Values for nested fields not saving without error | Rails 5.2


I'm working on a Rails 5.2 application requiring the storing of a Quote, and one QuoteLineItem to go wwith it (Quote has_one :quote_line_item, QuoteLineItem belongs_to :quote). I've set it all up according to documentation, however when submitting the quotes#edit for (which contains fields_for @quote.quote_line_item...), the values for the Quote record are updated in the database, however values for the QuoteLineItem are not. No error is thrown on submission, and no "Unpermitted params..." message in server logs.

Quote Model

class Quote < ApplicationRecord
has_one :quote_line_item, inverse_of: :quote, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_item, update_only: true

QuoteLineItem Model

class QuoteLineItem < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :quote, inverse_of: :quote_line_item, touch: true

Quotes Controller

class QuotesController < ApplicationController
def update
@quote = Quote.find(params[:id])

if @quote.update(quote_params)
flash[:success] = "Quote was successfully updated."
redirect_to @quote
flash[:error] = "Quote was not updated. Please try again."
render :edit

def quote_params
params.require(:quote).permit(:issued_at, quote_line_item_attributes: [ :kind, :description, :price ])

Quotes Edit View

<%= form_for @quote do |quote_form| %>
<% if @quote.errors.any? %>
<div id="error_explanation">
<h2><%= pluralize(@quote.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this quote from being saved:</h2>

<% @quote.errors.full_messages.each do |message| %>
<li><%= message %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>

<%= quote_form.label :issued_at %>
<%= quote_form.datetime_field :issued_at %>

<%= fields_for :quote_line_item, @quote.quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
<%= quote_line_item_fields.label :description %><br>
<%= quote_line_item_fields.text_field :description %>

<%= quote_line_item_fields.label :price %>
<%= quote_line_item_fields.number_field :price, step: :any %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Server Logs

Started PATCH "/quotes/62" for at 2018-11-12 13:01:46 +0800
Processing by QuotesController#update as HTML
Parameters: "utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"bVa+vhRayuPDhe5xkLcK2rm10zQ9oHvtDSZsKDhMBsdX/JDjf6uXsnIJ7gM/yP7Lt9E+aBGIR9WCoLU2uNhgVQ==", "quote"=>"issued_at"=>"12/11/2018 11:05 AM", "quote_line_item"=>"description"=>"QuoteLineItem description goes here...", "price"=>"800.00", "commit"=>"Save", "id"=>"62"
Quote Load (3.8ms) SELECT `quotes`.* FROM `quotes` WHERE `quotes`.`id` = 62 LIMIT 1
↳ app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:127
(0.7ms) BEGIN
↳ app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:53
(3.6ms) COMMIT
↳ app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:53
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/quotes/62
Completed 302 Found in 44ms (ActiveRecord: 9.3ms)

Is there a reason this shouldn't be working?


share|improve this question

  • Can you please add log when you hit the update action?
    – Vishal
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:37

  • @Vishal I've added server logs for the quotes#update action.
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:43

  • check your parameters for quote_line_item it should be quote_line_items_attributes . can you please try with this ` accepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_items, update_only: true ` and check how parameters are passing with this.
    – Vishal
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:45

  • @Vishal thanks for the suggestion. With your suggested updates, I receive the error No association found for name 'quote_line_items'. Has it been defined yet?. The documentation shows that the model should be referenced in a singular form if the association is a has_one. Thanks
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:52

  • Okay, it should be onlyaccepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_item, update_only: true, but you need to pass the parameters correctly. in form, try this <%= fields_for :quote_line_item, @quote.quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
    – Vishal
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:55


I'm working on a Rails 5.2 application requiring the storing of a Quote, and one QuoteLineItem to go wwith it (Quote has_one :quote_line_item, QuoteLineItem belongs_to :quote). I've set it all up according to documentation, however when submitting the quotes#edit for (which contains fields_for @quote.quote_line_item...), the values for the Quote record are updated in the database, however values for the QuoteLineItem are not. No error is thrown on submission, and no "Unpermitted params..." message in server logs.

Quote Model

class Quote < ApplicationRecord
has_one :quote_line_item, inverse_of: :quote, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_item, update_only: true

QuoteLineItem Model

class QuoteLineItem < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :quote, inverse_of: :quote_line_item, touch: true

Quotes Controller

class QuotesController < ApplicationController
def update
@quote = Quote.find(params[:id])

if @quote.update(quote_params)
flash[:success] = "Quote was successfully updated."
redirect_to @quote
flash[:error] = "Quote was not updated. Please try again."
render :edit

def quote_params
params.require(:quote).permit(:issued_at, quote_line_item_attributes: [ :kind, :description, :price ])

Quotes Edit View

<%= form_for @quote do |quote_form| %>
<% if @quote.errors.any? %>
<div id="error_explanation">
<h2><%= pluralize(@quote.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this quote from being saved:</h2>

