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Who are your favorite MCU characters?

Who are your favorite MCU characters?

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Edited by
(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

This is just a thread that I made where people can talk about which 5 MCU characters the like the most and discuss the reason why. As for my list:

1. Doctor Strange: He starts off as being a self-centered, egotistical jerk and becomes a selfless as well as humble hero by end of his movie. His powers are just stunning to watch and carried by the character's personality. Lastly, no one could wear Dr. Strange's robe and cloak better then one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch.

2. Iron Man: He's one of the most well developed characters in the MCU and is played by arguably the best actor. Tony Stark is charismatic, snarky and downright interesting. Not to mention how awesome the Iron Man suit actually is.

3. Ultron: Even though many people hate him, he's still one of my favorite Marvel villains of all time. I love robots and I enjoy the deeply emotional aesthetic that comes with the character. His motives were easy to understand and held some truth to them. He also has my favorite voice in the MCU.

4. Star-Lord: Chris Patt is hilarious, plane and simple. He makes Star-Lord such a fun character to watch and even more fun to cosplay as. He also nails down the whole Sci-Fi action hero role down to a t.

5. Thor: After "Thor: Ragnarok", Thor became a very down to Earth character who acts lade back and cool with a good sense of humor. His character has grown greatly since we first saw him and has come full circle in his character development. He does all while being one Norse god and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How cool is that?

Who are your favourite MCU characters?

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(726 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Doctor Strange

  2. Thor

  3. Thanos

  4. Iron Man

  5. Captain America

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Leo Fitz

  2. Grant Ward

  3. Daisy Johnson

  4. Phil Coulson

  5. Melinda May

  6. Steve Rogers

  7. Frank Castle

  8. T'Challa

  9. Tony Stark

  10. Jemma Simmons

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Spider-Man

  2. Captain America

  3. Doctor Strange

  4. Iron Man

  5. Thor

Avatar image for anthp2000

Edited by
(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Tony Stark, he started the MCU, and to this date he has the best lines too. He's a witty, likable, badass, and human. RBJ does a fine job as Tony Stark, he was born for this role.

2: Okoye, pretty much like Tony, just less fleshed out.

3: Natasha Romanoff, one of the most complex characters in the MCU, the Russos did an exceptional job with her, and I adore her fight sequences. Johansson is also an excellent actor.

4 and 5: Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones or Melinda May, I really can't rank them; Mathew is one of the most fleshed out characters in the entire MCU, and he's incredibly likable. One of the best things I loved on Netflix was his interaction with Jessica, it was excellent. Melinda is a solid character, great origins, probably the one TV character that connects the most with the movies, but she's more badass than anything.

Avatar image for emmafrostxmen

Posted by

(515 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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For The Movies:

1.Scarlet Witch

2.Black Widow

3.Captain America


5.Iron Man




9.Doctor Strange

10.Star Lord

For The TV Shows:

1.Jessica Jones


3.Luke Cage



6.Clair Temple



9.Iron Fist

10.Trish Walker

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Nice lists!

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Matt Murdock/Daredevil

2: Tony Stark

3: Black Panther

4: Punisher

5: Dr. Strange

Avatar image for nathancroft

Edited by
(63 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Punisher

2. Winter Soldier

3. Captain America

4. Black Panther

5. Thanos

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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More nice lists.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Black Panther


Bruce Banner


I guess Cap. (Sat thinking for 3 minutes on this one)

Avatar image for foxerdes

Posted by

(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Star-Lord

2. War Machine

3. Malekith

4. Ronan

5. Red Skull

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4879 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Kilgrave

2. Kingpin

3. Thanos

4. Vulture

5. Punisher

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Posted by

(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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As much as i hate the MCU, i am gonna have to say Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, and Black Panther.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@cherryaddictz: Why do you hate the mcu?

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Edited by
(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mister_surreal: The movies are repetitive, it has failed to at least grow up with it's fans. excessive childish humor in most of the movies from phase 3. Most of the villains and some heroes are weak as hell, making them a complete joke to their comic book counterparts.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@cherryaddictz: The movies being repetitive and having childish humor is true, but I don't know what you mean about them not growing with their fans. Also, if they were as powerful as they are in the comics they would be way too op to be put on the big screen. You would have gods and monsters who casually destroy planets and "humans" who can dodge bullets.

Avatar image for damikinat0r

Posted by

(34 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Iron Man

2. Captain America

3. Spider-Man

4. Thor

5. Falcon

6. Star-Lord

7. Drax

8. Winter Soldier

9. Rocket

10. Doctor Strange

Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tony Stark

Steve Rogers

Matt Murdock

Frank Castle


Avatar image for gateofbabylon

Posted by

(2941 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

In no order,

  • Dr Strange

  • Cap

  • Star-Lord

  • Loki

  • Bucky

Honorable Mentions: Spidey, Jessica Jones, Thanos, Falcon, Thor, Mantis

Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6936 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
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  1. Daredevil

  2. Spider-Man

  3. Iron Man

  4. Dr. Strange

  5. Captain America

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Who are your favorite MCU characters?

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Edited by
(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

This is just a thread that I made where people can talk about which 5 MCU characters the like the most and discuss the reason why. As for my list:

1. Doctor Strange: He starts off as being a self-centered, egotistical jerk and becomes a selfless as well as humble hero by end of his movie. His powers are just stunning to watch and carried by the character's personality. Lastly, no one could wear Dr. Strange's robe and cloak better then one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch.

2. Iron Man: He's one of the most well developed characters in the MCU and is played by arguably the best actor. Tony Stark is charismatic, snarky and downright interesting. Not to mention how awesome the Iron Man suit actually is.

3. Ultron: Even though many people hate him, he's still one of my favorite Marvel villains of all time. I love robots and I enjoy the deeply emotional aesthetic that comes with the character. His motives were easy to understand and held some truth to them. He also has my favorite voice in the MCU.

4. Star-Lord: Chris Patt is hilarious, plane and simple. He makes Star-Lord such a fun character to watch and even more fun to cosplay as. He also nails down the whole Sci-Fi action hero role down to a t.

5. Thor: After "Thor: Ragnarok", Thor became a very down to Earth character who acts lade back and cool with a good sense of humor. His character has grown greatly since we first saw him and has come full circle in his character development. He does all while being one Norse god and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How cool is that?

Who are your favourite MCU characters?

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(726 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Doctor Strange

  2. Thor

  3. Thanos

  4. Iron Man

  5. Captain America

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Leo Fitz

  2. Grant Ward

  3. Daisy Johnson

  4. Phil Coulson

  5. Melinda May

  6. Steve Rogers

  7. Frank Castle

  8. T'Challa

  9. Tony Stark

  10. Jemma Simmons

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Spider-Man

  2. Captain America

  3. Doctor Strange

  4. Iron Man

  5. Thor

Avatar image for anthp2000

Edited by
(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Tony Stark, he started the MCU, and to this date he has the best lines too. He's a witty, likable, badass, and human. RBJ does a fine job as Tony Stark, he was born for this role.

