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Gaurdains of the Galaxy Vol. 3 officially on hold, Taika Waititi gets the job

Gaurdains of the Galaxy Vol. 3 officially on hold, Taika Waititi gets the job

Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 1 month, 1 hour ago
- Show Bio

As if we didn't know this was going to happen...

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is on hold as the search for writer-director James Gunn's replacement continues.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, crew members in Atlanta are being told by Disney and Marvel Studios that they are now free to work on other movies and shows.

The small group of crew members were prepping for pre-production in Atlanta. Filming was slated to commence in January or February of next year.

THR's source described the hold as a temporary "regrouping" while the search for a new director continues. "The timeline has been pushed out," the source told the trade.

THR adds that Thor: Ragnarok helmer Taika Waititi recently met with Marvel, "but it is unclear what project was discussed."

I know Taika isn't confirmed, but...........

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Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11298 posts)
- 1 month, 47 minutes ago
- Show Bio

I can see why Marvel is putting a hold on production; all this drama can't be easily to deal with, and Dave Bautisita sure isn't helping with his constant attacks against Disney.

But hopefully Taika Waititi gets the job, he'll make a great Guardians 3.


Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

Waititi's Thor was still a bad Thor movie IMO, Russo's nailed him but while I'm not the biggest fan of the Guardians being the "Losers" of the MCU and honestly being some of the bigger weakness of Avengers 3 the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively


Avatar image for jagerzi

Edited by
(286 posts)
- 30 days, 12 hours ago
- Show Bio

He's perfect for this failed comedy of a franchise

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(696 posts)
- 30 days, 11 hours ago
- Show Bio

Taika will make Guardians great again

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(149291 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

Can't say I am surprised they are considering Waititi for this. His Thor movie was very similar in tone to the GoTG movies. It is a very reasonable and safe choice for this. That said, I didn't like Ragnarok a lot, so if they do get to choose him, chances are I am not going to like the new GoTG movie either.

Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio


"the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively"

Nailed it. A person would have to be crazy not to see it. It's a perfect pairing.

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4855 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

so perhaps some other movie will take its slot? could be seeing black widow, doctor strange 2, black panther 2, etc. getting an earlier release.

also dave bautista not coming back confirmed?

Avatar image for chazzer

Posted by

(452 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@jagerzi: The salt, it burns doesn't it? Lol.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(286 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

@chazzer: Yo momma

Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

On topic. While I don't love Thor Ragnarok as a Thor movie. I prefer its style over GOTG 2 which is down there with ironman 2 and the first two Thor films for me


Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6909 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

I have faith in him

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Gaurdains of the Galaxy Vol. 3 officially on hold, Taika Waititi gets the job

Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 1 month, 1 hour ago
- Show Bio

As if we didn't know this was going to happen...

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is on hold as the search for writer-director James Gunn's replacement continues.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, crew members in Atlanta are being told by Disney and Marvel Studios that they are now free to work on other movies and shows.

The small group of crew members were prepping for pre-production in Atlanta. Filming was slated to commence in January or February of next year.

THR's source described the hold as a temporary "regrouping" while the search for a new director continues. "The timeline has been pushed out," the source told the trade.

THR adds that Thor: Ragnarok helmer Taika Waititi recently met with Marvel, "but it is unclear what project was discussed."

I know Taika isn't confirmed, but...........

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Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11298 posts)
- 1 month, 47 minutes ago
- Show Bio

I can see why Marvel is putting a hold on production; all this drama can't be easily to deal with, and Dave Bautisita sure isn't helping with his constant attacks against Disney.

But hopefully Taika Waititi gets the job, he'll make a great Guardians 3.


Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

Waititi's Thor was still a bad Thor movie IMO, Russo's nailed him but while I'm not the biggest fan of the Guardians being the "Losers" of the MCU and honestly being some of the bigger weakness of Avengers 3 the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively


Avatar image for jagerzi

Edited by
(286 posts)
- 30 days, 12 hours ago
- Show Bio

He's perfect for this failed comedy of a franchise

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(696 posts)
- 30 days, 11 hours ago
- Show Bio

Taika will make Guardians great again

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(149291 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

Can't say I am surprised they are considering Waititi for this. His Thor movie was very similar in tone to the GoTG movies. It is a very reasonable and safe choice for this. That said, I didn't like Ragnarok a lot, so if they do get to choose him, chances are I am not going to like the new GoTG movie either.

Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio


"the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively"

Nailed it. A person would have to be crazy not to see it. It's a perfect pairing.

