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259 0 3 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why men better at using arm strength(or upperbody's),women better at using leg strength(skill) is so general in everyone's mind?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 27, 1:19pm

    This is worded so...”interestingly”, but to answer, what I assume is your question/statement, that women have stronger legs than men, no they do not.Your average man is stronger than you average woman...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How big around are your forearms & biceps?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:35pm

    Both arms pre-pump.Bicep - 19Forearm - 145’10, 209 lbs currently.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you bothered by the skinny fictions character easily overpower someone much bigger than them?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:05pm

    I love me some internet. Got a 6’6-6’7 235-250 pound man with 13 inch arms who never trains but can curl over 300 pounds lmaooooo

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Silver Surfer vs Sentry and Thor.
    on the Battles board
    Jul 30, 5:33pm

    Team stomps. Thor has been shown over the years to fight Surfur on equal footing and often to have the advantage in their fights. Adding in Sentry makes it one sided

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    (Brainstorming) What are good powers/abilities for a Spear user?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 8, 5:04pm

    I actually took some time to think about this rather than go with any number of generic answers like “speed”. If you want your spear weirder to be unique and to perhaps reflect the ease of use and how...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor (2018) Comic Run Discussion Thread.
    on the Thor board
    Jul 8, 4:28pm

    Two issues in, as well as what 4 into Avengers?, and they all suck. Art is vomit inducing, Aaron’s writing is terrible per usual and here’s the real kicker his writing was never good. His only “good” ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Asgardians of the Galaxy.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 1, 8:26am

    Big old skip. Only character here I like is the Execitioner and I’m sure he will be written terribly anyway.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who has better comic book stories: Thor or Aquaman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 28, 4:03pm

    Thor in an absolute stomp. I enjoy Aquaman, though unlike others I do not see what’s remotely special or interesting about Mera *shrugs* to each their own

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How strong is Thor without Mjolnir ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 26, 11:36am

    Mjolnir doesn’t increase Thor’s physical strength in the sense of lifting/pressing, so it doesn’t make him stronger in that way. It does amplify his striking since well it’s a giant hammer so duh. As ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Cul borson vs Gorr.
    on the Battles board
    Jun 21, 7:48am

    Like most of the Thor mythos/universe Jason Aaron took a great big dump on Cull so his cheap Desak clone Gorr wins easily.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:57am

    @anthp2000: Well they have talked about the Hulk's 3 movie arc. Ragnarok, than IW1, concluding in IW2. Its the basic storyline of warring within yourself acceptance blah blah. Ruffalo has also talk...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:29am

    Unfortunately It’s going to be Captain Marvel and Hulk doing the heavy lifting.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    God Squad vs Starbreaker.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 5, 9:35am

    Now dc data base and Wikipedia aren’t the most reliable sources, but I saw nothing that puts him near Chaos War Hercules.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Fictional swordmasters showdown: Drizzt vs Geralt, Aragorn and Guts.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 24, 1:27pm

    It should be all vs Guts and he still roflstomps. He is completely out of all of their leagues when it comes to strength and speed and reach.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 14, 7:35am

    @xlr87t3: well i see that you want them to visually represent the weapon but also use it. Makes it a little tricky as anyone can use a weapon, tall, short, fat, skinny etc...Have you thought about mak...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 12, 8:07am

    interesting ideas, but I see some things you may want to consider. 1) the spear is the most used/popular weapon in history, it by no means has a negative stereotype. 2) your characters are falling int...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Honey Badger VS Chicken V.S. Rabbit.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 5, 10:43am

    “That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Look, the rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!”

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Drizzt Do'Urden vs Bane.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 4, 6:55pm

    @redhoodhunts: look up the definition of a Mary Sue, now look at Drizzt, now back at the definition, now back to Drizzt. If at this point you can’t see why he is the “special snowflake Mary Sue” chara...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:37pm

    @ghostodoofus: so that’s what you have to ask yourself really, because it is a big part of the 100+ issues of Crossed. The violence and gore really isn’t anything outside of his Punisher run or The Bo...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:14pm

    It’s basically a giant murder-rape party. Lots of over the top violence and gore, murder and rape. The virus in the book basically turns you into a foul mouthed rape and murder machine. Also lots of g...


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This user has not updated recently.

259 0 3 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why men better at using arm strength(or upperbody's),women better at using leg strength(skill) is so general in everyone's mind?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 27, 1:19pm

    This is worded so...”interestingly”, but to answer, what I assume is your question/statement, that women have stronger legs than men, no they do not.Your average man is stronger than you average woman...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How big around are your forearms & biceps?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:35pm

    Both arms pre-pump.Bicep - 19Forearm - 145’10, 209 lbs currently.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you bothered by the skinny fictions character easily overpower someone much bigger than them?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:05pm

    I love me some internet. Got a 6’6-6’7 235-250 pound man with 13 inch arms who never trains but can curl over 300 pounds lmaooooo

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Silver Surfer vs Sentry and Thor.
    on the Battles board
    Jul 30, 5:33pm

    Team stomps. Thor has been shown over the years to fight Surfur on equal footing and often to have the advantage in their fights. Adding in Sentry makes it one sided

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    (Brainstorming) What are good powers/abilities for a Spear user?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 8, 5:04pm

    I actually took some time to think about this rather than go with any number of generic answers like “speed”. If you want your spear weirder to be unique and to perhaps reflect the ease of use and how...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor (2018) Comic Run Discussion Thread.
    on the Thor board
    Jul 8, 4:28pm

    Two issues in, as well as what 4 into Avengers?, and they all suck. Art is vomit inducing, Aaron’s writing is terrible per usual and here’s the real kicker his writing was never good. His only “good” ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Asgardians of the Galaxy.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 1, 8:26am

    Big old skip. Only character here I like is the Execitioner and I’m sure he will be written terribly anyway.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who has better comic book stories: Thor or Aquaman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 28, 4:03pm