2: Okoye, pretty much like Tony, just less fleshed out.

3: Natasha Romanoff, one of the most complex characters in the MCU, the Russos did an exceptional job with her, and I adore her fight sequences. Johansson is also an excellent actor.

4 and 5: Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones or Melinda May, I really can't rank them; Mathew is one of the most fleshed out characters in the entire MCU, and he's incredibly likable. One of the best things I loved on Netflix was his interaction with Jessica, it was excellent. Melinda is a solid character, great origins, probably the one TV character that connects the most with the movies, but she's more badass than anything.

Avatar image for emmafrostxmen

Posted by

(515 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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For The Movies:

1.Scarlet Witch

2.Black Widow

3.Captain America


5.Iron Man




9.Doctor Strange

10.Star Lord

For The TV Shows:

1.Jessica Jones


3.Luke Cage



6.Clair Temple



9.Iron Fist

10.Trish Walker

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Nice lists!

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Matt Murdock/Daredevil

2: Tony Stark

3: Black Panther

4: Punisher

5: Dr. Strange

Avatar image for nathancroft

Edited by
(63 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Punisher

2. Winter Soldier

3. Captain America

4. Black Panther

5. Thanos

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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More nice lists.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Black Panther


Bruce Banner


I guess Cap. (Sat thinking for 3 minutes on this one)

Avatar image for foxerdes

Posted by

(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Star-Lord

2. War Machine

3. Malekith

4. Ronan

5. Red Skull

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4879 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Kilgrave

2. Kingpin

3. Thanos

4. Vulture

5. Punisher

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Posted by

(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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As much as i hate the MCU, i am gonna have to say Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, and Black Panther.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@cherryaddictz: Why do you hate the mcu?

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Edited by
(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mister_surreal: The movies are repetitive, it has failed to at least grow up with it's fans. excessive childish humor in most of the movies from phase 3. Most of the villains and some heroes are weak as hell, making them a complete joke to their comic book counterparts.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@cherryaddictz: The movies being repetitive and having childish humor is true, but I don't know what you mean about them not growing with their fans. Also, if they were as powerful as they are in the comics they would be way too op to be put on the big screen. You would have gods and monsters who casually destroy planets and "humans" who can dodge bullets.

Avatar image for damikinat0r

Posted by

(34 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Iron Man

2. Captain America

3. Spider-Man

4. Thor

5. Falcon

6. Star-Lord

7. Drax

8. Winter Soldier

9. Rocket

10. Doctor Strange

Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tony Stark

Steve Rogers

Matt Murdock

Frank Castle


Avatar image for gateofbabylon

Posted by

(2941 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
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In no order,

  • Dr Strange

  • Cap

  • Star-Lord

  • Loki

  • Bucky

Honorable Mentions: Spidey, Jessica Jones, Thanos, Falcon, Thor, Mantis

Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6936 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
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  1. Daredevil

  2. Spider-Man

  3. Iron Man

  4. Dr. Strange

  5. Captain America

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Who are your favorite MCU characters?

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Edited by
(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

This is just a thread that I made where people can talk about which 5 MCU characters the like the most and discuss the reason why. As for my list:

1. Doctor Strange: He starts off as being a self-centered, egotistical jerk and becomes a selfless as well as humble hero by end of his movie. His powers are just stunning to watch and carried by the character's personality. Lastly, no one could wear Dr. Strange's robe and cloak better then one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch.

2. Iron Man: He's one of the most well developed characters in the MCU and is played by arguably the best actor. Tony Stark is charismatic, snarky and downright interesting. Not to mention how awesome the Iron Man suit actually is.

3. Ultron: Even though many people hate him, he's still one of my favorite Marvel villains of all time. I love robots and I enjoy the deeply emotional aesthetic that comes with the character. His motives were easy to understand and held some truth to them. He also has my favorite voice in the MCU.

4. Star-Lord: Chris Patt is hilarious, plane and simple. He makes Star-Lord such a fun character to watch and even more fun to cosplay as. He also nails down the whole Sci-Fi action hero role down to a t.

5. Thor: After "Thor: Ragnarok", Thor became a very down to Earth character who acts lade back and cool with a good sense of humor. His character has grown greatly since we first saw him and has come full circle in his character development. He does all while being one Norse god and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How cool is that?

Who are your favourite MCU characters?

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(726 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Doctor Strange

  2. Thor

  3. Thanos

  4. Iron Man

  5. Captain America

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

  1. Leo Fitz

  2. Grant Ward

  3. Daisy Johnson

  4. Phil Coulson

  5. Melinda May

  6. Steve Rogers

  7. Frank Castle

  8. T'Challa

  9. Tony Stark

  10. Jemma Simmons

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Spider-Man

  2. Captain America

  3. Doctor Strange

  4. Iron Man

  5. Thor

Avatar image for anthp2000

Edited by
(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1: Tony Stark, he started the MCU, and to this date he has the best lines too. He's a witty, likable, badass, and human. RBJ does a fine job as Tony Stark, he was born for this role.

2: Okoye, pretty much like Tony, just less fleshed out.

3: Natasha Romanoff, one of the most complex characters in the MCU, the Russos did an exceptional job with her, and I adore her fight sequences. Johansson is also an excellent actor.

4 and 5: Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones or Melinda May, I really can't rank them; Mathew is one of the most fleshed out characters in the entire MCU, and he's incredibly likable. One of the best things I loved on Netflix was his interaction with Jessica, it was excellent. Melinda is a solid character, great origins, probably the one TV character that connects the most with the movies, but she's more badass than anything.

Avatar image for emmafrostxmen

Posted by

(515 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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For The Movies:

1.Scarlet Witch

2.Black Widow

3.Captain America


5.Iron Man




9.Doctor Strange

10.Star Lord

For The TV Shows:

1.Jessica Jones


3.Luke Cage



6.Clair Temple



9.Iron Fist

10.Trish Walker

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Nice lists!

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Matt Murdock/Daredevil

2: Tony Stark

3: Black Panther

4: Punisher

5: Dr. Strange

Avatar image for nathancroft

Edited by
(63 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Punisher

2. Winter Soldier

3. Captain America

4. Black Panther

5. Thanos

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

More nice lists.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Black Panther


Bruce Banner


I guess Cap. (Sat thinking for 3 minutes on this one)

Avatar image for foxerdes

Posted by

(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Star-Lord

2. War Machine

3. Malekith

4. Ronan

5. Red Skull

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4879 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Kilgrave

2. Kingpin

3. Thanos

4. Vulture

5. Punisher

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Posted by

(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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As much as i hate the MCU, i am gonna have to say Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, and Black Panther.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@cherryaddictz: Why do you hate the mcu?