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4855 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

so perhaps some other movie will take its slot? could be seeing black widow, doctor strange 2, black panther 2, etc. getting an earlier release.

also dave bautista not coming back confirmed?

Avatar image for chazzer

Posted by

(452 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@jagerzi: The salt, it burns doesn't it? Lol.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(286 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

@chazzer: Yo momma

Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

On topic. While I don't love Thor Ragnarok as a Thor movie. I prefer its style over GOTG 2 which is down there with ironman 2 and the first two Thor films for me


Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6909 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

I have faith in him

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Gaurdains of the Galaxy Vol. 3 officially on hold, Taika Waititi gets the job

Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 1 month, 1 hour ago
- Show Bio

As if we didn't know this was going to happen...

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is on hold as the search for writer-director James Gunn's replacement continues.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, crew members in Atlanta are being told by Disney and Marvel Studios that they are now free to work on other movies and shows.

The small group of crew members were prepping for pre-production in Atlanta. Filming was slated to commence in January or February of next year.

THR's source described the hold as a temporary "regrouping" while the search for a new director continues. "The timeline has been pushed out," the source told the trade.

THR adds that Thor: Ragnarok helmer Taika Waititi recently met with Marvel, "but it is unclear what project was discussed."

I know Taika isn't confirmed, but...........

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Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11298 posts)
- 1 month, 47 minutes ago
- Show Bio

I can see why Marvel is putting a hold on production; all this drama can't be easily to deal with, and Dave Bautisita sure isn't helping with his constant attacks against Disney.

But hopefully Taika Waititi gets the job, he'll make a great Guardians 3.


Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

Waititi's Thor was still a bad Thor movie IMO, Russo's nailed him but while I'm not the biggest fan of the Guardians being the "Losers" of the MCU and honestly being some of the bigger weakness of Avengers 3 the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively


Avatar image for jagerzi

Edited by
(286 posts)
- 30 days, 12 hours ago
- Show Bio

He's perfect for this failed comedy of a franchise

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(696 posts)
- 30 days, 11 hours ago
- Show Bio

Taika will make Guardians great again

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(149291 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

Can't say I am surprised they are considering Waititi for this. His Thor movie was very similar in tone to the GoTG movies. It is a very reasonable and safe choice for this. That said, I didn't like Ragnarok a lot, so if they do get to choose him, chances are I am not going to like the new GoTG movie either.

Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio


"the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively"

Nailed it. A person would have to be crazy not to see it. It's a perfect pairing.

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4855 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

so perhaps some other movie will take its slot? could be seeing black widow, doctor strange 2, black panther 2, etc. getting an earlier release.

also dave bautista not coming back confirmed?

Avatar image for chazzer

Posted by

(452 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@jagerzi: The salt, it burns doesn't it? Lol.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(286 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

@chazzer: Yo momma

Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

On topic. While I don't love Thor Ragnarok as a Thor movie. I prefer its style over GOTG 2 which is down there with ironman 2 and the first two Thor films for me


Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6909 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

I have faith in him

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Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 1 month, 1 hour ago
- Show Bio

As if we didn't know this was going to happen...

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is on hold as the search for writer-director James Gunn's replacement continues.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, crew members in Atlanta are being told by Disney and Marvel Studios that they are now free to work on other movies and shows.

The small group of crew members were prepping for pre-production in Atlanta. Filming was slated to commence in January or February of next year.

THR's source described the hold as a temporary "regrouping" while the search for a new director continues. "The timeline has been pushed out," the source told the trade.

THR adds that Thor: Ragnarok helmer Taika Waititi recently met with Marvel, "but it is unclear what project was discussed."

I know Taika isn't confirmed, but...........

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Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11298 posts)
- 1 month, 47 minutes ago
- Show Bio

I can see why Marvel is putting a hold on production; all this drama can't be easily to deal with, and Dave Bautisita sure isn't helping with his constant attacks against Disney.

But hopefully Taika Waititi gets the job, he'll make a great Guardians 3.


Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

Waititi's Thor was still a bad Thor movie IMO, Russo's nailed him but while I'm not the biggest fan of the Guardians being the "Losers" of the MCU and honestly being some of the bigger weakness of Avengers 3 the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively


Avatar image for jagerzi

Edited by
(286 posts)
- 30 days, 12 hours ago
- Show Bio

He's perfect for this failed comedy of a franchise

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(696 posts)
- 30 days, 11 hours ago
- Show Bio

Taika will make Guardians great again

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(149291 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

Can't say I am surprised they are considering Waititi for this. His Thor movie was very similar in tone to the GoTG movies. It is a very reasonable and safe choice for this. That said, I didn't like Ragnarok a lot, so if they do get to choose him, chances are I am not going to like the new GoTG movie either.

Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio


"the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively"

Nailed it. A person would have to be crazy not to see it. It's a perfect pairing.

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4855 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

so perhaps some other movie will take its slot? could be seeing black widow, doctor strange 2, black panther 2, etc. getting an earlier release.

also dave bautista not coming back confirmed?

Avatar image for chazzer

Posted by

(452 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@jagerzi: The salt, it burns doesn't it? Lol.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(286 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

@chazzer: Yo momma

Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

On topic. While I don't love Thor Ragnarok as a Thor movie. I prefer its style over GOTG 2 which is down there with ironman 2 and the first two Thor films for me


Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6909 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

I have faith in him

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Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 1 month, 1 hour ago
- Show Bio

As if we didn't know this was going to happen...

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is on hold as the search for writer-director James Gunn's replacement continues.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, crew members in Atlanta are being told by Disney and Marvel Studios that they are now free to work on other movies and shows.

The small group of crew members were prepping for pre-production in Atlanta. Filming was slated to commence in January or February of next year.

THR's source described the hold as a temporary "regrouping" while the search for a new director continues. "The timeline has been pushed out," the source told the trade.

THR adds that Thor: Ragnarok helmer Taika Waititi recently met with Marvel, "but it is unclear what project was discussed."

I know Taika isn't confirmed, but...........

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11298 posts)
- 1 month, 47 minutes ago
- Show Bio

I can see why Marvel is putting a hold on production; all this drama can't be easily to deal with, and Dave Bautisita sure isn't helping with his constant attacks against Disney.

But hopefully Taika Waititi gets the job, he'll make a great Guardians 3.


Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

Waititi's Thor was still a bad Thor movie IMO, Russo's nailed him but while I'm not the biggest fan of the Guardians being the "Losers" of the MCU and honestly being some of the bigger weakness of Avengers 3 the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively


Avatar image for jagerzi

Edited by
(286 posts)
- 30 days, 12 hours ago
- Show Bio

He's perfect for this failed comedy of a franchise

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(696 posts)
- 30 days, 11 hours ago
- Show Bio

Taika will make Guardians great again

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(149291 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

Can't say I am surprised they are considering Waititi for this. His Thor movie was very similar in tone to the GoTG movies. It is a very reasonable and safe choice for this. That said, I didn't like Ragnarok a lot, so if they do get to choose him, chances are I am not going to like the new GoTG movie either.

Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio


"the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively"

Nailed it. A person would have to be crazy not to see it. It's a perfect pairing.

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4855 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

so perhaps some other movie will take its slot? could be seeing black widow, doctor strange 2, black panther 2, etc. getting an earlier release.

also dave bautista not coming back confirmed?

Avatar image for chazzer

Posted by

(452 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@jagerzi: The salt, it burns doesn't it? Lol.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(286 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

@chazzer: Yo momma

Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

On topic. While I don't love Thor Ragnarok as a Thor movie. I prefer its style over GOTG 2 which is down there with ironman 2 and the first two Thor films for me


Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6909 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

I have faith in him

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Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 1 month, 1 hour ago
- Show Bio

As if we didn't know this was going to happen...

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is on hold as the search for writer-director James Gunn's replacement continues.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, crew members in Atlanta are being told by Disney and Marvel Studios that they are now free to work on other movies and shows.

The small group of crew members were prepping for pre-production in Atlanta. Filming was slated to commence in January or February of next year.

THR's source described the hold as a temporary "regrouping" while the search for a new director continues. "The timeline has been pushed out," the source told the trade.

THR adds that Thor: Ragnarok helmer Taika Waititi recently met with Marvel, "but it is unclear what project was discussed."

I know Taika isn't confirmed, but...........

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11298 posts)
- 1 month, 47 minutes ago
- Show Bio

I can see why Marvel is putting a hold on production; all this drama can't be easily to deal with, and Dave Bautisita sure isn't helping with his constant attacks against Disney.

But hopefully Taika Waititi gets the job, he'll make a great Guardians 3.


Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

Waititi's Thor was still a bad Thor movie IMO, Russo's nailed him but while I'm not the biggest fan of the Guardians being the "Losers" of the MCU and honestly being some of the bigger weakness of Avengers 3 the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively


Avatar image for jagerzi

Edited by
(286 posts)
- 30 days, 12 hours ago
- Show Bio

He's perfect for this failed comedy of a franchise

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(696 posts)
- 30 days, 11 hours ago
- Show Bio

Taika will make Guardians great again

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(149291 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

Can't say I am surprised they are considering Waititi for this. His Thor movie was very similar in tone to the GoTG movies. It is a very reasonable and safe choice for this. That said, I didn't like Ragnarok a lot, so if they do get to choose him, chances are I am not going to like the new GoTG movie either.

Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio


"the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively"

Nailed it. A person would have to be crazy not to see it. It's a perfect pairing.

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4855 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

so perhaps some other movie will take its slot? could be seeing black widow, doctor strange 2, black panther 2, etc. getting an earlier release.

also dave bautista not coming back confirmed?

Avatar image for chazzer

Posted by

(452 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@jagerzi: The salt, it burns doesn't it? Lol.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(286 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

@chazzer: Yo momma

Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

On topic. While I don't love Thor Ragnarok as a Thor movie. I prefer its style over GOTG 2 which is down there with ironman 2 and the first two Thor films for me


Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6909 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

I have faith in him

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Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 1 month, 1 hour ago
- Show Bio

As if we didn't know this was going to happen...

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is on hold as the search for writer-director James Gunn's replacement continues.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, crew members in Atlanta are being told by Disney and Marvel Studios that they are now free to work on other movies and shows.

The small group of crew members were prepping for pre-production in Atlanta. Filming was slated to commence in January or February of next year.

THR's source described the hold as a temporary "regrouping" while the search for a new director continues. "The timeline has been pushed out," the source told the trade.

THR adds that Thor: Ragnarok helmer Taika Waititi recently met with Marvel, "but it is unclear what project was discussed."

I know Taika isn't confirmed, but...........

No Caption Provided

Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11298 posts)
- 1 month, 47 minutes ago
- Show Bio

I can see why Marvel is putting a hold on production; all this drama can't be easily to deal with, and Dave Bautisita sure isn't helping with his constant attacks against Disney.

But hopefully Taika Waititi gets the job, he'll make a great Guardians 3.


Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 23 hours ago
- Show Bio

Waititi's Thor was still a bad Thor movie IMO, Russo's nailed him but while I'm not the biggest fan of the Guardians being the "Losers" of the MCU and honestly being some of the bigger weakness of Avengers 3 the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively


Avatar image for jagerzi

Edited by
(286 posts)
- 30 days, 12 hours ago
- Show Bio

He's perfect for this failed comedy of a franchise

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(696 posts)
- 30 days, 11 hours ago
- Show Bio

Taika will make Guardians great again

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(149291 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

Can't say I am surprised they are considering Waititi for this. His Thor movie was very similar in tone to the GoTG movies. It is a very reasonable and safe choice for this. That said, I didn't like Ragnarok a lot, so if they do get to choose him, chances are I am not going to like the new GoTG movie either.

Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio


"the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively"

Nailed it. A person would have to be crazy not to see it. It's a perfect pairing.

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4855 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

so perhaps some other movie will take its slot? could be seeing black widow, doctor strange 2, black panther 2, etc. getting an earlier release.

also dave bautista not coming back confirmed?

Avatar image for chazzer

Posted by

(452 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@jagerzi: The salt, it burns doesn't it? Lol.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(286 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

@chazzer: Yo momma

Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

On topic. While I don't love Thor Ragnarok as a Thor movie. I prefer its style over GOTG 2 which is down there with ironman 2 and the first two Thor films for me


Avatar image for amberprice

Posted by

(6909 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
- Show Bio

I have faith in him

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Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 1 month, 1 hour ago
- Show Bio

As if we didn't know this was going to happen...

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is on hold as the search for writer-director James Gunn's replacement continues.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, crew members in Atlanta are being told by Disney and Marvel Studios that they are now free to work on other movies and shows.

The small group of crew members were prepping for pre-production in Atlanta. Filming was slated to commence in January or February of next year.

THR's source described the hold as a temporary "regrouping" while the search for a new director continues. "The timeline has been pushed out," the source told the trade.

THR adds that Thor: Ragnarok helmer Taika Waititi recently met with Marvel, "but it is unclear what project was discussed."

I know Taika isn't confirmed, but...........

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Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 1 month, 1 hour ago
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As if we didn't know this was going to happen...

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is on hold as the search for writer-director James Gunn's replacement continues.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, crew members in Atlanta are being told by Disney and Marvel Studios that they are now free to work on other movies and shows.

