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MCU Bucky,Black Panther,Nebula and War Machine vs FOX Sentinels

MCU Bucky,Black Panther,Nebula and War Machine vs FOX Sentinels

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Round 1)One future sentinel(Colosus' powers only)

Round 2)Two future sentinels (No mutant's power)

Bonus Round:10 Old sentinels

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Movie feats only


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Avatar image for sargeras

Posted by

(786 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Haven't seen X-Men in a while, like years -- but I remember the stupid timeline weird confusing stuff they did, They could beat round 1 dependant on what Colossus it is, DP1-2 Colossus or X-Men Colossus? @granitevision Unsure mainly due to the massive height difference though. WM is the MVP regardless though for all rounds.

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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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The colossus one loses.

And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

The third time sentinels lose. War machine could solo. So could BP.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs: And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

They can only adapt for mutant's powers.

And even without powers they are much stronger than war machine.

The colossus one loses.


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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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MCU stomps. Vibranium claws and tank busting rounds

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(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Colossus is same as in Deadpool

Not durable?Lol.They can drill though bunker like though butter.They are much more durable than War Machine.They can heat BP and he dies inside the suit

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs: They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying.

Why?They also can fly fast.

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10058 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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1. Sentinel

2- Sentinel ?

3- MCU Rhodey MvP

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor lol.

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Edited by
(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: I never said they cannot. But in this specific battle WM has no reason to be tagged specially when he has a whole team with him. Which is why I feel he can destroy them with out any issues. If he was alone it'd be significantly harder since they'll be focused on him.

Yeah Bishop did but he couldn't really put them down. A pretty good feat in itself nonetheless.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Avatar image for slimmcl

Edited by
(546 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Team all rounds

The first 1 has some durability now but can be out overtaken by the numbers of its opponent. Plus War Machine Can try to throw it into a body of water. (Self sacrifice or with enough fire power to send it back)

Round 2 Is going to be easier even thought there is 2 of them they aren't as durable so they aren't going to put up much of a fight. The sentinels were so formidable because there ability to adapt and without that ability i don't see what makes them so special.

Bounus: Way outdated tech.

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MCU Bucky,Black Panther,Nebula and War Machine vs FOX Sentinels

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Round 1)One future sentinel(Colosus' powers only)

Round 2)Two future sentinels (No mutant's power)

Bonus Round:10 Old sentinels

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Movie feats only


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Avatar image for sargeras

Posted by

(786 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Haven't seen X-Men in a while, like years -- but I remember the stupid timeline weird confusing stuff they did, They could beat round 1 dependant on what Colossus it is, DP1-2 Colossus or X-Men Colossus? @granitevision Unsure mainly due to the massive height difference though. WM is the MVP regardless though for all rounds.

Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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The colossus one loses.

And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

The third time sentinels lose. War machine could solo. So could BP.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs: And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

They can only adapt for mutant's powers.

And even without powers they are much stronger than war machine.

The colossus one loses.


Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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MCU stomps. Vibranium claws and tank busting rounds

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Colossus is same as in Deadpool

Not durable?Lol.They can drill though bunker like though butter.They are much more durable than War Machine.They can heat BP and he dies inside the suit

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs: They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying.

Why?They also can fly fast.

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10058 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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1. Sentinel

2- Sentinel ?

3- MCU Rhodey MvP

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor lol.

Avatar image for granitevision

Edited by
(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: I never said they cannot. But in this specific battle WM has no reason to be tagged specially when he has a whole team with him. Which is why I feel he can destroy them with out any issues. If he was alone it'd be significantly harder since they'll be focused on him.

Yeah Bishop did but he couldn't really put them down. A pretty good feat in itself nonetheless.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Avatar image for slimmcl

Edited by
(546 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Team all rounds

The first 1 has some durability now but can be out overtaken by the numbers of its opponent. Plus War Machine Can try to throw it into a body of water. (Self sacrifice or with enough fire power to send it back)

Round 2 Is going to be easier even thought there is 2 of them they aren't as durable so they aren't going to put up much of a fight. The sentinels were so formidable because there ability to adapt and without that ability i don't see what makes them so special.

Bounus: Way outdated tech.