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Edited by
(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@mister_surreal: The movies are repetitive, it has failed to at least grow up with it's fans. excessive childish humor in most of the movies from phase 3. Most of the villains and some heroes are weak as hell, making them a complete joke to their comic book counterparts.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@cherryaddictz: The movies being repetitive and having childish humor is true, but I don't know what you mean about them not growing with their fans. Also, if they were as powerful as they are in the comics they would be way too op to be put on the big screen. You would have gods and monsters who casually destroy planets and "humans" who can dodge bullets.

Avatar image for damikinat0r

Posted by

(34 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Iron Man

2. Captain America

3. Spider-Man

4. Thor

5. Falcon

6. Star-Lord

7. Drax

8. Winter Soldier

9. Rocket

10. Doctor Strange

Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tony Stark

Steve Rogers

Matt Murdock

Frank Castle


Avatar image for gateofbabylon

Posted by

(2941 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

In no order,

  • Dr Strange

  • Cap

  • Star-Lord

  • Loki

  • Bucky

Honorable Mentions: Spidey, Jessica Jones, Thanos, Falcon, Thor, Mantis

Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6936 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

  1. Daredevil

  2. Spider-Man

  3. Iron Man

  4. Dr. Strange

  5. Captain America

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Avatar image for mister_surreal

Edited by
(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

This is just a thread that I made where people can talk about which 5 MCU characters the like the most and discuss the reason why. As for my list:

1. Doctor Strange: He starts off as being a self-centered, egotistical jerk and becomes a selfless as well as humble hero by end of his movie. His powers are just stunning to watch and carried by the character's personality. Lastly, no one could wear Dr. Strange's robe and cloak better then one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch.

2. Iron Man: He's one of the most well developed characters in the MCU and is played by arguably the best actor. Tony Stark is charismatic, snarky and downright interesting. Not to mention how awesome the Iron Man suit actually is.

3. Ultron: Even though many people hate him, he's still one of my favorite Marvel villains of all time. I love robots and I enjoy the deeply emotional aesthetic that comes with the character. His motives were easy to understand and held some truth to them. He also has my favorite voice in the MCU.

4. Star-Lord: Chris Patt is hilarious, plane and simple. He makes Star-Lord such a fun character to watch and even more fun to cosplay as. He also nails down the whole Sci-Fi action hero role down to a t.

5. Thor: After "Thor: Ragnarok", Thor became a very down to Earth character who acts lade back and cool with a good sense of humor. His character has grown greatly since we first saw him and has come full circle in his character development. He does all while being one Norse god and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How cool is that?

Who are your favourite MCU characters?

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(726 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Doctor Strange

  2. Thor

  3. Thanos

  4. Iron Man

  5. Captain America

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

  1. Leo Fitz

  2. Grant Ward

  3. Daisy Johnson

  4. Phil Coulson

  5. Melinda May

  6. Steve Rogers

  7. Frank Castle

  8. T'Challa

  9. Tony Stark

  10. Jemma Simmons

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Spider-Man

  2. Captain America

  3. Doctor Strange

  4. Iron Man

  5. Thor

Avatar image for anthp2000

Edited by
(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1: Tony Stark, he started the MCU, and to this date he has the best lines too. He's a witty, likable, badass, and human. RBJ does a fine job as Tony Stark, he was born for this role.

2: Okoye, pretty much like Tony, just less fleshed out.

3: Natasha Romanoff, one of the most complex characters in the MCU, the Russos did an exceptional job with her, and I adore her fight sequences. Johansson is also an excellent actor.

4 and 5: Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones or Melinda May, I really can't rank them; Mathew is one of the most fleshed out characters in the entire MCU, and he's incredibly likable. One of the best things I loved on Netflix was his interaction with Jessica, it was excellent. Melinda is a solid character, great origins, probably the one TV character that connects the most with the movies, but she's more badass than anything.

Avatar image for emmafrostxmen

Posted by

(515 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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For The Movies:

1.Scarlet Witch

2.Black Widow

3.Captain America


5.Iron Man




9.Doctor Strange

10.Star Lord

For The TV Shows:

1.Jessica Jones


3.Luke Cage



6.Clair Temple



9.Iron Fist

10.Trish Walker

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Nice lists!

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Matt Murdock/Daredevil

2: Tony Stark

3: Black Panther

4: Punisher

5: Dr. Strange

Avatar image for nathancroft

Edited by
(63 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Punisher

2. Winter Soldier

3. Captain America

4. Black Panther

5. Thanos

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

More nice lists.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Black Panther


Bruce Banner


I guess Cap. (Sat thinking for 3 minutes on this one)

Avatar image for foxerdes

Posted by

(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Star-Lord

2. War Machine

3. Malekith

4. Ronan

5. Red Skull

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4879 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Kilgrave

2. Kingpin

3. Thanos

4. Vulture

5. Punisher

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Posted by

(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

As much as i hate the MCU, i am gonna have to say Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, and Black Panther.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@cherryaddictz: Why do you hate the mcu?

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Edited by
(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@mister_surreal: The movies are repetitive, it has failed to at least grow up with it's fans. excessive childish humor in most of the movies from phase 3. Most of the villains and some heroes are weak as hell, making them a complete joke to their comic book counterparts.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@cherryaddictz: The movies being repetitive and having childish humor is true, but I don't know what you mean about them not growing with their fans. Also, if they were as powerful as they are in the comics they would be way too op to be put on the big screen. You would have gods and monsters who casually destroy planets and "humans" who can dodge bullets.

Avatar image for damikinat0r

Posted by

(34 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Iron Man

2. Captain America

3. Spider-Man

4. Thor

5. Falcon

6. Star-Lord

7. Drax

8. Winter Soldier

9. Rocket

10. Doctor Strange

Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Tony Stark

Steve Rogers

Matt Murdock

Frank Castle


Avatar image for gateofbabylon

Posted by

(2941 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

In no order,

  • Dr Strange

  • Cap

  • Star-Lord

  • Loki

  • Bucky

Honorable Mentions: Spidey, Jessica Jones, Thanos, Falcon, Thor, Mantis

Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6936 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

  1. Daredevil

  2. Spider-Man

  3. Iron Man

  4. Dr. Strange

  5. Captain America

Jump to Top

Jump to Last Read

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Edited by
(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

This is just a thread that I made where people can talk about which 5 MCU characters the like the most and discuss the reason why. As for my list:

1. Doctor Strange: He starts off as being a self-centered, egotistical jerk and becomes a selfless as well as humble hero by end of his movie. His powers are just stunning to watch and carried by the character's personality. Lastly, no one could wear Dr. Strange's robe and cloak better then one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch.

2. Iron Man: He's one of the most well developed characters in the MCU and is played by arguably the best actor. Tony Stark is charismatic, snarky and downright interesting. Not to mention how awesome the Iron Man suit actually is.

