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Top 5 Favorite Fights/Battles In The MCU

Top 5 Favorite Fights/Battles In The MCU

Avatar image for piratekingoda

Edited by
(1343 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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What are your guys' favorite fights in the entire MCU? Here's my top 5:

5. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

4. Battle in Wakanda

3. Airport Battle

2. Battle on Titan

1. New York

Wbu guys?? If you can't give me an exact ranking just name some of your favorites!!(:

Avatar image for subline

Edited by
(2895 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Un-Ordered (Only Counting Movies, also I may miss some):

  • Battle on Titan

  • Cap & Bucky vs Iron Man

  • Cap vs Bucky Highway

  • Iron Man Cave Scene

  • Yondu's Arrow (GotG 2)

  • Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

  • New York Battle (Avengers 2012 and IW)

  • Cap vs Shield (Hydra) in the Elevator

  • Airport Scene

  • Spider-Man vs Vulture

  • Battle in Wakanda

  • Cap vs Ultron

  • Ant-Man vs Yellowjacket (Thomas the Tank Engine)

  • Dr Strange (Most fights)

Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5028 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1) Thor vs Hulk

2) Thor vs Hela

3) Doctor Strange vs vs Thanos

4) Iron-Man vs Thanos

5) Stark vs Bucky and Cap

So many more.. Wakandan Battle and battle of NY and more

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I'm kind of biased towards street level combat. I always enjoyed it far more than anything, so most of it is that.

1: Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War); for once, I was genuinely afraid for the heroes' lives. Watching the Outriders rushing into Wakanda was absolutely frightening, the previous Avengers Battles were nothing compared to this. Thanos had the "most powerful army in the universe", and it showed. In regards to the I individual matchups with the Black Order, they were great. Seeing the Hulkbuster back in action was awesome, Corvus Glaive's fight with Captain America had particularly great choreography, and the all-female fight scene was incredibly badass. Also, seeing Thor operating on a different level than he used to.

2: Highway Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); starts off with a beautiful and personal gunfight between the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, and finishes off with a exception hand to hand fight scene between the former Captain America. Seeing 2 master Russian assassins going at it was exceptional, using stealth, heavy arm, lethal tools like garottes, spycraft and a lot of high-pace action. Rogers vs Barnes later was an absolutely beatiful melee fight scene, such well choreographed from Bucky picking up his heavy arsenal weapons against Steve's newly acquired fluidity.

3. Battle on Titan (Avengers: Infinity War); seeing the Guardians, Nebula and Spiderman executing perfect teamwork was amazing. Not only did they do a good job combining magic and physical combat, but just like thw Russos said "each character is using their maximum level of power just to stand their ground against Thanos", and that is why Iron Man and Dr Strange performed unimaginably great. Steven multiplying himself and binding Thanos, forcing him to use a set of Infinity Stones to counter his skillset, was exceptional, and Tony's badass ability to go to to toe with and drop blood from tge most powerful being in the universe, when you think about the fact that he's a regular guy in a suit he made, is the most badass moment in the MCU to date.

4. The Lemurian Star Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); this is just a collection of well made scenes. Seeing the Captain having mastered a more advanced style of combat, running around taking on dozens of Batroc's nercwnaries before humiliating Batroc himself. Widow is once again similarly fluid and impressive in her hand to hand scene, and the somersault gundown was one of the action scenes of the movie.

5. Hela's Reign of Terror in Asgard (Thor: Ragnarok); short, but the shorter the more impressive in this scenario really. I couldn't believe how fast and easily Hela could dispose of an entire army single handedly. She litteraly took out an army attacking her in a matter of seconds, the choreography was excellent, rivaling her fight with Thor in the Palace later on, and she litteraly did not get pressured the slightest impaling everyone's sorry asses.

Honorable mention: Melinda May in the Lighthouse (AoS S5); by far the most amazing sequence in the TV side of the MCU is seeing a heavily injured and traumatised May going toe to toe with the most dangerous superhumans in the lighthouse. Exceptional choreography against Sinara and the Kree, and inhuman demonstration of fighting ability against the telepath in Kassius' arena, it was epic.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Your MCU wankering is showing.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Airport battle. Too lazy to think any deeper about others.

Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(1016 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I don't know about top 5 but my two favourites are the Highway fight scene from Winter Soldier and the final Cap vs Buck fight from Winter Soldier.

Note: I know the second one doesn't have absolutely spectacular choreography but it is really emotional.

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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5. Highway battle

4. Airport battle

3. Battle of Titan

2. Battle of Wakanda

1. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

Avatar image for foxerdes

Edited by
(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Drax vs Ronan

Crossbones vs Captain America

Tony vs Steve and Bucky

Malekith killing Asgardians


Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1)Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man's fight kinda of reminds of Millar's Civil War

2)Battle of Titan for Hickman's Infinity

3)Captain America vs Bucky

and everything else

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(25933 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Not in Order

1. Thor vs Hulk in Ragnarok

2. Black Widow vs Crossbones' men in the beginning of Civil War

3. Titan fight

4. Airport fight

5. Daredevil stairwell fight in season 2

Avatar image for loyngulpany

Edited by
(1693 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Tbh, I prefer high tier/cosmic fights over grounded ones. The real problem with the grounded fights in the MCU is the overuse of cuts and the CGI fights were much easier to follow than the grounded ones.

1. Titan fight

2. Ragnarok final battle

3. Dr Strange vs Thanos

4. New York final battle

5. Airport fight

6. Cap vs Bucky Highway fight

7. Cap TWS Elevator fight

8. Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

9. Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man

10. Iron Man 3 Final Battle

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Top 5 Favorite Fights/Battles In The MCU

Avatar image for piratekingoda

Edited by
(1343 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

What are your guys' favorite fights in the entire MCU? Here's my top 5:

5. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

4. Battle in Wakanda

3. Airport Battle

2. Battle on Titan

1. New York

Wbu guys?? If you can't give me an exact ranking just name some of your favorites!!(:

Avatar image for subline

Edited by
(2895 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Un-Ordered (Only Counting Movies, also I may miss some):

  • Battle on Titan

  • Cap & Bucky vs Iron Man

  • Cap vs Bucky Highway

  • Iron Man Cave Scene

  • Yondu's Arrow (GotG 2)

  • Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

  • New York Battle (Avengers 2012 and IW)

  • Cap vs Shield (Hydra) in the Elevator

  • Airport Scene

  • Spider-Man vs Vulture

  • Battle in Wakanda

  • Cap vs Ultron

  • Ant-Man vs Yellowjacket (Thomas the Tank Engine)

  • Dr Strange (Most fights)

Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5028 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1) Thor vs Hulk

2) Thor vs Hela

3) Doctor Strange vs vs Thanos

4) Iron-Man vs Thanos

5) Stark vs Bucky and Cap

So many more.. Wakandan Battle and battle of NY and more

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I'm kind of biased towards street level combat. I always enjoyed it far more than anything, so most of it is that.

1: Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War); for once, I was genuinely afraid for the heroes' lives. Watching the Outriders rushing into Wakanda was absolutely frightening, the previous Avengers Battles were nothing compared to this. Thanos had the "most powerful army in the universe", and it showed. In regards to the I individual matchups with the Black Order, they were great. Seeing the Hulkbuster back in action was awesome, Corvus Glaive's fight with Captain America had particularly great choreography, and the all-female fight scene was incredibly badass. Also, seeing Thor operating on a different level than he used to.