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MCU Bucky,Black Panther,Nebula and War Machine vs FOX Sentinels

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Round 1)One future sentinel(Colosus' powers only)

Round 2)Two future sentinels (No mutant's power)

Bonus Round:10 Old sentinels

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Movie feats only


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Avatar image for sargeras

Posted by

(786 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Haven't seen X-Men in a while, like years -- but I remember the stupid timeline weird confusing stuff they did, They could beat round 1 dependant on what Colossus it is, DP1-2 Colossus or X-Men Colossus? @granitevision Unsure mainly due to the massive height difference though. WM is the MVP regardless though for all rounds.

Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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The colossus one loses.

And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

The third time sentinels lose. War machine could solo. So could BP.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs: And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

They can only adapt for mutant's powers.

And even without powers they are much stronger than war machine.

The colossus one loses.


Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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MCU stomps. Vibranium claws and tank busting rounds

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Colossus is same as in Deadpool

Not durable?Lol.They can drill though bunker like though butter.They are much more durable than War Machine.They can heat BP and he dies inside the suit

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs: They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying.

Why?They also can fly fast.

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10058 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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1. Sentinel

2- Sentinel ?

3- MCU Rhodey MvP

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor lol.

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Edited by
(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: I never said they cannot. But in this specific battle WM has no reason to be tagged specially when he has a whole team with him. Which is why I feel he can destroy them with out any issues. If he was alone it'd be significantly harder since they'll be focused on him.

Yeah Bishop did but he couldn't really put them down. A pretty good feat in itself nonetheless.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Edited by
(546 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Team all rounds

The first 1 has some durability now but can be out overtaken by the numbers of its opponent. Plus War Machine Can try to throw it into a body of water. (Self sacrifice or with enough fire power to send it back)

Round 2 Is going to be easier even thought there is 2 of them they aren't as durable so they aren't going to put up much of a fight. The sentinels were so formidable because there ability to adapt and without that ability i don't see what makes them so special.

Bounus: Way outdated tech.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Round 1)One future sentinel(Colosus' powers only)

Round 2)Two future sentinels (No mutant's power)

Bonus Round:10 Old sentinels

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Movie feats only


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Avatar image for sargeras

Posted by

(786 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Haven't seen X-Men in a while, like years -- but I remember the stupid timeline weird confusing stuff they did, They could beat round 1 dependant on what Colossus it is, DP1-2 Colossus or X-Men Colossus? @granitevision Unsure mainly due to the massive height difference though. WM is the MVP regardless though for all rounds.

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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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The colossus one loses.

And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

The third time sentinels lose. War machine could solo. So could BP.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs: And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

They can only adapt for mutant's powers.

And even without powers they are much stronger than war machine.

The colossus one loses.


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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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MCU stomps. Vibranium claws and tank busting rounds

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Colossus is same as in Deadpool

Not durable?Lol.They can drill though bunker like though butter.They are much more durable than War Machine.They can heat BP and he dies inside the suit

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs: They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying.

Why?They also can fly fast.

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10058 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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1. Sentinel

2- Sentinel ?

3- MCU Rhodey MvP

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor lol.

Avatar image for granitevision

Edited by
(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: I never said they cannot. But in this specific battle WM has no reason to be tagged specially when he has a whole team with him. Which is why I feel he can destroy them with out any issues. If he was alone it'd be significantly harder since they'll be focused on him.

Yeah Bishop did but he couldn't really put them down. A pretty good feat in itself nonetheless.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Avatar image for slimmcl

Edited by
(546 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Team all rounds

The first 1 has some durability now but can be out overtaken by the numbers of its opponent. Plus War Machine Can try to throw it into a body of water. (Self sacrifice or with enough fire power to send it back)

Round 2 Is going to be easier even thought there is 2 of them they aren't as durable so they aren't going to put up much of a fight. The sentinels were so formidable because there ability to adapt and without that ability i don't see what makes them so special.

Bounus: Way outdated tech.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Round 1)One future sentinel(Colosus' powers only)

Round 2)Two future sentinels (No mutant's power)

Bonus Round:10 Old sentinels

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Movie feats only


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Avatar image for sargeras

Posted by

(786 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Haven't seen X-Men in a while, like years -- but I remember the stupid timeline weird confusing stuff they did, They could beat round 1 dependant on what Colossus it is, DP1-2 Colossus or X-Men Colossus? @granitevision Unsure mainly due to the massive height difference though. WM is the MVP regardless though for all rounds.

Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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The colossus one loses.

And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

The third time sentinels lose. War machine could solo. So could BP.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs: And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

They can only adapt for mutant's powers.