    Thor in an absolute stomp. I enjoy Aquaman, though unlike others I do not see what’s remotely special or interesting about Mera *shrugs* to each their own

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How strong is Thor without Mjolnir ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 26, 11:36am

    Mjolnir doesn’t increase Thor’s physical strength in the sense of lifting/pressing, so it doesn’t make him stronger in that way. It does amplify his striking since well it’s a giant hammer so duh. As ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Cul borson vs Gorr.
    on the Battles board
    Jun 21, 7:48am

    Like most of the Thor mythos/universe Jason Aaron took a great big dump on Cull so his cheap Desak clone Gorr wins easily.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:57am

    @anthp2000: Well they have talked about the Hulk's 3 movie arc. Ragnarok, than IW1, concluding in IW2. Its the basic storyline of warring within yourself acceptance blah blah. Ruffalo has also talk...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:29am

    Unfortunately It’s going to be Captain Marvel and Hulk doing the heavy lifting.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    God Squad vs Starbreaker.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 5, 9:35am

    Now dc data base and Wikipedia aren’t the most reliable sources, but I saw nothing that puts him near Chaos War Hercules.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Fictional swordmasters showdown: Drizzt vs Geralt, Aragorn and Guts.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 24, 1:27pm

    It should be all vs Guts and he still roflstomps. He is completely out of all of their leagues when it comes to strength and speed and reach.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 14, 7:35am

    @xlr87t3: well i see that you want them to visually represent the weapon but also use it. Makes it a little tricky as anyone can use a weapon, tall, short, fat, skinny etc...Have you thought about mak...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 12, 8:07am

    interesting ideas, but I see some things you may want to consider. 1) the spear is the most used/popular weapon in history, it by no means has a negative stereotype. 2) your characters are falling int...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Honey Badger VS Chicken V.S. Rabbit.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 5, 10:43am

    “That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Look, the rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!”

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Drizzt Do'Urden vs Bane.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 4, 6:55pm

    @redhoodhunts: look up the definition of a Mary Sue, now look at Drizzt, now back at the definition, now back to Drizzt. If at this point you can’t see why he is the “special snowflake Mary Sue” chara...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:37pm

    @ghostodoofus: so that’s what you have to ask yourself really, because it is a big part of the 100+ issues of Crossed. The violence and gore really isn’t anything outside of his Punisher run or The Bo...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:14pm

    It’s basically a giant murder-rape party. Lots of over the top violence and gore, murder and rape. The virus in the book basically turns you into a foul mouthed rape and murder machine. Also lots of g...


This user has not updated recently.

259 0 3 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why men better at using arm strength(or upperbody's),women better at using leg strength(skill) is so general in everyone's mind?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 27, 1:19pm

    This is worded so...”interestingly”, but to answer, what I assume is your question/statement, that women have stronger legs than men, no they do not.Your average man is stronger than you average woman...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How big around are your forearms & biceps?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:35pm

    Both arms pre-pump.Bicep - 19Forearm - 145’10, 209 lbs currently.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you bothered by the skinny fictions character easily overpower someone much bigger than them?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:05pm

    I love me some internet. Got a 6’6-6’7 235-250 pound man with 13 inch arms who never trains but can curl over 300 pounds lmaooooo

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Silver Surfer vs Sentry and Thor.
    on the Battles board
    Jul 30, 5:33pm

    Team stomps. Thor has been shown over the years to fight Surfur on equal footing and often to have the advantage in their fights. Adding in Sentry makes it one sided

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    (Brainstorming) What are good powers/abilities for a Spear user?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 8, 5:04pm

    I actually took some time to think about this rather than go with any number of generic answers like “speed”. If you want your spear weirder to be unique and to perhaps reflect the ease of use and how...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor (2018) Comic Run Discussion Thread.
    on the Thor board
    Jul 8, 4:28pm

    Two issues in, as well as what 4 into Avengers?, and they all suck. Art is vomit inducing, Aaron’s writing is terrible per usual and here’s the real kicker his writing was never good. His only “good” ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Asgardians of the Galaxy.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 1, 8:26am

    Big old skip. Only character here I like is the Execitioner and I’m sure he will be written terribly anyway.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who has better comic book stories: Thor or Aquaman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 28, 4:03pm

    Thor in an absolute stomp. I enjoy Aquaman, though unlike others I do not see what’s remotely special or interesting about Mera *shrugs* to each their own

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How strong is Thor without Mjolnir ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 26, 11:36am

    Mjolnir doesn’t increase Thor’s physical strength in the sense of lifting/pressing, so it doesn’t make him stronger in that way. It does amplify his striking since well it’s a giant hammer so duh. As ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Cul borson vs Gorr.
    on the Battles board
    Jun 21, 7:48am

    Like most of the Thor mythos/universe Jason Aaron took a great big dump on Cull so his cheap Desak clone Gorr wins easily.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:57am

    @anthp2000: Well they have talked about the Hulk's 3 movie arc. Ragnarok, than IW1, concluding in IW2. Its the basic storyline of warring within yourself acceptance blah blah. Ruffalo has also talk...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:29am

    Unfortunately It’s going to be Captain Marvel and Hulk doing the heavy lifting.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    God Squad vs Starbreaker.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 5, 9:35am

    Now dc data base and Wikipedia aren’t the most reliable sources, but I saw nothing that puts him near Chaos War Hercules.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Fictional swordmasters showdown: Drizzt vs Geralt, Aragorn and Guts.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 24, 1:27pm

    It should be all vs Guts and he still roflstomps. He is completely out of all of their leagues when it comes to strength and speed and reach.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 14, 7:35am

    @xlr87t3: well i see that you want them to visually represent the weapon but also use it. Makes it a little tricky as anyone can use a weapon, tall, short, fat, skinny etc...Have you thought about mak...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 12, 8:07am

    interesting ideas, but I see some things you may want to consider. 1) the spear is the most used/popular weapon in history, it by no means has a negative stereotype. 2) your characters are falling int...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Honey Badger VS Chicken V.S. Rabbit.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 5, 10:43am

    “That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Look, the rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!”

