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Jack Krauser vs MCU Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight

Jack Krauser vs MCU Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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Jack Krauser

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No Caption Provided

Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight (MCU)

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Standard gear for MCU villains

Krauser has his bow with explosive arrows and his combat knife

Krauser can mutate his arm at will

20 ft away


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Who wins and why?

Avatar image for a_marques

Edited by
(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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Krauser's feats:

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

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He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

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His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

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During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

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Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

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In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

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While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

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Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

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Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

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Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

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Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

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Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

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Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

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MCU Corvus and Proxima's feats:

The Black Order (MCU) Respect Thread

Avatar image for assemblesquad

Posted by

(2091 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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I think Krauser takes this

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser makes them explode by doing that arm charge thingy he did in Mercenaries.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2457 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krausers mutated arm is also able to make a shield for him which Leon couldnt even penetrate with a Rocket Launcher. Only way to get him is from the back and he has the speed to outwit the Duo. Krauser wins.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(8318 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krauser should win.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6981 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Krauser stomps

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Jack Krauser vs MCU Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Jack Krauser

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No Caption Provided

Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight (MCU)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Standard gear for MCU villains

Krauser has his bow with explosive arrows and his combat knife

Krauser can mutate his arm at will

20 ft away


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Who wins and why?

Avatar image for a_marques

Edited by
(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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Krauser's feats:

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

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He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

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His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

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During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

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Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

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In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

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While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

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Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

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Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

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Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

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Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

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Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

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Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

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MCU Corvus and Proxima's feats:

The Black Order (MCU) Respect Thread

Avatar image for assemblesquad

Posted by

(2091 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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I think Krauser takes this

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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Krauser makes them explode by doing that arm charge thingy he did in Mercenaries.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2457 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krausers mutated arm is also able to make a shield for him which Leon couldnt even penetrate with a Rocket Launcher. Only way to get him is from the back and he has the speed to outwit the Duo. Krauser wins.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(8318 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krauser should win.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6981 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Krauser stomps

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Jack Krauser vs MCU Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Jack Krauser

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No Caption Provided

Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight (MCU)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Standard gear for MCU villains

Krauser has his bow with explosive arrows and his combat knife

Krauser can mutate his arm at will

20 ft away


No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Who wins and why?

Avatar image for a_marques

Edited by
(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser's feats:

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

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He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

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His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

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During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

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Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

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In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

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While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

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Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

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Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

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Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

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Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

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Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

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Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

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No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

MCU Corvus and Proxima's feats:

The Black Order (MCU) Respect Thread

Avatar image for assemblesquad

Posted by

(2091 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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I think Krauser takes this

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser makes them explode by doing that arm charge thingy he did in Mercenaries.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2457 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krausers mutated arm is also able to make a shield for him which Leon couldnt even penetrate with a Rocket Launcher. Only way to get him is from the back and he has the speed to outwit the Duo. Krauser wins.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(8318 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krauser should win.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6981 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Krauser stomps

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Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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Jack Krauser

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No Caption Provided

Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight (MCU)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Standard gear for MCU villains

Krauser has his bow with explosive arrows and his combat knife

Krauser can mutate his arm at will

20 ft away


No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Who wins and why?

Avatar image for a_marques

Edited by
(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser's feats:

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

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He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

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His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

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During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

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Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

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In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

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While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

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Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

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Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

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Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

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No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

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No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

MCU Corvus and Proxima's feats:

The Black Order (MCU) Respect Thread

Avatar image for assemblesquad

Posted by

(2091 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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I think Krauser takes this

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser makes them explode by doing that arm charge thingy he did in Mercenaries.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2457 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krausers mutated arm is also able to make a shield for him which Leon couldnt even penetrate with a Rocket Launcher. Only way to get him is from the back and he has the speed to outwit the Duo. Krauser wins.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(8318 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krauser should win.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6981 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Krauser stomps

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Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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Jack Krauser

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight (MCU)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Standard gear for MCU villains

Krauser has his bow with explosive arrows and his combat knife

Krauser can mutate his arm at will

20 ft away


No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Who wins and why?