And even without powers they are much stronger than war machine.

The colossus one loses.


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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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MCU stomps. Vibranium claws and tank busting rounds

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Colossus is same as in Deadpool

Not durable?Lol.They can drill though bunker like though butter.They are much more durable than War Machine.They can heat BP and he dies inside the suit

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs: They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying.

Why?They also can fly fast.

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10058 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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1. Sentinel

2- Sentinel ?

3- MCU Rhodey MvP

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor lol.

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Edited by
(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: I never said they cannot. But in this specific battle WM has no reason to be tagged specially when he has a whole team with him. Which is why I feel he can destroy them with out any issues. If he was alone it'd be significantly harder since they'll be focused on him.

Yeah Bishop did but he couldn't really put them down. A pretty good feat in itself nonetheless.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Avatar image for slimmcl

Edited by
(546 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Team all rounds

The first 1 has some durability now but can be out overtaken by the numbers of its opponent. Plus War Machine Can try to throw it into a body of water. (Self sacrifice or with enough fire power to send it back)

Round 2 Is going to be easier even thought there is 2 of them they aren't as durable so they aren't going to put up much of a fight. The sentinels were so formidable because there ability to adapt and without that ability i don't see what makes them so special.

Bounus: Way outdated tech.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Round 1)One future sentinel(Colosus' powers only)

Round 2)Two future sentinels (No mutant's power)

Bonus Round:10 Old sentinels

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Movie feats only


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Avatar image for sargeras

Posted by

(786 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Haven't seen X-Men in a while, like years -- but I remember the stupid timeline weird confusing stuff they did, They could beat round 1 dependant on what Colossus it is, DP1-2 Colossus or X-Men Colossus? @granitevision Unsure mainly due to the massive height difference though. WM is the MVP regardless though for all rounds.

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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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The colossus one loses.

And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

The third time sentinels lose. War machine could solo. So could BP.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs: And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

They can only adapt for mutant's powers.

And even without powers they are much stronger than war machine.

The colossus one loses.


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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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MCU stomps. Vibranium claws and tank busting rounds

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Colossus is same as in Deadpool

Not durable?Lol.They can drill though bunker like though butter.They are much more durable than War Machine.They can heat BP and he dies inside the suit

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs: They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying.

Why?They also can fly fast.

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Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10058 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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1. Sentinel

2- Sentinel ?

3- MCU Rhodey MvP

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor lol.

Avatar image for granitevision

Edited by
(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: I never said they cannot. But in this specific battle WM has no reason to be tagged specially when he has a whole team with him. Which is why I feel he can destroy them with out any issues. If he was alone it'd be significantly harder since they'll be focused on him.

Yeah Bishop did but he couldn't really put them down. A pretty good feat in itself nonetheless.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Avatar image for slimmcl

Edited by
(546 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Team all rounds

The first 1 has some durability now but can be out overtaken by the numbers of its opponent. Plus War Machine Can try to throw it into a body of water. (Self sacrifice or with enough fire power to send it back)

Round 2 Is going to be easier even thought there is 2 of them they aren't as durable so they aren't going to put up much of a fight. The sentinels were so formidable because there ability to adapt and without that ability i don't see what makes them so special.

Bounus: Way outdated tech.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Round 1)One future sentinel(Colosus' powers only)

Round 2)Two future sentinels (No mutant's power)

Bonus Round:10 Old sentinels

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Movie feats only


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Avatar image for sargeras

Posted by

(786 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Haven't seen X-Men in a while, like years -- but I remember the stupid timeline weird confusing stuff they did, They could beat round 1 dependant on what Colossus it is, DP1-2 Colossus or X-Men Colossus? @granitevision Unsure mainly due to the massive height difference though. WM is the MVP regardless though for all rounds.

Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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The colossus one loses.

And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

The third time sentinels lose. War machine could solo. So could BP.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs: And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

They can only adapt for mutant's powers.

And even without powers they are much stronger than war machine.

The colossus one loses.


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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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MCU stomps. Vibranium claws and tank busting rounds

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Colossus is same as in Deadpool

Not durable?Lol.They can drill though bunker like though butter.They are much more durable than War Machine.They can heat BP and he dies inside the suit

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs: They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying.

Why?They also can fly fast.

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10058 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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1. Sentinel

2- Sentinel ?

3- MCU Rhodey MvP

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor lol.