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Drizzt Do'Urden vs Bane.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 4, 6:55pm

    @redhoodhunts: look up the definition of a Mary Sue, now look at Drizzt, now back at the definition, now back to Drizzt. If at this point you can’t see why he is the “special snowflake Mary Sue” chara...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:37pm

    @ghostodoofus: so that’s what you have to ask yourself really, because it is a big part of the 100+ issues of Crossed. The violence and gore really isn’t anything outside of his Punisher run or The Bo...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:14pm

    It’s basically a giant murder-rape party. Lots of over the top violence and gore, murder and rape. The virus in the book basically turns you into a foul mouthed rape and murder machine. Also lots of g...


This user has not updated recently.

259 0 3 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

259 0 3 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

259 0 3 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

259 0 3 3
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

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  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why men better at using arm strength(or upperbody's),women better at using leg strength(skill) is so general in everyone's mind?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 27, 1:19pm

    This is worded so...”interestingly”, but to answer, what I assume is your question/statement, that women have stronger legs than men, no they do not.Your average man is stronger than you average woman...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How big around are your forearms & biceps?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:35pm

    Both arms pre-pump.Bicep - 19Forearm - 145’10, 209 lbs currently.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you bothered by the skinny fictions character easily overpower someone much bigger than them?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:05pm

    I love me some internet. Got a 6’6-6’7 235-250 pound man with 13 inch arms who never trains but can curl over 300 pounds lmaooooo

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Silver Surfer vs Sentry and Thor.
    on the Battles board
    Jul 30, 5:33pm

    Team stomps. Thor has been shown over the years to fight Surfur on equal footing and often to have the advantage in their fights. Adding in Sentry makes it one sided

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    (Brainstorming) What are good powers/abilities for a Spear user?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 8, 5:04pm

    I actually took some time to think about this rather than go with any number of generic answers like “speed”. If you want your spear weirder to be unique and to perhaps reflect the ease of use and how...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor (2018) Comic Run Discussion Thread.
    on the Thor board
    Jul 8, 4:28pm

    Two issues in, as well as what 4 into Avengers?, and they all suck. Art is vomit inducing, Aaron’s writing is terrible per usual and here’s the real kicker his writing was never good. His only “good” ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Asgardians of the Galaxy.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 1, 8:26am

    Big old skip. Only character here I like is the Execitioner and I’m sure he will be written terribly anyway.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who has better comic book stories: Thor or Aquaman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 28, 4:03pm

    Thor in an absolute stomp. I enjoy Aquaman, though unlike others I do not see what’s remotely special or interesting about Mera *shrugs* to each their own

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How strong is Thor without Mjolnir ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 26, 11:36am

    Mjolnir doesn’t increase Thor’s physical strength in the sense of lifting/pressing, so it doesn’t make him stronger in that way. It does amplify his striking since well it’s a giant hammer so duh. As ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Cul borson vs Gorr.
    on the Battles board
    Jun 21, 7:48am

    Like most of the Thor mythos/universe Jason Aaron took a great big dump on Cull so his cheap Desak clone Gorr wins easily.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:57am

    @anthp2000: Well they have talked about the Hulk's 3 movie arc. Ragnarok, than IW1, concluding in IW2. Its the basic storyline of warring within yourself acceptance blah blah. Ruffalo has also talk...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:29am

    Unfortunately It’s going to be Captain Marvel and Hulk doing the heavy lifting.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    God Squad vs Starbreaker.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 5, 9:35am

    Now dc data base and Wikipedia aren’t the most reliable sources, but I saw nothing that puts him near Chaos War Hercules.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Fictional swordmasters showdown: Drizzt vs Geralt, Aragorn and Guts.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 24, 1:27pm

    It should be all vs Guts and he still roflstomps. He is completely out of all of their leagues when it comes to strength and speed and reach.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 14, 7:35am

    @xlr87t3: well i see that you want them to visually represent the weapon but also use it. Makes it a little tricky as anyone can use a weapon, tall, short, fat, skinny etc...Have you thought about mak...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 12, 8:07am

    interesting ideas, but I see some things you may want to consider. 1) the spear is the most used/popular weapon in history, it by no means has a negative stereotype. 2) your characters are falling int...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Honey Badger VS Chicken V.S. Rabbit.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 5, 10:43am

    “That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Look, the rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!”

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Drizzt Do'Urden vs Bane.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 4, 6:55pm

    @redhoodhunts: look up the definition of a Mary Sue, now look at Drizzt, now back at the definition, now back to Drizzt. If at this point you can’t see why he is the “special snowflake Mary Sue” chara...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:37pm

    @ghostodoofus: so that’s what you have to ask yourself really, because it is a big part of the 100+ issues of Crossed. The violence and gore really isn’t anything outside of his Punisher run or The Bo...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:14pm

    It’s basically a giant murder-rape party. Lots of over the top violence and gore, murder and rape. The virus in the book basically turns you into a foul mouthed rape and murder machine. Also lots of g...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why men better at using arm strength(or upperbody's),women better at using leg strength(skill) is so general in everyone's mind?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 27, 1:19pm

    This is worded so...”interestingly”, but to answer, what I assume is your question/statement, that women have stronger legs than men, no they do not.Your average man is stronger than you average woman...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How big around are your forearms & biceps?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:35pm

    Both arms pre-pump.Bicep - 19Forearm - 145’10, 209 lbs currently.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you bothered by the skinny fictions character easily overpower someone much bigger than them?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:05pm

