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Captain America, Wolverine & Daredevil vs Bat-Family

Captain America, Wolverine & Daredevil vs Bat-Family

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Avatar image for king-ragnar

Edited by
(1505 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Either than Bruce, Cassandra and (maybe) Dick the rest are fodder. Trio should win.


Avatar image for comic_book_fan

Posted by

(10117 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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in a chance encounter wolverine wins this for his team bruce's only chance against logan in a random encounter would be to throw acid in his face and beam aboard the space station then grab some gear better suited for the fight if he doesn't do that then i doubt him lasting 10 minutes against logan and that with him unloading everything else in his belt.

bruce could handle cap or DD by himself with little trouble.

Avatar image for _kingoflatveria

Posted by

(17002 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Team 1

Avatar image for hopz7

Edited by
(8 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I haven’t been posting here long but been lurking for a couple of years. But these kinds of arguments are always so dumb to me. It’s like people think only one team is allowed to use tactics and the other team is just a robot getting orders from the other team. There is literally zero chance that wolverine goes after ranged opponents while his teammates engage in melee. Especially when he knows he can’t reach them, thy can’t harm him, and he would figure that out pretty damn quickly if he even tried.

Wolverine can one shot anyone here except Batman and maybe nightwing. He’s also the only one here that will really kill with his weapons in combat. Any scenario that doesn’t involve Batman on wolverine is a stomp in marvels favor. The ranged girls can shoot and throw shit at him all day long, it will be like an annoying fly and not much else. Cap and dd have ranged weapons and experience using them. They will engage anyone using ranged weapons while wolverine basically holds everyone else off. You can’t stop wolverine from engaging in melee, it’s just not happening. So why is the ranged stuff even brought up? And caps weapon will one shot anyone he throws it at.

Personally I think the marvel team wins because stats wise they are all above the other team and wolverine is so far above that without gadgets, he would solo easily. Even with gadgets, Batman would need serious prep to put him down, especially when he has allies.

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Captain America, Wolverine & Daredevil vs Bat-Family

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Avatar image for king-ragnar

Edited by
(1505 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Either than Bruce, Cassandra and (maybe) Dick the rest are fodder. Trio should win.


Avatar image for comic_book_fan

Posted by

(10117 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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in a chance encounter wolverine wins this for his team bruce's only chance against logan in a random encounter would be to throw acid in his face and beam aboard the space station then grab some gear better suited for the fight if he doesn't do that then i doubt him lasting 10 minutes against logan and that with him unloading everything else in his belt.

bruce could handle cap or DD by himself with little trouble.

Avatar image for _kingoflatveria

Posted by

(17002 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Team 1

Avatar image for hopz7

Edited by
(8 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I haven’t been posting here long but been lurking for a couple of years. But these kinds of arguments are always so dumb to me. It’s like people think only one team is allowed to use tactics and the other team is just a robot getting orders from the other team. There is literally zero chance that wolverine goes after ranged opponents while his teammates engage in melee. Especially when he knows he can’t reach them, thy can’t harm him, and he would figure that out pretty damn quickly if he even tried.

Wolverine can one shot anyone here except Batman and maybe nightwing. He’s also the only one here that will really kill with his weapons in combat. Any scenario that doesn’t involve Batman on wolverine is a stomp in marvels favor. The ranged girls can shoot and throw shit at him all day long, it will be like an annoying fly and not much else. Cap and dd have ranged weapons and experience using them. They will engage anyone using ranged weapons while wolverine basically holds everyone else off. You can’t stop wolverine from engaging in melee, it’s just not happening. So why is the ranged stuff even brought up? And caps weapon will one shot anyone he throws it at.

Personally I think the marvel team wins because stats wise they are all above the other team and wolverine is so far above that without gadgets, he would solo easily. Even with gadgets, Batman would need serious prep to put him down, especially when he has allies.

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Captain America, Wolverine & Daredevil vs Bat-Family

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Avatar image for king-ragnar

Edited by
(1505 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Either than Bruce, Cassandra and (maybe) Dick the rest are fodder. Trio should win.


