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Avengers 4: Predicting who lives and who dies

Avengers 4: Predicting who lives and who dies

Avatar image for solar_nerd

Posted by

(473 posts)
- 19 days, 21 hours ago
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Avengers 4 will be upon us in less than a year.

So, now it's time to predict and speculate: who lives and who dies?

LIVES: The Snap Victims and Gamora

Look, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and all those others are totally not goners. The snap happened in the comics and was undone, not to mention sequels for the characters are on their way.

My theory is, they're all trapped in the Soul Stone along with Gamora, which seems very likely. This means that all of the snap victims and Gamora will likely return for future movies.

STAYS DEAD: Those who died violently

Look, Vision, Loki and Heimdall are dead for sure. They've had their stories told, and no one (except Loki's annoying fangirls) will be mad about it.

Now to the people who are still alive as of now.

LIVES: Captain Marvel

It would make no sense for Marvel to bring her in and then just off her, not to mention Kevin Feige has confirmed she will "lead the MCU" in Phase 4.

DIES: Hawkeye

Hawkeye is reportedly being considered for a Phase Four movie, but that will likely be a prequel. It'd be fitting to see him go helping the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan.

LIVES: Ant-Man

Ant-Man is fairly new, and he'll likely be very important going forward along with Wasp. I don't think he's gonna die, and if he does, it won't be permanent.

DIES: Bruce Banner...

Mark Ruffalo's contract is likely ending, and it'd be fitting to say goodbye to him.

...But not The Hulk!

I believe that Bruce Banner will die in Avengers 4. However, as we saw in "The Immortal Hulk", a new persona will surface: Professor Hulk, who will have the smarts of Banner and the strength of the Hulk, but will be a separate persona from both.

LIVES: Black Widow

I think Black Widow is too important to be killed off, as Feige reportedly wants more women in the Avengers. Also, I can see her as a link between the old and new MCU.

DIES: War Machine

War Machine isn't a bad character, but fans won't be too sad to see him go. Also, he's a character the MCU can do without and I can't see him making it out alive.


Thor is too important. He's still got character development to go through, and I really want to see him rebuild Asgard on earth.

DIES: Nebula

I can't see Nebula staying alive. I see her trying to defeat her father and dying.

LIVES: Rocket Raccoon

Rocket's jokes are something GotG vol. 3 can't do without. He's too much a fan-favorite, and seeing him die would anger a lot of people.

DIES: Captain America

Cap will most likely die. He's got plenty of potential replacements, and his story has been told. Also, Chris Evans' contract is ending. It'll be sad, but for the better.

LIVES: Iron Man

I know a lot of people are saying he will and should die, but I feel they're wrong. He has the potential to be very important in Phase 4, especially if Marvel brings in the Illuminati. Anyway, the MCU will feel quite empty without him, and Marvel has the money to renew RDJ's contract and the technology to keep his character from aging.

So, what do you think? Is this likely? Do you want this to happen? Leave a comment below!


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Avengers 4: Predicting who lives and who dies

Avatar image for solar_nerd

Posted by

(473 posts)
- 19 days, 21 hours ago
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Avengers 4 will be upon us in less than a year.

So, now it's time to predict and speculate: who lives and who dies?

LIVES: The Snap Victims and Gamora

Look, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and all those others are totally not goners. The snap happened in the comics and was undone, not to mention sequels for the characters are on their way.

My theory is, they're all trapped in the Soul Stone along with Gamora, which seems very likely. This means that all of the snap victims and Gamora will likely return for future movies.

STAYS DEAD: Those who died violently

Look, Vision, Loki and Heimdall are dead for sure. They've had their stories told, and no one (except Loki's annoying fangirls) will be mad about it.

Now to the people who are still alive as of now.

LIVES: Captain Marvel

It would make no sense for Marvel to bring her in and then just off her, not to mention Kevin Feige has confirmed she will "lead the MCU" in Phase 4.