    I love me some internet. Got a 6’6-6’7 235-250 pound man with 13 inch arms who never trains but can curl over 300 pounds lmaooooo

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Silver Surfer vs Sentry and Thor.
    on the Battles board
    Jul 30, 5:33pm

    Team stomps. Thor has been shown over the years to fight Surfur on equal footing and often to have the advantage in their fights. Adding in Sentry makes it one sided

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    (Brainstorming) What are good powers/abilities for a Spear user?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 8, 5:04pm

    I actually took some time to think about this rather than go with any number of generic answers like “speed”. If you want your spear weirder to be unique and to perhaps reflect the ease of use and how...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor (2018) Comic Run Discussion Thread.
    on the Thor board
    Jul 8, 4:28pm

    Two issues in, as well as what 4 into Avengers?, and they all suck. Art is vomit inducing, Aaron’s writing is terrible per usual and here’s the real kicker his writing was never good. His only “good” ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Asgardians of the Galaxy.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 1, 8:26am

    Big old skip. Only character here I like is the Execitioner and I’m sure he will be written terribly anyway.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who has better comic book stories: Thor or Aquaman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 28, 4:03pm

    Thor in an absolute stomp. I enjoy Aquaman, though unlike others I do not see what’s remotely special or interesting about Mera *shrugs* to each their own

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How strong is Thor without Mjolnir ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 26, 11:36am

    Mjolnir doesn’t increase Thor’s physical strength in the sense of lifting/pressing, so it doesn’t make him stronger in that way. It does amplify his striking since well it’s a giant hammer so duh. As ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Cul borson vs Gorr.
    on the Battles board
    Jun 21, 7:48am

    Like most of the Thor mythos/universe Jason Aaron took a great big dump on Cull so his cheap Desak clone Gorr wins easily.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:57am

    @anthp2000: Well they have talked about the Hulk's 3 movie arc. Ragnarok, than IW1, concluding in IW2. Its the basic storyline of warring within yourself acceptance blah blah. Ruffalo has also talk...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:29am

    Unfortunately It’s going to be Captain Marvel and Hulk doing the heavy lifting.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    God Squad vs Starbreaker.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 5, 9:35am

    Now dc data base and Wikipedia aren’t the most reliable sources, but I saw nothing that puts him near Chaos War Hercules.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Fictional swordmasters showdown: Drizzt vs Geralt, Aragorn and Guts.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 24, 1:27pm

    It should be all vs Guts and he still roflstomps. He is completely out of all of their leagues when it comes to strength and speed and reach.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 14, 7:35am

    @xlr87t3: well i see that you want them to visually represent the weapon but also use it. Makes it a little tricky as anyone can use a weapon, tall, short, fat, skinny etc...Have you thought about mak...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 12, 8:07am

    interesting ideas, but I see some things you may want to consider. 1) the spear is the most used/popular weapon in history, it by no means has a negative stereotype. 2) your characters are falling int...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Honey Badger VS Chicken V.S. Rabbit.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 5, 10:43am

    “That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Look, the rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!”

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Drizzt Do'Urden vs Bane.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 4, 6:55pm

    @redhoodhunts: look up the definition of a Mary Sue, now look at Drizzt, now back at the definition, now back to Drizzt. If at this point you can’t see why he is the “special snowflake Mary Sue” chara...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:37pm

    @ghostodoofus: so that’s what you have to ask yourself really, because it is a big part of the 100+ issues of Crossed. The violence and gore really isn’t anything outside of his Punisher run or The Bo...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:14pm

    It’s basically a giant murder-rape party. Lots of over the top violence and gore, murder and rape. The virus in the book basically turns you into a foul mouthed rape and murder machine. Also lots of g...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why men better at using arm strength(or upperbody's),women better at using leg strength(skill) is so general in everyone's mind?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 27, 1:19pm

    This is worded so...”interestingly”, but to answer, what I assume is your question/statement, that women have stronger legs than men, no they do not.Your average man is stronger than you average woman...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How big around are your forearms & biceps?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:35pm

    Both arms pre-pump.Bicep - 19Forearm - 145’10, 209 lbs currently.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you bothered by the skinny fictions character easily overpower someone much bigger than them?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:05pm

    I love me some internet. Got a 6’6-6’7 235-250 pound man with 13 inch arms who never trains but can curl over 300 pounds lmaooooo

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Silver Surfer vs Sentry and Thor.
    on the Battles board
    Jul 30, 5:33pm

    Team stomps. Thor has been shown over the years to fight Surfur on equal footing and often to have the advantage in their fights. Adding in Sentry makes it one sided

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    (Brainstorming) What are good powers/abilities for a Spear user?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 8, 5:04pm

    I actually took some time to think about this rather than go with any number of generic answers like “speed”. If you want your spear weirder to be unique and to perhaps reflect the ease of use and how...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor (2018) Comic Run Discussion Thread.
    on the Thor board
    Jul 8, 4:28pm

    Two issues in, as well as what 4 into Avengers?, and they all suck. Art is vomit inducing, Aaron’s writing is terrible per usual and here’s the real kicker his writing was never good. His only “good” ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Asgardians of the Galaxy.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 1, 8:26am

    Big old skip. Only character here I like is the Execitioner and I’m sure he will be written terribly anyway.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who has better comic book stories: Thor or Aquaman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 28, 4:03pm

    Thor in an absolute stomp. I enjoy Aquaman, though unlike others I do not see what’s remotely special or interesting about Mera *shrugs* to each their own

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How strong is Thor without Mjolnir ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 26, 11:36am

    Mjolnir doesn’t increase Thor’s physical strength in the sense of lifting/pressing, so it doesn’t make him stronger in that way. It does amplify his striking since well it’s a giant hammer so duh. As ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Cul borson vs Gorr.
    on the Battles board
    Jun 21, 7:48am

