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The Genie vs SA Superman

The Genie vs SA Superman

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

In this battle, the Genie from the movie Aladdin will take on SA Superman, who wins?

The Genie is at full power. His lamp (is that still a factor when he's free?) is completely safe

Fight takes place on an indestructible planet. Starting distance is 25 feet

All are bloodlusted. Victory by ko or death.

Who wins?

Avatar image for thenewbluebeetle007

Posted by

(4754 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

SA superman sneezes. Genie dies.

Avatar image for beware_my_power

Posted by

(4605 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Robin Williams One-shots

Avatar image for theultimatetitan

Posted by

(210 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

A free genie=Omnipotence in universe. Superman isn't even close to omnipotent in pre-crisis.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@theultimatetitan: he has the power of plot

Avatar image for gobomo

Posted by

(22 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

Avatar image for citizensentry

Posted by

(12121 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

It doesn't matter on the type of sun there is, Genie blinks SA Superman out of existence.

Avatar image for marshall_long

Posted by

(5622 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Not really a fair battle despite how broken SA Superman is.

Avatar image for ordinaryalan

Posted by

(6706 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

Avatar image for hatemalingsia

Posted by

(15494 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

He can ko him

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Not quite, he has some limits

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

SA Supes's plot powers could help

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

I'm guessing there's context, I don't know what though. I just kinda found that picture

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

This is true :)

Avatar image for juiceboks

Posted by

(24118 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie's best feat was lifting a city..Clark has moved planets.

Moderator Online

Avatar image for rustlingjimmy

Posted by

(790 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

still unlimited cosmic power

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The Genie vs SA Superman

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

In this battle, the Genie from the movie Aladdin will take on SA Superman, who wins?

The Genie is at full power. His lamp (is that still a factor when he's free?) is completely safe

Fight takes place on an indestructible planet. Starting distance is 25 feet

All are bloodlusted. Victory by ko or death.

Who wins?

Avatar image for thenewbluebeetle007

Posted by

(4754 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

SA superman sneezes. Genie dies.

Avatar image for beware_my_power

Posted by

(4605 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Robin Williams One-shots

Avatar image for theultimatetitan

Posted by

(210 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

A free genie=Omnipotence in universe. Superman isn't even close to omnipotent in pre-crisis.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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@theultimatetitan: he has the power of plot

Avatar image for gobomo

Posted by

(22 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

Avatar image for citizensentry

Posted by

(12121 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

It doesn't matter on the type of sun there is, Genie blinks SA Superman out of existence.

Avatar image for marshall_long

Posted by

(5622 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Not really a fair battle despite how broken SA Superman is.

Avatar image for ordinaryalan

Posted by

(6706 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

Avatar image for hatemalingsia

Posted by

(15494 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

He can ko him

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Not quite, he has some limits

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

SA Supes's plot powers could help

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

I'm guessing there's context, I don't know what though. I just kinda found that picture

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

This is true :)

Avatar image for juiceboks

Posted by

(24118 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie's best feat was lifting a city..Clark has moved planets.

Moderator Online

Avatar image for rustlingjimmy

Posted by

(790 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

still unlimited cosmic power

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The Genie vs SA Superman

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

In this battle, the Genie from the movie Aladdin will take on SA Superman, who wins?

The Genie is at full power. His lamp (is that still a factor when he's free?) is completely safe

Fight takes place on an indestructible planet. Starting distance is 25 feet

All are bloodlusted. Victory by ko or death.

Who wins?

Avatar image for thenewbluebeetle007

Posted by

(4754 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

SA superman sneezes. Genie dies.

Avatar image for beware_my_power

Posted by

(4605 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Robin Williams One-shots

Avatar image for theultimatetitan

Posted by

(210 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

A free genie=Omnipotence in universe. Superman isn't even close to omnipotent in pre-crisis.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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@theultimatetitan: he has the power of plot

Avatar image for gobomo

Posted by

(22 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

Avatar image for citizensentry

Posted by

(12121 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

It doesn't matter on the type of sun there is, Genie blinks SA Superman out of existence.

Avatar image for marshall_long

Posted by

(5622 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Not really a fair battle despite how broken SA Superman is.