Avatar image for granitevision

Edited by
(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: I never said they cannot. But in this specific battle WM has no reason to be tagged specially when he has a whole team with him. Which is why I feel he can destroy them with out any issues. If he was alone it'd be significantly harder since they'll be focused on him.

Yeah Bishop did but he couldn't really put them down. A pretty good feat in itself nonetheless.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Avatar image for slimmcl

Edited by
(546 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Team all rounds

The first 1 has some durability now but can be out overtaken by the numbers of its opponent. Plus War Machine Can try to throw it into a body of water. (Self sacrifice or with enough fire power to send it back)

Round 2 Is going to be easier even thought there is 2 of them they aren't as durable so they aren't going to put up much of a fight. The sentinels were so formidable because there ability to adapt and without that ability i don't see what makes them so special.

Bounus: Way outdated tech.

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Round 1)One future sentinel(Colosus' powers only)

Round 2)Two future sentinels (No mutant's power)

Bonus Round:10 Old sentinels

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Movie feats only


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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Round 1)One future sentinel(Colosus' powers only)

Round 2)Two future sentinels (No mutant's power)

Bonus Round:10 Old sentinels

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Movie feats only


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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Round 1)One future sentinel(Colosus' powers only)

Round 2)Two future sentinels (No mutant's power)

Bonus Round:10 Old sentinels

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Movie feats only


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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Round 1)One future sentinel(Colosus' powers only)

Round 2)Two future sentinels (No mutant's power)

Bonus Round:10 Old sentinels

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Movie feats only


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Avatar image for sargeras

Posted by

(786 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Haven't seen X-Men in a while, like years -- but I remember the stupid timeline weird confusing stuff they did, They could beat round 1 dependant on what Colossus it is, DP1-2 Colossus or X-Men Colossus? @granitevision Unsure mainly due to the massive height difference though. WM is the MVP regardless though for all rounds.

Avatar image for sargeras

Posted by

(786 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Haven't seen X-Men in a while, like years -- but I remember the stupid timeline weird confusing stuff they did, They could beat round 1 dependant on what Colossus it is, DP1-2 Colossus or X-Men Colossus? @granitevision Unsure mainly due to the massive height difference though. WM is the MVP regardless though for all rounds.

Posted by

(786 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Haven't seen X-Men in a while, like years -- but I remember the stupid timeline weird confusing stuff they did, They could beat round 1 dependant on what Colossus it is, DP1-2 Colossus or X-Men Colossus? @granitevision Unsure mainly due to the massive height difference though. WM is the MVP regardless though for all rounds.

Posted by

(786 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Haven't seen X-Men in a while, like years -- but I remember the stupid timeline weird confusing stuff they did, They could beat round 1 dependant on what Colossus it is, DP1-2 Colossus or X-Men Colossus? @granitevision Unsure mainly due to the massive height difference though. WM is the MVP regardless though for all rounds.

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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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The colossus one loses.

And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

The third time sentinels lose. War machine could solo. So could BP.

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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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The colossus one loses.

And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

The third time sentinels lose. War machine could solo. So could BP.

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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The colossus one loses.

And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

The third time sentinels lose. War machine could solo. So could BP.

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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The colossus one loses.

And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

The third time sentinels lose. War machine could solo. So could BP.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs: And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

They can only adapt for mutant's powers.

And even without powers they are much stronger than war machine.

The colossus one loses.


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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs: And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

They can only adapt for mutant's powers.

And even without powers they are much stronger than war machine.

The colossus one loses.


Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs: And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

They can only adapt for mutant's powers.

And even without powers they are much stronger than war machine.

The colossus one loses.


Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs: And are the ones without any powers allowed to adapt? Because if they can then the adapt to vibranium and its an easy win.

They can only adapt for mutant's powers.

And even without powers they are much stronger than war machine.

The colossus one loses.


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Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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MCU stomps. Vibranium claws and tank busting rounds

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(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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MCU stomps. Vibranium claws and tank busting rounds

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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MCU stomps. Vibranium claws and tank busting rounds

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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MCU stomps. Vibranium claws and tank busting rounds

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Colossus is same as in Deadpool

Not durable?Lol.They can drill though bunker like though butter.They are much more durable than War Machine.They can heat BP and he dies inside the suit

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Colossus is same as in Deadpool

Not durable?Lol.They can drill though bunker like though butter.They are much more durable than War Machine.They can heat BP and he dies inside the suit

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Colossus is same as in Deadpool

Not durable?Lol.They can drill though bunker like though butter.They are much more durable than War Machine.They can heat BP and he dies inside the suit

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Colossus is same as in Deadpool

Not durable?Lol.They can drill though bunker like though butter.They are much more durable than War Machine.They can heat BP and he dies inside the suit

@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

@richubs said:

@granitevision: The collosus one loses because Collosus isn't really very impressive before DP. They basically turned into the material he was made of and got stronger. BP could probably but through it while the others keep the sentinels busy.