    Like most of the Thor mythos/universe Jason Aaron took a great big dump on Cull so his cheap Desak clone Gorr wins easily.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:57am

    @anthp2000: Well they have talked about the Hulk's 3 movie arc. Ragnarok, than IW1, concluding in IW2. Its the basic storyline of warring within yourself acceptance blah blah. Ruffalo has also talk...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:29am

    Unfortunately It’s going to be Captain Marvel and Hulk doing the heavy lifting.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    God Squad vs Starbreaker.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 5, 9:35am

    Now dc data base and Wikipedia aren’t the most reliable sources, but I saw nothing that puts him near Chaos War Hercules.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Fictional swordmasters showdown: Drizzt vs Geralt, Aragorn and Guts.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 24, 1:27pm

    It should be all vs Guts and he still roflstomps. He is completely out of all of their leagues when it comes to strength and speed and reach.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 14, 7:35am

    @xlr87t3: well i see that you want them to visually represent the weapon but also use it. Makes it a little tricky as anyone can use a weapon, tall, short, fat, skinny etc...Have you thought about mak...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 12, 8:07am

    interesting ideas, but I see some things you may want to consider. 1) the spear is the most used/popular weapon in history, it by no means has a negative stereotype. 2) your characters are falling int...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Honey Badger VS Chicken V.S. Rabbit.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 5, 10:43am

    “That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Look, the rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!”

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Drizzt Do'Urden vs Bane.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 4, 6:55pm

    @redhoodhunts: look up the definition of a Mary Sue, now look at Drizzt, now back at the definition, now back to Drizzt. If at this point you can’t see why he is the “special snowflake Mary Sue” chara...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:37pm

    @ghostodoofus: so that’s what you have to ask yourself really, because it is a big part of the 100+ issues of Crossed. The violence and gore really isn’t anything outside of his Punisher run or The Bo...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:14pm

    It’s basically a giant murder-rape party. Lots of over the top violence and gore, murder and rape. The virus in the book basically turns you into a foul mouthed rape and murder machine. Also lots of g...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why men better at using arm strength(or upperbody's),women better at using leg strength(skill) is so general in everyone's mind?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 27, 1:19pm

    This is worded so...”interestingly”, but to answer, what I assume is your question/statement, that women have stronger legs than men, no they do not.Your average man is stronger than you average woman...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How big around are your forearms & biceps?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:35pm

    Both arms pre-pump.Bicep - 19Forearm - 145’10, 209 lbs currently.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you bothered by the skinny fictions character easily overpower someone much bigger than them?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:05pm

    I love me some internet. Got a 6’6-6’7 235-250 pound man with 13 inch arms who never trains but can curl over 300 pounds lmaooooo

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Silver Surfer vs Sentry and Thor.
    on the Battles board
    Jul 30, 5:33pm

    Team stomps. Thor has been shown over the years to fight Surfur on equal footing and often to have the advantage in their fights. Adding in Sentry makes it one sided

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    (Brainstorming) What are good powers/abilities for a Spear user?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 8, 5:04pm

    I actually took some time to think about this rather than go with any number of generic answers like “speed”. If you want your spear weirder to be unique and to perhaps reflect the ease of use and how...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor (2018) Comic Run Discussion Thread.
    on the Thor board
    Jul 8, 4:28pm

    Two issues in, as well as what 4 into Avengers?, and they all suck. Art is vomit inducing, Aaron’s writing is terrible per usual and here’s the real kicker his writing was never good. His only “good” ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Asgardians of the Galaxy.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 1, 8:26am

    Big old skip. Only character here I like is the Execitioner and I’m sure he will be written terribly anyway.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who has better comic book stories: Thor or Aquaman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 28, 4:03pm

    Thor in an absolute stomp. I enjoy Aquaman, though unlike others I do not see what’s remotely special or interesting about Mera *shrugs* to each their own

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How strong is Thor without Mjolnir ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 26, 11:36am

    Mjolnir doesn’t increase Thor’s physical strength in the sense of lifting/pressing, so it doesn’t make him stronger in that way. It does amplify his striking since well it’s a giant hammer so duh. As ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Cul borson vs Gorr.
    on the Battles board
    Jun 21, 7:48am

    Like most of the Thor mythos/universe Jason Aaron took a great big dump on Cull so his cheap Desak clone Gorr wins easily.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:57am

    @anthp2000: Well they have talked about the Hulk's 3 movie arc. Ragnarok, than IW1, concluding in IW2. Its the basic storyline of warring within yourself acceptance blah blah. Ruffalo has also talk...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:29am

    Unfortunately It’s going to be Captain Marvel and Hulk doing the heavy lifting.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    God Squad vs Starbreaker.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 5, 9:35am

    Now dc data base and Wikipedia aren’t the most reliable sources, but I saw nothing that puts him near Chaos War Hercules.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Fictional swordmasters showdown: Drizzt vs Geralt, Aragorn and Guts.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 24, 1:27pm

    It should be all vs Guts and he still roflstomps. He is completely out of all of their leagues when it comes to strength and speed and reach.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 14, 7:35am

    @xlr87t3: well i see that you want them to visually represent the weapon but also use it. Makes it a little tricky as anyone can use a weapon, tall, short, fat, skinny etc...Have you thought about mak...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 12, 8:07am

    interesting ideas, but I see some things you may want to consider. 1) the spear is the most used/popular weapon in history, it by no means has a negative stereotype. 2) your characters are falling int...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Honey Badger VS Chicken V.S. Rabbit.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 5, 10:43am

    “That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Look, the rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!”