Avatar image for ordinaryalan

Posted by

(6706 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

Avatar image for hatemalingsia

Posted by

(15494 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

He can ko him

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Not quite, he has some limits

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

SA Supes's plot powers could help

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

I'm guessing there's context, I don't know what though. I just kinda found that picture

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

This is true :)

Avatar image for juiceboks

Posted by

(24118 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie's best feat was lifting a city..Clark has moved planets.

Moderator Online

Avatar image for rustlingjimmy

Posted by

(790 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

still unlimited cosmic power

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Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

In this battle, the Genie from the movie Aladdin will take on SA Superman, who wins?

The Genie is at full power. His lamp (is that still a factor when he's free?) is completely safe

Fight takes place on an indestructible planet. Starting distance is 25 feet

All are bloodlusted. Victory by ko or death.

Who wins?

Avatar image for thenewbluebeetle007

Posted by

(4754 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

SA superman sneezes. Genie dies.

Avatar image for beware_my_power

Posted by

(4605 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Robin Williams One-shots

Avatar image for theultimatetitan

Posted by

(210 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

A free genie=Omnipotence in universe. Superman isn't even close to omnipotent in pre-crisis.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@theultimatetitan: he has the power of plot

Avatar image for gobomo

Posted by

(22 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

Avatar image for citizensentry

Posted by

(12121 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

It doesn't matter on the type of sun there is, Genie blinks SA Superman out of existence.

Avatar image for marshall_long

Posted by

(5622 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Not really a fair battle despite how broken SA Superman is.

Avatar image for ordinaryalan

Posted by

(6706 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

Avatar image for hatemalingsia

Posted by

(15494 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
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@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

He can ko him

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Not quite, he has some limits

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

SA Supes's plot powers could help

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

I'm guessing there's context, I don't know what though. I just kinda found that picture

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

This is true :)

Avatar image for juiceboks

Posted by

(24118 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie's best feat was lifting a city..Clark has moved planets.

Moderator Online

Avatar image for rustlingjimmy

Posted by

(790 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

still unlimited cosmic power

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Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

In this battle, the Genie from the movie Aladdin will take on SA Superman, who wins?

The Genie is at full power. His lamp (is that still a factor when he's free?) is completely safe

Fight takes place on an indestructible planet. Starting distance is 25 feet

All are bloodlusted. Victory by ko or death.

Who wins?

Avatar image for thenewbluebeetle007

Posted by

(4754 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

SA superman sneezes. Genie dies.

Avatar image for beware_my_power

Posted by

(4605 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Robin Williams One-shots

Avatar image for theultimatetitan

Posted by

(210 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

A free genie=Omnipotence in universe. Superman isn't even close to omnipotent in pre-crisis.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@theultimatetitan: he has the power of plot

Avatar image for gobomo

Posted by

(22 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

Avatar image for citizensentry

Posted by

(12121 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

It doesn't matter on the type of sun there is, Genie blinks SA Superman out of existence.

Avatar image for marshall_long

Posted by

(5622 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Not really a fair battle despite how broken SA Superman is.

Avatar image for ordinaryalan

Posted by

(6706 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

Avatar image for hatemalingsia

Posted by

(15494 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

He can ko him

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Not quite, he has some limits

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

SA Supes's plot powers could help

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

I'm guessing there's context, I don't know what though. I just kinda found that picture

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

This is true :)

Avatar image for juiceboks

Posted by

(24118 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie's best feat was lifting a city..Clark has moved planets.

Moderator Online

Avatar image for rustlingjimmy

Posted by

(790 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

still unlimited cosmic power

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Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

In this battle, the Genie from the movie Aladdin will take on SA Superman, who wins?

The Genie is at full power. His lamp (is that still a factor when he's free?) is completely safe

Fight takes place on an indestructible planet. Starting distance is 25 feet

All are bloodlusted. Victory by ko or death.

Who wins?

Avatar image for thenewbluebeetle007

Posted by

(4754 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

SA superman sneezes. Genie dies.

Avatar image for beware_my_power

Posted by

(4605 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Robin Williams One-shots

Avatar image for theultimatetitan

Posted by

(210 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

A free genie=Omnipotence in universe. Superman isn't even close to omnipotent in pre-crisis.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@theultimatetitan: he has the power of plot

Avatar image for gobomo

Posted by

(22 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

Avatar image for citizensentry

Posted by

(12121 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

It doesn't matter on the type of sun there is, Genie blinks SA Superman out of existence.