Avatar image for a_marques

Edited by
(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser's feats:

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

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He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

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His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

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During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

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Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

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In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

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While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

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No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

MCU Corvus and Proxima's feats:

The Black Order (MCU) Respect Thread

Avatar image for assemblesquad

Posted by

(2091 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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I think Krauser takes this

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser makes them explode by doing that arm charge thingy he did in Mercenaries.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2457 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krausers mutated arm is also able to make a shield for him which Leon couldnt even penetrate with a Rocket Launcher. Only way to get him is from the back and he has the speed to outwit the Duo. Krauser wins.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(8318 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krauser should win.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6981 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Krauser stomps

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Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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Jack Krauser

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight (MCU)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Standard gear for MCU villains

Krauser has his bow with explosive arrows and his combat knife

Krauser can mutate his arm at will

20 ft away


No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Who wins and why?

Avatar image for a_marques

Edited by
(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser's feats:

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

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He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

No Caption Provided

His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

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Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

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In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

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While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

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No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

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No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

MCU Corvus and Proxima's feats:

The Black Order (MCU) Respect Thread

Avatar image for assemblesquad

Posted by

(2091 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

I think Krauser takes this

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser makes them explode by doing that arm charge thingy he did in Mercenaries.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2457 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
- Show Bio

Krausers mutated arm is also able to make a shield for him which Leon couldnt even penetrate with a Rocket Launcher. Only way to get him is from the back and he has the speed to outwit the Duo. Krauser wins.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(8318 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser should win.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6981 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser stomps

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Jump to Last Read

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Jack Krauser

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight (MCU)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Standard gear for MCU villains

Krauser has his bow with explosive arrows and his combat knife

Krauser can mutate his arm at will

20 ft away


No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Who wins and why?

Avatar image for a_marques

Edited by
(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser's feats:

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

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He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

No Caption Provided

His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

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Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

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While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

MCU Corvus and Proxima's feats:

The Black Order (MCU) Respect Thread

Avatar image for assemblesquad

Posted by

(2091 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

I think Krauser takes this

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser makes them explode by doing that arm charge thingy he did in Mercenaries.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2457 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
- Show Bio

Krausers mutated arm is also able to make a shield for him which Leon couldnt even penetrate with a Rocket Launcher. Only way to get him is from the back and he has the speed to outwit the Duo. Krauser wins.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(8318 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser should win.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6981 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser stomps

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Jump to Last Read

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Jack Krauser

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight (MCU)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Standard gear for MCU villains

Krauser has his bow with explosive arrows and his combat knife

Krauser can mutate his arm at will

20 ft away


No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Who wins and why?

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Jack Krauser

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight (MCU)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Standard gear for MCU villains

Krauser has his bow with explosive arrows and his combat knife

Krauser can mutate his arm at will

20 ft away


No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Who wins and why?

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Jack Krauser

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight (MCU)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Standard gear for MCU villains

Krauser has his bow with explosive arrows and his combat knife

Krauser can mutate his arm at will

20 ft away


No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Who wins and why?

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Jack Krauser

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Corvus Glaive and Proxima Midnight (MCU)

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Standard gear for MCU villains

Krauser has his bow with explosive arrows and his combat knife

Krauser can mutate his arm at will

20 ft away


No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Who wins and why?

Avatar image for a_marques

Edited by
(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser's feats:

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

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He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

No Caption Provided

His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

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During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

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Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

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While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
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No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

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Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

MCU Corvus and Proxima's feats:

The Black Order (MCU) Respect Thread

Avatar image for a_marques

Edited by
(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser's feats:

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

No Caption Provided

He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

No Caption Provided

His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

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While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

MCU Corvus and Proxima's feats:

The Black Order (MCU) Respect Thread

Edited by
(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser's feats:

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

No Caption Provided

He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

No Caption Provided

His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

MCU Corvus and Proxima's feats:

The Black Order (MCU) Respect Thread

Edited by
(332 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser's feats:

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

No Caption Provided

He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

No Caption Provided

His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

MCU Corvus and Proxima's feats:

The Black Order (MCU) Respect Thread

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

No Caption Provided

He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

No Caption Provided

His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Krauser is a first class soldier with plenty of experience leading multiple successful missions, leaving extraordinary achievements.

No Caption Provided

He fought non-stop every single day of his life, even on his days off as a mercenary, because fighting was all he knew and that's what gave his life meaning.