3. Ultron: Even though many people hate him, he's still one of my favorite Marvel villains of all time. I love robots and I enjoy the deeply emotional aesthetic that comes with the character. His motives were easy to understand and held some truth to them. He also has my favorite voice in the MCU.

4. Star-Lord: Chris Patt is hilarious, plane and simple. He makes Star-Lord such a fun character to watch and even more fun to cosplay as. He also nails down the whole Sci-Fi action hero role down to a t.

5. Thor: After "Thor: Ragnarok", Thor became a very down to Earth character who acts lade back and cool with a good sense of humor. His character has grown greatly since we first saw him and has come full circle in his character development. He does all while being one Norse god and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How cool is that?

Who are your favourite MCU characters?

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(726 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

  1. Doctor Strange

  2. Thor

  3. Thanos

  4. Iron Man

  5. Captain America

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

  1. Leo Fitz

  2. Grant Ward

  3. Daisy Johnson

  4. Phil Coulson

  5. Melinda May

  6. Steve Rogers

  7. Frank Castle

  8. T'Challa

  9. Tony Stark

  10. Jemma Simmons

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

  1. Spider-Man

  2. Captain America

  3. Doctor Strange

  4. Iron Man

  5. Thor

Avatar image for anthp2000

Edited by
(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1: Tony Stark, he started the MCU, and to this date he has the best lines too. He's a witty, likable, badass, and human. RBJ does a fine job as Tony Stark, he was born for this role.

2: Okoye, pretty much like Tony, just less fleshed out.

3: Natasha Romanoff, one of the most complex characters in the MCU, the Russos did an exceptional job with her, and I adore her fight sequences. Johansson is also an excellent actor.

4 and 5: Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones or Melinda May, I really can't rank them; Mathew is one of the most fleshed out characters in the entire MCU, and he's incredibly likable. One of the best things I loved on Netflix was his interaction with Jessica, it was excellent. Melinda is a solid character, great origins, probably the one TV character that connects the most with the movies, but she's more badass than anything.

Avatar image for emmafrostxmen

Posted by

(515 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

For The Movies:

1.Scarlet Witch

2.Black Widow

3.Captain America


5.Iron Man




9.Doctor Strange

10.Star Lord

For The TV Shows:

1.Jessica Jones


3.Luke Cage



6.Clair Temple



9.Iron Fist

10.Trish Walker

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Nice lists!

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1: Matt Murdock/Daredevil

2: Tony Stark

3: Black Panther

4: Punisher

5: Dr. Strange

Avatar image for nathancroft

Edited by
(63 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Punisher

2. Winter Soldier

3. Captain America

4. Black Panther

5. Thanos

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

More nice lists.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Black Panther


Bruce Banner


I guess Cap. (Sat thinking for 3 minutes on this one)

Avatar image for foxerdes

Posted by

(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Star-Lord

2. War Machine

3. Malekith

4. Ronan

5. Red Skull

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4879 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Kilgrave

2. Kingpin

3. Thanos

4. Vulture

5. Punisher

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Posted by

(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

As much as i hate the MCU, i am gonna have to say Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, and Black Panther.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@cherryaddictz: Why do you hate the mcu?

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Edited by
(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@mister_surreal: The movies are repetitive, it has failed to at least grow up with it's fans. excessive childish humor in most of the movies from phase 3. Most of the villains and some heroes are weak as hell, making them a complete joke to their comic book counterparts.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@cherryaddictz: The movies being repetitive and having childish humor is true, but I don't know what you mean about them not growing with their fans. Also, if they were as powerful as they are in the comics they would be way too op to be put on the big screen. You would have gods and monsters who casually destroy planets and "humans" who can dodge bullets.

Avatar image for damikinat0r

Posted by

(34 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Iron Man

2. Captain America

3. Spider-Man

4. Thor

5. Falcon

6. Star-Lord

7. Drax

8. Winter Soldier

9. Rocket

10. Doctor Strange

Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Tony Stark

Steve Rogers

Matt Murdock

Frank Castle


Avatar image for gateofbabylon

Posted by

(2941 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

In no order,

  • Dr Strange

  • Cap

  • Star-Lord

  • Loki

  • Bucky

Honorable Mentions: Spidey, Jessica Jones, Thanos, Falcon, Thor, Mantis

Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6936 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

  1. Daredevil

  2. Spider-Man

  3. Iron Man

  4. Dr. Strange

  5. Captain America

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Jump to Last Read

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Edited by
(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

This is just a thread that I made where people can talk about which 5 MCU characters the like the most and discuss the reason why. As for my list:

1. Doctor Strange: He starts off as being a self-centered, egotistical jerk and becomes a selfless as well as humble hero by end of his movie. His powers are just stunning to watch and carried by the character's personality. Lastly, no one could wear Dr. Strange's robe and cloak better then one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch.

2. Iron Man: He's one of the most well developed characters in the MCU and is played by arguably the best actor. Tony Stark is charismatic, snarky and downright interesting. Not to mention how awesome the Iron Man suit actually is.

3. Ultron: Even though many people hate him, he's still one of my favorite Marvel villains of all time. I love robots and I enjoy the deeply emotional aesthetic that comes with the character. His motives were easy to understand and held some truth to them. He also has my favorite voice in the MCU.

4. Star-Lord: Chris Patt is hilarious, plane and simple. He makes Star-Lord such a fun character to watch and even more fun to cosplay as. He also nails down the whole Sci-Fi action hero role down to a t.

5. Thor: After "Thor: Ragnarok", Thor became a very down to Earth character who acts lade back and cool with a good sense of humor. His character has grown greatly since we first saw him and has come full circle in his character development. He does all while being one Norse god and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How cool is that?

Who are your favourite MCU characters?

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(726 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

  1. Doctor Strange

  2. Thor

  3. Thanos

  4. Iron Man

  5. Captain America

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

  1. Leo Fitz

  2. Grant Ward

  3. Daisy Johnson

  4. Phil Coulson

  5. Melinda May

  6. Steve Rogers

  7. Frank Castle

  8. T'Challa

  9. Tony Stark

  10. Jemma Simmons

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

  1. Spider-Man

  2. Captain America

  3. Doctor Strange

  4. Iron Man

  5. Thor

Avatar image for anthp2000

Edited by
(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1: Tony Stark, he started the MCU, and to this date he has the best lines too. He's a witty, likable, badass, and human. RBJ does a fine job as Tony Stark, he was born for this role.

2: Okoye, pretty much like Tony, just less fleshed out.

3: Natasha Romanoff, one of the most complex characters in the MCU, the Russos did an exceptional job with her, and I adore her fight sequences. Johansson is also an excellent actor.