2: Highway Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); starts off with a beautiful and personal gunfight between the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, and finishes off with a exception hand to hand fight scene between the former Captain America. Seeing 2 master Russian assassins going at it was exceptional, using stealth, heavy arm, lethal tools like garottes, spycraft and a lot of high-pace action. Rogers vs Barnes later was an absolutely beatiful melee fight scene, such well choreographed from Bucky picking up his heavy arsenal weapons against Steve's newly acquired fluidity.

3. Battle on Titan (Avengers: Infinity War); seeing the Guardians, Nebula and Spiderman executing perfect teamwork was amazing. Not only did they do a good job combining magic and physical combat, but just like thw Russos said "each character is using their maximum level of power just to stand their ground against Thanos", and that is why Iron Man and Dr Strange performed unimaginably great. Steven multiplying himself and binding Thanos, forcing him to use a set of Infinity Stones to counter his skillset, was exceptional, and Tony's badass ability to go to to toe with and drop blood from tge most powerful being in the universe, when you think about the fact that he's a regular guy in a suit he made, is the most badass moment in the MCU to date.

4. The Lemurian Star Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); this is just a collection of well made scenes. Seeing the Captain having mastered a more advanced style of combat, running around taking on dozens of Batroc's nercwnaries before humiliating Batroc himself. Widow is once again similarly fluid and impressive in her hand to hand scene, and the somersault gundown was one of the action scenes of the movie.

5. Hela's Reign of Terror in Asgard (Thor: Ragnarok); short, but the shorter the more impressive in this scenario really. I couldn't believe how fast and easily Hela could dispose of an entire army single handedly. She litteraly took out an army attacking her in a matter of seconds, the choreography was excellent, rivaling her fight with Thor in the Palace later on, and she litteraly did not get pressured the slightest impaling everyone's sorry asses.

Honorable mention: Melinda May in the Lighthouse (AoS S5); by far the most amazing sequence in the TV side of the MCU is seeing a heavily injured and traumatised May going toe to toe with the most dangerous superhumans in the lighthouse. Exceptional choreography against Sinara and the Kree, and inhuman demonstration of fighting ability against the telepath in Kassius' arena, it was epic.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Your MCU wankering is showing.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Airport battle. Too lazy to think any deeper about others.

Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(1016 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I don't know about top 5 but my two favourites are the Highway fight scene from Winter Soldier and the final Cap vs Buck fight from Winter Soldier.

Note: I know the second one doesn't have absolutely spectacular choreography but it is really emotional.

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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5. Highway battle

4. Airport battle

3. Battle of Titan

2. Battle of Wakanda

1. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

Avatar image for foxerdes

Edited by
(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Drax vs Ronan

Crossbones vs Captain America

Tony vs Steve and Bucky

Malekith killing Asgardians


Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1)Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man's fight kinda of reminds of Millar's Civil War

2)Battle of Titan for Hickman's Infinity

3)Captain America vs Bucky

and everything else

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(25933 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Not in Order

1. Thor vs Hulk in Ragnarok

2. Black Widow vs Crossbones' men in the beginning of Civil War

3. Titan fight

4. Airport fight

5. Daredevil stairwell fight in season 2

Avatar image for loyngulpany

Edited by
(1693 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tbh, I prefer high tier/cosmic fights over grounded ones. The real problem with the grounded fights in the MCU is the overuse of cuts and the CGI fights were much easier to follow than the grounded ones.

1. Titan fight

2. Ragnarok final battle

3. Dr Strange vs Thanos

4. New York final battle

5. Airport fight

6. Cap vs Bucky Highway fight

7. Cap TWS Elevator fight

8. Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

9. Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man

10. Iron Man 3 Final Battle

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Top 5 Favorite Fights/Battles In The MCU

Avatar image for piratekingoda

Edited by
(1343 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

What are your guys' favorite fights in the entire MCU? Here's my top 5:

5. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

4. Battle in Wakanda

3. Airport Battle

2. Battle on Titan

1. New York

Wbu guys?? If you can't give me an exact ranking just name some of your favorites!!(:

Avatar image for subline

Edited by
(2895 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Un-Ordered (Only Counting Movies, also I may miss some):

  • Battle on Titan

  • Cap & Bucky vs Iron Man

  • Cap vs Bucky Highway

  • Iron Man Cave Scene

  • Yondu's Arrow (GotG 2)

  • Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

  • New York Battle (Avengers 2012 and IW)

  • Cap vs Shield (Hydra) in the Elevator

  • Airport Scene

  • Spider-Man vs Vulture

  • Battle in Wakanda

  • Cap vs Ultron

  • Ant-Man vs Yellowjacket (Thomas the Tank Engine)

  • Dr Strange (Most fights)

Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5028 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1) Thor vs Hulk

2) Thor vs Hela

3) Doctor Strange vs vs Thanos

4) Iron-Man vs Thanos

5) Stark vs Bucky and Cap

So many more.. Wakandan Battle and battle of NY and more

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I'm kind of biased towards street level combat. I always enjoyed it far more than anything, so most of it is that.

1: Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War); for once, I was genuinely afraid for the heroes' lives. Watching the Outriders rushing into Wakanda was absolutely frightening, the previous Avengers Battles were nothing compared to this. Thanos had the "most powerful army in the universe", and it showed. In regards to the I individual matchups with the Black Order, they were great. Seeing the Hulkbuster back in action was awesome, Corvus Glaive's fight with Captain America had particularly great choreography, and the all-female fight scene was incredibly badass. Also, seeing Thor operating on a different level than he used to.

2: Highway Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); starts off with a beautiful and personal gunfight between the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, and finishes off with a exception hand to hand fight scene between the former Captain America. Seeing 2 master Russian assassins going at it was exceptional, using stealth, heavy arm, lethal tools like garottes, spycraft and a lot of high-pace action. Rogers vs Barnes later was an absolutely beatiful melee fight scene, such well choreographed from Bucky picking up his heavy arsenal weapons against Steve's newly acquired fluidity.

3. Battle on Titan (Avengers: Infinity War); seeing the Guardians, Nebula and Spiderman executing perfect teamwork was amazing. Not only did they do a good job combining magic and physical combat, but just like thw Russos said "each character is using their maximum level of power just to stand their ground against Thanos", and that is why Iron Man and Dr Strange performed unimaginably great. Steven multiplying himself and binding Thanos, forcing him to use a set of Infinity Stones to counter his skillset, was exceptional, and Tony's badass ability to go to to toe with and drop blood from tge most powerful being in the universe, when you think about the fact that he's a regular guy in a suit he made, is the most badass moment in the MCU to date.

4. The Lemurian Star Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); this is just a collection of well made scenes. Seeing the Captain having mastered a more advanced style of combat, running around taking on dozens of Batroc's nercwnaries before humiliating Batroc himself. Widow is once again similarly fluid and impressive in her hand to hand scene, and the somersault gundown was one of the action scenes of the movie.

5. Hela's Reign of Terror in Asgard (Thor: Ragnarok); short, but the shorter the more impressive in this scenario really. I couldn't believe how fast and easily Hela could dispose of an entire army single handedly. She litteraly took out an army attacking her in a matter of seconds, the choreography was excellent, rivaling her fight with Thor in the Palace later on, and she litteraly did not get pressured the slightest impaling everyone's sorry asses.

Honorable mention: Melinda May in the Lighthouse (AoS S5); by far the most amazing sequence in the TV side of the MCU is seeing a heavily injured and traumatised May going toe to toe with the most dangerous superhumans in the lighthouse. Exceptional choreography against Sinara and the Kree, and inhuman demonstration of fighting ability against the telepath in Kassius' arena, it was epic.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Your MCU wankering is showing.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Airport battle. Too lazy to think any deeper about others.

Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(1016 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I don't know about top 5 but my two favourites are the Highway fight scene from Winter Soldier and the final Cap vs Buck fight from Winter Soldier.

Note: I know the second one doesn't have absolutely spectacular choreography but it is really emotional.

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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5. Highway battle

4. Airport battle

3. Battle of Titan

2. Battle of Wakanda

1. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

Avatar image for foxerdes

Edited by
(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Drax vs Ronan

Crossbones vs Captain America

Tony vs Steve and Bucky

Malekith killing Asgardians


Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1)Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man's fight kinda of reminds of Millar's Civil War

2)Battle of Titan for Hickman's Infinity

3)Captain America vs Bucky

and everything else

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(25933 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Not in Order

1. Thor vs Hulk in Ragnarok

2. Black Widow vs Crossbones' men in the beginning of Civil War

3. Titan fight

4. Airport fight

5. Daredevil stairwell fight in season 2

Avatar image for loyngulpany

Edited by
(1693 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tbh, I prefer high tier/cosmic fights over grounded ones. The real problem with the grounded fights in the MCU is the overuse of cuts and the CGI fights were much easier to follow than the grounded ones.

1. Titan fight

2. Ragnarok final battle

3. Dr Strange vs Thanos

4. New York final battle

5. Airport fight

6. Cap vs Bucky Highway fight

7. Cap TWS Elevator fight

8. Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

9. Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man

10. Iron Man 3 Final Battle

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Avatar image for piratekingoda

Edited by
(1343 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

What are your guys' favorite fights in the entire MCU? Here's my top 5:

5. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

4. Battle in Wakanda

3. Airport Battle

2. Battle on Titan

1. New York

Wbu guys?? If you can't give me an exact ranking just name some of your favorites!!(:

Avatar image for subline

Edited by
(2895 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Un-Ordered (Only Counting Movies, also I may miss some):

  • Battle on Titan

  • Cap & Bucky vs Iron Man

  • Cap vs Bucky Highway

  • Iron Man Cave Scene

  • Yondu's Arrow (GotG 2)

  • Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

  • New York Battle (Avengers 2012 and IW)

  • Cap vs Shield (Hydra) in the Elevator

  • Airport Scene

  • Spider-Man vs Vulture

  • Battle in Wakanda

  • Cap vs Ultron

  • Ant-Man vs Yellowjacket (Thomas the Tank Engine)

  • Dr Strange (Most fights)

Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5028 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1) Thor vs Hulk

2) Thor vs Hela

3) Doctor Strange vs vs Thanos

4) Iron-Man vs Thanos

5) Stark vs Bucky and Cap

So many more.. Wakandan Battle and battle of NY and more

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I'm kind of biased towards street level combat. I always enjoyed it far more than anything, so most of it is that.

1: Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War); for once, I was genuinely afraid for the heroes' lives. Watching the Outriders rushing into Wakanda was absolutely frightening, the previous Avengers Battles were nothing compared to this. Thanos had the "most powerful army in the universe", and it showed. In regards to the I individual matchups with the Black Order, they were great. Seeing the Hulkbuster back in action was awesome, Corvus Glaive's fight with Captain America had particularly great choreography, and the all-female fight scene was incredibly badass. Also, seeing Thor operating on a different level than he used to.

2: Highway Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); starts off with a beautiful and personal gunfight between the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, and finishes off with a exception hand to hand fight scene between the former Captain America. Seeing 2 master Russian assassins going at it was exceptional, using stealth, heavy arm, lethal tools like garottes, spycraft and a lot of high-pace action. Rogers vs Barnes later was an absolutely beatiful melee fight scene, such well choreographed from Bucky picking up his heavy arsenal weapons against Steve's newly acquired fluidity.

3. Battle on Titan (Avengers: Infinity War); seeing the Guardians, Nebula and Spiderman executing perfect teamwork was amazing. Not only did they do a good job combining magic and physical combat, but just like thw Russos said "each character is using their maximum level of power just to stand their ground against Thanos", and that is why Iron Man and Dr Strange performed unimaginably great. Steven multiplying himself and binding Thanos, forcing him to use a set of Infinity Stones to counter his skillset, was exceptional, and Tony's badass ability to go to to toe with and drop blood from tge most powerful being in the universe, when you think about the fact that he's a regular guy in a suit he made, is the most badass moment in the MCU to date.

4. The Lemurian Star Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); this is just a collection of well made scenes. Seeing the Captain having mastered a more advanced style of combat, running around taking on dozens of Batroc's nercwnaries before humiliating Batroc himself. Widow is once again similarly fluid and impressive in her hand to hand scene, and the somersault gundown was one of the action scenes of the movie.

5. Hela's Reign of Terror in Asgard (Thor: Ragnarok); short, but the shorter the more impressive in this scenario really. I couldn't believe how fast and easily Hela could dispose of an entire army single handedly. She litteraly took out an army attacking her in a matter of seconds, the choreography was excellent, rivaling her fight with Thor in the Palace later on, and she litteraly did not get pressured the slightest impaling everyone's sorry asses.

Honorable mention: Melinda May in the Lighthouse (AoS S5); by far the most amazing sequence in the TV side of the MCU is seeing a heavily injured and traumatised May going toe to toe with the most dangerous superhumans in the lighthouse. Exceptional choreography against Sinara and the Kree, and inhuman demonstration of fighting ability against the telepath in Kassius' arena, it was epic.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Your MCU wankering is showing.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Airport battle. Too lazy to think any deeper about others.

Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(1016 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I don't know about top 5 but my two favourites are the Highway fight scene from Winter Soldier and the final Cap vs Buck fight from Winter Soldier.

Note: I know the second one doesn't have absolutely spectacular choreography but it is really emotional.

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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5. Highway battle

4. Airport battle

3. Battle of Titan

2. Battle of Wakanda

1. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

Avatar image for foxerdes

Edited by
(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Drax vs Ronan

Crossbones vs Captain America

Tony vs Steve and Bucky

Malekith killing Asgardians


Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1)Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man's fight kinda of reminds of Millar's Civil War

2)Battle of Titan for Hickman's Infinity

3)Captain America vs Bucky

and everything else

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(25933 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Not in Order

1. Thor vs Hulk in Ragnarok

2. Black Widow vs Crossbones' men in the beginning of Civil War

3. Titan fight

4. Airport fight

5. Daredevil stairwell fight in season 2

Avatar image for loyngulpany

Edited by
(1693 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Tbh, I prefer high tier/cosmic fights over grounded ones. The real problem with the grounded fights in the MCU is the overuse of cuts and the CGI fights were much easier to follow than the grounded ones.

1. Titan fight

2. Ragnarok final battle

3. Dr Strange vs Thanos

4. New York final battle

5. Airport fight

6. Cap vs Bucky Highway fight

7. Cap TWS Elevator fight

8. Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

9. Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man

10. Iron Man 3 Final Battle

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Avatar image for piratekingoda

Edited by
(1343 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

What are your guys' favorite fights in the entire MCU? Here's my top 5:

5. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

4. Battle in Wakanda

3. Airport Battle

2. Battle on Titan

1. New York

Wbu guys?? If you can't give me an exact ranking just name some of your favorites!!(:

Avatar image for subline

Edited by
(2895 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Un-Ordered (Only Counting Movies, also I may miss some):

  • Battle on Titan

  • Cap & Bucky vs Iron Man

  • Cap vs Bucky Highway

  • Iron Man Cave Scene

  • Yondu's Arrow (GotG 2)

  • Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

  • New York Battle (Avengers 2012 and IW)

  • Cap vs Shield (Hydra) in the Elevator

  • Airport Scene

  • Spider-Man vs Vulture

  • Battle in Wakanda

  • Cap vs Ultron

  • Ant-Man vs Yellowjacket (Thomas the Tank Engine)

  • Dr Strange (Most fights)

Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5028 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1) Thor vs Hulk

2) Thor vs Hela

3) Doctor Strange vs vs Thanos

4) Iron-Man vs Thanos

5) Stark vs Bucky and Cap

So many more.. Wakandan Battle and battle of NY and more

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

I'm kind of biased towards street level combat. I always enjoyed it far more than anything, so most of it is that.