No Caption Provided

His skills are totally unparalleled in the US Military, which means he's not only the very best soldier, he's on a whole different level than everyone else, even among elite special forces units. He was so good he was handpicked to work for an Anti-BOW task force(far superior to regular special forces units) as Leon's partner on the Operation Javier mission.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

During the mission, Krauser gravely wounded his arm and was discharged from the military. After that, he focused on his mercenary work and became the best gun for hire in the world, with the mysterious organization Ada works for (which secretly maneuvers in the background of global affairs) doing extensive research on his abilities and testing his skills both on and off the battlefield to make sure he was the best. All this while having a SINGLE functional arm.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Then later he contacts Wesker and starts working under him as his top hitman doing a number of missions, including the kidnapping of the US President's daughter from under the US government watchful eyes in order to ingratiate himself to the Los Illuminados cult's inner circle. Again, while only having a single arm.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

In the in-game dialogue, he says he can see Leon's every move, implying he has body movement reading abilities.

When Leon defeated Krauser, Saddler was so impressed that he decided he'd turn Leon into his personal bodyguard after the las plagas took control of his body.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


While in a weakened state, Krauser crushes and twists a thick reinforced steel beam in his grip, tears it in half before throwing it with enough force to cause the concrete ground to explode, sending chunks of the ground flying.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can casually move faster than the eye can see while covering large distances in an instant, and dodges point blank bullets after they're fired off as a counterattack in the middle of combat.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Casually back flips 30 ft high into the air.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Shows off his agility and acrobatics while dodging gun fire.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Durability/Healing factor

Krauser survives getting shot, stabbed and slashed so many times a large chunk of his chest is destroyed and his heart literally explodes inside his chest, then he gets caught in an explosion powerful enough to destroy two stone towers. He's still alive.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided


Krauser can turn his arm into a giant blade which can convert into a shield made of organic metal stated strong enough to block and deflect missiles.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Using his mutated arm, Krauser dashes through super tough, bullet resistant ganados with enough force to explode their entire bodies like water balloons.

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided
No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Avatar image for assemblesquad

Posted by

(2091 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

I think Krauser takes this

Avatar image for assemblesquad

Posted by

(2091 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

I think Krauser takes this

Posted by

(2091 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

I think Krauser takes this

Posted by

(2091 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

I think Krauser takes this

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser makes them explode by doing that arm charge thingy he did in Mercenaries.

Avatar image for stalin-is-steel

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser makes them explode by doing that arm charge thingy he did in Mercenaries.

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser makes them explode by doing that arm charge thingy he did in Mercenaries.

Edited by
(3586 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

Krauser makes them explode by doing that arm charge thingy he did in Mercenaries.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2457 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krausers mutated arm is also able to make a shield for him which Leon couldnt even penetrate with a Rocket Launcher. Only way to get him is from the back and he has the speed to outwit the Duo. Krauser wins.

Avatar image for xmangog__beastx

Posted by

(2457 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krausers mutated arm is also able to make a shield for him which Leon couldnt even penetrate with a Rocket Launcher. Only way to get him is from the back and he has the speed to outwit the Duo. Krauser wins.

Posted by

(2457 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krausers mutated arm is also able to make a shield for him which Leon couldnt even penetrate with a Rocket Launcher. Only way to get him is from the back and he has the speed to outwit the Duo. Krauser wins.

Posted by

(2457 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krausers mutated arm is also able to make a shield for him which Leon couldnt even penetrate with a Rocket Launcher. Only way to get him is from the back and he has the speed to outwit the Duo. Krauser wins.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Avatar image for lan_fan

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(8318 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krauser should win.

Avatar image for lan_fan

Posted by

(8318 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krauser should win.

Posted by

(8318 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krauser should win.

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(8318 posts)
- 1 month, 3 days ago
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Krauser should win.

Avatar image for a_marques

Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Avatar image for a_marques

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(332 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Posted by

(332 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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(332 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Avatar image for amberprice

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(6981 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Krauser stomps

Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6981 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Krauser stomps

Posted by

(6981 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Krauser stomps

Posted by

(6981 posts)
- 1 month, 2 days ago
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Krauser stomps

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