Avatar image for marshall_long

Posted by

(5622 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Not really a fair battle despite how broken SA Superman is.

Avatar image for ordinaryalan

Posted by

(6706 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

Avatar image for hatemalingsia

Posted by

(15494 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

He can ko him

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Not quite, he has some limits

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

SA Supes's plot powers could help

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

I'm guessing there's context, I don't know what though. I just kinda found that picture

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

This is true :)

Avatar image for juiceboks

Posted by

(24118 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie's best feat was lifting a city..Clark has moved planets.

Moderator Online

Avatar image for rustlingjimmy

Posted by

(790 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

still unlimited cosmic power

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Jump to Last Read

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

In this battle, the Genie from the movie Aladdin will take on SA Superman, who wins?

The Genie is at full power. His lamp (is that still a factor when he's free?) is completely safe

Fight takes place on an indestructible planet. Starting distance is 25 feet

All are bloodlusted. Victory by ko or death.

Who wins?

Avatar image for thenewbluebeetle007

Posted by

(4754 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

SA superman sneezes. Genie dies.

Avatar image for beware_my_power

Posted by

(4605 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Robin Williams One-shots

Avatar image for theultimatetitan

Posted by

(210 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

A free genie=Omnipotence in universe. Superman isn't even close to omnipotent in pre-crisis.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@theultimatetitan: he has the power of plot

Avatar image for gobomo

Posted by

(22 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

Avatar image for citizensentry

Posted by

(12121 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

It doesn't matter on the type of sun there is, Genie blinks SA Superman out of existence.

Avatar image for marshall_long

Posted by

(5622 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Not really a fair battle despite how broken SA Superman is.

Avatar image for ordinaryalan

Posted by

(6706 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

Avatar image for hatemalingsia

Posted by

(15494 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

He can ko him

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Not quite, he has some limits

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

SA Supes's plot powers could help

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

I'm guessing there's context, I don't know what though. I just kinda found that picture

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

This is true :)

Avatar image for juiceboks

Posted by

(24118 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie's best feat was lifting a city..Clark has moved planets.

Moderator Online

Avatar image for rustlingjimmy

Posted by

(790 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

still unlimited cosmic power

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Jump to Last Read

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

In this battle, the Genie from the movie Aladdin will take on SA Superman, who wins?

The Genie is at full power. His lamp (is that still a factor when he's free?) is completely safe

Fight takes place on an indestructible planet. Starting distance is 25 feet

All are bloodlusted. Victory by ko or death.

Who wins?

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

In this battle, the Genie from the movie Aladdin will take on SA Superman, who wins?

The Genie is at full power. His lamp (is that still a factor when he's free?) is completely safe

Fight takes place on an indestructible planet. Starting distance is 25 feet

All are bloodlusted. Victory by ko or death.

Who wins?

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

In this battle, the Genie from the movie Aladdin will take on SA Superman, who wins?

The Genie is at full power. His lamp (is that still a factor when he's free?) is completely safe

Fight takes place on an indestructible planet. Starting distance is 25 feet

All are bloodlusted. Victory by ko or death.

Who wins?

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

In this battle, the Genie from the movie Aladdin will take on SA Superman, who wins?

The Genie is at full power. His lamp (is that still a factor when he's free?) is completely safe

Fight takes place on an indestructible planet. Starting distance is 25 feet

All are bloodlusted. Victory by ko or death.

Who wins?

Avatar image for thenewbluebeetle007

Posted by

(4754 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

SA superman sneezes. Genie dies.

Avatar image for thenewbluebeetle007

Posted by

(4754 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

SA superman sneezes. Genie dies.

Posted by

(4754 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

SA superman sneezes. Genie dies.

Posted by

(4754 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

SA superman sneezes. Genie dies.

Avatar image for beware_my_power

Posted by

(4605 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Robin Williams One-shots

Avatar image for beware_my_power

Posted by

(4605 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Robin Williams One-shots

Posted by

(4605 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Robin Williams One-shots

Posted by

(4605 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Robin Williams One-shots

Avatar image for theultimatetitan

Posted by

(210 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

A free genie=Omnipotence in universe. Superman isn't even close to omnipotent in pre-crisis.

Avatar image for theultimatetitan

Posted by

(210 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

A free genie=Omnipotence in universe. Superman isn't even close to omnipotent in pre-crisis.