1: Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War); for once, I was genuinely afraid for the heroes' lives. Watching the Outriders rushing into Wakanda was absolutely frightening, the previous Avengers Battles were nothing compared to this. Thanos had the "most powerful army in the universe", and it showed. In regards to the I individual matchups with the Black Order, they were great. Seeing the Hulkbuster back in action was awesome, Corvus Glaive's fight with Captain America had particularly great choreography, and the all-female fight scene was incredibly badass. Also, seeing Thor operating on a different level than he used to.

2: Highway Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); starts off with a beautiful and personal gunfight between the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, and finishes off with a exception hand to hand fight scene between the former Captain America. Seeing 2 master Russian assassins going at it was exceptional, using stealth, heavy arm, lethal tools like garottes, spycraft and a lot of high-pace action. Rogers vs Barnes later was an absolutely beatiful melee fight scene, such well choreographed from Bucky picking up his heavy arsenal weapons against Steve's newly acquired fluidity.

3. Battle on Titan (Avengers: Infinity War); seeing the Guardians, Nebula and Spiderman executing perfect teamwork was amazing. Not only did they do a good job combining magic and physical combat, but just like thw Russos said "each character is using their maximum level of power just to stand their ground against Thanos", and that is why Iron Man and Dr Strange performed unimaginably great. Steven multiplying himself and binding Thanos, forcing him to use a set of Infinity Stones to counter his skillset, was exceptional, and Tony's badass ability to go to to toe with and drop blood from tge most powerful being in the universe, when you think about the fact that he's a regular guy in a suit he made, is the most badass moment in the MCU to date.

4. The Lemurian Star Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); this is just a collection of well made scenes. Seeing the Captain having mastered a more advanced style of combat, running around taking on dozens of Batroc's nercwnaries before humiliating Batroc himself. Widow is once again similarly fluid and impressive in her hand to hand scene, and the somersault gundown was one of the action scenes of the movie.

5. Hela's Reign of Terror in Asgard (Thor: Ragnarok); short, but the shorter the more impressive in this scenario really. I couldn't believe how fast and easily Hela could dispose of an entire army single handedly. She litteraly took out an army attacking her in a matter of seconds, the choreography was excellent, rivaling her fight with Thor in the Palace later on, and she litteraly did not get pressured the slightest impaling everyone's sorry asses.

Honorable mention: Melinda May in the Lighthouse (AoS S5); by far the most amazing sequence in the TV side of the MCU is seeing a heavily injured and traumatised May going toe to toe with the most dangerous superhumans in the lighthouse. Exceptional choreography against Sinara and the Kree, and inhuman demonstration of fighting ability against the telepath in Kassius' arena, it was epic.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Your MCU wankering is showing.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Airport battle. Too lazy to think any deeper about others.

Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(1016 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

I don't know about top 5 but my two favourites are the Highway fight scene from Winter Soldier and the final Cap vs Buck fight from Winter Soldier.

Note: I know the second one doesn't have absolutely spectacular choreography but it is really emotional.

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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5. Highway battle

4. Airport battle

3. Battle of Titan

2. Battle of Wakanda

1. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

Avatar image for foxerdes

Edited by
(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Drax vs Ronan

Crossbones vs Captain America

Tony vs Steve and Bucky

Malekith killing Asgardians


Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1)Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man's fight kinda of reminds of Millar's Civil War

2)Battle of Titan for Hickman's Infinity

3)Captain America vs Bucky

and everything else

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(25933 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Not in Order

1. Thor vs Hulk in Ragnarok

2. Black Widow vs Crossbones' men in the beginning of Civil War

3. Titan fight

4. Airport fight

5. Daredevil stairwell fight in season 2

Avatar image for loyngulpany

Edited by
(1693 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Tbh, I prefer high tier/cosmic fights over grounded ones. The real problem with the grounded fights in the MCU is the overuse of cuts and the CGI fights were much easier to follow than the grounded ones.

1. Titan fight

2. Ragnarok final battle

3. Dr Strange vs Thanos

4. New York final battle

5. Airport fight

6. Cap vs Bucky Highway fight

7. Cap TWS Elevator fight

8. Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

9. Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man

10. Iron Man 3 Final Battle

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Avatar image for piratekingoda

Edited by
(1343 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

What are your guys' favorite fights in the entire MCU? Here's my top 5:

5. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

4. Battle in Wakanda

3. Airport Battle

2. Battle on Titan

1. New York

Wbu guys?? If you can't give me an exact ranking just name some of your favorites!!(:

Avatar image for subline

Edited by
(2895 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Un-Ordered (Only Counting Movies, also I may miss some):

  • Battle on Titan

  • Cap & Bucky vs Iron Man

  • Cap vs Bucky Highway

  • Iron Man Cave Scene

  • Yondu's Arrow (GotG 2)

  • Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

  • New York Battle (Avengers 2012 and IW)

  • Cap vs Shield (Hydra) in the Elevator

  • Airport Scene

  • Spider-Man vs Vulture

  • Battle in Wakanda

  • Cap vs Ultron

  • Ant-Man vs Yellowjacket (Thomas the Tank Engine)

  • Dr Strange (Most fights)

Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5028 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1) Thor vs Hulk

2) Thor vs Hela

3) Doctor Strange vs vs Thanos

4) Iron-Man vs Thanos

5) Stark vs Bucky and Cap

So many more.. Wakandan Battle and battle of NY and more

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

I'm kind of biased towards street level combat. I always enjoyed it far more than anything, so most of it is that.

1: Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War); for once, I was genuinely afraid for the heroes' lives. Watching the Outriders rushing into Wakanda was absolutely frightening, the previous Avengers Battles were nothing compared to this. Thanos had the "most powerful army in the universe", and it showed. In regards to the I individual matchups with the Black Order, they were great. Seeing the Hulkbuster back in action was awesome, Corvus Glaive's fight with Captain America had particularly great choreography, and the all-female fight scene was incredibly badass. Also, seeing Thor operating on a different level than he used to.

2: Highway Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); starts off with a beautiful and personal gunfight between the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, and finishes off with a exception hand to hand fight scene between the former Captain America. Seeing 2 master Russian assassins going at it was exceptional, using stealth, heavy arm, lethal tools like garottes, spycraft and a lot of high-pace action. Rogers vs Barnes later was an absolutely beatiful melee fight scene, such well choreographed from Bucky picking up his heavy arsenal weapons against Steve's newly acquired fluidity.

3. Battle on Titan (Avengers: Infinity War); seeing the Guardians, Nebula and Spiderman executing perfect teamwork was amazing. Not only did they do a good job combining magic and physical combat, but just like thw Russos said "each character is using their maximum level of power just to stand their ground against Thanos", and that is why Iron Man and Dr Strange performed unimaginably great. Steven multiplying himself and binding Thanos, forcing him to use a set of Infinity Stones to counter his skillset, was exceptional, and Tony's badass ability to go to to toe with and drop blood from tge most powerful being in the universe, when you think about the fact that he's a regular guy in a suit he made, is the most badass moment in the MCU to date.