Avatar image for comic_book_fan

Posted by

(10117 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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in a chance encounter wolverine wins this for his team bruce's only chance against logan in a random encounter would be to throw acid in his face and beam aboard the space station then grab some gear better suited for the fight if he doesn't do that then i doubt him lasting 10 minutes against logan and that with him unloading everything else in his belt.

bruce could handle cap or DD by himself with little trouble.

Avatar image for _kingoflatveria

Posted by

(17002 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Team 1

Avatar image for hopz7

Edited by
(8 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I haven’t been posting here long but been lurking for a couple of years. But these kinds of arguments are always so dumb to me. It’s like people think only one team is allowed to use tactics and the other team is just a robot getting orders from the other team. There is literally zero chance that wolverine goes after ranged opponents while his teammates engage in melee. Especially when he knows he can’t reach them, thy can’t harm him, and he would figure that out pretty damn quickly if he even tried.

Wolverine can one shot anyone here except Batman and maybe nightwing. He’s also the only one here that will really kill with his weapons in combat. Any scenario that doesn’t involve Batman on wolverine is a stomp in marvels favor. The ranged girls can shoot and throw shit at him all day long, it will be like an annoying fly and not much else. Cap and dd have ranged weapons and experience using them. They will engage anyone using ranged weapons while wolverine basically holds everyone else off. You can’t stop wolverine from engaging in melee, it’s just not happening. So why is the ranged stuff even brought up? And caps weapon will one shot anyone he throws it at.

Personally I think the marvel team wins because stats wise they are all above the other team and wolverine is so far above that without gadgets, he would solo easily. Even with gadgets, Batman would need serious prep to put him down, especially when he has allies.

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Avatar image for king-ragnar

Edited by
(1505 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Either than Bruce, Cassandra and (maybe) Dick the rest are fodder. Trio should win.


Avatar image for comic_book_fan

Posted by

(10117 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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in a chance encounter wolverine wins this for his team bruce's only chance against logan in a random encounter would be to throw acid in his face and beam aboard the space station then grab some gear better suited for the fight if he doesn't do that then i doubt him lasting 10 minutes against logan and that with him unloading everything else in his belt.

bruce could handle cap or DD by himself with little trouble.

Avatar image for _kingoflatveria

Posted by

(17002 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Team 1

Avatar image for hopz7

Edited by
(8 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I haven’t been posting here long but been lurking for a couple of years. But these kinds of arguments are always so dumb to me. It’s like people think only one team is allowed to use tactics and the other team is just a robot getting orders from the other team. There is literally zero chance that wolverine goes after ranged opponents while his teammates engage in melee. Especially when he knows he can’t reach them, thy can’t harm him, and he would figure that out pretty damn quickly if he even tried.

Wolverine can one shot anyone here except Batman and maybe nightwing. He’s also the only one here that will really kill with his weapons in combat. Any scenario that doesn’t involve Batman on wolverine is a stomp in marvels favor. The ranged girls can shoot and throw shit at him all day long, it will be like an annoying fly and not much else. Cap and dd have ranged weapons and experience using them. They will engage anyone using ranged weapons while wolverine basically holds everyone else off. You can’t stop wolverine from engaging in melee, it’s just not happening. So why is the ranged stuff even brought up? And caps weapon will one shot anyone he throws it at.

Personally I think the marvel team wins because stats wise they are all above the other team and wolverine is so far above that without gadgets, he would solo easily. Even with gadgets, Batman would need serious prep to put him down, especially when he has allies.

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Avatar image for king-ragnar

Edited by
(1505 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Either than Bruce, Cassandra and (maybe) Dick the rest are fodder. Trio should win.


Avatar image for comic_book_fan

Posted by

(10117 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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in a chance encounter wolverine wins this for his team bruce's only chance against logan in a random encounter would be to throw acid in his face and beam aboard the space station then grab some gear better suited for the fight if he doesn't do that then i doubt him lasting 10 minutes against logan and that with him unloading everything else in his belt.

bruce could handle cap or DD by himself with little trouble.