<% @quote.errors.full_messages.each do |message| %>
<li><%= message %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>

<%= quote_form.label :issued_at %>
<%= quote_form.datetime_field :issued_at %>

<%= fields_for :quote_line_item, @quote.quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
<%= quote_line_item_fields.label :description %><br>
<%= quote_line_item_fields.text_field :description %>

<%= quote_line_item_fields.label :price %>
<%= quote_line_item_fields.number_field :price, step: :any %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Server Logs

Started PATCH "/quotes/62" for at 2018-11-12 13:01:46 +0800
Processing by QuotesController#update as HTML
Parameters: "utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"bVa+vhRayuPDhe5xkLcK2rm10zQ9oHvtDSZsKDhMBsdX/JDjf6uXsnIJ7gM/yP7Lt9E+aBGIR9WCoLU2uNhgVQ==", "quote"=>"issued_at"=>"12/11/2018 11:05 AM", "quote_line_item"=>"description"=>"QuoteLineItem description goes here...", "price"=>"800.00", "commit"=>"Save", "id"=>"62"
Quote Load (3.8ms) SELECT `quotes`.* FROM `quotes` WHERE `quotes`.`id` = 62 LIMIT 1
↳ app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:127
(0.7ms) BEGIN
↳ app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:53
(3.6ms) COMMIT
↳ app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:53
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/quotes/62
Completed 302 Found in 44ms (ActiveRecord: 9.3ms)

Is there a reason this shouldn't be working?


share|improve this question

  • Can you please add log when you hit the update action?
    – Vishal
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:37

  • @Vishal I've added server logs for the quotes#update action.
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:43

  • check your parameters for quote_line_item it should be quote_line_items_attributes . can you please try with this ` accepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_items, update_only: true ` and check how parameters are passing with this.
    – Vishal
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:45

  • @Vishal thanks for the suggestion. With your suggested updates, I receive the error No association found for name 'quote_line_items'. Has it been defined yet?. The documentation shows that the model should be referenced in a singular form if the association is a has_one. Thanks
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:52

  • Okay, it should be onlyaccepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_item, update_only: true, but you need to pass the parameters correctly. in form, try this <%= fields_for :quote_line_item, @quote.quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
    – Vishal
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:55




I'm working on a Rails 5.2 application requiring the storing of a Quote, and one QuoteLineItem to go wwith it (Quote has_one :quote_line_item, QuoteLineItem belongs_to :quote). I've set it all up according to documentation, however when submitting the quotes#edit for (which contains fields_for @quote.quote_line_item...), the values for the Quote record are updated in the database, however values for the QuoteLineItem are not. No error is thrown on submission, and no "Unpermitted params..." message in server logs.

Quote Model

class Quote < ApplicationRecord
has_one :quote_line_item, inverse_of: :quote, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_item, update_only: true

QuoteLineItem Model

class QuoteLineItem < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :quote, inverse_of: :quote_line_item, touch: true

Quotes Controller

class QuotesController < ApplicationController
def update
@quote = Quote.find(params[:id])

if @quote.update(quote_params)
flash[:success] = "Quote was successfully updated."
redirect_to @quote
flash[:error] = "Quote was not updated. Please try again."
render :edit

def quote_params
params.require(:quote).permit(:issued_at, quote_line_item_attributes: [ :kind, :description, :price ])

Quotes Edit View

<%= form_for @quote do |quote_form| %>
<% if @quote.errors.any? %>
<div id="error_explanation">
<h2><%= pluralize(@quote.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this quote from being saved:</h2>

<% @quote.errors.full_messages.each do |message| %>
<li><%= message %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>

<%= quote_form.label :issued_at %>
<%= quote_form.datetime_field :issued_at %>

<%= fields_for :quote_line_item, @quote.quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
<%= quote_line_item_fields.label :description %><br>
<%= quote_line_item_fields.text_field :description %>

<%= quote_line_item_fields.label :price %>
<%= quote_line_item_fields.number_field :price, step: :any %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Server Logs

Started PATCH "/quotes/62" for at 2018-11-12 13:01:46 +0800
Processing by QuotesController#update as HTML
Parameters: "utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"bVa+vhRayuPDhe5xkLcK2rm10zQ9oHvtDSZsKDhMBsdX/JDjf6uXsnIJ7gM/yP7Lt9E+aBGIR9WCoLU2uNhgVQ==", "quote"=>"issued_at"=>"12/11/2018 11:05 AM", "quote_line_item"=>"description"=>"QuoteLineItem description goes here...", "price"=>"800.00", "commit"=>"Save", "id"=>"62"
Quote Load (3.8ms) SELECT `quotes`.* FROM `quotes` WHERE `quotes`.`id` = 62 LIMIT 1
↳ app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:127
(0.7ms) BEGIN
↳ app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:53
(3.6ms) COMMIT
↳ app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:53
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/quotes/62
Completed 302 Found in 44ms (ActiveRecord: 9.3ms)