4. The Lemurian Star Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); this is just a collection of well made scenes. Seeing the Captain having mastered a more advanced style of combat, running around taking on dozens of Batroc's nercwnaries before humiliating Batroc himself. Widow is once again similarly fluid and impressive in her hand to hand scene, and the somersault gundown was one of the action scenes of the movie.

5. Hela's Reign of Terror in Asgard (Thor: Ragnarok); short, but the shorter the more impressive in this scenario really. I couldn't believe how fast and easily Hela could dispose of an entire army single handedly. She litteraly took out an army attacking her in a matter of seconds, the choreography was excellent, rivaling her fight with Thor in the Palace later on, and she litteraly did not get pressured the slightest impaling everyone's sorry asses.

Honorable mention: Melinda May in the Lighthouse (AoS S5); by far the most amazing sequence in the TV side of the MCU is seeing a heavily injured and traumatised May going toe to toe with the most dangerous superhumans in the lighthouse. Exceptional choreography against Sinara and the Kree, and inhuman demonstration of fighting ability against the telepath in Kassius' arena, it was epic.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Your MCU wankering is showing.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Airport battle. Too lazy to think any deeper about others.

Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(1016 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

I don't know about top 5 but my two favourites are the Highway fight scene from Winter Soldier and the final Cap vs Buck fight from Winter Soldier.

Note: I know the second one doesn't have absolutely spectacular choreography but it is really emotional.

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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5. Highway battle

4. Airport battle

3. Battle of Titan

2. Battle of Wakanda

1. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

Avatar image for foxerdes

Edited by
(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Drax vs Ronan

Crossbones vs Captain America

Tony vs Steve and Bucky

Malekith killing Asgardians


Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1)Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man's fight kinda of reminds of Millar's Civil War

2)Battle of Titan for Hickman's Infinity

3)Captain America vs Bucky

and everything else

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(25933 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Not in Order

1. Thor vs Hulk in Ragnarok

2. Black Widow vs Crossbones' men in the beginning of Civil War

3. Titan fight

4. Airport fight

5. Daredevil stairwell fight in season 2

Avatar image for loyngulpany

Edited by
(1693 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Tbh, I prefer high tier/cosmic fights over grounded ones. The real problem with the grounded fights in the MCU is the overuse of cuts and the CGI fights were much easier to follow than the grounded ones.

1. Titan fight

2. Ragnarok final battle

3. Dr Strange vs Thanos

4. New York final battle

5. Airport fight

6. Cap vs Bucky Highway fight

7. Cap TWS Elevator fight

8. Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

9. Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man

10. Iron Man 3 Final Battle

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Avatar image for piratekingoda

Edited by
(1343 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

What are your guys' favorite fights in the entire MCU? Here's my top 5:

5. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

4. Battle in Wakanda

3. Airport Battle

2. Battle on Titan

1. New York

Wbu guys?? If you can't give me an exact ranking just name some of your favorites!!(:

Avatar image for subline

Edited by
(2895 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Un-Ordered (Only Counting Movies, also I may miss some):

  • Battle on Titan

  • Cap & Bucky vs Iron Man

  • Cap vs Bucky Highway

  • Iron Man Cave Scene

  • Yondu's Arrow (GotG 2)

  • Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

  • New York Battle (Avengers 2012 and IW)

  • Cap vs Shield (Hydra) in the Elevator

  • Airport Scene

  • Spider-Man vs Vulture

  • Battle in Wakanda

  • Cap vs Ultron

  • Ant-Man vs Yellowjacket (Thomas the Tank Engine)

  • Dr Strange (Most fights)

Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5028 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1) Thor vs Hulk

2) Thor vs Hela

3) Doctor Strange vs vs Thanos

4) Iron-Man vs Thanos

5) Stark vs Bucky and Cap

So many more.. Wakandan Battle and battle of NY and more

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

I'm kind of biased towards street level combat. I always enjoyed it far more than anything, so most of it is that.

1: Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War); for once, I was genuinely afraid for the heroes' lives. Watching the Outriders rushing into Wakanda was absolutely frightening, the previous Avengers Battles were nothing compared to this. Thanos had the "most powerful army in the universe", and it showed. In regards to the I individual matchups with the Black Order, they were great. Seeing the Hulkbuster back in action was awesome, Corvus Glaive's fight with Captain America had particularly great choreography, and the all-female fight scene was incredibly badass. Also, seeing Thor operating on a different level than he used to.

2: Highway Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); starts off with a beautiful and personal gunfight between the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, and finishes off with a exception hand to hand fight scene between the former Captain America. Seeing 2 master Russian assassins going at it was exceptional, using stealth, heavy arm, lethal tools like garottes, spycraft and a lot of high-pace action. Rogers vs Barnes later was an absolutely beatiful melee fight scene, such well choreographed from Bucky picking up his heavy arsenal weapons against Steve's newly acquired fluidity.

3. Battle on Titan (Avengers: Infinity War); seeing the Guardians, Nebula and Spiderman executing perfect teamwork was amazing. Not only did they do a good job combining magic and physical combat, but just like thw Russos said "each character is using their maximum level of power just to stand their ground against Thanos", and that is why Iron Man and Dr Strange performed unimaginably great. Steven multiplying himself and binding Thanos, forcing him to use a set of Infinity Stones to counter his skillset, was exceptional, and Tony's badass ability to go to to toe with and drop blood from tge most powerful being in the universe, when you think about the fact that he's a regular guy in a suit he made, is the most badass moment in the MCU to date.

4. The Lemurian Star Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); this is just a collection of well made scenes. Seeing the Captain having mastered a more advanced style of combat, running around taking on dozens of Batroc's nercwnaries before humiliating Batroc himself. Widow is once again similarly fluid and impressive in her hand to hand scene, and the somersault gundown was one of the action scenes of the movie.

5. Hela's Reign of Terror in Asgard (Thor: Ragnarok); short, but the shorter the more impressive in this scenario really. I couldn't believe how fast and easily Hela could dispose of an entire army single handedly. She litteraly took out an army attacking her in a matter of seconds, the choreography was excellent, rivaling her fight with Thor in the Palace later on, and she litteraly did not get pressured the slightest impaling everyone's sorry asses.

Honorable mention: Melinda May in the Lighthouse (AoS S5); by far the most amazing sequence in the TV side of the MCU is seeing a heavily injured and traumatised May going toe to toe with the most dangerous superhumans in the lighthouse. Exceptional choreography against Sinara and the Kree, and inhuman demonstration of fighting ability against the telepath in Kassius' arena, it was epic.

Avatar image for the_magister

Posted by

(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio


Your MCU wankering is showing.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Airport battle. Too lazy to think any deeper about others.

Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(1016 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

I don't know about top 5 but my two favourites are the Highway fight scene from Winter Soldier and the final Cap vs Buck fight from Winter Soldier.

Note: I know the second one doesn't have absolutely spectacular choreography but it is really emotional.

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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5. Highway battle

4. Airport battle

3. Battle of Titan

2. Battle of Wakanda

1. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

Avatar image for foxerdes

Edited by
(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Drax vs Ronan

Crossbones vs Captain America

Tony vs Steve and Bucky

Malekith killing Asgardians


Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1)Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man's fight kinda of reminds of Millar's Civil War

2)Battle of Titan for Hickman's Infinity

3)Captain America vs Bucky

and everything else

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(25933 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Not in Order

1. Thor vs Hulk in Ragnarok

2. Black Widow vs Crossbones' men in the beginning of Civil War

3. Titan fight

4. Airport fight

5. Daredevil stairwell fight in season 2

Avatar image for loyngulpany

Edited by
(1693 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Tbh, I prefer high tier/cosmic fights over grounded ones. The real problem with the grounded fights in the MCU is the overuse of cuts and the CGI fights were much easier to follow than the grounded ones.

