwing

A Dick Grayson from a false future. It was never revealed who he really was.

26. Captain America

Created by Simon and Kirby when they worked for Marvel, he was the first supersoldier, who dissapeared after WW2 (that means, his publication stopped) and returned in the 60s.

27. Grand Director

The 50s Captain America, the first try to recover the characters. He was retconed into an impostor with extremist mcartism views of America.

28. Fighting American

Created by Simon and Kirby when they didn't worked for Marvel anymore.

29. Jim Hammond

The original Human torch, his body was used to built the Vision. But both co-exist!!

30. Vision

The Vision and Jim hammond have the same body, DIVIDED by Immortus.

31. Kang

Rama Tut's second identity, it became another person.

32. Immortus

Rama Tut's third identity, it became another person.

33. Marcus Kang

Rama Tut's forth identity, revealed as a son.

34. Iron Lad

Rama Tut's fifth identity, an heoric one.

35. Supergirl

The original was the cousin of Superman. Died in the crisis but reappered later. Meanwhile...

36. Matrix

She was replaced by a alien shapeshifter goo who possed as a Supergirl. Things got weird when...

37. Linda Danvers

Matrix fussioned itself with human Linda Lee Danvers. The union was an earth born angel. Later linda and Matrix were separated but Linda keep some powers.

38. Lee

After the cancelation of Supergirl, Peter David created Lee, who is nothing but a continuation the earth Angel supergirl saga.

39. Howard the Duck

Created by Steve Gerber the modern Howard is a clone created by copyright motives. The original Howard changed his name ad entered to Wittnes protection program.

40. Leonard The Duck

Acording with Steve gerber, the creator of Howard, the Duck, Leonard is the REAL Howard. But don't tell it to Marvel.

41. Von Bach

Kingdom Come character. When Jones and Ross tried to introduce Von Bach in the regular continuity, the idea was nixed.

42. Rebel

Instead of Von Bach, Rebel make his debut, but the similarities are pretty obvious.

43. Mantis

From Avenger to cosmic traveler to the legendary Celestial Madonna, Mantis is perhaps one of the most well-traveled characters in the Marvel Universe. She was created by Steve Englehart.

44. Willow

She is the Marvel's "Mantis" character brought to the DC Universe by Steve Englehart.

45. Question (Sage)

Steve Ditko's right wing detective.

46. Mr. A

Steve Ditko's righter wing detective.

47. Billy Batson

The original Captain marvel. He was so fameous in England than he spawned a ersazt character: Marvelman.

48. Marvelman

When the war (WW2)interrupted the material of Captain Marvel, the britains created marvel as replacement.

49. Man of Miracles

When Todd McFarlane tried to use Marvel(Miracle)man in his Spawn comics, legal issues made this imposible. Man of miracles was createdto fullfill the role planned for Miracleman then.

50. Rom

There is certain risk on use licenced characters in your own universe as, losing the licence.

51. Ikon

Don't worry, Ikon is the new Marvel's Space Knight to replace ROM... but nobody cared.

52. Union Jack

A flag cladded british hero from Marvel comics. By definition a legacy character

53. Jack Staff

A reinvention of Union Jack. When it was rejected by Marvel, creator Paul Grist went to Image where he developted his ideas. He have his own american supersoldier, by the way.

54. Major Force

The opposite to Captain Atom, he had been killed several times.

55. Black Jack

A very similar looking character with the same personality than major Force who made his debut in theNew 52. He was soon killed, but then Major Force reappered, looking exactly like him. It was a name change or a editorial mistake?

56. Spider-Woman

Jessica Drew, the first Spider-Woman, was the initial main character for theseries Alias. She was a Bendis fetish. But the idea was nixed, but not the series.

57. Jessica Jones

To replace Spider-Woman, Bndis created Jessica Jones,with whom he had more creative freedom.

58. George Taylor

The original boss of Clark Kent. Reintroduced as the editor of a competitor journal.

59. Perry White

Introduced in radio show and in the silver age, he became the iconic Daily planet editor.

60. John Constantine

the original badass magician.

61. Willoughby Kipling

Grant Morrison wanted to use Constantine in Doom Patrol but his idea was nixed. So Morrison created his own Constantine.

62. Reflecto

Originally a future superhero who died; Later a combined identity for Superboy/Ultra Boy; eventually he was retconned into arimboriansuperhero who indeed died fighting for the Legion.

63. Skrulls

The original green skined alien invader of Marvel, they weren't cool enough to be ultimate invaders.

64. Chitauri

The Ultimate Skrulls, the chitauri survived the end of the Ultimate universe to be another alien race and made to the movies before the skrulls.

65. Phantom Lady

One of the earlier examples, Phantom Lady was a Quality character who was believed to be in the public domain after the dissapearance of her publisher house. However her rights had went to DC.

66. Nightveil

Fox published Phantom Lady stories, but when they discover that DC had the rights, they rebranded the published character into Nightveil. 'Cos DC have good lawyers, you know?

67. Gemini

A creation of Al Gordon for DC Comics.

A girl from the future, half way between god and man, who traveled to the past with a violent savage hero (Timber Wolf) whom she soothed.

(But later he traveled back to the 31st century, he left her in the past, there was an cosmic event, retcon included, and.. nobody remember her again).

68. Skylark

A creation of Al Gordon in Image Comics.

A girl from the future, half way between god and man, who traveled to the past with a violent savage hero (Wildstar) whom she soothed.

(Or maybe she is Gemini after travel to another universe.)

69. Louis Sendak

Originally, Scarab was going to be a Vertigo story for Dr. Fate, but it was considered to much Vertigo for Dr. Fate,so the writer created Louis Sendak.

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