CaV: Aladdin (ValorKnight) VS Sunny (FaradaySloth)
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CaV: Aladdin (ValorKnight) VS Sunny (FaradaySloth)
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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The Great Magician
The Gourmet Hunter
Rules & Stipulations
- Both characters are their end of series incarnations
- Everyone is in-character, but completely serious
- Standard gear is available for both characters
- The battle will take place on an indestructible planet
- Victory by death, knockout, incapacitation or battlefield removal
- As this is an official match, we ask that you keep your opinions to yourself until the debate has finished
- If you wish to be tagged when the debate is over, simply ask and it will be done when the time comes
- Please do not vote on who you believe to be more powerful, but instead on who debated the most solidly
With all of that said, thanks for reading!
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@grinningf0x said:
'Twill be done.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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They are both end of series, as I stated in the rules section.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: smh im blind
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
It's no big deal, lol.
- GearSecond659
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Posted by
(4840 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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An Introduction to Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham!
Character Biography
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
World Terms & Concepts
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
General Magic & Skills
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Physical Stats & Intelligence
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
My Current Conclusions
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw: Per your request, you have been tagged.
- FaradaySloth
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Posted by
(3467 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Thank you, and, yeah, he is pretty beefy for his age group.
- vsw
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Edited by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: Nice post man
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
Thank you very much.
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Tag for vote please, this looks fun
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Will do. If you don't mind, what did you think of my opener?
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
- Grinningf0x
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(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: excellent
- universeichigo1
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(1573 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
I see, well, thank you anyway.
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
Thank you.
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CaV: Aladdin (ValorKnight) VS Sunny (FaradaySloth)
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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The Great Magician
The Gourmet Hunter
Rules & Stipulations
- Both characters are their end of series incarnations
- Everyone is in-character, but completely serious
- Standard gear is available for both characters
- The battle will take place on an indestructible planet
- Victory by death, knockout, incapacitation or battlefield removal
- As this is an official match, we ask that you keep your opinions to yourself until the debate has finished
- If you wish to be tagged when the debate is over, simply ask and it will be done when the time comes
- Please do not vote on who you believe to be more powerful, but instead on who debated the most solidly
With all of that said, thanks for reading!
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@grinningf0x said:
'Twill be done.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
Tag after every post
They are both end of series, as I stated in the rules section.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: smh im blind
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
It's no big deal, lol.
- GearSecond659
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Posted by
(4840 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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An Introduction to Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham!
Character Biography
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
World Terms & Concepts
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
General Magic & Skills
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Physical Stats & Intelligence
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
My Current Conclusions
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw: Per your request, you have been tagged.
- FaradaySloth
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Posted by
(3467 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Thank you, and, yeah, he is pretty beefy for his age group.
- vsw
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Edited by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: Nice post man
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
Thank you very much.
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Tag for vote please, this looks fun
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Will do. If you don't mind, what did you think of my opener?
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: excellent
- universeichigo1
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Posted by
(1573 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
I see, well, thank you anyway.
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
Thank you.
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CaV: Aladdin (ValorKnight) VS Sunny (FaradaySloth)
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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The Great Magician
The Gourmet Hunter
Rules & Stipulations
- Both characters are their end of series incarnations
- Everyone is in-character, but completely serious
- Standard gear is available for both characters
- The battle will take place on an indestructible planet
- Victory by death, knockout, incapacitation or battlefield removal
- As this is an official match, we ask that you keep your opinions to yourself until the debate has finished
- If you wish to be tagged when the debate is over, simply ask and it will be done when the time comes
- Please do not vote on who you believe to be more powerful, but instead on who debated the most solidly
With all of that said, thanks for reading!
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@grinningf0x said:
'Twill be done.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
Tag after every post
They are both end of series, as I stated in the rules section.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: smh im blind
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
It's no big deal, lol.
- GearSecond659
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Posted by
(4840 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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An Introduction to Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham!
Character Biography
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
World Terms & Concepts
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
General Magic & Skills
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Physical Stats & Intelligence
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
My Current Conclusions
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw: Per your request, you have been tagged.
- FaradaySloth
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Posted by
(3467 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Thank you, and, yeah, he is pretty beefy for his age group.
- vsw
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Edited by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: Nice post man
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
Thank you very much.
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Tag for vote please, this looks fun
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Will do. If you don't mind, what did you think of my opener?
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: excellent
- universeichigo1
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Posted by
(1573 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
I see, well, thank you anyway.
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
Thank you.