They might be stronger but they're not durable. They were brought down by lightning and the plane explosion etc. Warmachine can create bigger explosions.

Also Black Panther can just rip them apart. The Sentinels have no way of getting through the vibranium unless they adapt to it.

And I think you're right they cannot adapt to vibranium that was kind of a stupid thing to say which is why I'd say they lose round 2.

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

@richubs said:

@granitevision: And yet they were destroyed by the plane blowing up and Bishop's energy gun.

And what?That is a good feat for Bishop not a bad feat for sentinel.You know that plane had atomic reactor as a power source?

I never claimed they're less durable than War Machine I said that War Machine can destroy them. They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying. And heating BP suit would take time plus it won't be easy to tag the guy. If BP gets on top once he tears the head apart. Nebula and Bucky are perfect distractions for this.

If the collosus is the same one as Deadpool things might change. He was fighting Juggernaut and even though his tooth fell off I don't think he's going down very easily and nothing Warmachine has should hurt him. I don't think anyone other than BP can do anything to this sentinel. They'll have to be very careful and distract it carefully to give BP an opening. Otherwise team loses.

Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

Avatar image for richubs

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

Edited by
(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

@richubs said:

@granitevision: So I watched the scene again. The energy attacks Bishop shot out were from the lighting he absorbed. Basically he was just shooting out a fraction of what Storm gave him. Not as impressive as one would think.

Do you know how much energy contains lightning?It is incredible amount of energy in it

And if you watch again then when Magneto is taking the plane out Tobe blown up he is tearing pieces of metal from the plane and destroying the Sentinels from those pieces.

Magneto is one of the most powerful mutants.He could threw that pieces with tremendous force.Remember how he killed Shaw with a coin?I doubt that IRL coin can fly though something as durable as human's skull and do not get deformed

You have to admit that isn't enough to take on missiles from War Machine.

WM missle may damage it,but Sentinel can also damage war machine.It can fire super hot beam that can melt steel like butter

(And I don't think Bishop actually destroyed a sentinel. He couldn't do it after Storm died)

He shoot sentinels at least three times during that film

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs: They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying.

Why?They also can fly fast.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs: They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying.

Why?They also can fly fast.

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs: They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying.

Why?They also can fly fast.

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs: They cannot really tag Rhodey since he is flying.

Why?They also can fly fast.

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Avatar image for payneintheass

Posted by

(10058 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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1. Sentinel

2- Sentinel ?

3- MCU Rhodey MvP

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Posted by

(10058 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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1. Sentinel

2- Sentinel ?

3- MCU Rhodey MvP

Posted by

(10058 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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1. Sentinel

2- Sentinel ?

3- MCU Rhodey MvP

Posted by

(10058 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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1. Sentinel

2- Sentinel ?

3- MCU Rhodey MvP

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 20 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

@richubs said:

@granitevision: I understand that lightning is insanely powerful the lightning storm used didn't seem as powerful because actual lightning is also very hot. Like it raises the temperature of the air around it to 5 times the sun's surface. A continuous lightning would get the air even hotter which it didn't which is why I don't think the lightning is as powerful.

Superman's heatvision is also as hot as surface of the sun,but it do not make air hot like you said.These are films.Same about killian and vision

She used natural lightning from the sky.Why should not it be as powerful as real one?

I understand that Magneto is insanely powerful but even if he propelled them at missile speeds Rhodey is basically shooting put missiles and then flames. As for the coin feat I agree but here's the thing. Magneto could've simply made sure that the coin isn't getting deformed by controlling the coin separately. Otherwise there isn't any reason for the coin to not get deformed. And keeping a coin from getting deformed isn't really very impressive.

He could also kept that pieces from deforming.

I never said that they cannot hurt Warmachine but tagging him isn't very easy. I don't think they can actually fly. The sentinels couldn't really fly on WM's level.