DIES: Hawkeye

Hawkeye is reportedly being considered for a Phase Four movie, but that will likely be a prequel. It'd be fitting to see him go helping the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan.

LIVES: Ant-Man

Ant-Man is fairly new, and he'll likely be very important going forward along with Wasp. I don't think he's gonna die, and if he does, it won't be permanent.

DIES: Bruce Banner...

Mark Ruffalo's contract is likely ending, and it'd be fitting to say goodbye to him.

...But not The Hulk!

I believe that Bruce Banner will die in Avengers 4. However, as we saw in "The Immortal Hulk", a new persona will surface: Professor Hulk, who will have the smarts of Banner and the strength of the Hulk, but will be a separate persona from both.

LIVES: Black Widow

I think Black Widow is too important to be killed off, as Feige reportedly wants more women in the Avengers. Also, I can see her as a link between the old and new MCU.

DIES: War Machine

War Machine isn't a bad character, but fans won't be too sad to see him go. Also, he's a character the MCU can do without and I can't see him making it out alive.


Thor is too important. He's still got character development to go through, and I really want to see him rebuild Asgard on earth.

DIES: Nebula

I can't see Nebula staying alive. I see her trying to defeat her father and dying.

LIVES: Rocket Raccoon

Rocket's jokes are something GotG vol. 3 can't do without. He's too much a fan-favorite, and seeing him die would anger a lot of people.

DIES: Captain America

Cap will most likely die. He's got plenty of potential replacements, and his story has been told. Also, Chris Evans' contract is ending. It'll be sad, but for the better.

LIVES: Iron Man

I know a lot of people are saying he will and should die, but I feel they're wrong. He has the potential to be very important in Phase 4, especially if Marvel brings in the Illuminati. Anyway, the MCU will feel quite empty without him, and Marvel has the money to renew RDJ's contract and the technology to keep his character from aging.

So, what do you think? Is this likely? Do you want this to happen? Leave a comment below!


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Avengers 4: Predicting who lives and who dies

Avatar image for solar_nerd

Posted by

(473 posts)
- 19 days, 21 hours ago
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Avengers 4 will be upon us in less than a year.

So, now it's time to predict and speculate: who lives and who dies?

LIVES: The Snap Victims and Gamora

Look, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and all those others are totally not goners. The snap happened in the comics and was undone, not to mention sequels for the characters are on their way.

My theory is, they're all trapped in the Soul Stone along with Gamora, which seems very likely. This means that all of the snap victims and Gamora will likely return for future movies.

STAYS DEAD: Those who died violently

Look, Vision, Loki and Heimdall are dead for sure. They've had their stories told, and no one (except Loki's annoying fangirls) will be mad about it.

Now to the people who are still alive as of now.

LIVES: Captain Marvel

It would make no sense for Marvel to bring her in and then just off her, not to mention Kevin Feige has confirmed she will "lead the MCU" in Phase 4.

DIES: Hawkeye

Hawkeye is reportedly being considered for a Phase Four movie, but that will likely be a prequel. It'd be fitting to see him go helping the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan.

LIVES: Ant-Man

Ant-Man is fairly new, and he'll likely be very important going forward along with Wasp. I don't think he's gonna die, and if he does, it won't be permanent.

DIES: Bruce Banner...

Mark Ruffalo's contract is likely ending, and it'd be fitting to say goodbye to him.

...But not The Hulk!

I believe that Bruce Banner will die in Avengers 4. However, as we saw in "The Immortal Hulk", a new persona will surface: Professor Hulk, who will have the smarts of Banner and the strength of the Hulk, but will be a separate persona from both.

LIVES: Black Widow

I think Black Widow is too important to be killed off, as Feige reportedly wants more women in the Avengers. Also, I can see her as a link between the old and new MCU.

DIES: War Machine

War Machine isn't a bad character, but fans won't be too sad to see him go. Also, he's a character the MCU can do without and I can't see him making it out alive.


Thor is too important. He's still got character development to go through, and I really want to see him rebuild Asgard on earth.