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- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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The Great Magician
The Gourmet Hunter
Rules & Stipulations
- Both characters are their end of series incarnations
- Everyone is in-character, but completely serious
- Standard gear is available for both characters
- The battle will take place on an indestructible planet
- Victory by death, knockout, incapacitation or battlefield removal
- As this is an official match, we ask that you keep your opinions to yourself until the debate has finished
- If you wish to be tagged when the debate is over, simply ask and it will be done when the time comes
- Please do not vote on who you believe to be more powerful, but instead on who debated the most solidly
With all of that said, thanks for reading!
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@grinningf0x said:
'Twill be done.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
Tag after every post
They are both end of series, as I stated in the rules section.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: smh im blind
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
It's no big deal, lol.
- GearSecond659
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Posted by
(4840 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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An Introduction to Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham!
Character Biography
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
World Terms & Concepts
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
General Magic & Skills
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Physical Stats & Intelligence
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
My Current Conclusions
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw: Per your request, you have been tagged.
- FaradaySloth
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Posted by
(3467 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
- ValorKnight
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(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Thank you, and, yeah, he is pretty beefy for his age group.
- vsw
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Edited by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: Nice post man
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
Thank you very much.
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Tag for vote please, this looks fun
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Will do. If you don't mind, what did you think of my opener?
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: excellent
- universeichigo1
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Posted by
(1573 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
I see, well, thank you anyway.
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
Thank you.
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- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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The Great Magician
The Gourmet Hunter
Rules & Stipulations
- Both characters are their end of series incarnations
- Everyone is in-character, but completely serious
- Standard gear is available for both characters
- The battle will take place on an indestructible planet
- Victory by death, knockout, incapacitation or battlefield removal
- As this is an official match, we ask that you keep your opinions to yourself until the debate has finished
- If you wish to be tagged when the debate is over, simply ask and it will be done when the time comes
- Please do not vote on who you believe to be more powerful, but instead on who debated the most solidly
With all of that said, thanks for reading!
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@grinningf0x said:
'Twill be done.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
Tag after every post
They are both end of series, as I stated in the rules section.
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: smh im blind
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
It's no big deal, lol.
- GearSecond659
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Posted by
(4840 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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An Introduction to Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham!
Character Biography
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
World Terms & Concepts
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
General Magic & Skills
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Physical Stats & Intelligence
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
My Current Conclusions
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw: Per your request, you have been tagged.
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Posted by
(3467 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Thank you, and, yeah, he is pretty beefy for his age group.
- vsw
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Edited by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: Nice post man
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
Thank you very much.
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Tag for vote please, this looks fun
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Will do. If you don't mind, what did you think of my opener?
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: excellent
- universeichigo1
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
I see, well, thank you anyway.
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
Thank you.
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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The Great Magician
The Gourmet Hunter
Rules & Stipulations
- Both characters are their end of series incarnations
- Everyone is in-character, but completely serious
- Standard gear is available for both characters
- The battle will take place on an indestructible planet
- Victory by death, knockout, incapacitation or battlefield removal
- As this is an official match, we ask that you keep your opinions to yourself until the debate has finished
- If you wish to be tagged when the debate is over, simply ask and it will be done when the time comes
- Please do not vote on who you believe to be more powerful, but instead on who debated the most solidly
With all of that said, thanks for reading!
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@grinningf0x said:
'Twill be done.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
Tag after every post
They are both end of series, as I stated in the rules section.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: smh im blind
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
It's no big deal, lol.
- GearSecond659
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Posted by
(4840 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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An Introduction to Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham!
Character Biography
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
World Terms & Concepts
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
General Magic & Skills
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Physical Stats & Intelligence
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
My Current Conclusions
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw: Per your request, you have been tagged.
- FaradaySloth
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Posted by
(3467 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Thank you, and, yeah, he is pretty beefy for his age group.
- vsw
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Edited by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: Nice post man
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
Thank you very much.
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Tag for vote please, this looks fun
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Will do. If you don't mind, what did you think of my opener?
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: excellent
- universeichigo1
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
I see, well, thank you anyway.
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
Thank you.
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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The Great Magician
The Gourmet Hunter
Rules & Stipulations
- Both characters are their end of series incarnations
- Everyone is in-character, but completely serious
- Standard gear is available for both characters
- The battle will take place on an indestructible planet
- Victory by death, knockout, incapacitation or battlefield removal
- As this is an official match, we ask that you keep your opinions to yourself until the debate has finished
- If you wish to be tagged when the debate is over, simply ask and it will be done when the time comes
- Please do not vote on who you believe to be more powerful, but instead on who debated the most solidly
With all of that said, thanks for reading!