Avatar image for _kingoflatveria

Posted by

(17002 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Team 1

Avatar image for hopz7

Edited by
(8 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I haven’t been posting here long but been lurking for a couple of years. But these kinds of arguments are always so dumb to me. It’s like people think only one team is allowed to use tactics and the other team is just a robot getting orders from the other team. There is literally zero chance that wolverine goes after ranged opponents while his teammates engage in melee. Especially when he knows he can’t reach them, thy can’t harm him, and he would figure that out pretty damn quickly if he even tried.

Wolverine can one shot anyone here except Batman and maybe nightwing. He’s also the only one here that will really kill with his weapons in combat. Any scenario that doesn’t involve Batman on wolverine is a stomp in marvels favor. The ranged girls can shoot and throw shit at him all day long, it will be like an annoying fly and not much else. Cap and dd have ranged weapons and experience using them. They will engage anyone using ranged weapons while wolverine basically holds everyone else off. You can’t stop wolverine from engaging in melee, it’s just not happening. So why is the ranged stuff even brought up? And caps weapon will one shot anyone he throws it at.

Personally I think the marvel team wins because stats wise they are all above the other team and wolverine is so far above that without gadgets, he would solo easily. Even with gadgets, Batman would need serious prep to put him down, especially when he has allies.

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Avatar image for king-ragnar

Edited by
(1505 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Either than Bruce, Cassandra and (maybe) Dick the rest are fodder. Trio should win.


Avatar image for comic_book_fan

Posted by

(10117 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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in a chance encounter wolverine wins this for his team bruce's only chance against logan in a random encounter would be to throw acid in his face and beam aboard the space station then grab some gear better suited for the fight if he doesn't do that then i doubt him lasting 10 minutes against logan and that with him unloading everything else in his belt.

bruce could handle cap or DD by himself with little trouble.

Avatar image for _kingoflatveria

Posted by

(17002 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Team 1

Avatar image for hopz7

Edited by
(8 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I haven’t been posting here long but been lurking for a couple of years. But these kinds of arguments are always so dumb to me. It’s like people think only one team is allowed to use tactics and the other team is just a robot getting orders from the other team. There is literally zero chance that wolverine goes after ranged opponents while his teammates engage in melee. Especially when he knows he can’t reach them, thy can’t harm him, and he would figure that out pretty damn quickly if he even tried.

Wolverine can one shot anyone here except Batman and maybe nightwing. He’s also the only one here that will really kill with his weapons in combat. Any scenario that doesn’t involve Batman on wolverine is a stomp in marvels favor. The ranged girls can shoot and throw shit at him all day long, it will be like an annoying fly and not much else. Cap and dd have ranged weapons and experience using them. They will engage anyone using ranged weapons while wolverine basically holds everyone else off. You can’t stop wolverine from engaging in melee, it’s just not happening. So why is the ranged stuff even brought up? And caps weapon will one shot anyone he throws it at.

Personally I think the marvel team wins because stats wise they are all above the other team and wolverine is so far above that without gadgets, he would solo easily. Even with gadgets, Batman would need serious prep to put him down, especially when he has allies.

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Avatar image for king-ragnar

Edited by
(1505 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Either than Bruce, Cassandra and (maybe) Dick the rest are fodder. Trio should win.


Avatar image for comic_book_fan

Posted by

(10117 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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in a chance encounter wolverine wins this for his team bruce's only chance against logan in a random encounter would be to throw acid in his face and beam aboard the space station then grab some gear better suited for the fight if he doesn't do that then i doubt him lasting 10 minutes against logan and that with him unloading everything else in his belt.

bruce could handle cap or DD by himself with little trouble.

Avatar image for _kingoflatveria

Posted by

(17002 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Team 1

Avatar image for hopz7

Edited by
(8 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I haven’t been posting here long but been lurking for a couple of years. But these kinds of arguments are always so dumb to me. It’s like people think only one team is allowed to use tactics and the other team is just a robot getting orders from the other team. There is literally zero chance that wolverine goes after ranged opponents while his teammates engage in melee. Especially when he knows he can’t reach them, thy can’t harm him, and he would figure that out pretty damn quickly if he even tried.