DIES: Nebula

I can't see Nebula staying alive. I see her trying to defeat her father and dying.

LIVES: Rocket Raccoon

Rocket's jokes are something GotG vol. 3 can't do without. He's too much a fan-favorite, and seeing him die would anger a lot of people.

DIES: Captain America

Cap will most likely die. He's got plenty of potential replacements, and his story has been told. Also, Chris Evans' contract is ending. It'll be sad, but for the better.

LIVES: Iron Man

I know a lot of people are saying he will and should die, but I feel they're wrong. He has the potential to be very important in Phase 4, especially if Marvel brings in the Illuminati. Anyway, the MCU will feel quite empty without him, and Marvel has the money to renew RDJ's contract and the technology to keep his character from aging.

So, what do you think? Is this likely? Do you want this to happen? Leave a comment below!


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Avatar image for solar_nerd

Posted by

(473 posts)
- 19 days, 21 hours ago
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Avengers 4 will be upon us in less than a year.

So, now it's time to predict and speculate: who lives and who dies?

LIVES: The Snap Victims and Gamora

Look, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and all those others are totally not goners. The snap happened in the comics and was undone, not to mention sequels for the characters are on their way.

My theory is, they're all trapped in the Soul Stone along with Gamora, which seems very likely. This means that all of the snap victims and Gamora will likely return for future movies.

STAYS DEAD: Those who died violently

Look, Vision, Loki and Heimdall are dead for sure. They've had their stories told, and no one (except Loki's annoying fangirls) will be mad about it.

Now to the people who are still alive as of now.

LIVES: Captain Marvel

It would make no sense for Marvel to bring her in and then just off her, not to mention Kevin Feige has confirmed she will "lead the MCU" in Phase 4.

DIES: Hawkeye

Hawkeye is reportedly being considered for a Phase Four movie, but that will likely be a prequel. It'd be fitting to see him go helping the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan.

LIVES: Ant-Man

Ant-Man is fairly new, and he'll likely be very important going forward along with Wasp. I don't think he's gonna die, and if he does, it won't be permanent.

DIES: Bruce Banner...

Mark Ruffalo's contract is likely ending, and it'd be fitting to say goodbye to him.

...But not The Hulk!

I believe that Bruce Banner will die in Avengers 4. However, as we saw in "The Immortal Hulk", a new persona will surface: Professor Hulk, who will have the smarts of Banner and the strength of the Hulk, but will be a separate persona from both.

LIVES: Black Widow

I think Black Widow is too important to be killed off, as Feige reportedly wants more women in the Avengers. Also, I can see her as a link between the old and new MCU.

DIES: War Machine

War Machine isn't a bad character, but fans won't be too sad to see him go. Also, he's a character the MCU can do without and I can't see him making it out alive.


Thor is too important. He's still got character development to go through, and I really want to see him rebuild Asgard on earth.

DIES: Nebula

I can't see Nebula staying alive. I see her trying to defeat her father and dying.

LIVES: Rocket Raccoon

Rocket's jokes are something GotG vol. 3 can't do without. He's too much a fan-favorite, and seeing him die would anger a lot of people.

DIES: Captain America

Cap will most likely die. He's got plenty of potential replacements, and his story has been told. Also, Chris Evans' contract is ending. It'll be sad, but for the better.

LIVES: Iron Man

I know a lot of people are saying he will and should die, but I feel they're wrong. He has the potential to be very important in Phase 4, especially if Marvel brings in the Illuminati. Anyway, the MCU will feel quite empty without him, and Marvel has the money to renew RDJ's contract and the technology to keep his character from aging.

So, what do you think? Is this likely? Do you want this to happen? Leave a comment below!


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Avatar image for solar_nerd

Posted by

(473 posts)
- 19 days, 21 hours ago
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No Caption Provided

Avengers 4 will be upon us in less than a year.

So, now it's time to predict and speculate: who lives and who dies?