Is there a reason this shouldn't be working?


share|improve this question

I'm working on a Rails 5.2 application requiring the storing of a Quote, and one QuoteLineItem to go wwith it (Quote has_one :quote_line_item, QuoteLineItem belongs_to :quote). I've set it all up according to documentation, however when submitting the quotes#edit for (which contains fields_for @quote.quote_line_item...), the values for the Quote record are updated in the database, however values for the QuoteLineItem are not. No error is thrown on submission, and no "Unpermitted params..." message in server logs.

Quote Model

class Quote < ApplicationRecord
has_one :quote_line_item, inverse_of: :quote, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_item, update_only: true

QuoteLineItem Model

class QuoteLineItem < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :quote, inverse_of: :quote_line_item, touch: true

Quotes Controller

class QuotesController < ApplicationController
def update
@quote = Quote.find(params[:id])

if @quote.update(quote_params)
flash[:success] = "Quote was successfully updated."
redirect_to @quote
flash[:error] = "Quote was not updated. Please try again."
render :edit

def quote_params
params.require(:quote).permit(:issued_at, quote_line_item_attributes: [ :kind, :description, :price ])

Quotes Edit View

<%= form_for @quote do |quote_form| %>
<% if @quote.errors.any? %>
<div id="error_explanation">
<h2><%= pluralize(@quote.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this quote from being saved:</h2>

<% @quote.errors.full_messages.each do |message| %>
<li><%= message %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>

<%= quote_form.label :issued_at %>
<%= quote_form.datetime_field :issued_at %>

<%= fields_for :quote_line_item, @quote.quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
<%= quote_line_item_fields.label :description %><br>
<%= quote_line_item_fields.text_field :description %>

<%= quote_line_item_fields.label :price %>
<%= quote_line_item_fields.number_field :price, step: :any %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Server Logs

Started PATCH "/quotes/62" for at 2018-11-12 13:01:46 +0800
Processing by QuotesController#update as HTML
Parameters: "utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"bVa+vhRayuPDhe5xkLcK2rm10zQ9oHvtDSZsKDhMBsdX/JDjf6uXsnIJ7gM/yP7Lt9E+aBGIR9WCoLU2uNhgVQ==", "quote"=>"issued_at"=>"12/11/2018 11:05 AM", "quote_line_item"=>"description"=>"QuoteLineItem description goes here...", "price"=>"800.00", "commit"=>"Save", "id"=>"62"
Quote Load (3.8ms) SELECT `quotes`.* FROM `quotes` WHERE `quotes`.`id` = 62 LIMIT 1
↳ app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:127
(0.7ms) BEGIN
↳ app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:53
(3.6ms) COMMIT
↳ app/controllers/quotes_controller.rb:53
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/quotes/62
Completed 302 Found in 44ms (ActiveRecord: 9.3ms)

Is there a reason this shouldn't be working?


ruby-on-rails ruby rails-activerecord nested-attributes

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Nov 12 '18 at 5:09


asked Nov 12 '18 at 4:36




  • Can you please add log when you hit the update action?
    – Vishal
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:37

  • @Vishal I've added server logs for the quotes#update action.
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:43

  • check your parameters for quote_line_item it should be quote_line_items_attributes . can you please try with this ` accepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_items, update_only: true ` and check how parameters are passing with this.
    – Vishal
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:45

  • @Vishal thanks for the suggestion. With your suggested updates, I receive the error No association found for name 'quote_line_items'. Has it been defined yet?. The documentation shows that the model should be referenced in a singular form if the association is a has_one. Thanks
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:52

  • Okay, it should be onlyaccepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_item, update_only: true, but you need to pass the parameters correctly. in form, try this <%= fields_for :quote_line_item, @quote.quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
    – Vishal
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:55

  • Can you please add log when you hit the update action?
    – Vishal
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:37

  • @Vishal I've added server logs for the quotes#update action.
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:43

  • check your parameters for quote_line_item it should be quote_line_items_attributes . can you please try with this ` accepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_items, update_only: true ` and check how parameters are passing with this.
    – Vishal
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:45

  • @Vishal thanks for the suggestion. With your suggested updates, I receive the error No association found for name 'quote_line_items'. Has it been defined yet?. The documentation shows that the model should be referenced in a singular form if the association is a has_one. Thanks
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:52

  • Okay, it should be onlyaccepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_item, update_only: true, but you need to pass the parameters correctly. in form, try this <%= fields_for :quote_line_item, @quote.quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
    – Vishal
    Nov 12 '18 at 4:55