They can fly pretty fast.And the fact that Rhodey can fly at supersonic speed,doe not mean that his combat speed is also supersonic.

Warmachine is too fast for them with auto aim. It's too hard to tag him. Before he gets tagged he destroys them.

Yeah I remember he shot the sentinels but when later on he shot one of them they were just staggered, not destroyed. I think it's safe to say the first three weren't destroyed either.

Here is the damage that Bishop can do to them:

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Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor lol.

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor lol.

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor lol.

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor lol.

Avatar image for granitevision

Edited by
(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

Avatar image for granitevision

Edited by
(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

Edited by
(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

Edited by
(1466 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

@richubs said:

@granitevision: Keeping that pieces from deformung would serve no purpose since he isn't trying to impale those guys. Yeah I know WM doesn't have combat feats on supersonic level but he has feats similar to Tony and that already makes him pretty fast.

Im not sayin that WM can not damage them,but they also can damage him as well+they are physically stronger

Plus he has a whole team to distract him with one of them in an indestructible suit.

He has enough time to destroy them.

See in either of those Bishop couldn't really hurt them. I don't think we should argue on this because practically this is a point in your favor


But he damaged them.

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: I never said they cannot. But in this specific battle WM has no reason to be tagged specially when he has a whole team with him. Which is why I feel he can destroy them with out any issues. If he was alone it'd be significantly harder since they'll be focused on him.

Yeah Bishop did but he couldn't really put them down. A pretty good feat in itself nonetheless.

Avatar image for richubs

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: I never said they cannot. But in this specific battle WM has no reason to be tagged specially when he has a whole team with him. Which is why I feel he can destroy them with out any issues. If he was alone it'd be significantly harder since they'll be focused on him.

Yeah Bishop did but he couldn't really put them down. A pretty good feat in itself nonetheless.

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: I never said they cannot. But in this specific battle WM has no reason to be tagged specially when he has a whole team with him. Which is why I feel he can destroy them with out any issues. If he was alone it'd be significantly harder since they'll be focused on him.

Yeah Bishop did but he couldn't really put them down. A pretty good feat in itself nonetheless.

Posted by

(1526 posts)
- 1 month, 19 hours ago
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@granitevision: I never said they cannot. But in this specific battle WM has no reason to be tagged specially when he has a whole team with him. Which is why I feel he can destroy them with out any issues. If he was alone it'd be significantly harder since they'll be focused on him.

Yeah Bishop did but he couldn't really put them down. A pretty good feat in itself nonetheless.

Avatar image for granitevision

Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Posted by

(1466 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Edited by
(546 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Team all rounds

The first 1 has some durability now but can be out overtaken by the numbers of its opponent. Plus War Machine Can try to throw it into a body of water. (Self sacrifice or with enough fire power to send it back)

Round 2 Is going to be easier even thought there is 2 of them they aren't as durable so they aren't going to put up much of a fight. The sentinels were so formidable because there ability to adapt and without that ability i don't see what makes them so special.

Bounus: Way outdated tech.

Avatar image for slimmcl

Edited by
(546 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Team all rounds

The first 1 has some durability now but can be out overtaken by the numbers of its opponent. Plus War Machine Can try to throw it into a body of water. (Self sacrifice or with enough fire power to send it back)

Round 2 Is going to be easier even thought there is 2 of them they aren't as durable so they aren't going to put up much of a fight. The sentinels were so formidable because there ability to adapt and without that ability i don't see what makes them so special.

Bounus: Way outdated tech.

Edited by
(546 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Team all rounds

The first 1 has some durability now but can be out overtaken by the numbers of its opponent. Plus War Machine Can try to throw it into a body of water. (Self sacrifice or with enough fire power to send it back)

Round 2 Is going to be easier even thought there is 2 of them they aren't as durable so they aren't going to put up much of a fight. The sentinels were so formidable because there ability to adapt and without that ability i don't see what makes them so special.

Bounus: Way outdated tech.

Edited by
(546 posts)
- 30 days, 13 hours ago
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Team all rounds

The first 1 has some durability now but can be out overtaken by the numbers of its opponent. Plus War Machine Can try to throw it into a body of water. (Self sacrifice or with enough fire power to send it back)

Round 2 Is going to be easier even thought there is 2 of them they aren't as durable so they aren't going to put up much of a fight. The sentinels were so formidable because there ability to adapt and without that ability i don't see what makes them so special.

Bounus: Way outdated tech.

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