LIVES: The Snap Victims and Gamora

Look, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and all those others are totally not goners. The snap happened in the comics and was undone, not to mention sequels for the characters are on their way.

My theory is, they're all trapped in the Soul Stone along with Gamora, which seems very likely. This means that all of the snap victims and Gamora will likely return for future movies.

STAYS DEAD: Those who died violently

Look, Vision, Loki and Heimdall are dead for sure. They've had their stories told, and no one (except Loki's annoying fangirls) will be mad about it.

Now to the people who are still alive as of now.

LIVES: Captain Marvel

It would make no sense for Marvel to bring her in and then just off her, not to mention Kevin Feige has confirmed she will "lead the MCU" in Phase 4.

DIES: Hawkeye

Hawkeye is reportedly being considered for a Phase Four movie, but that will likely be a prequel. It'd be fitting to see him go helping the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan.

LIVES: Ant-Man

Ant-Man is fairly new, and he'll likely be very important going forward along with Wasp. I don't think he's gonna die, and if he does, it won't be permanent.

DIES: Bruce Banner...

Mark Ruffalo's contract is likely ending, and it'd be fitting to say goodbye to him.

...But not The Hulk!

I believe that Bruce Banner will die in Avengers 4. However, as we saw in "The Immortal Hulk", a new persona will surface: Professor Hulk, who will have the smarts of Banner and the strength of the Hulk, but will be a separate persona from both.

LIVES: Black Widow

I think Black Widow is too important to be killed off, as Feige reportedly wants more women in the Avengers. Also, I can see her as a link between the old and new MCU.

DIES: War Machine

War Machine isn't a bad character, but fans won't be too sad to see him go. Also, he's a character the MCU can do without and I can't see him making it out alive.


Thor is too important. He's still got character development to go through, and I really want to see him rebuild Asgard on earth.

DIES: Nebula

I can't see Nebula staying alive. I see her trying to defeat her father and dying.

LIVES: Rocket Raccoon

Rocket's jokes are something GotG vol. 3 can't do without. He's too much a fan-favorite, and seeing him die would anger a lot of people.

DIES: Captain America

Cap will most likely die. He's got plenty of potential replacements, and his story has been told. Also, Chris Evans' contract is ending. It'll be sad, but for the better.

LIVES: Iron Man

I know a lot of people are saying he will and should die, but I feel they're wrong. He has the potential to be very important in Phase 4, especially if Marvel brings in the Illuminati. Anyway, the MCU will feel quite empty without him, and Marvel has the money to renew RDJ's contract and the technology to keep his character from aging.

So, what do you think? Is this likely? Do you want this to happen? Leave a comment below!


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Avatar image for solar_nerd

Posted by

(473 posts)
- 19 days, 21 hours ago
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No Caption Provided

Avengers 4 will be upon us in less than a year.

So, now it's time to predict and speculate: who lives and who dies?

LIVES: The Snap Victims and Gamora

Look, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and all those others are totally not goners. The snap happened in the comics and was undone, not to mention sequels for the characters are on their way.

My theory is, they're all trapped in the Soul Stone along with Gamora, which seems very likely. This means that all of the snap victims and Gamora will likely return for future movies.

STAYS DEAD: Those who died violently

Look, Vision, Loki and Heimdall are dead for sure. They've had their stories told, and no one (except Loki's annoying fangirls) will be mad about it.

Now to the people who are still alive as of now.

LIVES: Captain Marvel

It would make no sense for Marvel to bring her in and then just off her, not to mention Kevin Feige has confirmed she will "lead the MCU" in Phase 4.

DIES: Hawkeye

Hawkeye is reportedly being considered for a Phase Four movie, but that will likely be a prequel. It'd be fitting to see him go helping the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan.

LIVES: Ant-Man

Ant-Man is fairly new, and he'll likely be very important going forward along with Wasp. I don't think he's gonna die, and if he does, it won't be permanent.

DIES: Bruce Banner...