Can you please add log when you hit the update action?
– Vishal
Nov 12 '18 at 4:37

Can you please add log when you hit the update action?
– Vishal
Nov 12 '18 at 4:37

@Vishal I've added server logs for the quotes#update action.
– slehmann36
Nov 12 '18 at 4:43

@Vishal I've added server logs for the quotes#update action.
– slehmann36
Nov 12 '18 at 4:43

check your parameters for quote_line_item it should be quote_line_items_attributes . can you please try with this ` accepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_items, update_only: true ` and check how parameters are passing with this.
– Vishal
Nov 12 '18 at 4:45

check your parameters for quote_line_item it should be quote_line_items_attributes . can you please try with this ` accepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_items, update_only: true ` and check how parameters are passing with this.
– Vishal
Nov 12 '18 at 4:45

@Vishal thanks for the suggestion. With your suggested updates, I receive the error No association found for name 'quote_line_items'. Has it been defined yet?. The documentation shows that the model should be referenced in a singular form if the association is a has_one. Thanks
– slehmann36
Nov 12 '18 at 4:52

@Vishal thanks for the suggestion. With your suggested updates, I receive the error No association found for name 'quote_line_items'. Has it been defined yet?. The documentation shows that the model should be referenced in a singular form if the association is a has_one. Thanks
– slehmann36
Nov 12 '18 at 4:52

Okay, it should be onlyaccepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_item, update_only: true, but you need to pass the parameters correctly. in form, try this <%= fields_for :quote_line_item, @quote.quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
– Vishal
Nov 12 '18 at 4:55

Okay, it should be onlyaccepts_nested_attributes_for :quote_line_item, update_only: true, but you need to pass the parameters correctly. in form, try this <%= fields_for :quote_line_item, @quote.quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
– Vishal
Nov 12 '18 at 4:55

1 Answer





Try referencing quote_form before your fields_for:

<%= form_for @quote do |quote_form| %>


<%= quote_form.fields_for :quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
# ^ <- Add here


<% end %>
<% end %>

After updating this, check that the parameters being passed to quotes#edit are nested:

i.e: "quote"=>"issued_at"=>"12/11/2018 11:05 AM", "quote_line_item"=>"description"=>"Line item description goes here...", "price"=>"200.00", "id"=>"63"

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    That was it, thanks for your answer.
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 6:50

Your Answer

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1 Answer




1 Answer











Try referencing quote_form before your fields_for:

<%= form_for @quote do |quote_form| %>


<%= quote_form.fields_for :quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
# ^ <- Add here


<% end %>
<% end %>

After updating this, check that the parameters being passed to quotes#edit are nested:

i.e: "quote"=>"issued_at"=>"12/11/2018 11:05 AM", "quote_line_item"=>"description"=>"Line item description goes here...", "price"=>"200.00", "id"=>"63"

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    That was it, thanks for your answer.
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 6:50


Try referencing quote_form before your fields_for:

<%= form_for @quote do |quote_form| %>


<%= quote_form.fields_for :quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
# ^ <- Add here


<% end %>
<% end %>

After updating this, check that the parameters being passed to quotes#edit are nested:

i.e: "quote"=>"issued_at"=>"12/11/2018 11:05 AM", "quote_line_item"=>"description"=>"Line item description goes here...", "price"=>"200.00", "id"=>"63"

share|improve this answer

  • 1

    That was it, thanks for your answer.
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 6:50




Try referencing quote_form before your fields_for:

<%= form_for @quote do |quote_form| %>


<%= quote_form.fields_for :quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
# ^ <- Add here


<% end %>
<% end %>

After updating this, check that the parameters being passed to quotes#edit are nested:

i.e: "quote"=>"issued_at"=>"12/11/2018 11:05 AM", "quote_line_item"=>"description"=>"Line item description goes here...", "price"=>"200.00", "id"=>"63"

share|improve this answer

Try referencing quote_form before your fields_for:

<%= form_for @quote do |quote_form| %>


<%= quote_form.fields_for :quote_line_item do |quote_line_item_fields| %>
# ^ <- Add here


<% end %>
<% end %>

After updating this, check that the parameters being passed to quotes#edit are nested:

i.e: "quote"=>"issued_at"=>"12/11/2018 11:05 AM", "quote_line_item"=>"description"=>"Line item description goes here...", "price"=>"200.00", "id"=>"63"

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered Nov 12 '18 at 6:49




  • 1

    That was it, thanks for your answer.
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 6:50

  • 1

    That was it, thanks for your answer.
    – slehmann36
    Nov 12 '18 at 6:50



That was it, thanks for your answer.
– slehmann36
Nov 12 '18 at 6:50

That was it, thanks for your answer.
– slehmann36
Nov 12 '18 at 6:50

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