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@grinningf0x said:
'Twill be done.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
Tag after every post
They are both end of series, as I stated in the rules section.
- vsw
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: smh im blind
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
It's no big deal, lol.
- GearSecond659
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Posted by
(4840 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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An Introduction to Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham!
Character Biography
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
World Terms & Concepts
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
General Magic & Skills
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Physical Stats & Intelligence
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
My Current Conclusions
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
- ValorKnight
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw: Per your request, you have been tagged.
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(3467 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Thank you, and, yeah, he is pretty beefy for his age group.
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: Nice post man
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
Thank you very much.
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Tag for vote please, this looks fun
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Will do. If you don't mind, what did you think of my opener?
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
- Grinningf0x
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: excellent
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Posted by
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- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
I see, well, thank you anyway.
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
Thank you.
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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The Great Magician
The Gourmet Hunter
Rules & Stipulations
- Both characters are their end of series incarnations
- Everyone is in-character, but completely serious
- Standard gear is available for both characters
- The battle will take place on an indestructible planet
- Victory by death, knockout, incapacitation or battlefield removal
- As this is an official match, we ask that you keep your opinions to yourself until the debate has finished
- If you wish to be tagged when the debate is over, simply ask and it will be done when the time comes
- Please do not vote on who you believe to be more powerful, but instead on who debated the most solidly
With all of that said, thanks for reading!
- ValorKnight
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- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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The Great Magician
The Gourmet Hunter
Rules & Stipulations
- Both characters are their end of series incarnations
- Everyone is in-character, but completely serious
- Standard gear is available for both characters
- The battle will take place on an indestructible planet
- Victory by death, knockout, incapacitation or battlefield removal
- As this is an official match, we ask that you keep your opinions to yourself until the debate has finished
- If you wish to be tagged when the debate is over, simply ask and it will be done when the time comes
- Please do not vote on who you believe to be more powerful, but instead on who debated the most solidly
With all of that said, thanks for reading!
Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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The Great Magician
The Gourmet Hunter
Rules & Stipulations
- Both characters are their end of series incarnations
- Everyone is in-character, but completely serious
- Standard gear is available for both characters
- The battle will take place on an indestructible planet
- Victory by death, knockout, incapacitation or battlefield removal
- As this is an official match, we ask that you keep your opinions to yourself until the debate has finished
- If you wish to be tagged when the debate is over, simply ask and it will be done when the time comes
- Please do not vote on who you believe to be more powerful, but instead on who debated the most solidly
With all of that said, thanks for reading!
Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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The Great Magician
The Gourmet Hunter
Rules & Stipulations
- Both characters are their end of series incarnations
- Everyone is in-character, but completely serious
- Standard gear is available for both characters
- The battle will take place on an indestructible planet
- Victory by death, knockout, incapacitation or battlefield removal
- As this is an official match, we ask that you keep your opinions to yourself until the debate has finished
- If you wish to be tagged when the debate is over, simply ask and it will be done when the time comes
- Please do not vote on who you believe to be more powerful, but instead on who debated the most solidly
With all of that said, thanks for reading!
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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- Grinningf0x
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- Grinningf0x
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- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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- 1 month, 3 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@grinningf0x said:
'Twill be done.
- ValorKnight
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- ValorKnight
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(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@grinningf0x said:
'Twill be done.
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(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@grinningf0x said:
'Twill be done.
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(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@grinningf0x said:
'Twill be done.
@grinningf0x said:
- vsw
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(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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- vsw
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- vsw
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- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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- ValorKnight
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(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
Tag after every post
They are both end of series, as I stated in the rules section.
- ValorKnight
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- ValorKnight
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(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
Tag after every post
They are both end of series, as I stated in the rules section.
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(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
Tag after every post
They are both end of series, as I stated in the rules section.
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(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
Tag after every post
They are both end of series, as I stated in the rules section.
@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: is SUnny EOS? If not then what's arc?
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Posted by
(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: smh im blind
- vsw
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- vsw
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- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: smh im blind
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(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: smh im blind
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(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@valorknight: smh im blind
- ValorKnight
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(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
It's no big deal, lol.
- ValorKnight
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- ValorKnight
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(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
It's no big deal, lol.
Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
It's no big deal, lol.
Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
It's no big deal, lol.
@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
@vsw said:
@valorknight: smh im blind
- GearSecond659
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- GearSecond659
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Posted by
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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An Introduction to Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham!