4 and 5: Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones or Melinda May, I really can't rank them; Mathew is one of the most fleshed out characters in the entire MCU, and he's incredibly likable. One of the best things I loved on Netflix was his interaction with Jessica, it was excellent. Melinda is a solid character, great origins, probably the one TV character that connects the most with the movies, but she's more badass than anything.

Avatar image for emmafrostxmen

Posted by

(515 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

For The Movies:

1.Scarlet Witch

2.Black Widow

3.Captain America


5.Iron Man




9.Doctor Strange

10.Star Lord

For The TV Shows:

1.Jessica Jones


3.Luke Cage



6.Clair Temple



9.Iron Fist

10.Trish Walker

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Nice lists!

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1: Matt Murdock/Daredevil

2: Tony Stark

3: Black Panther

4: Punisher

5: Dr. Strange

Avatar image for nathancroft

Edited by
(63 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Punisher

2. Winter Soldier

3. Captain America

4. Black Panther

5. Thanos

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

More nice lists.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Black Panther


Bruce Banner


I guess Cap. (Sat thinking for 3 minutes on this one)

Avatar image for foxerdes

Posted by

(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Star-Lord

2. War Machine

3. Malekith

4. Ronan

5. Red Skull

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4879 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Kilgrave

2. Kingpin

3. Thanos

4. Vulture

5. Punisher

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Posted by

(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

As much as i hate the MCU, i am gonna have to say Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, and Black Panther.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@cherryaddictz: Why do you hate the mcu?

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Edited by
(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@mister_surreal: The movies are repetitive, it has failed to at least grow up with it's fans. excessive childish humor in most of the movies from phase 3. Most of the villains and some heroes are weak as hell, making them a complete joke to their comic book counterparts.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@cherryaddictz: The movies being repetitive and having childish humor is true, but I don't know what you mean about them not growing with their fans. Also, if they were as powerful as they are in the comics they would be way too op to be put on the big screen. You would have gods and monsters who casually destroy planets and "humans" who can dodge bullets.

Avatar image for damikinat0r

Posted by

(34 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Iron Man

2. Captain America

3. Spider-Man

4. Thor

5. Falcon

6. Star-Lord

7. Drax

8. Winter Soldier

9. Rocket

10. Doctor Strange

Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Tony Stark

Steve Rogers

Matt Murdock

Frank Castle


Avatar image for gateofbabylon

Posted by

(2941 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

In no order,

  • Dr Strange

  • Cap

  • Star-Lord

  • Loki

  • Bucky

Honorable Mentions: Spidey, Jessica Jones, Thanos, Falcon, Thor, Mantis

Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6936 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

  1. Daredevil

  2. Spider-Man

  3. Iron Man

  4. Dr. Strange

  5. Captain America

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Avatar image for mister_surreal

Edited by
(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

This is just a thread that I made where people can talk about which 5 MCU characters the like the most and discuss the reason why. As for my list:

1. Doctor Strange: He starts off as being a self-centered, egotistical jerk and becomes a selfless as well as humble hero by end of his movie. His powers are just stunning to watch and carried by the character's personality. Lastly, no one could wear Dr. Strange's robe and cloak better then one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch.

2. Iron Man: He's one of the most well developed characters in the MCU and is played by arguably the best actor. Tony Stark is charismatic, snarky and downright interesting. Not to mention how awesome the Iron Man suit actually is.

3. Ultron: Even though many people hate him, he's still one of my favorite Marvel villains of all time. I love robots and I enjoy the deeply emotional aesthetic that comes with the character. His motives were easy to understand and held some truth to them. He also has my favorite voice in the MCU.

4. Star-Lord: Chris Patt is hilarious, plane and simple. He makes Star-Lord such a fun character to watch and even more fun to cosplay as. He also nails down the whole Sci-Fi action hero role down to a t.

5. Thor: After "Thor: Ragnarok", Thor became a very down to Earth character who acts lade back and cool with a good sense of humor. His character has grown greatly since we first saw him and has come full circle in his character development. He does all while being one Norse god and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How cool is that?

Who are your favourite MCU characters?

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(726 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

  1. Doctor Strange

  2. Thor

  3. Thanos

  4. Iron Man

  5. Captain America

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

  1. Leo Fitz

  2. Grant Ward

  3. Daisy Johnson

  4. Phil Coulson

  5. Melinda May

  6. Steve Rogers

  7. Frank Castle

  8. T'Challa

  9. Tony Stark

  10. Jemma Simmons

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

  1. Spider-Man

  2. Captain America

  3. Doctor Strange

  4. Iron Man

  5. Thor

Avatar image for anthp2000

Edited by
(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1: Tony Stark, he started the MCU, and to this date he has the best lines too. He's a witty, likable, badass, and human. RBJ does a fine job as Tony Stark, he was born for this role.

2: Okoye, pretty much like Tony, just less fleshed out.

3: Natasha Romanoff, one of the most complex characters in the MCU, the Russos did an exceptional job with her, and I adore her fight sequences. Johansson is also an excellent actor.

4 and 5: Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones or Melinda May, I really can't rank them; Mathew is one of the most fleshed out characters in the entire MCU, and he's incredibly likable. One of the best things I loved on Netflix was his interaction with Jessica, it was excellent. Melinda is a solid character, great origins, probably the one TV character that connects the most with the movies, but she's more badass than anything.

Avatar image for emmafrostxmen

Posted by

(515 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

For The Movies:

1.Scarlet Witch

2.Black Widow

3.Captain America


5.Iron Man




9.Doctor Strange

10.Star Lord

For The TV Shows:

1.Jessica Jones


3.Luke Cage



6.Clair Temple



9.Iron Fist

10.Trish Walker

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Nice lists!

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1: Matt Murdock/Daredevil

2: Tony Stark

3: Black Panther

4: Punisher

5: Dr. Strange

Avatar image for nathancroft

Edited by
(63 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Punisher

2. Winter Soldier

3. Captain America

4. Black Panther

5. Thanos

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

More nice lists.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Black Panther


Bruce Banner


I guess Cap. (Sat thinking for 3 minutes on this one)

Avatar image for foxerdes

Posted by

(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Star-Lord

2. War Machine

3. Malekith

4. Ronan

5. Red Skull

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4879 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Kilgrave

2. Kingpin

3. Thanos

4. Vulture

5. Punisher

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Posted by

(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

As much as i hate the MCU, i am gonna have to say Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, and Black Panther.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@cherryaddictz: Why do you hate the mcu?

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Edited by
(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@mister_surreal: The movies are repetitive, it has failed to at least grow up with it's fans. excessive childish humor in most of the movies from phase 3. Most of the villains and some heroes are weak as hell, making them a complete joke to their comic book counterparts.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

@cherryaddictz: The movies being repetitive and having childish humor is true, but I don't know what you mean about them not growing with their fans. Also, if they were as powerful as they are in the comics they would be way too op to be put on the big screen. You would have gods and monsters who casually destroy planets and "humans" who can dodge bullets.