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Drizzt Do'Urden vs Bane.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 4, 6:55pm

    @redhoodhunts: look up the definition of a Mary Sue, now look at Drizzt, now back at the definition, now back to Drizzt. If at this point you can’t see why he is the “special snowflake Mary Sue” chara...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:37pm

    @ghostodoofus: so that’s what you have to ask yourself really, because it is a big part of the 100+ issues of Crossed. The violence and gore really isn’t anything outside of his Punisher run or The Bo...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:14pm

    It’s basically a giant murder-rape party. Lots of over the top violence and gore, murder and rape. The virus in the book basically turns you into a foul mouthed rape and murder machine. Also lots of g...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Why men better at using arm strength(or upperbody's),women better at using leg strength(skill) is so general in everyone's mind?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 27, 1:19pm

    This is worded so...”interestingly”, but to answer, what I assume is your question/statement, that women have stronger legs than men, no they do not.Your average man is stronger than you average woman...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How big around are your forearms & biceps?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:35pm

    Both arms pre-pump.Bicep - 19Forearm - 145’10, 209 lbs currently.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Would you bothered by the skinny fictions character easily overpower someone much bigger than them?.
    on the Off-Topic board
    Aug 18, 3:05pm

    I love me some internet. Got a 6’6-6’7 235-250 pound man with 13 inch arms who never trains but can curl over 300 pounds lmaooooo

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Silver Surfer vs Sentry and Thor.
    on the Battles board
    Jul 30, 5:33pm

    Team stomps. Thor has been shown over the years to fight Surfur on equal footing and often to have the advantage in their fights. Adding in Sentry makes it one sided

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    (Brainstorming) What are good powers/abilities for a Spear user?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 8, 5:04pm

    I actually took some time to think about this rather than go with any number of generic answers like “speed”. If you want your spear weirder to be unique and to perhaps reflect the ease of use and how...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thor (2018) Comic Run Discussion Thread.
    on the Thor board
    Jul 8, 4:28pm

    Two issues in, as well as what 4 into Avengers?, and they all suck. Art is vomit inducing, Aaron’s writing is terrible per usual and here’s the real kicker his writing was never good. His only “good” ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Asgardians of the Galaxy.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jul 1, 8:26am

    Big old skip. Only character here I like is the Execitioner and I’m sure he will be written terribly anyway.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Who has better comic book stories: Thor or Aquaman?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 28, 4:03pm

    Thor in an absolute stomp. I enjoy Aquaman, though unlike others I do not see what’s remotely special or interesting about Mera *shrugs* to each their own

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    How strong is Thor without Mjolnir ?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jun 26, 11:36am

    Mjolnir doesn’t increase Thor’s physical strength in the sense of lifting/pressing, so it doesn’t make him stronger in that way. It does amplify his striking since well it’s a giant hammer so duh. As ...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Cul borson vs Gorr.
    on the Battles board
    Jun 21, 7:48am

    Like most of the Thor mythos/universe Jason Aaron took a great big dump on Cull so his cheap Desak clone Gorr wins easily.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:57am

    @anthp2000: Well they have talked about the Hulk's 3 movie arc. Ragnarok, than IW1, concluding in IW2. Its the basic storyline of warring within yourself acceptance blah blah. Ruffalo has also talk...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    May 7, 7:29am

    Unfortunately It’s going to be Captain Marvel and Hulk doing the heavy lifting.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    God Squad vs Starbreaker.
    on the Battles board
    Feb 5, 9:35am

    Now dc data base and Wikipedia aren’t the most reliable sources, but I saw nothing that puts him near Chaos War Hercules.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Fictional swordmasters showdown: Drizzt vs Geralt, Aragorn and Guts.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 24, 1:27pm

    It should be all vs Guts and he still roflstomps. He is completely out of all of their leagues when it comes to strength and speed and reach.

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 14, 7:35am

    @xlr87t3: well i see that you want them to visually represent the weapon but also use it. Makes it a little tricky as anyone can use a weapon, tall, short, fat, skinny etc...Have you thought about mak...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
    on the Fan-Fic board
    Jan 12, 8:07am

    interesting ideas, but I see some things you may want to consider. 1) the spear is the most used/popular weapon in history, it by no means has a negative stereotype. 2) your characters are falling int...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Honey Badger VS Chicken V.S. Rabbit.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 5, 10:43am

    “That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Look, the rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!”

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Drizzt Do'Urden vs Bane.
    on the Battles board
    Jan 4, 6:55pm

    @redhoodhunts: look up the definition of a Mary Sue, now look at Drizzt, now back at the definition, now back to Drizzt. If at this point you can’t see why he is the “special snowflake Mary Sue” chara...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:37pm

    @ghostodoofus: so that’s what you have to ask yourself really, because it is a big part of the 100+ issues of Crossed. The violence and gore really isn’t anything outside of his Punisher run or The Bo...

  • HercuThor
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
    on the Gen. Discussion board
    Jan 4, 1:14pm

    It’s basically a giant murder-rape party. Lots of over the top violence and gore, murder and rape. The virus in the book basically turns you into a foul mouthed rape and murder machine. Also lots of g...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Why men better at using arm strength(or upperbody's),women better at using leg strength(skill) is so general in everyone's mind?.
on the Off-Topic board
Aug 27, 1:19pm

This is worded so...”interestingly”, but to answer, what I assume is your question/statement, that women have stronger legs than men, no they do not.Your average man is stronger than you average woman...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Why men better at using arm strength(or upperbody's),women better at using leg strength(skill) is so general in everyone's mind?.
on the Off-Topic board
Aug 27, 1:19pm

This is worded so...”interestingly”, but to answer, what I assume is your question/statement, that women have stronger legs than men, no they do not.Your average man is stronger than you average woman...

This is worded so...”interestingly”, but to answer, what I assume is your question/statement, that women have stronger legs than men, no they do not.Your average man is stronger than you average woman...

posted a message
in the forum topic
How big around are your forearms & biceps?.
on the Off-Topic board
Aug 18, 3:35pm

Both arms pre-pump.Bicep - 19Forearm - 145’10, 209 lbs currently.

posted a message
in the forum topic
How big around are your forearms & biceps?.
on the Off-Topic board
Aug 18, 3:35pm

Both arms pre-pump.Bicep - 19Forearm - 145’10, 209 lbs currently.