Character Biography
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
World Terms & Concepts
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
General Magic & Skills
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Physical Stats & Intelligence
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
My Current Conclusions
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
- ValorKnight
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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An Introduction to Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham!
Character Biography
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
World Terms & Concepts
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
General Magic & Skills
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Physical Stats & Intelligence
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
My Current Conclusions
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
- Show Bio
An Introduction to Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham!
Character Biography
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
World Terms & Concepts
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
General Magic & Skills
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Physical Stats & Intelligence
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
My Current Conclusions
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
- Show Bio
An Introduction to Aladdin Jehoahaz Abraham!
Character Biography
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
World Terms & Concepts
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
General Magic & Skills
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Physical Stats & Intelligence
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
My Current Conclusions
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
Aladdin is the son of King Solomon, and the 4th Magi of the current era. He was thrust into the world without any prior knowledge or preparation, which caused him to wander blindly until he met Alibaba Saluja, his future King's Vessel. After this, the two would meet many other fantastical characters, and would inevitably get caught up in a plot to end the entire world as they knew it, having only their bonds of friendship holding them together and pushing them to become the heroes of our story.
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
In Magi, there are a few concepts that you will need to wrap your head around in order to understand how and why things work within this fantastical universe. I'll be going over the basics below:
- First, I'll need to talk about the Rukh. It is the thing that makes up the entirety of the universe, from trees and rocks to light and thunder. It is also where the souls of all who have passed return to when they do so, and can be channeled into magic in the form of Magoi (this universe's version of Chakra, Ki, etcetera).
- Next up are Djinn. In case you aren't familiar with Arabian folklore (which is largely what Magi is based on), then you have probably never heard of these powerful beings. In the confines of the series, these are creatures made from the Rukh that grant great power to those that are destined to lead the world (these are called King Vessels). It is quite random what power you will attain from a Djinn, but all are very powerful and destructive in their own right, leading to many close encounters for Aladdin (which I will be referencing later on).
- Lastly, I'll be describing the nature of Magi and the Sacred Palace along with it's guardian. In this series, a Magi is a mage of creation that chooses King Vessels, who are then chosen by a Djinn in order to lead the world towards the light. The Sacred Palace is the place where all Rukh comes from, and it's guardian is an omnipotent protector of that source. In the final battle of the series, the main cast goes up against the current guardian of said palace, leading to some extraordinary feats from everyone present.
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Aladdin is an incredibly advanced magician in his world, both due to his status as a Magi and because of his ability to use Solomon's Wisdom to gain knowledge on any form of magic that has ever been used. It has allowed him to further his own skill, as well master the form of magic used by his father: vector manipulation. In it's first usage, we see it is capable of bending the universe around the user to achieve a variety of effects:
In the above scans, we see King Solomon use this magic to bend space and pull a "return to sender" type of maneuver. It bends space itself, so the strength of the attack is meaningless unless it, too, bends space and time. I realize that this is not Aladdin performing the feats, but it is a good example of what the ability can be used for (plus, he was already stated to have surpassed his father in terms of his proficiency with this magic). Another technique we see displayed is his ability to freely manipulate gravity:
In the above scans, lots of things are happening:
- In the first and part of the second scan, we see him manipulate gravity to repel mountain sized ships away from him.
- In the third and fourth scans, he manipulates gravity in order to throw his opponents into space, only to make them smash back into the planet.
Perhaps his most devestating ability, however, is to fix and stop forces by manipulating the laws of physics as we know them. It is demonstrated in his fight with the mages of Alma-Torran that he can do this on a fairly large scale:
I mentioned this earlier, but since this ability literally bends space and alters physics, he will be able to stop, repel, or extinguish your attack no matter how hard you try to hit him. I'll dwell on this particular ability no longer, as I have only one more thing to bring up regarding it's uses; that is a passive bonus ability that allows him to see all vectors and forces of the universe:
I know that the above scans may seem like a contradiction to what I just said, but it actually isn't. It has been revealed that Aladdin has since mastered this form of sight, and that he can now see all of this world's vectors perfectly. It's main advantage is that getting the drop on him is essentially impossible, as the true universe knows no directions or dimensions, meaning that he can see all around him at all times:
In the above scans, Al-Thamen mages put up a smokescreen to obscure his vision, but, as Arba says, it is impossible to touch him now. In addition to these abilites, Aladdin has a few other forms of magic that can be very helpful in a fight, such as these:
- He has shown the ability to boil his opponent's blood (this is one of those attacks that ignores durability, and he has a lot of those):
- Another ability of his is molecular rearrangement through alchemical magic (again, an attack that ingores conventional durability):
- Lastly, Aladdin is equipped with a Borg (which is a reflexive forcefield that all magicians have), which protects him from all forms of attack (including mental infiltration as well as existence erasure):
These are the basics on essentially all of his abilites that I will be referencing in this debate, so I'll be moving on to his stats such as speed and intelligence.