Avatar image for damikinat0r

Posted by

(34 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1. Iron Man

2. Captain America

3. Spider-Man

4. Thor

5. Falcon

6. Star-Lord

7. Drax

8. Winter Soldier

9. Rocket

10. Doctor Strange

Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Tony Stark

Steve Rogers

Matt Murdock

Frank Castle


Avatar image for gateofbabylon

Posted by

(2941 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

In no order,

  • Dr Strange

  • Cap

  • Star-Lord

  • Loki

  • Bucky

Honorable Mentions: Spidey, Jessica Jones, Thanos, Falcon, Thor, Mantis

Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6936 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

  1. Daredevil

  2. Spider-Man

  3. Iron Man

  4. Dr. Strange

  5. Captain America

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Avatar image for mister_surreal

Edited by
(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

This is just a thread that I made where people can talk about which 5 MCU characters the like the most and discuss the reason why. As for my list:

1. Doctor Strange: He starts off as being a self-centered, egotistical jerk and becomes a selfless as well as humble hero by end of his movie. His powers are just stunning to watch and carried by the character's personality. Lastly, no one could wear Dr. Strange's robe and cloak better then one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch.

2. Iron Man: He's one of the most well developed characters in the MCU and is played by arguably the best actor. Tony Stark is charismatic, snarky and downright interesting. Not to mention how awesome the Iron Man suit actually is.

3. Ultron: Even though many people hate him, he's still one of my favorite Marvel villains of all time. I love robots and I enjoy the deeply emotional aesthetic that comes with the character. His motives were easy to understand and held some truth to them. He also has my favorite voice in the MCU.

4. Star-Lord: Chris Patt is hilarious, plane and simple. He makes Star-Lord such a fun character to watch and even more fun to cosplay as. He also nails down the whole Sci-Fi action hero role down to a t.

5. Thor: After "Thor: Ragnarok", Thor became a very down to Earth character who acts lade back and cool with a good sense of humor. His character has grown greatly since we first saw him and has come full circle in his character development. He does all while being one Norse god and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How cool is that?

Who are your favourite MCU characters?

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Edited by
(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

This is just a thread that I made where people can talk about which 5 MCU characters the like the most and discuss the reason why. As for my list:

1. Doctor Strange: He starts off as being a self-centered, egotistical jerk and becomes a selfless as well as humble hero by end of his movie. His powers are just stunning to watch and carried by the character's personality. Lastly, no one could wear Dr. Strange's robe and cloak better then one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch.

2. Iron Man: He's one of the most well developed characters in the MCU and is played by arguably the best actor. Tony Stark is charismatic, snarky and downright interesting. Not to mention how awesome the Iron Man suit actually is.

3. Ultron: Even though many people hate him, he's still one of my favorite Marvel villains of all time. I love robots and I enjoy the deeply emotional aesthetic that comes with the character. His motives were easy to understand and held some truth to them. He also has my favorite voice in the MCU.

4. Star-Lord: Chris Patt is hilarious, plane and simple. He makes Star-Lord such a fun character to watch and even more fun to cosplay as. He also nails down the whole Sci-Fi action hero role down to a t.

5. Thor: After "Thor: Ragnarok", Thor became a very down to Earth character who acts lade back and cool with a good sense of humor. His character has grown greatly since we first saw him and has come full circle in his character development. He does all while being one Norse god and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How cool is that?

Who are your favourite MCU characters?

Edited by
(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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This is just a thread that I made where people can talk about which 5 MCU characters the like the most and discuss the reason why. As for my list:

1. Doctor Strange: He starts off as being a self-centered, egotistical jerk and becomes a selfless as well as humble hero by end of his movie. His powers are just stunning to watch and carried by the character's personality. Lastly, no one could wear Dr. Strange's robe and cloak better then one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch.

2. Iron Man: He's one of the most well developed characters in the MCU and is played by arguably the best actor. Tony Stark is charismatic, snarky and downright interesting. Not to mention how awesome the Iron Man suit actually is.

3. Ultron: Even though many people hate him, he's still one of my favorite Marvel villains of all time. I love robots and I enjoy the deeply emotional aesthetic that comes with the character. His motives were easy to understand and held some truth to them. He also has my favorite voice in the MCU.

4. Star-Lord: Chris Patt is hilarious, plane and simple. He makes Star-Lord such a fun character to watch and even more fun to cosplay as. He also nails down the whole Sci-Fi action hero role down to a t.

5. Thor: After "Thor: Ragnarok", Thor became a very down to Earth character who acts lade back and cool with a good sense of humor. His character has grown greatly since we first saw him and has come full circle in his character development. He does all while being one Norse god and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How cool is that?

Who are your favourite MCU characters?

Edited by
(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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This is just a thread that I made where people can talk about which 5 MCU characters the like the most and discuss the reason why. As for my list:

1. Doctor Strange: He starts off as being a self-centered, egotistical jerk and becomes a selfless as well as humble hero by end of his movie. His powers are just stunning to watch and carried by the character's personality. Lastly, no one could wear Dr. Strange's robe and cloak better then one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch.

2. Iron Man: He's one of the most well developed characters in the MCU and is played by arguably the best actor. Tony Stark is charismatic, snarky and downright interesting. Not to mention how awesome the Iron Man suit actually is.

3. Ultron: Even though many people hate him, he's still one of my favorite Marvel villains of all time. I love robots and I enjoy the deeply emotional aesthetic that comes with the character. His motives were easy to understand and held some truth to them. He also has my favorite voice in the MCU.

4. Star-Lord: Chris Patt is hilarious, plane and simple. He makes Star-Lord such a fun character to watch and even more fun to cosplay as. He also nails down the whole Sci-Fi action hero role down to a t.

5. Thor: After "Thor: Ragnarok", Thor became a very down to Earth character who acts lade back and cool with a good sense of humor. His character has grown greatly since we first saw him and has come full circle in his character development. He does all while being one Norse god and one of the most powerful beings in the universe. How cool is that?

Who are your favourite MCU characters?