1. Titan fight

2. Ragnarok final battle

3. Dr Strange vs Thanos

4. New York final battle

5. Airport fight

6. Cap vs Bucky Highway fight

7. Cap TWS Elevator fight

8. Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

9. Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man

10. Iron Man 3 Final Battle

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Avatar image for piratekingoda

Edited by
(1343 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

What are your guys' favorite fights in the entire MCU? Here's my top 5:

5. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

4. Battle in Wakanda

3. Airport Battle

2. Battle on Titan

1. New York

Wbu guys?? If you can't give me an exact ranking just name some of your favorites!!(:

Avatar image for piratekingoda

Edited by
(1343 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

What are your guys' favorite fights in the entire MCU? Here's my top 5:

5. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

4. Battle in Wakanda

3. Airport Battle

2. Battle on Titan

1. New York

Wbu guys?? If you can't give me an exact ranking just name some of your favorites!!(:

Edited by
(1343 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

What are your guys' favorite fights in the entire MCU? Here's my top 5:

5. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

4. Battle in Wakanda

3. Airport Battle

2. Battle on Titan

1. New York

Wbu guys?? If you can't give me an exact ranking just name some of your favorites!!(:

Edited by
(1343 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

What are your guys' favorite fights in the entire MCU? Here's my top 5:

5. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

4. Battle in Wakanda

3. Airport Battle

2. Battle on Titan

1. New York

Wbu guys?? If you can't give me an exact ranking just name some of your favorites!!(:

Avatar image for subline

Edited by
(2895 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Un-Ordered (Only Counting Movies, also I may miss some):

  • Battle on Titan

  • Cap & Bucky vs Iron Man

  • Cap vs Bucky Highway

  • Iron Man Cave Scene

  • Yondu's Arrow (GotG 2)

  • Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

  • New York Battle (Avengers 2012 and IW)

  • Cap vs Shield (Hydra) in the Elevator

  • Airport Scene

  • Spider-Man vs Vulture

  • Battle in Wakanda

  • Cap vs Ultron

  • Ant-Man vs Yellowjacket (Thomas the Tank Engine)

  • Dr Strange (Most fights)

Avatar image for subline

Edited by
(2895 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Un-Ordered (Only Counting Movies, also I may miss some):

  • Battle on Titan

  • Cap & Bucky vs Iron Man

  • Cap vs Bucky Highway

  • Iron Man Cave Scene

  • Yondu's Arrow (GotG 2)

  • Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

  • New York Battle (Avengers 2012 and IW)

  • Cap vs Shield (Hydra) in the Elevator

  • Airport Scene

  • Spider-Man vs Vulture

  • Battle in Wakanda

  • Cap vs Ultron

  • Ant-Man vs Yellowjacket (Thomas the Tank Engine)

  • Dr Strange (Most fights)

Edited by
(2895 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Un-Ordered (Only Counting Movies, also I may miss some):

  • Battle on Titan

  • Cap & Bucky vs Iron Man

  • Cap vs Bucky Highway

  • Iron Man Cave Scene

  • Yondu's Arrow (GotG 2)

  • Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

  • New York Battle (Avengers 2012 and IW)

  • Cap vs Shield (Hydra) in the Elevator

  • Airport Scene

  • Spider-Man vs Vulture

  • Battle in Wakanda

  • Cap vs Ultron

  • Ant-Man vs Yellowjacket (Thomas the Tank Engine)

  • Dr Strange (Most fights)

Edited by
(2895 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

Un-Ordered (Only Counting Movies, also I may miss some):

  • Battle on Titan

  • Cap & Bucky vs Iron Man

  • Cap vs Bucky Highway

  • Iron Man Cave Scene

  • Yondu's Arrow (GotG 2)

  • Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

  • New York Battle (Avengers 2012 and IW)

  • Cap vs Shield (Hydra) in the Elevator

  • Airport Scene

  • Spider-Man vs Vulture

  • Battle in Wakanda

  • Cap vs Ultron

  • Ant-Man vs Yellowjacket (Thomas the Tank Engine)

  • Dr Strange (Most fights)

Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5028 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1) Thor vs Hulk

2) Thor vs Hela

3) Doctor Strange vs vs Thanos

4) Iron-Man vs Thanos

5) Stark vs Bucky and Cap

So many more.. Wakandan Battle and battle of NY and more

Avatar image for xzone

Posted by

(5028 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1) Thor vs Hulk

2) Thor vs Hela

3) Doctor Strange vs vs Thanos

4) Iron-Man vs Thanos

5) Stark vs Bucky and Cap

So many more.. Wakandan Battle and battle of NY and more

Posted by

(5028 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1) Thor vs Hulk

2) Thor vs Hela

3) Doctor Strange vs vs Thanos

4) Iron-Man vs Thanos

5) Stark vs Bucky and Cap

So many more.. Wakandan Battle and battle of NY and more

Posted by

(5028 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

1) Thor vs Hulk

2) Thor vs Hela

3) Doctor Strange vs vs Thanos

4) Iron-Man vs Thanos

5) Stark vs Bucky and Cap

So many more.. Wakandan Battle and battle of NY and more

Avatar image for anthp2000

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
- Show Bio

I'm kind of biased towards street level combat. I always enjoyed it far more than anything, so most of it is that.

1: Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War); for once, I was genuinely afraid for the heroes' lives. Watching the Outriders rushing into Wakanda was absolutely frightening, the previous Avengers Battles were nothing compared to this. Thanos had the "most powerful army in the universe", and it showed. In regards to the I individual matchups with the Black Order, they were great. Seeing the Hulkbuster back in action was awesome, Corvus Glaive's fight with Captain America had particularly great choreography, and the all-female fight scene was incredibly badass. Also, seeing Thor operating on a different level than he used to.

2: Highway Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); starts off with a beautiful and personal gunfight between the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, and finishes off with a exception hand to hand fight scene between the former Captain America. Seeing 2 master Russian assassins going at it was exceptional, using stealth, heavy arm, lethal tools like garottes, spycraft and a lot of high-pace action. Rogers vs Barnes later was an absolutely beatiful melee fight scene, such well choreographed from Bucky picking up his heavy arsenal weapons against Steve's newly acquired fluidity.

3. Battle on Titan (Avengers: Infinity War); seeing the Guardians, Nebula and Spiderman executing perfect teamwork was amazing. Not only did they do a good job combining magic and physical combat, but just like thw Russos said "each character is using their maximum level of power just to stand their ground against Thanos", and that is why Iron Man and Dr Strange performed unimaginably great. Steven multiplying himself and binding Thanos, forcing him to use a set of Infinity Stones to counter his skillset, was exceptional, and Tony's badass ability to go to to toe with and drop blood from tge most powerful being in the universe, when you think about the fact that he's a regular guy in a suit he made, is the most badass moment in the MCU to date.

4. The Lemurian Star Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); this is just a collection of well made scenes. Seeing the Captain having mastered a more advanced style of combat, running around taking on dozens of Batroc's nercwnaries before humiliating Batroc himself. Widow is once again similarly fluid and impressive in her hand to hand scene, and the somersault gundown was one of the action scenes of the movie.

5. Hela's Reign of Terror in Asgard (Thor: Ragnarok); short, but the shorter the more impressive in this scenario really. I couldn't believe how fast and easily Hela could dispose of an entire army single handedly. She litteraly took out an army attacking her in a matter of seconds, the choreography was excellent, rivaling her fight with Thor in the Palace later on, and she litteraly did not get pressured the slightest impaling everyone's sorry asses.