Posted by

(210 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

A free genie=Omnipotence in universe. Superman isn't even close to omnipotent in pre-crisis.

Posted by

(210 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

A free genie=Omnipotence in universe. Superman isn't even close to omnipotent in pre-crisis.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@theultimatetitan: he has the power of plot

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@theultimatetitan: he has the power of plot

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@theultimatetitan: he has the power of plot

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@theultimatetitan: he has the power of plot

Avatar image for gobomo

Posted by

(22 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

Avatar image for gobomo

Posted by

(22 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

Posted by

(22 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

Posted by

(22 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

Avatar image for citizensentry

Posted by

(12121 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

It doesn't matter on the type of sun there is, Genie blinks SA Superman out of existence.

Avatar image for citizensentry

Posted by

(12121 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

It doesn't matter on the type of sun there is, Genie blinks SA Superman out of existence.

Posted by

(12121 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

It doesn't matter on the type of sun there is, Genie blinks SA Superman out of existence.

Posted by

(12121 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

It doesn't matter on the type of sun there is, Genie blinks SA Superman out of existence.

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

@gobomo said:

Does the planet have a blue, yellow, or red sun?

Avatar image for marshall_long

Posted by

(5622 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Not really a fair battle despite how broken SA Superman is.

Avatar image for marshall_long

Posted by

(5622 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Not really a fair battle despite how broken SA Superman is.

Posted by

(5622 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Not really a fair battle despite how broken SA Superman is.

Posted by

(5622 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Not really a fair battle despite how broken SA Superman is.

Avatar image for ordinaryalan

Posted by

(6706 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

Avatar image for ordinaryalan

Posted by

(6706 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

Posted by

(6706 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

Posted by

(6706 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

Avatar image for hatemalingsia

Posted by

(15494 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for hatemalingsia

Posted by

(15494 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio


Posted by

(15494 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio


Posted by

(15494 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio


Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

He can ko him

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

He can ko him

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

He can ko him

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

He can ko him

@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

@ordinaryalan said:

Genie, by his own admission cannot kill someone. So Supes wins by default.

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Not quite, he has some limits

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Not quite, he has some limits

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Not quite, he has some limits

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Not quite, he has some limits

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

@leo-343 said:

Isn't genie omnipotent?

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

SA Supes's plot powers could help

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

SA Supes's plot powers could help

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

SA Supes's plot powers could help

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

SA Supes's plot powers could help

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: I'd still imagine he'd be above Supernan though, he had some pretty impressive reality warping I don't know even SA Superman can counter.

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

No Caption Provided
No Caption Provided

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: True, he could remember his anti genie breath.

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

Avatar image for leo-343

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

Posted by

(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

I'm guessing there's context, I don't know what though. I just kinda found that picture

Avatar image for arcus1

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

I'm guessing there's context, I don't know what though. I just kinda found that picture

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

I'm guessing there's context, I don't know what though. I just kinda found that picture

Edited by
(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

I'm guessing there's context, I don't know what though. I just kinda found that picture

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Did he really have to awkwardly dance for that? He could've just... Tapped on the ground.

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

Avatar image for leo-343

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

Edited by
(30909 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

This is true :)

Avatar image for arcus1

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

This is true :)

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

This is true :)

Posted by

(26617 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

This is true :)

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

@leo-343 said:

@arcus: Eh, then again we shouldn't question the madness of the Silver Age xD

Avatar image for juiceboks

Posted by

(24118 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie's best feat was lifting a city..Clark has moved planets.

Moderator Online

Avatar image for juiceboks

Posted by

(24118 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie's best feat was lifting a city..Clark has moved planets.

Moderator Online

Posted by

(24118 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie's best feat was lifting a city..Clark has moved planets.

Moderator Online

Posted by

(24118 posts)
- 3 years, 8 months ago
- Show Bio

Genie's best feat was lifting a city..Clark has moved planets.

Moderator Online

Avatar image for rustlingjimmy

Posted by

(790 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

still unlimited cosmic power

Avatar image for rustlingjimmy

Posted by

(790 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
- Show Bio

still unlimited cosmic power

Posted by

(790 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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still unlimited cosmic power

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(790 posts)
- 1 month, 4 days ago
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still unlimited cosmic power

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