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(726 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Doctor Strange

  2. Thor

  3. Thanos

  4. Iron Man

  5. Captain America

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(726 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Doctor Strange

  2. Thor

  3. Thanos

  4. Iron Man

  5. Captain America

Posted by

(726 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Doctor Strange

  2. Thor

  3. Thanos

  4. Iron Man

  5. Captain America

Posted by

(726 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Doctor Strange

  2. Thor

  3. Thanos

  4. Iron Man

  5. Captain America

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Leo Fitz

  2. Grant Ward

  3. Daisy Johnson

  4. Phil Coulson

  5. Melinda May

  6. Steve Rogers

  7. Frank Castle

  8. T'Challa

  9. Tony Stark

  10. Jemma Simmons

Avatar image for the_magister

Edited by
(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Leo Fitz

  2. Grant Ward

  3. Daisy Johnson

  4. Phil Coulson

  5. Melinda May

  6. Steve Rogers

  7. Frank Castle

  8. T'Challa

  9. Tony Stark

  10. Jemma Simmons

Edited by
(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

  1. Leo Fitz

  2. Grant Ward

  3. Daisy Johnson

  4. Phil Coulson

  5. Melinda May

  6. Steve Rogers

  7. Frank Castle

  8. T'Challa

  9. Tony Stark

  10. Jemma Simmons

Edited by
(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Leo Fitz

  2. Grant Ward

  3. Daisy Johnson

  4. Phil Coulson

  5. Melinda May

  6. Steve Rogers

  7. Frank Castle

  8. T'Challa

  9. Tony Stark

  10. Jemma Simmons

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Spider-Man

  2. Captain America

  3. Doctor Strange

  4. Iron Man

  5. Thor

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Spider-Man

  2. Captain America

  3. Doctor Strange

  4. Iron Man

  5. Thor

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Spider-Man

  2. Captain America

  3. Doctor Strange

  4. Iron Man

  5. Thor

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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  1. Spider-Man

  2. Captain America

  3. Doctor Strange

  4. Iron Man

  5. Thor

Avatar image for anthp2000

Edited by
(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Tony Stark, he started the MCU, and to this date he has the best lines too. He's a witty, likable, badass, and human. RBJ does a fine job as Tony Stark, he was born for this role.

2: Okoye, pretty much like Tony, just less fleshed out.

3: Natasha Romanoff, one of the most complex characters in the MCU, the Russos did an exceptional job with her, and I adore her fight sequences. Johansson is also an excellent actor.

4 and 5: Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones or Melinda May, I really can't rank them; Mathew is one of the most fleshed out characters in the entire MCU, and he's incredibly likable. One of the best things I loved on Netflix was his interaction with Jessica, it was excellent. Melinda is a solid character, great origins, probably the one TV character that connects the most with the movies, but she's more badass than anything.

Avatar image for anthp2000

Edited by
(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Tony Stark, he started the MCU, and to this date he has the best lines too. He's a witty, likable, badass, and human. RBJ does a fine job as Tony Stark, he was born for this role.

2: Okoye, pretty much like Tony, just less fleshed out.

3: Natasha Romanoff, one of the most complex characters in the MCU, the Russos did an exceptional job with her, and I adore her fight sequences. Johansson is also an excellent actor.

4 and 5: Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones or Melinda May, I really can't rank them; Mathew is one of the most fleshed out characters in the entire MCU, and he's incredibly likable. One of the best things I loved on Netflix was his interaction with Jessica, it was excellent. Melinda is a solid character, great origins, probably the one TV character that connects the most with the movies, but she's more badass than anything.

Edited by
(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Tony Stark, he started the MCU, and to this date he has the best lines too. He's a witty, likable, badass, and human. RBJ does a fine job as Tony Stark, he was born for this role.

2: Okoye, pretty much like Tony, just less fleshed out.

3: Natasha Romanoff, one of the most complex characters in the MCU, the Russos did an exceptional job with her, and I adore her fight sequences. Johansson is also an excellent actor.

4 and 5: Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones or Melinda May, I really can't rank them; Mathew is one of the most fleshed out characters in the entire MCU, and he's incredibly likable. One of the best things I loved on Netflix was his interaction with Jessica, it was excellent. Melinda is a solid character, great origins, probably the one TV character that connects the most with the movies, but she's more badass than anything.

Edited by
(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Tony Stark, he started the MCU, and to this date he has the best lines too. He's a witty, likable, badass, and human. RBJ does a fine job as Tony Stark, he was born for this role.

2: Okoye, pretty much like Tony, just less fleshed out.

3: Natasha Romanoff, one of the most complex characters in the MCU, the Russos did an exceptional job with her, and I adore her fight sequences. Johansson is also an excellent actor.

4 and 5: Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones or Melinda May, I really can't rank them; Mathew is one of the most fleshed out characters in the entire MCU, and he's incredibly likable. One of the best things I loved on Netflix was his interaction with Jessica, it was excellent. Melinda is a solid character, great origins, probably the one TV character that connects the most with the movies, but she's more badass than anything.

Avatar image for emmafrostxmen

Posted by

(515 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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For The Movies:

1.Scarlet Witch

2.Black Widow

3.Captain America


5.Iron Man




9.Doctor Strange

10.Star Lord

For The TV Shows:

1.Jessica Jones


3.Luke Cage



6.Clair Temple



9.Iron Fist

10.Trish Walker

Avatar image for emmafrostxmen

Posted by

(515 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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For The Movies:

1.Scarlet Witch

2.Black Widow

3.Captain America


5.Iron Man




9.Doctor Strange

10.Star Lord

For The TV Shows:

1.Jessica Jones


3.Luke Cage



6.Clair Temple



9.Iron Fist

10.Trish Walker

Posted by

(515 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

For The Movies:

1.Scarlet Witch

2.Black Widow

3.Captain America


5.Iron Man




9.Doctor Strange

10.Star Lord

For The TV Shows:

1.Jessica Jones


3.Luke Cage



6.Clair Temple



9.Iron Fist

10.Trish Walker

Posted by

(515 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

For The Movies:

1.Scarlet Witch

2.Black Widow

3.Captain America


5.Iron Man




9.Doctor Strange

10.Star Lord

For The TV Shows:

1.Jessica Jones


3.Luke Cage



6.Clair Temple



9.Iron Fist

10.Trish Walker

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Nice lists!

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Nice lists!

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Nice lists!

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Nice lists!

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Matt Murdock/Daredevil

2: Tony Stark

3: Black Panther

4: Punisher

5: Dr. Strange

Avatar image for ready_4_madness

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Matt Murdock/Daredevil

2: Tony Stark

3: Black Panther

4: Punisher

5: Dr. Strange

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Matt Murdock/Daredevil

2: Tony Stark

3: Black Panther

4: Punisher

5: Dr. Strange

Edited by
(12666 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1: Matt Murdock/Daredevil

2: Tony Stark

3: Black Panther

4: Punisher

5: Dr. Strange

Avatar image for nathancroft

Edited by
(63 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Punisher

2. Winter Soldier

3. Captain America

4. Black Panther

5. Thanos

Avatar image for nathancroft

Edited by
(63 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Punisher

2. Winter Soldier

3. Captain America

4. Black Panther

5. Thanos

Edited by
(63 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Punisher

2. Winter Soldier

3. Captain America

4. Black Panther

5. Thanos

Edited by
(63 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Punisher

2. Winter Soldier

3. Captain America

4. Black Panther

5. Thanos

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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More nice lists.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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More nice lists.

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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More nice lists.