Honorable mention: Melinda May in the Lighthouse (AoS S5); by far the most amazing sequence in the TV side of the MCU is seeing a heavily injured and traumatised May going toe to toe with the most dangerous superhumans in the lighthouse. Exceptional choreography against Sinara and the Kree, and inhuman demonstration of fighting ability against the telepath in Kassius' arena, it was epic.

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Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I'm kind of biased towards street level combat. I always enjoyed it far more than anything, so most of it is that.

1: Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War); for once, I was genuinely afraid for the heroes' lives. Watching the Outriders rushing into Wakanda was absolutely frightening, the previous Avengers Battles were nothing compared to this. Thanos had the "most powerful army in the universe", and it showed. In regards to the I individual matchups with the Black Order, they were great. Seeing the Hulkbuster back in action was awesome, Corvus Glaive's fight with Captain America had particularly great choreography, and the all-female fight scene was incredibly badass. Also, seeing Thor operating on a different level than he used to.

2: Highway Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); starts off with a beautiful and personal gunfight between the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, and finishes off with a exception hand to hand fight scene between the former Captain America. Seeing 2 master Russian assassins going at it was exceptional, using stealth, heavy arm, lethal tools like garottes, spycraft and a lot of high-pace action. Rogers vs Barnes later was an absolutely beatiful melee fight scene, such well choreographed from Bucky picking up his heavy arsenal weapons against Steve's newly acquired fluidity.

3. Battle on Titan (Avengers: Infinity War); seeing the Guardians, Nebula and Spiderman executing perfect teamwork was amazing. Not only did they do a good job combining magic and physical combat, but just like thw Russos said "each character is using their maximum level of power just to stand their ground against Thanos", and that is why Iron Man and Dr Strange performed unimaginably great. Steven multiplying himself and binding Thanos, forcing him to use a set of Infinity Stones to counter his skillset, was exceptional, and Tony's badass ability to go to to toe with and drop blood from tge most powerful being in the universe, when you think about the fact that he's a regular guy in a suit he made, is the most badass moment in the MCU to date.

4. The Lemurian Star Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); this is just a collection of well made scenes. Seeing the Captain having mastered a more advanced style of combat, running around taking on dozens of Batroc's nercwnaries before humiliating Batroc himself. Widow is once again similarly fluid and impressive in her hand to hand scene, and the somersault gundown was one of the action scenes of the movie.

5. Hela's Reign of Terror in Asgard (Thor: Ragnarok); short, but the shorter the more impressive in this scenario really. I couldn't believe how fast and easily Hela could dispose of an entire army single handedly. She litteraly took out an army attacking her in a matter of seconds, the choreography was excellent, rivaling her fight with Thor in the Palace later on, and she litteraly did not get pressured the slightest impaling everyone's sorry asses.

Honorable mention: Melinda May in the Lighthouse (AoS S5); by far the most amazing sequence in the TV side of the MCU is seeing a heavily injured and traumatised May going toe to toe with the most dangerous superhumans in the lighthouse. Exceptional choreography against Sinara and the Kree, and inhuman demonstration of fighting ability against the telepath in Kassius' arena, it was epic.

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I'm kind of biased towards street level combat. I always enjoyed it far more than anything, so most of it is that.

1: Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War); for once, I was genuinely afraid for the heroes' lives. Watching the Outriders rushing into Wakanda was absolutely frightening, the previous Avengers Battles were nothing compared to this. Thanos had the "most powerful army in the universe", and it showed. In regards to the I individual matchups with the Black Order, they were great. Seeing the Hulkbuster back in action was awesome, Corvus Glaive's fight with Captain America had particularly great choreography, and the all-female fight scene was incredibly badass. Also, seeing Thor operating on a different level than he used to.

2: Highway Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); starts off with a beautiful and personal gunfight between the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, and finishes off with a exception hand to hand fight scene between the former Captain America. Seeing 2 master Russian assassins going at it was exceptional, using stealth, heavy arm, lethal tools like garottes, spycraft and a lot of high-pace action. Rogers vs Barnes later was an absolutely beatiful melee fight scene, such well choreographed from Bucky picking up his heavy arsenal weapons against Steve's newly acquired fluidity.

3. Battle on Titan (Avengers: Infinity War); seeing the Guardians, Nebula and Spiderman executing perfect teamwork was amazing. Not only did they do a good job combining magic and physical combat, but just like thw Russos said "each character is using their maximum level of power just to stand their ground against Thanos", and that is why Iron Man and Dr Strange performed unimaginably great. Steven multiplying himself and binding Thanos, forcing him to use a set of Infinity Stones to counter his skillset, was exceptional, and Tony's badass ability to go to to toe with and drop blood from tge most powerful being in the universe, when you think about the fact that he's a regular guy in a suit he made, is the most badass moment in the MCU to date.

4. The Lemurian Star Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); this is just a collection of well made scenes. Seeing the Captain having mastered a more advanced style of combat, running around taking on dozens of Batroc's nercwnaries before humiliating Batroc himself. Widow is once again similarly fluid and impressive in her hand to hand scene, and the somersault gundown was one of the action scenes of the movie.

5. Hela's Reign of Terror in Asgard (Thor: Ragnarok); short, but the shorter the more impressive in this scenario really. I couldn't believe how fast and easily Hela could dispose of an entire army single handedly. She litteraly took out an army attacking her in a matter of seconds, the choreography was excellent, rivaling her fight with Thor in the Palace later on, and she litteraly did not get pressured the slightest impaling everyone's sorry asses.

Honorable mention: Melinda May in the Lighthouse (AoS S5); by far the most amazing sequence in the TV side of the MCU is seeing a heavily injured and traumatised May going toe to toe with the most dangerous superhumans in the lighthouse. Exceptional choreography against Sinara and the Kree, and inhuman demonstration of fighting ability against the telepath in Kassius' arena, it was epic.

Posted by

(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I'm kind of biased towards street level combat. I always enjoyed it far more than anything, so most of it is that.

1: Battle of Wakanda (Avengers: Infinity War); for once, I was genuinely afraid for the heroes' lives. Watching the Outriders rushing into Wakanda was absolutely frightening, the previous Avengers Battles were nothing compared to this. Thanos had the "most powerful army in the universe", and it showed. In regards to the I individual matchups with the Black Order, they were great. Seeing the Hulkbuster back in action was awesome, Corvus Glaive's fight with Captain America had particularly great choreography, and the all-female fight scene was incredibly badass. Also, seeing Thor operating on a different level than he used to.

2: Highway Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); starts off with a beautiful and personal gunfight between the Winter Soldier and the Black Widow, and finishes off with a exception hand to hand fight scene between the former Captain America. Seeing 2 master Russian assassins going at it was exceptional, using stealth, heavy arm, lethal tools like garottes, spycraft and a lot of high-pace action. Rogers vs Barnes later was an absolutely beatiful melee fight scene, such well choreographed from Bucky picking up his heavy arsenal weapons against Steve's newly acquired fluidity.

3. Battle on Titan (Avengers: Infinity War); seeing the Guardians, Nebula and Spiderman executing perfect teamwork was amazing. Not only did they do a good job combining magic and physical combat, but just like thw Russos said "each character is using their maximum level of power just to stand their ground against Thanos", and that is why Iron Man and Dr Strange performed unimaginably great. Steven multiplying himself and binding Thanos, forcing him to use a set of Infinity Stones to counter his skillset, was exceptional, and Tony's badass ability to go to to toe with and drop blood from tge most powerful being in the universe, when you think about the fact that he's a regular guy in a suit he made, is the most badass moment in the MCU to date.