Both arms pre-pump.Bicep - 19Forearm - 145’10, 209 lbs currently.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Would you bothered by the skinny fictions character easily overpower someone much bigger than them?.
on the Off-Topic board
Aug 18, 3:05pm

I love me some internet. Got a 6’6-6’7 235-250 pound man with 13 inch arms who never trains but can curl over 300 pounds lmaooooo

posted a message
in the forum topic
Would you bothered by the skinny fictions character easily overpower someone much bigger than them?.
on the Off-Topic board
Aug 18, 3:05pm

I love me some internet. Got a 6’6-6’7 235-250 pound man with 13 inch arms who never trains but can curl over 300 pounds lmaooooo

I love me some internet. Got a 6’6-6’7 235-250 pound man with 13 inch arms who never trains but can curl over 300 pounds lmaooooo

posted a message
in the forum topic
Silver Surfer vs Sentry and Thor.
on the Battles board
Jul 30, 5:33pm

Team stomps. Thor has been shown over the years to fight Surfur on equal footing and often to have the advantage in their fights. Adding in Sentry makes it one sided

posted a message
in the forum topic
Silver Surfer vs Sentry and Thor.
on the Battles board
Jul 30, 5:33pm

Team stomps. Thor has been shown over the years to fight Surfur on equal footing and often to have the advantage in their fights. Adding in Sentry makes it one sided

Team stomps. Thor has been shown over the years to fight Surfur on equal footing and often to have the advantage in their fights. Adding in Sentry makes it one sided

posted a message
in the forum topic
(Brainstorming) What are good powers/abilities for a Spear user?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 8, 5:04pm

I actually took some time to think about this rather than go with any number of generic answers like “speed”. If you want your spear weirder to be unique and to perhaps reflect the ease of use and how...

posted a message
in the forum topic
(Brainstorming) What are good powers/abilities for a Spear user?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 8, 5:04pm

I actually took some time to think about this rather than go with any number of generic answers like “speed”. If you want your spear weirder to be unique and to perhaps reflect the ease of use and how...

I actually took some time to think about this rather than go with any number of generic answers like “speed”. If you want your spear weirder to be unique and to perhaps reflect the ease of use and how...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thor (2018) Comic Run Discussion Thread.
on the Thor board
Jul 8, 4:28pm

Two issues in, as well as what 4 into Avengers?, and they all suck. Art is vomit inducing, Aaron’s writing is terrible per usual and here’s the real kicker his writing was never good. His only “good” ...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thor (2018) Comic Run Discussion Thread.
on the Thor board
Jul 8, 4:28pm

Two issues in, as well as what 4 into Avengers?, and they all suck. Art is vomit inducing, Aaron’s writing is terrible per usual and here’s the real kicker his writing was never good. His only “good” ...

Two issues in, as well as what 4 into Avengers?, and they all suck. Art is vomit inducing, Aaron’s writing is terrible per usual and here’s the real kicker his writing was never good. His only “good” ...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Asgardians of the Galaxy.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 1, 8:26am

Big old skip. Only character here I like is the Execitioner and I’m sure he will be written terribly anyway.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Asgardians of the Galaxy.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jul 1, 8:26am

Big old skip. Only character here I like is the Execitioner and I’m sure he will be written terribly anyway.

Big old skip. Only character here I like is the Execitioner and I’m sure he will be written terribly anyway.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Who has better comic book stories: Thor or Aquaman?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jun 28, 4:03pm

Thor in an absolute stomp. I enjoy Aquaman, though unlike others I do not see what’s remotely special or interesting about Mera *shrugs* to each their own

posted a message
in the forum topic
Who has better comic book stories: Thor or Aquaman?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jun 28, 4:03pm

Thor in an absolute stomp. I enjoy Aquaman, though unlike others I do not see what’s remotely special or interesting about Mera *shrugs* to each their own

Thor in an absolute stomp. I enjoy Aquaman, though unlike others I do not see what’s remotely special or interesting about Mera *shrugs* to each their own

posted a message
in the forum topic
How strong is Thor without Mjolnir ?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jun 26, 11:36am

Mjolnir doesn’t increase Thor’s physical strength in the sense of lifting/pressing, so it doesn’t make him stronger in that way. It does amplify his striking since well it’s a giant hammer so duh. As ...

posted a message
in the forum topic
How strong is Thor without Mjolnir ?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jun 26, 11:36am

Mjolnir doesn’t increase Thor’s physical strength in the sense of lifting/pressing, so it doesn’t make him stronger in that way. It does amplify his striking since well it’s a giant hammer so duh. As ...

Mjolnir doesn’t increase Thor’s physical strength in the sense of lifting/pressing, so it doesn’t make him stronger in that way. It does amplify his striking since well it’s a giant hammer so duh. As ...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Cul borson vs Gorr.
on the Battles board
Jun 21, 7:48am

Like most of the Thor mythos/universe Jason Aaron took a great big dump on Cull so his cheap Desak clone Gorr wins easily.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Cul borson vs Gorr.
on the Battles board
Jun 21, 7:48am

Like most of the Thor mythos/universe Jason Aaron took a great big dump on Cull so his cheap Desak clone Gorr wins easily.

Like most of the Thor mythos/universe Jason Aaron took a great big dump on Cull so his cheap Desak clone Gorr wins easily.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
May 7, 7:57am

@anthp2000: Well they have talked about the Hulk's 3 movie arc. Ragnarok, than IW1, concluding in IW2. Its the basic storyline of warring within yourself acceptance blah blah. Ruffalo has also talk...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
May 7, 7:57am

@anthp2000: Well they have talked about the Hulk's 3 movie arc. Ragnarok, than IW1, concluding in IW2. Its the basic storyline of warring within yourself acceptance blah blah. Ruffalo has also talk...