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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More nice lists.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Black Panther


Bruce Banner


I guess Cap. (Sat thinking for 3 minutes on this one)

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Black Panther


Bruce Banner


I guess Cap. (Sat thinking for 3 minutes on this one)

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Black Panther


Bruce Banner


I guess Cap. (Sat thinking for 3 minutes on this one)

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Black Panther


Bruce Banner


I guess Cap. (Sat thinking for 3 minutes on this one)

Avatar image for foxerdes

Posted by

(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Star-Lord

2. War Machine

3. Malekith

4. Ronan

5. Red Skull

Avatar image for foxerdes

Posted by

(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Star-Lord

2. War Machine

3. Malekith

4. Ronan

5. Red Skull

Posted by

(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Star-Lord

2. War Machine

3. Malekith

4. Ronan

5. Red Skull

Posted by

(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Star-Lord

2. War Machine

3. Malekith

4. Ronan

5. Red Skull

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4879 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Kilgrave

2. Kingpin

3. Thanos

4. Vulture

5. Punisher

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4879 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Kilgrave

2. Kingpin

3. Thanos

4. Vulture

5. Punisher

Posted by

(4879 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Kilgrave

2. Kingpin

3. Thanos

4. Vulture

5. Punisher

Posted by

(4879 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Kilgrave

2. Kingpin

3. Thanos

4. Vulture

5. Punisher

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Posted by

(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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As much as i hate the MCU, i am gonna have to say Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, and Black Panther.

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Posted by

(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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As much as i hate the MCU, i am gonna have to say Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, and Black Panther.

Posted by

(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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As much as i hate the MCU, i am gonna have to say Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, and Black Panther.

Posted by

(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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As much as i hate the MCU, i am gonna have to say Iron Man, War Machine, Captain America, and Black Panther.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@cherryaddictz: Why do you hate the mcu?

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@cherryaddictz: Why do you hate the mcu?

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@cherryaddictz: Why do you hate the mcu?

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@cherryaddictz: Why do you hate the mcu?

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Edited by
(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mister_surreal: The movies are repetitive, it has failed to at least grow up with it's fans. excessive childish humor in most of the movies from phase 3. Most of the villains and some heroes are weak as hell, making them a complete joke to their comic book counterparts.

Avatar image for cherryaddictz

Edited by
(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mister_surreal: The movies are repetitive, it has failed to at least grow up with it's fans. excessive childish humor in most of the movies from phase 3. Most of the villains and some heroes are weak as hell, making them a complete joke to their comic book counterparts.

Edited by
(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mister_surreal: The movies are repetitive, it has failed to at least grow up with it's fans. excessive childish humor in most of the movies from phase 3. Most of the villains and some heroes are weak as hell, making them a complete joke to their comic book counterparts.

Edited by
(104 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@mister_surreal: The movies are repetitive, it has failed to at least grow up with it's fans. excessive childish humor in most of the movies from phase 3. Most of the villains and some heroes are weak as hell, making them a complete joke to their comic book counterparts.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@cherryaddictz: The movies being repetitive and having childish humor is true, but I don't know what you mean about them not growing with their fans. Also, if they were as powerful as they are in the comics they would be way too op to be put on the big screen. You would have gods and monsters who casually destroy planets and "humans" who can dodge bullets.

Avatar image for mister_surreal

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@cherryaddictz: The movies being repetitive and having childish humor is true, but I don't know what you mean about them not growing with their fans. Also, if they were as powerful as they are in the comics they would be way too op to be put on the big screen. You would have gods and monsters who casually destroy planets and "humans" who can dodge bullets.

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@cherryaddictz: The movies being repetitive and having childish humor is true, but I don't know what you mean about them not growing with their fans. Also, if they were as powerful as they are in the comics they would be way too op to be put on the big screen. You would have gods and monsters who casually destroy planets and "humans" who can dodge bullets.

Posted by

(2076 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@cherryaddictz: The movies being repetitive and having childish humor is true, but I don't know what you mean about them not growing with their fans. Also, if they were as powerful as they are in the comics they would be way too op to be put on the big screen. You would have gods and monsters who casually destroy planets and "humans" who can dodge bullets.

Avatar image for damikinat0r

Posted by

(34 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Iron Man

2. Captain America

3. Spider-Man

4. Thor

5. Falcon

6. Star-Lord

7. Drax

8. Winter Soldier

9. Rocket

10. Doctor Strange

Avatar image for damikinat0r

Posted by

(34 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Iron Man

2. Captain America

3. Spider-Man

4. Thor

5. Falcon

6. Star-Lord

7. Drax

8. Winter Soldier

9. Rocket

10. Doctor Strange

Posted by

(34 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Iron Man

2. Captain America

3. Spider-Man

4. Thor

5. Falcon

6. Star-Lord

7. Drax

8. Winter Soldier

9. Rocket

10. Doctor Strange

Posted by

(34 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1. Iron Man

2. Captain America

3. Spider-Man

4. Thor

5. Falcon

6. Star-Lord

7. Drax

8. Winter Soldier

9. Rocket

10. Doctor Strange

Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tony Stark

Steve Rogers

Matt Murdock

Frank Castle


Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tony Stark

Steve Rogers

Matt Murdock

Frank Castle


Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tony Stark

Steve Rogers

Matt Murdock

Frank Castle


Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tony Stark

Steve Rogers

Matt Murdock

Frank Castle


Avatar image for gateofbabylon

Posted by

(2941 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
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In no order,

  • Dr Strange

  • Cap

  • Star-Lord

  • Loki

  • Bucky

Honorable Mentions: Spidey, Jessica Jones, Thanos, Falcon, Thor, Mantis

Avatar image for gateofbabylon

Posted by

(2941 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
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In no order,

  • Dr Strange

  • Cap

  • Star-Lord

  • Loki

  • Bucky

Honorable Mentions: Spidey, Jessica Jones, Thanos, Falcon, Thor, Mantis

Posted by

(2941 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

In no order,

  • Dr Strange

  • Cap

  • Star-Lord

  • Loki

  • Bucky

Honorable Mentions: Spidey, Jessica Jones, Thanos, Falcon, Thor, Mantis

Posted by

(2941 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

In no order,

  • Dr Strange

  • Cap

  • Star-Lord

  • Loki

  • Bucky

Honorable Mentions: Spidey, Jessica Jones, Thanos, Falcon, Thor, Mantis

Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6936 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
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  1. Daredevil

  2. Spider-Man

  3. Iron Man

  4. Dr. Strange

  5. Captain America

Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6936 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
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  1. Daredevil

  2. Spider-Man

  3. Iron Man

  4. Dr. Strange

  5. Captain America

Posted by

(6936 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
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  1. Daredevil

  2. Spider-Man

  3. Iron Man

  4. Dr. Strange

  5. Captain America

Posted by

(6936 posts)
- 1 month, 23 hours ago
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  1. Daredevil

  2. Spider-Man

  3. Iron Man

  4. Dr. Strange

  5. Captain America

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