Mark Ruffalo's contract is likely ending, and it'd be fitting to say goodbye to him.

...But not The Hulk!

I believe that Bruce Banner will die in Avengers 4. However, as we saw in "The Immortal Hulk", a new persona will surface: Professor Hulk, who will have the smarts of Banner and the strength of the Hulk, but will be a separate persona from both.

LIVES: Black Widow

I think Black Widow is too important to be killed off, as Feige reportedly wants more women in the Avengers. Also, I can see her as a link between the old and new MCU.

DIES: War Machine

War Machine isn't a bad character, but fans won't be too sad to see him go. Also, he's a character the MCU can do without and I can't see him making it out alive.


Thor is too important. He's still got character development to go through, and I really want to see him rebuild Asgard on earth.

DIES: Nebula

I can't see Nebula staying alive. I see her trying to defeat her father and dying.

LIVES: Rocket Raccoon

Rocket's jokes are something GotG vol. 3 can't do without. He's too much a fan-favorite, and seeing him die would anger a lot of people.

DIES: Captain America

Cap will most likely die. He's got plenty of potential replacements, and his story has been told. Also, Chris Evans' contract is ending. It'll be sad, but for the better.

LIVES: Iron Man

I know a lot of people are saying he will and should die, but I feel they're wrong. He has the potential to be very important in Phase 4, especially if Marvel brings in the Illuminati. Anyway, the MCU will feel quite empty without him, and Marvel has the money to renew RDJ's contract and the technology to keep his character from aging.

So, what do you think? Is this likely? Do you want this to happen? Leave a comment below!


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Avatar image for solar_nerd

Posted by

(473 posts)
- 19 days, 21 hours ago
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No Caption Provided

Avengers 4 will be upon us in less than a year.

So, now it's time to predict and speculate: who lives and who dies?

LIVES: The Snap Victims and Gamora

Look, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and all those others are totally not goners. The snap happened in the comics and was undone, not to mention sequels for the characters are on their way.

My theory is, they're all trapped in the Soul Stone along with Gamora, which seems very likely. This means that all of the snap victims and Gamora will likely return for future movies.

STAYS DEAD: Those who died violently

Look, Vision, Loki and Heimdall are dead for sure. They've had their stories told, and no one (except Loki's annoying fangirls) will be mad about it.

Now to the people who are still alive as of now.

LIVES: Captain Marvel

It would make no sense for Marvel to bring her in and then just off her, not to mention Kevin Feige has confirmed she will "lead the MCU" in Phase 4.

DIES: Hawkeye

Hawkeye is reportedly being considered for a Phase Four movie, but that will likely be a prequel. It'd be fitting to see him go helping the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan.

LIVES: Ant-Man

Ant-Man is fairly new, and he'll likely be very important going forward along with Wasp. I don't think he's gonna die, and if he does, it won't be permanent.

DIES: Bruce Banner...

Mark Ruffalo's contract is likely ending, and it'd be fitting to say goodbye to him.

...But not The Hulk!

I believe that Bruce Banner will die in Avengers 4. However, as we saw in "The Immortal Hulk", a new persona will surface: Professor Hulk, who will have the smarts of Banner and the strength of the Hulk, but will be a separate persona from both.

LIVES: Black Widow

I think Black Widow is too important to be killed off, as Feige reportedly wants more women in the Avengers. Also, I can see her as a link between the old and new MCU.

DIES: War Machine

War Machine isn't a bad character, but fans won't be too sad to see him go. Also, he's a character the MCU can do without and I can't see him making it out alive.


Thor is too important. He's still got character development to go through, and I really want to see him rebuild Asgard on earth.

DIES: Nebula

I can't see Nebula staying alive. I see her trying to defeat her father and dying.

LIVES: Rocket Raccoon

Rocket's jokes are something GotG vol. 3 can't do without. He's too much a fan-favorite, and seeing him die would anger a lot of people.