The small group of crew members were prepping for pre-production in Atlanta. Filming was slated to commence in January or February of next year.

THR's source described the hold as a temporary "regrouping" while the search for a new director continues. "The timeline has been pushed out," the source told the trade.

THR adds that Thor: Ragnarok helmer Taika Waititi recently met with Marvel, "but it is unclear what project was discussed."

I know Taika isn't confirmed, but...........

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Posted by

(16 posts)
- 1 month, 1 hour ago
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As if we didn't know this was going to happen...

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is on hold as the search for writer-director James Gunn's replacement continues.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, crew members in Atlanta are being told by Disney and Marvel Studios that they are now free to work on other movies and shows.

The small group of crew members were prepping for pre-production in Atlanta. Filming was slated to commence in January or February of next year.

THR's source described the hold as a temporary "regrouping" while the search for a new director continues. "The timeline has been pushed out," the source told the trade.

THR adds that Thor: Ragnarok helmer Taika Waititi recently met with Marvel, "but it is unclear what project was discussed."

I know Taika isn't confirmed, but...........

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Posted by

(16 posts)
- 1 month, 1 hour ago
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As if we didn't know this was going to happen...

"Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is on hold as the search for writer-director James Gunn's replacement continues.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, crew members in Atlanta are being told by Disney and Marvel Studios that they are now free to work on other movies and shows.

The small group of crew members were prepping for pre-production in Atlanta. Filming was slated to commence in January or February of next year.

THR's source described the hold as a temporary "regrouping" while the search for a new director continues. "The timeline has been pushed out," the source told the trade.

THR adds that Thor: Ragnarok helmer Taika Waititi recently met with Marvel, "but it is unclear what project was discussed."

I know Taika isn't confirmed, but...........

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Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11298 posts)
- 1 month, 47 minutes ago
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I can see why Marvel is putting a hold on production; all this drama can't be easily to deal with, and Dave Bautisita sure isn't helping with his constant attacks against Disney.

But hopefully Taika Waititi gets the job, he'll make a great Guardians 3.


Avatar image for mrmonster

Posted by

(11298 posts)
- 1 month, 47 minutes ago
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I can see why Marvel is putting a hold on production; all this drama can't be easily to deal with, and Dave Bautisita sure isn't helping with his constant attacks against Disney.

But hopefully Taika Waititi gets the job, he'll make a great Guardians 3.


Posted by

(11298 posts)
- 1 month, 47 minutes ago
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I can see why Marvel is putting a hold on production; all this drama can't be easily to deal with, and Dave Bautisita sure isn't helping with his constant attacks against Disney.

But hopefully Taika Waititi gets the job, he'll make a great Guardians 3.


Posted by

(11298 posts)
- 1 month, 47 minutes ago
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I can see why Marvel is putting a hold on production; all this drama can't be easily to deal with, and Dave Bautisita sure isn't helping with his constant attacks against Disney.

But hopefully Taika Waititi gets the job, he'll make a great Guardians 3.


Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 23 hours ago
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Waititi's Thor was still a bad Thor movie IMO, Russo's nailed him but while I'm not the biggest fan of the Guardians being the "Losers" of the MCU and honestly being some of the bigger weakness of Avengers 3 the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively


Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 23 hours ago
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Waititi's Thor was still a bad Thor movie IMO, Russo's nailed him but while I'm not the biggest fan of the Guardians being the "Losers" of the MCU and honestly being some of the bigger weakness of Avengers 3 the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively


Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 23 hours ago
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Waititi's Thor was still a bad Thor movie IMO, Russo's nailed him but while I'm not the biggest fan of the Guardians being the "Losers" of the MCU and honestly being some of the bigger weakness of Avengers 3 the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively


Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 23 hours ago
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Waititi's Thor was still a bad Thor movie IMO, Russo's nailed him but while I'm not the biggest fan of the Guardians being the "Losers" of the MCU and honestly being some of the bigger weakness of Avengers 3 the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively


Avatar image for jagerzi

Edited by
(286 posts)
- 30 days, 12 hours ago
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He's perfect for this failed comedy of a franchise

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Edited by
(286 posts)
- 30 days, 12 hours ago
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He's perfect for this failed comedy of a franchise

Edited by
(286 posts)
- 30 days, 12 hours ago
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He's perfect for this failed comedy of a franchise

Edited by
(286 posts)
- 30 days, 12 hours ago
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He's perfect for this failed comedy of a franchise

Avatar image for abezethibou

Posted by

(696 posts)
- 30 days, 11 hours ago
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Taika will make Guardians great again

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Posted by

(696 posts)
- 30 days, 11 hours ago
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Taika will make Guardians great again

Posted by

(696 posts)
- 30 days, 11 hours ago
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Taika will make Guardians great again

Posted by

(696 posts)
- 30 days, 11 hours ago
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Taika will make Guardians great again

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(149291 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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Can't say I am surprised they are considering Waititi for this. His Thor movie was very similar in tone to the GoTG movies. It is a very reasonable and safe choice for this. That said, I didn't like Ragnarok a lot, so if they do get to choose him, chances are I am not going to like the new GoTG movie either.