@anthp2000: Well they have talked about the Hulk's 3 movie arc. Ragnarok, than IW1, concluding in IW2. Its the basic storyline of warring within yourself acceptance blah blah. Ruffalo has also talk...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
May 7, 7:29am

Unfortunately It’s going to be Captain Marvel and Hulk doing the heavy lifting.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thoughts on who's going to hand Thanos's arse to him in IW2?.
on the Gen. Discussion board
May 7, 7:29am

Unfortunately It’s going to be Captain Marvel and Hulk doing the heavy lifting.

Unfortunately It’s going to be Captain Marvel and Hulk doing the heavy lifting.

posted a message
in the forum topic
God Squad vs Starbreaker.
on the Battles board
Feb 5, 9:35am

Now dc data base and Wikipedia aren’t the most reliable sources, but I saw nothing that puts him near Chaos War Hercules.

posted a message
in the forum topic
God Squad vs Starbreaker.
on the Battles board
Feb 5, 9:35am

Now dc data base and Wikipedia aren’t the most reliable sources, but I saw nothing that puts him near Chaos War Hercules.

Now dc data base and Wikipedia aren’t the most reliable sources, but I saw nothing that puts him near Chaos War Hercules.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Fictional swordmasters showdown: Drizzt vs Geralt, Aragorn and Guts.
on the Battles board
Jan 24, 1:27pm

It should be all vs Guts and he still roflstomps. He is completely out of all of their leagues when it comes to strength and speed and reach.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Fictional swordmasters showdown: Drizzt vs Geralt, Aragorn and Guts.
on the Battles board
Jan 24, 1:27pm

It should be all vs Guts and he still roflstomps. He is completely out of all of their leagues when it comes to strength and speed and reach.

It should be all vs Guts and he still roflstomps. He is completely out of all of their leagues when it comes to strength and speed and reach.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
on the Fan-Fic board
Jan 14, 7:35am

@xlr87t3: well i see that you want them to visually represent the weapon but also use it. Makes it a little tricky as anyone can use a weapon, tall, short, fat, skinny etc...Have you thought about mak...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
on the Fan-Fic board
Jan 14, 7:35am

@xlr87t3: well i see that you want them to visually represent the weapon but also use it. Makes it a little tricky as anyone can use a weapon, tall, short, fat, skinny etc...Have you thought about mak...

@xlr87t3: well i see that you want them to visually represent the weapon but also use it. Makes it a little tricky as anyone can use a weapon, tall, short, fat, skinny etc...Have you thought about mak...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
on the Fan-Fic board
Jan 12, 8:07am

interesting ideas, but I see some things you may want to consider. 1) the spear is the most used/popular weapon in history, it by no means has a negative stereotype. 2) your characters are falling int...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Worldbuilding - "Weapon of Choice".
on the Fan-Fic board
Jan 12, 8:07am

interesting ideas, but I see some things you may want to consider. 1) the spear is the most used/popular weapon in history, it by no means has a negative stereotype. 2) your characters are falling int...

interesting ideas, but I see some things you may want to consider. 1) the spear is the most used/popular weapon in history, it by no means has a negative stereotype. 2) your characters are falling int...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Honey Badger VS Chicken V.S. Rabbit.
on the Battles board
Jan 5, 10:43am

“That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Look, the rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!”

posted a message
in the forum topic
Honey Badger VS Chicken V.S. Rabbit.
on the Battles board
Jan 5, 10:43am

“That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Look, the rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!”

“That’s no ordinary rabbit! That’s the most foul, cruel, bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on! Look, the rabbit’s got a vicious streak a mile wide! It’s a killer!”

posted a message
in the forum topic
Drizzt Do'Urden vs Bane.
on the Battles board
Jan 4, 6:55pm

@redhoodhunts: look up the definition of a Mary Sue, now look at Drizzt, now back at the definition, now back to Drizzt. If at this point you can’t see why he is the “special snowflake Mary Sue” chara...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Drizzt Do'Urden vs Bane.
on the Battles board
Jan 4, 6:55pm

@redhoodhunts: look up the definition of a Mary Sue, now look at Drizzt, now back at the definition, now back to Drizzt. If at this point you can’t see why he is the “special snowflake Mary Sue” chara...

@redhoodhunts: look up the definition of a Mary Sue, now look at Drizzt, now back at the definition, now back to Drizzt. If at this point you can’t see why he is the “special snowflake Mary Sue” chara...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jan 4, 1:37pm

@ghostodoofus: so that’s what you have to ask yourself really, because it is a big part of the 100+ issues of Crossed. The violence and gore really isn’t anything outside of his Punisher run or The Bo...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jan 4, 1:37pm

@ghostodoofus: so that’s what you have to ask yourself really, because it is a big part of the 100+ issues of Crossed. The violence and gore really isn’t anything outside of his Punisher run or The Bo...

@ghostodoofus: so that’s what you have to ask yourself really, because it is a big part of the 100+ issues of Crossed. The violence and gore really isn’t anything outside of his Punisher run or The Bo...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jan 4, 1:14pm

It’s basically a giant murder-rape party. Lots of over the top violence and gore, murder and rape. The virus in the book basically turns you into a foul mouthed rape and murder machine. Also lots of g...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Just how messed up is Crossed by Garth Ennis? (Read OP).
on the Gen. Discussion board
Jan 4, 1:14pm

It’s basically a giant murder-rape party. Lots of over the top violence and gore, murder and rape. The virus in the book basically turns you into a foul mouthed rape and murder machine. Also lots of g...

It’s basically a giant murder-rape party. Lots of over the top violence and gore, murder and rape. The virus in the book basically turns you into a foul mouthed rape and murder machine. Also lots of g...

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