DIES: Captain America

Cap will most likely die. He's got plenty of potential replacements, and his story has been told. Also, Chris Evans' contract is ending. It'll be sad, but for the better.

LIVES: Iron Man

I know a lot of people are saying he will and should die, but I feel they're wrong. He has the potential to be very important in Phase 4, especially if Marvel brings in the Illuminati. Anyway, the MCU will feel quite empty without him, and Marvel has the money to renew RDJ's contract and the technology to keep his character from aging.

So, what do you think? Is this likely? Do you want this to happen? Leave a comment below!


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Avatar image for solar_nerd

Posted by

(473 posts)
- 19 days, 21 hours ago
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No Caption Provided

Avengers 4 will be upon us in less than a year.

So, now it's time to predict and speculate: who lives and who dies?

LIVES: The Snap Victims and Gamora

Look, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and all those others are totally not goners. The snap happened in the comics and was undone, not to mention sequels for the characters are on their way.

My theory is, they're all trapped in the Soul Stone along with Gamora, which seems very likely. This means that all of the snap victims and Gamora will likely return for future movies.

STAYS DEAD: Those who died violently

Look, Vision, Loki and Heimdall are dead for sure. They've had their stories told, and no one (except Loki's annoying fangirls) will be mad about it.

Now to the people who are still alive as of now.

LIVES: Captain Marvel

It would make no sense for Marvel to bring her in and then just off her, not to mention Kevin Feige has confirmed she will "lead the MCU" in Phase 4.

DIES: Hawkeye

Hawkeye is reportedly being considered for a Phase Four movie, but that will likely be a prequel. It'd be fitting to see him go helping the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan.

LIVES: Ant-Man

Ant-Man is fairly new, and he'll likely be very important going forward along with Wasp. I don't think he's gonna die, and if he does, it won't be permanent.

DIES: Bruce Banner...

Mark Ruffalo's contract is likely ending, and it'd be fitting to say goodbye to him.

...But not The Hulk!

I believe that Bruce Banner will die in Avengers 4. However, as we saw in "The Immortal Hulk", a new persona will surface: Professor Hulk, who will have the smarts of Banner and the strength of the Hulk, but will be a separate persona from both.

LIVES: Black Widow

I think Black Widow is too important to be killed off, as Feige reportedly wants more women in the Avengers. Also, I can see her as a link between the old and new MCU.

DIES: War Machine

War Machine isn't a bad character, but fans won't be too sad to see him go. Also, he's a character the MCU can do without and I can't see him making it out alive.


Thor is too important. He's still got character development to go through, and I really want to see him rebuild Asgard on earth.

DIES: Nebula

I can't see Nebula staying alive. I see her trying to defeat her father and dying.

LIVES: Rocket Raccoon

Rocket's jokes are something GotG vol. 3 can't do without. He's too much a fan-favorite, and seeing him die would anger a lot of people.

DIES: Captain America

Cap will most likely die. He's got plenty of potential replacements, and his story has been told. Also, Chris Evans' contract is ending. It'll be sad, but for the better.

LIVES: Iron Man

I know a lot of people are saying he will and should die, but I feel they're wrong. He has the potential to be very important in Phase 4, especially if Marvel brings in the Illuminati. Anyway, the MCU will feel quite empty without him, and Marvel has the money to renew RDJ's contract and the technology to keep his character from aging.

So, what do you think? Is this likely? Do you want this to happen? Leave a comment below!


Avatar image for solar_nerd

Posted by

(473 posts)
- 19 days, 21 hours ago
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No Caption Provided

Avengers 4 will be upon us in less than a year.

So, now it's time to predict and speculate: who lives and who dies?

LIVES: The Snap Victims and Gamora

Look, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and all those others are totally not goners. The snap happened in the comics and was undone, not to mention sequels for the characters are on their way.

My theory is, they're all trapped in the Soul Stone along with Gamora, which seems very likely. This means that all of the snap victims and Gamora will likely return for future movies.