Avatar image for magian

Edited by
(149291 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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Can't say I am surprised they are considering Waititi for this. His Thor movie was very similar in tone to the GoTG movies. It is a very reasonable and safe choice for this. That said, I didn't like Ragnarok a lot, so if they do get to choose him, chances are I am not going to like the new GoTG movie either.

Edited by
(149291 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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Can't say I am surprised they are considering Waititi for this. His Thor movie was very similar in tone to the GoTG movies. It is a very reasonable and safe choice for this. That said, I didn't like Ragnarok a lot, so if they do get to choose him, chances are I am not going to like the new GoTG movie either.

Edited by
(149291 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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Can't say I am surprised they are considering Waititi for this. His Thor movie was very similar in tone to the GoTG movies. It is a very reasonable and safe choice for this. That said, I didn't like Ragnarok a lot, so if they do get to choose him, chances are I am not going to like the new GoTG movie either.

Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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"the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively"

Nailed it. A person would have to be crazy not to see it. It's a perfect pairing.

Avatar image for submonkey

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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"the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively"

Nailed it. A person would have to be crazy not to see it. It's a perfect pairing.

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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"the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively"

Nailed it. A person would have to be crazy not to see it. It's a perfect pairing.

Posted by

(16 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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"the current style they have would match perfectly with Taika. Hope he gets it and if he does, I'll look forward to it massively"

Nailed it. A person would have to be crazy not to see it. It's a perfect pairing.

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4855 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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so perhaps some other movie will take its slot? could be seeing black widow, doctor strange 2, black panther 2, etc. getting an earlier release.

also dave bautista not coming back confirmed?

Avatar image for dirtytree333

Posted by

(4855 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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so perhaps some other movie will take its slot? could be seeing black widow, doctor strange 2, black panther 2, etc. getting an earlier release.

also dave bautista not coming back confirmed?

Posted by

(4855 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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so perhaps some other movie will take its slot? could be seeing black widow, doctor strange 2, black panther 2, etc. getting an earlier release.

also dave bautista not coming back confirmed?

Posted by

(4855 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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so perhaps some other movie will take its slot? could be seeing black widow, doctor strange 2, black panther 2, etc. getting an earlier release.

also dave bautista not coming back confirmed?

Avatar image for chazzer

Posted by

(452 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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@jagerzi: The salt, it burns doesn't it? Lol.

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Posted by

(452 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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@jagerzi: The salt, it burns doesn't it? Lol.

Posted by

(452 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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@jagerzi: The salt, it burns doesn't it? Lol.

Posted by

(452 posts)
- 30 days, 10 hours ago
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@jagerzi: The salt, it burns doesn't it? Lol.

Avatar image for jagerzi

Posted by

(286 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
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@chazzer: Yo momma

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Posted by

(286 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
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@chazzer: Yo momma

Posted by

(286 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
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@chazzer: Yo momma

Posted by

(286 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
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@chazzer: Yo momma

Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
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On topic. While I don't love Thor Ragnarok as a Thor movie. I prefer its style over GOTG 2 which is down there with ironman 2 and the first two Thor films for me


Avatar image for stormshadow_x

Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
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On topic. While I don't love Thor Ragnarok as a Thor movie. I prefer its style over GOTG 2 which is down there with ironman 2 and the first two Thor films for me


Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
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On topic. While I don't love Thor Ragnarok as a Thor movie. I prefer its style over GOTG 2 which is down there with ironman 2 and the first two Thor films for me


Posted by

(15267 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
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On topic. While I don't love Thor Ragnarok as a Thor movie. I prefer its style over GOTG 2 which is down there with ironman 2 and the first two Thor films for me


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Posted by

(6909 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
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I have faith in him

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Posted by

(6909 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
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I have faith in him

Posted by

(6909 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
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I have faith in him

Posted by

(6909 posts)
- 30 days, 9 hours ago
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I have faith in him

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