Wolverine can one shot anyone here except Batman and maybe nightwing. He’s also the only one here that will really kill with his weapons in combat. Any scenario that doesn’t involve Batman on wolverine is a stomp in marvels favor. The ranged girls can shoot and throw shit at him all day long, it will be like an annoying fly and not much else. Cap and dd have ranged weapons and experience using them. They will engage anyone using ranged weapons while wolverine basically holds everyone else off. You can’t stop wolverine from engaging in melee, it’s just not happening. So why is the ranged stuff even brought up? And caps weapon will one shot anyone he throws it at.

Personally I think the marvel team wins because stats wise they are all above the other team and wolverine is so far above that without gadgets, he would solo easily. Even with gadgets, Batman would need serious prep to put him down, especially when he has allies.

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Avatar image for king-ragnar

Edited by
(1505 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Either than Bruce, Cassandra and (maybe) Dick the rest are fodder. Trio should win.


Avatar image for king-ragnar

Edited by
(1505 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Either than Bruce, Cassandra and (maybe) Dick the rest are fodder. Trio should win.


Edited by
(1505 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Either than Bruce, Cassandra and (maybe) Dick the rest are fodder. Trio should win.


Edited by
(1505 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Either than Bruce, Cassandra and (maybe) Dick the rest are fodder. Trio should win.


Avatar image for comic_book_fan

Posted by

(10117 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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in a chance encounter wolverine wins this for his team bruce's only chance against logan in a random encounter would be to throw acid in his face and beam aboard the space station then grab some gear better suited for the fight if he doesn't do that then i doubt him lasting 10 minutes against logan and that with him unloading everything else in his belt.

bruce could handle cap or DD by himself with little trouble.

Avatar image for comic_book_fan

Posted by

(10117 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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in a chance encounter wolverine wins this for his team bruce's only chance against logan in a random encounter would be to throw acid in his face and beam aboard the space station then grab some gear better suited for the fight if he doesn't do that then i doubt him lasting 10 minutes against logan and that with him unloading everything else in his belt.

bruce could handle cap or DD by himself with little trouble.

Posted by

(10117 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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in a chance encounter wolverine wins this for his team bruce's only chance against logan in a random encounter would be to throw acid in his face and beam aboard the space station then grab some gear better suited for the fight if he doesn't do that then i doubt him lasting 10 minutes against logan and that with him unloading everything else in his belt.

bruce could handle cap or DD by himself with little trouble.

Posted by

(10117 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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in a chance encounter wolverine wins this for his team bruce's only chance against logan in a random encounter would be to throw acid in his face and beam aboard the space station then grab some gear better suited for the fight if he doesn't do that then i doubt him lasting 10 minutes against logan and that with him unloading everything else in his belt.

bruce could handle cap or DD by himself with little trouble.

Avatar image for _kingoflatveria

Posted by

(17002 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Team 1

Avatar image for _kingoflatveria

Posted by

(17002 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Team 1

Posted by

(17002 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Team 1

Posted by

(17002 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Team 1

Avatar image for hopz7

Edited by
(8 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I haven’t been posting here long but been lurking for a couple of years. But these kinds of arguments are always so dumb to me. It’s like people think only one team is allowed to use tactics and the other team is just a robot getting orders from the other team. There is literally zero chance that wolverine goes after ranged opponents while his teammates engage in melee. Especially when he knows he can’t reach them, thy can’t harm him, and he would figure that out pretty damn quickly if he even tried.

Wolverine can one shot anyone here except Batman and maybe nightwing. He’s also the only one here that will really kill with his weapons in combat. Any scenario that doesn’t involve Batman on wolverine is a stomp in marvels favor. The ranged girls can shoot and throw shit at him all day long, it will be like an annoying fly and not much else. Cap and dd have ranged weapons and experience using them. They will engage anyone using ranged weapons while wolverine basically holds everyone else off. You can’t stop wolverine from engaging in melee, it’s just not happening. So why is the ranged stuff even brought up? And caps weapon will one shot anyone he throws it at.