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
Aladdin isn't a physical powerhouse in the traditional sense like Sunny is, but he does have some very impressive speed feats to back up his dangerous hax. It does require some scaling, but it all flows and makes sense, so I feel no shame in using it; for starters, let's look at the spell that pushed the Magi universe into the realm of lightspeed and beyond:
If you recall, in my "World Terms & Concepts" section, I noted that all magic in the verse comes from the Rukh. It is explained by Sinbad and Judar that every other natural phenomenon is also spawned from the Rukh:
This would mean that all magic in the verse is equivalent to it's natural counterpart, making the spell "Light Beam" actually lightspeed, as well as the character who used a fog spell to difract it. In that same chapter, Aladdin is dueling with this character evenly, meaning that he was already faster than light before the timeskip. Afterwards, he was capable of easily stomping a character that has blitzed faster people than the magician he dueled with above:
In the above scans, Aladdin reacts to an attempted blitz from the aforementioned massively faster than light character (note: this was right before he rearranged her molecular structure in the feat I showed earlier). In terms of intelligence, he uses his magic to it's fullest by exploiting weaknesses in his enemies and finding a way around their abilities with his own hax, and has shown that intelligence in the feats I've shown throughout this opener (he was capable of performing over one million magical orders casually, making him by far one of if not the most advanced magicians in his entire series).
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
I believe that Aladdin is capable of taking this match due to his unparalleled levels of control when it comes to the laws of physics and the world around him, but I'll list a few more reasons here:
- Sunny has no real counter to having his molecules rearranged or his blood boiled (both of which ignore conventional durability).
- Any attack that comes my way will simply be redirected or stopped altogether, whereas my opponent hasn't a single counter for my own attacks.
- They are similar enough in speed to the point that neither will have an advantage over the other, so it should be pretty cut and dry in this area as well.
That'll be all for my opener! Good luck with your first post, @faradaysloth!
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw: Per your request, you have been tagged.
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- ValorKnight
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Posted by
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- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw: Per your request, you have been tagged.
Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw: Per your request, you have been tagged.
Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw: Per your request, you have been tagged.
- FaradaySloth
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Posted by
(3467 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
- FaradaySloth
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- FaradaySloth
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Posted by
(3467 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Posted by
(3467 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Posted by
(3467 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Thank you, and, yeah, he is pretty beefy for his age group.
- ValorKnight
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- ValorKnight
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Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Thank you, and, yeah, he is pretty beefy for his age group.
Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Thank you, and, yeah, he is pretty beefy for his age group.
Edited by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
Thank you, and, yeah, he is pretty beefy for his age group.
@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
@faradaysloth said:
Good post, damn I did not think this little kid could be that powerful.
- vsw
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(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: Nice post man
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- vsw
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(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: Nice post man
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(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: Nice post man
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(2387 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: Nice post man
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
Thank you very much.
- ValorKnight
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- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
Thank you very much.
Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
Thank you very much.
Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
Thank you very much.
@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
@vsw said:
@valorknight: Nice post man
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Tag for vote please, this looks fun
- Mass
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- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Tag for vote please, this looks fun
- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Will do. If you don't mind, what did you think of my opener?
- ValorKnight
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- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Will do. If you don't mind, what did you think of my opener?
Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Will do. If you don't mind, what did you think of my opener?
Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
Will do. If you don't mind, what did you think of my opener?
@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
@mass said:
Tag for vote please, this looks fun
- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
- Mass
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- Mass
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Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
Posted by
(896 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: excellent
- Grinningf0x
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- Grinningf0x
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Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: excellent
Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: excellent
Posted by
(1311 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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@valorknight: excellent
- universeichigo1
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Posted by
(1573 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- universeichigo1
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- universeichigo1
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(1573 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Posted by
(1573 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Posted by
(1573 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
I see, well, thank you anyway.
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
Thank you.
- ValorKnight
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- ValorKnight
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Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
I see, well, thank you anyway.
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
Thank you.
Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
I see, well, thank you anyway.
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
Thank you.
Posted by
(11009 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
I see, well, thank you anyway.
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
Thank you.
@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
@mass said:
@valorknight: well I can't comment on the content or character since this is a CAV but it looks very well organized and thought out.
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
@grinningf0x said:
@valorknight: excellent
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