4. The Lemurian Star Sequence (Captain America: The Winter Soldier); this is just a collection of well made scenes. Seeing the Captain having mastered a more advanced style of combat, running around taking on dozens of Batroc's nercwnaries before humiliating Batroc himself. Widow is once again similarly fluid and impressive in her hand to hand scene, and the somersault gundown was one of the action scenes of the movie.

5. Hela's Reign of Terror in Asgard (Thor: Ragnarok); short, but the shorter the more impressive in this scenario really. I couldn't believe how fast and easily Hela could dispose of an entire army single handedly. She litteraly took out an army attacking her in a matter of seconds, the choreography was excellent, rivaling her fight with Thor in the Palace later on, and she litteraly did not get pressured the slightest impaling everyone's sorry asses.

Honorable mention: Melinda May in the Lighthouse (AoS S5); by far the most amazing sequence in the TV side of the MCU is seeing a heavily injured and traumatised May going toe to toe with the most dangerous superhumans in the lighthouse. Exceptional choreography against Sinara and the Kree, and inhuman demonstration of fighting ability against the telepath in Kassius' arena, it was epic.

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(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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(11775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Your MCU wankering is showing.

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(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Your MCU wankering is showing.

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(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Your MCU wankering is showing.

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(19775 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Your MCU wankering is showing.

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Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Airport battle. Too lazy to think any deeper about others.

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Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Airport battle. Too lazy to think any deeper about others.

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Airport battle. Too lazy to think any deeper about others.

Posted by

(315 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Airport battle. Too lazy to think any deeper about others.

Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(1016 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I don't know about top 5 but my two favourites are the Highway fight scene from Winter Soldier and the final Cap vs Buck fight from Winter Soldier.

Note: I know the second one doesn't have absolutely spectacular choreography but it is really emotional.

Avatar image for arkhamasylum3

Posted by

(1016 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I don't know about top 5 but my two favourites are the Highway fight scene from Winter Soldier and the final Cap vs Buck fight from Winter Soldier.

Note: I know the second one doesn't have absolutely spectacular choreography but it is really emotional.

Posted by

(1016 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I don't know about top 5 but my two favourites are the Highway fight scene from Winter Soldier and the final Cap vs Buck fight from Winter Soldier.

Note: I know the second one doesn't have absolutely spectacular choreography but it is really emotional.

Posted by

(1016 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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I don't know about top 5 but my two favourites are the Highway fight scene from Winter Soldier and the final Cap vs Buck fight from Winter Soldier.

Note: I know the second one doesn't have absolutely spectacular choreography but it is really emotional.

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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5. Highway battle

4. Airport battle

3. Battle of Titan

2. Battle of Wakanda

1. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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5. Highway battle

4. Airport battle

3. Battle of Titan

2. Battle of Wakanda

1. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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5. Highway battle

4. Airport battle

3. Battle of Titan

2. Battle of Wakanda

1. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

Posted by

(11347 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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5. Highway battle

4. Airport battle

3. Battle of Titan

2. Battle of Wakanda

1. Captain America and Winter Soldier vs Iron Man

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Edited by
(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Drax vs Ronan

Crossbones vs Captain America

Tony vs Steve and Bucky

Malekith killing Asgardians


Avatar image for foxerdes

Edited by
(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Drax vs Ronan

Crossbones vs Captain America

Tony vs Steve and Bucky

Malekith killing Asgardians


Edited by
(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Drax vs Ronan

Crossbones vs Captain America

Tony vs Steve and Bucky

Malekith killing Asgardians


Edited by
(9174 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Drax vs Ronan

Crossbones vs Captain America

Tony vs Steve and Bucky

Malekith killing Asgardians


Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1)Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man's fight kinda of reminds of Millar's Civil War

2)Battle of Titan for Hickman's Infinity

3)Captain America vs Bucky

and everything else

Avatar image for deactivated-5b8a3c2a2c957

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1)Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man's fight kinda of reminds of Millar's Civil War

2)Battle of Titan for Hickman's Infinity

3)Captain America vs Bucky

and everything else

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1)Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man's fight kinda of reminds of Millar's Civil War

2)Battle of Titan for Hickman's Infinity

3)Captain America vs Bucky

and everything else

Posted by

(38 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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1)Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man's fight kinda of reminds of Millar's Civil War

2)Battle of Titan for Hickman's Infinity

3)Captain America vs Bucky

and everything else

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(25933 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Not in Order

1. Thor vs Hulk in Ragnarok

2. Black Widow vs Crossbones' men in the beginning of Civil War

3. Titan fight

4. Airport fight

5. Daredevil stairwell fight in season 2

Avatar image for jayc1324

Posted by

(25933 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Not in Order

1. Thor vs Hulk in Ragnarok

2. Black Widow vs Crossbones' men in the beginning of Civil War

3. Titan fight

4. Airport fight

5. Daredevil stairwell fight in season 2

Posted by

(25933 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Not in Order

1. Thor vs Hulk in Ragnarok

2. Black Widow vs Crossbones' men in the beginning of Civil War

3. Titan fight

4. Airport fight

5. Daredevil stairwell fight in season 2

Posted by

(25933 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Not in Order

1. Thor vs Hulk in Ragnarok

2. Black Widow vs Crossbones' men in the beginning of Civil War

3. Titan fight

4. Airport fight

5. Daredevil stairwell fight in season 2

Avatar image for loyngulpany

Edited by
(1693 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tbh, I prefer high tier/cosmic fights over grounded ones. The real problem with the grounded fights in the MCU is the overuse of cuts and the CGI fights were much easier to follow than the grounded ones.

1. Titan fight

2. Ragnarok final battle

3. Dr Strange vs Thanos

4. New York final battle

5. Airport fight

6. Cap vs Bucky Highway fight

7. Cap TWS Elevator fight

8. Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

9. Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man

10. Iron Man 3 Final Battle

Avatar image for loyngulpany

Edited by
(1693 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tbh, I prefer high tier/cosmic fights over grounded ones. The real problem with the grounded fights in the MCU is the overuse of cuts and the CGI fights were much easier to follow than the grounded ones.

1. Titan fight

2. Ragnarok final battle

3. Dr Strange vs Thanos

4. New York final battle

5. Airport fight

6. Cap vs Bucky Highway fight

7. Cap TWS Elevator fight

8. Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

9. Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man

10. Iron Man 3 Final Battle

Edited by
(1693 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tbh, I prefer high tier/cosmic fights over grounded ones. The real problem with the grounded fights in the MCU is the overuse of cuts and the CGI fights were much easier to follow than the grounded ones.

1. Titan fight

2. Ragnarok final battle

3. Dr Strange vs Thanos

4. New York final battle

5. Airport fight

6. Cap vs Bucky Highway fight

7. Cap TWS Elevator fight

8. Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

9. Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man

10. Iron Man 3 Final Battle

Edited by
(1693 posts)
- 1 month, 1 day ago
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Tbh, I prefer high tier/cosmic fights over grounded ones. The real problem with the grounded fights in the MCU is the overuse of cuts and the CGI fights were much easier to follow than the grounded ones.

1. Titan fight

2. Ragnarok final battle

3. Dr Strange vs Thanos

4. New York final battle

5. Airport fight

6. Cap vs Bucky Highway fight

7. Cap TWS Elevator fight

8. Thor vs Hulk (Ragnarok)

9. Cap and Bucky vs Iron Man

10. Iron Man 3 Final Battle

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