Personally I think the marvel team wins because stats wise they are all above the other team and wolverine is so far above that without gadgets, he would solo easily. Even with gadgets, Batman would need serious prep to put him down, especially when he has allies.

Avatar image for hopz7

Edited by
(8 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I haven’t been posting here long but been lurking for a couple of years. But these kinds of arguments are always so dumb to me. It’s like people think only one team is allowed to use tactics and the other team is just a robot getting orders from the other team. There is literally zero chance that wolverine goes after ranged opponents while his teammates engage in melee. Especially when he knows he can’t reach them, thy can’t harm him, and he would figure that out pretty damn quickly if he even tried.

Wolverine can one shot anyone here except Batman and maybe nightwing. He’s also the only one here that will really kill with his weapons in combat. Any scenario that doesn’t involve Batman on wolverine is a stomp in marvels favor. The ranged girls can shoot and throw shit at him all day long, it will be like an annoying fly and not much else. Cap and dd have ranged weapons and experience using them. They will engage anyone using ranged weapons while wolverine basically holds everyone else off. You can’t stop wolverine from engaging in melee, it’s just not happening. So why is the ranged stuff even brought up? And caps weapon will one shot anyone he throws it at.

Personally I think the marvel team wins because stats wise they are all above the other team and wolverine is so far above that without gadgets, he would solo easily. Even with gadgets, Batman would need serious prep to put him down, especially when he has allies.

Edited by
(8 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I haven’t been posting here long but been lurking for a couple of years. But these kinds of arguments are always so dumb to me. It’s like people think only one team is allowed to use tactics and the other team is just a robot getting orders from the other team. There is literally zero chance that wolverine goes after ranged opponents while his teammates engage in melee. Especially when he knows he can’t reach them, thy can’t harm him, and he would figure that out pretty damn quickly if he even tried.

Wolverine can one shot anyone here except Batman and maybe nightwing. He’s also the only one here that will really kill with his weapons in combat. Any scenario that doesn’t involve Batman on wolverine is a stomp in marvels favor. The ranged girls can shoot and throw shit at him all day long, it will be like an annoying fly and not much else. Cap and dd have ranged weapons and experience using them. They will engage anyone using ranged weapons while wolverine basically holds everyone else off. You can’t stop wolverine from engaging in melee, it’s just not happening. So why is the ranged stuff even brought up? And caps weapon will one shot anyone he throws it at.

Personally I think the marvel team wins because stats wise they are all above the other team and wolverine is so far above that without gadgets, he would solo easily. Even with gadgets, Batman would need serious prep to put him down, especially when he has allies.

Edited by
(8 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I haven’t been posting here long but been lurking for a couple of years. But these kinds of arguments are always so dumb to me. It’s like people think only one team is allowed to use tactics and the other team is just a robot getting orders from the other team. There is literally zero chance that wolverine goes after ranged opponents while his teammates engage in melee. Especially when he knows he can’t reach them, thy can’t harm him, and he would figure that out pretty damn quickly if he even tried.

Wolverine can one shot anyone here except Batman and maybe nightwing. He’s also the only one here that will really kill with his weapons in combat. Any scenario that doesn’t involve Batman on wolverine is a stomp in marvels favor. The ranged girls can shoot and throw shit at him all day long, it will be like an annoying fly and not much else. Cap and dd have ranged weapons and experience using them. They will engage anyone using ranged weapons while wolverine basically holds everyone else off. You can’t stop wolverine from engaging in melee, it’s just not happening. So why is the ranged stuff even brought up? And caps weapon will one shot anyone he throws it at.

Personally I think the marvel team wins because stats wise they are all above the other team and wolverine is so far above that without gadgets, he would solo easily. Even with gadgets, Batman would need serious prep to put him down, especially when he has allies.

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