STAYS DEAD: Those who died violently

Look, Vision, Loki and Heimdall are dead for sure. They've had their stories told, and no one (except Loki's annoying fangirls) will be mad about it.

Now to the people who are still alive as of now.

LIVES: Captain Marvel

It would make no sense for Marvel to bring her in and then just off her, not to mention Kevin Feige has confirmed she will "lead the MCU" in Phase 4.

DIES: Hawkeye

Hawkeye is reportedly being considered for a Phase Four movie, but that will likely be a prequel. It'd be fitting to see him go helping the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan.

LIVES: Ant-Man

Ant-Man is fairly new, and he'll likely be very important going forward along with Wasp. I don't think he's gonna die, and if he does, it won't be permanent.

DIES: Bruce Banner...

Mark Ruffalo's contract is likely ending, and it'd be fitting to say goodbye to him.

...But not The Hulk!

I believe that Bruce Banner will die in Avengers 4. However, as we saw in "The Immortal Hulk", a new persona will surface: Professor Hulk, who will have the smarts of Banner and the strength of the Hulk, but will be a separate persona from both.

LIVES: Black Widow

I think Black Widow is too important to be killed off, as Feige reportedly wants more women in the Avengers. Also, I can see her as a link between the old and new MCU.

DIES: War Machine

War Machine isn't a bad character, but fans won't be too sad to see him go. Also, he's a character the MCU can do without and I can't see him making it out alive.


Thor is too important. He's still got character development to go through, and I really want to see him rebuild Asgard on earth.

DIES: Nebula

I can't see Nebula staying alive. I see her trying to defeat her father and dying.

LIVES: Rocket Raccoon

Rocket's jokes are something GotG vol. 3 can't do without. He's too much a fan-favorite, and seeing him die would anger a lot of people.

DIES: Captain America

Cap will most likely die. He's got plenty of potential replacements, and his story has been told. Also, Chris Evans' contract is ending. It'll be sad, but for the better.

LIVES: Iron Man

I know a lot of people are saying he will and should die, but I feel they're wrong. He has the potential to be very important in Phase 4, especially if Marvel brings in the Illuminati. Anyway, the MCU will feel quite empty without him, and Marvel has the money to renew RDJ's contract and the technology to keep his character from aging.

So, what do you think? Is this likely? Do you want this to happen? Leave a comment below!


Posted by

(473 posts)
- 19 days, 21 hours ago
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Avengers 4 will be upon us in less than a year.

So, now it's time to predict and speculate: who lives and who dies?

LIVES: The Snap Victims and Gamora

Look, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and all those others are totally not goners. The snap happened in the comics and was undone, not to mention sequels for the characters are on their way.

My theory is, they're all trapped in the Soul Stone along with Gamora, which seems very likely. This means that all of the snap victims and Gamora will likely return for future movies.

STAYS DEAD: Those who died violently

Look, Vision, Loki and Heimdall are dead for sure. They've had their stories told, and no one (except Loki's annoying fangirls) will be mad about it.

Now to the people who are still alive as of now.

LIVES: Captain Marvel

It would make no sense for Marvel to bring her in and then just off her, not to mention Kevin Feige has confirmed she will "lead the MCU" in Phase 4.

DIES: Hawkeye

Hawkeye is reportedly being considered for a Phase Four movie, but that will likely be a prequel. It'd be fitting to see him go helping the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan.

LIVES: Ant-Man

Ant-Man is fairly new, and he'll likely be very important going forward along with Wasp. I don't think he's gonna die, and if he does, it won't be permanent.

DIES: Bruce Banner...

Mark Ruffalo's contract is likely ending, and it'd be fitting to say goodbye to him.

...But not The Hulk!

I believe that Bruce Banner will die in Avengers 4. However, as we saw in "The Immortal Hulk", a new persona will surface: Professor Hulk, who will have the smarts of Banner and the strength of the Hulk, but will be a separate persona from both.

LIVES: Black Widow

I think Black Widow is too important to be killed off, as Feige reportedly wants more women in the Avengers. Also, I can see her as a link between the old and new MCU.

DIES: War Machine

War Machine isn't a bad character, but fans won't be too sad to see him go. Also, he's a character the MCU can do without and I can't see him making it out alive.


Thor is too important. He's still got character development to go through, and I really want to see him rebuild Asgard on earth.

DIES: Nebula

I can't see Nebula staying alive. I see her trying to defeat her father and dying.

LIVES: Rocket Raccoon

Rocket's jokes are something GotG vol. 3 can't do without. He's too much a fan-favorite, and seeing him die would anger a lot of people.

DIES: Captain America

Cap will most likely die. He's got plenty of potential replacements, and his story has been told. Also, Chris Evans' contract is ending. It'll be sad, but for the better.

LIVES: Iron Man

I know a lot of people are saying he will and should die, but I feel they're wrong. He has the potential to be very important in Phase 4, especially if Marvel brings in the Illuminati. Anyway, the MCU will feel quite empty without him, and Marvel has the money to renew RDJ's contract and the technology to keep his character from aging.

So, what do you think? Is this likely? Do you want this to happen? Leave a comment below!


Posted by

(473 posts)
- 19 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

Avengers 4 will be upon us in less than a year.

So, now it's time to predict and speculate: who lives and who dies?

LIVES: The Snap Victims and Gamora

Look, Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and all those others are totally not goners. The snap happened in the comics and was undone, not to mention sequels for the characters are on their way.

My theory is, they're all trapped in the Soul Stone along with Gamora, which seems very likely. This means that all of the snap victims and Gamora will likely return for future movies.

STAYS DEAD: Those who died violently

Look, Vision, Loki and Heimdall are dead for sure. They've had their stories told, and no one (except Loki's annoying fangirls) will be mad about it.

Now to the people who are still alive as of now.

LIVES: Captain Marvel

It would make no sense for Marvel to bring her in and then just off her, not to mention Kevin Feige has confirmed she will "lead the MCU" in Phase 4.

DIES: Hawkeye

Hawkeye is reportedly being considered for a Phase Four movie, but that will likely be a prequel. It'd be fitting to see him go helping the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan.

LIVES: Ant-Man

Ant-Man is fairly new, and he'll likely be very important going forward along with Wasp. I don't think he's gonna die, and if he does, it won't be permanent.

DIES: Bruce Banner...

Mark Ruffalo's contract is likely ending, and it'd be fitting to say goodbye to him.

...But not The Hulk!

I believe that Bruce Banner will die in Avengers 4. However, as we saw in "The Immortal Hulk", a new persona will surface: Professor Hulk, who will have the smarts of Banner and the strength of the Hulk, but will be a separate persona from both.

LIVES: Black Widow

I think Black Widow is too important to be killed off, as Feige reportedly wants more women in the Avengers. Also, I can see her as a link between the old and new MCU.

DIES: War Machine

War Machine isn't a bad character, but fans won't be too sad to see him go. Also, he's a character the MCU can do without and I can't see him making it out alive.


Thor is too important. He's still got character development to go through, and I really want to see him rebuild Asgard on earth.

DIES: Nebula

I can't see Nebula staying alive. I see her trying to defeat her father and dying.

LIVES: Rocket Raccoon

Rocket's jokes are something GotG vol. 3 can't do without. He's too much a fan-favorite, and seeing him die would anger a lot of people.

DIES: Captain America

Cap will most likely die. He's got plenty of potential replacements, and his story has been told. Also, Chris Evans' contract is ending. It'll be sad, but for the better.

LIVES: Iron Man

I know a lot of people are saying he will and should die, but I feel they're wrong. He has the potential to be very important in Phase 4, especially if Marvel brings in the Illuminati. Anyway, the MCU will feel quite empty without him, and Marvel has the money to renew RDJ's contract and the technology to keep his character from aging.

So, what do you think? Is this likely? Do you want this to happen? Leave a comment below!


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