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Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens?

Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens?

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by KalKent
(999 posts)
30 days, 21 hours ago

Poll: Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens? (13 votes)

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Avatar image for thekinfing

Posted by

(10923 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Give him 2 weeks to make it more fair.


Avatar image for destinyman75

Edited by
(12518 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
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In character Clark isn't going to do any zip around he's going to go head to head so yes Thor after a few misses will hit.

He actually might not even miss and hit em off the bat. Again Aquaman did Thor could too because as a kid in the death of Superman stated after doomsdays first blow was "He's to stupid to dodge". He go head to head. What he can do and what he will do are often different things

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35771 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Thor touches nothing but thin air for those 2 minutes.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8236 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
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He gets humiliated for 2 minutes.

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Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens?

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by KalKent
(999 posts)
30 days, 21 hours ago

Poll: Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens? (13 votes)

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Avatar image for thekinfing

Posted by

(10923 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Give him 2 weeks to make it more fair.


Avatar image for destinyman75

Edited by
(12518 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

In character Clark isn't going to do any zip around he's going to go head to head so yes Thor after a few misses will hit.

He actually might not even miss and hit em off the bat. Again Aquaman did Thor could too because as a kid in the death of Superman stated after doomsdays first blow was "He's to stupid to dodge". He go head to head. What he can do and what he will do are often different things

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35771 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Thor touches nothing but thin air for those 2 minutes.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8236 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

He gets humiliated for 2 minutes.

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Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens?

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by KalKent
(999 posts)
30 days, 21 hours ago

Poll: Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens? (13 votes)

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Avatar image for thekinfing

Posted by

(10923 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Give him 2 weeks to make it more fair.


Avatar image for destinyman75

Edited by
(12518 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

In character Clark isn't going to do any zip around he's going to go head to head so yes Thor after a few misses will hit.

He actually might not even miss and hit em off the bat. Again Aquaman did Thor could too because as a kid in the death of Superman stated after doomsdays first blow was "He's to stupid to dodge". He go head to head. What he can do and what he will do are often different things

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35771 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Thor touches nothing but thin air for those 2 minutes.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8236 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

He gets humiliated for 2 minutes.

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Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by KalKent
(999 posts)
30 days, 21 hours ago

Poll: Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens? (13 votes)

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Avatar image for thekinfing

Posted by

(10923 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Give him 2 weeks to make it more fair.


Avatar image for destinyman75

Edited by
(12518 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

In character Clark isn't going to do any zip around he's going to go head to head so yes Thor after a few misses will hit.

He actually might not even miss and hit em off the bat. Again Aquaman did Thor could too because as a kid in the death of Superman stated after doomsdays first blow was "He's to stupid to dodge". He go head to head. What he can do and what he will do are often different things

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35771 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Thor touches nothing but thin air for those 2 minutes.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8236 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

He gets humiliated for 2 minutes.

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Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by KalKent
(999 posts)
30 days, 21 hours ago

Poll: Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens? (13 votes)

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Avatar image for thekinfing

Posted by

(10923 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Give him 2 weeks to make it more fair.


Avatar image for destinyman75

Edited by
(12518 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

In character Clark isn't going to do any zip around he's going to go head to head so yes Thor after a few misses will hit.

He actually might not even miss and hit em off the bat. Again Aquaman did Thor could too because as a kid in the death of Superman stated after doomsdays first blow was "He's to stupid to dodge". He go head to head. What he can do and what he will do are often different things

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35771 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Thor touches nothing but thin air for those 2 minutes.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8236 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

He gets humiliated for 2 minutes.

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Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by KalKent
(999 posts)
30 days, 21 hours ago

Poll: Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens? (13 votes)

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Avatar image for thekinfing

Posted by

(10923 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Give him 2 weeks to make it more fair.


Avatar image for destinyman75

Edited by
(12518 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

In character Clark isn't going to do any zip around he's going to go head to head so yes Thor after a few misses will hit.

He actually might not even miss and hit em off the bat. Again Aquaman did Thor could too because as a kid in the death of Superman stated after doomsdays first blow was "He's to stupid to dodge". He go head to head. What he can do and what he will do are often different things

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35771 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Thor touches nothing but thin air for those 2 minutes.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8236 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

He gets humiliated for 2 minutes.

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Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by KalKent
(999 posts)
30 days, 21 hours ago

Poll: Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens? (13 votes)

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Avatar image for thekinfing

Posted by

(10923 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Give him 2 weeks to make it more fair.


Avatar image for destinyman75

Edited by
(12518 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

In character Clark isn't going to do any zip around he's going to go head to head so yes Thor after a few misses will hit.

He actually might not even miss and hit em off the bat. Again Aquaman did Thor could too because as a kid in the death of Superman stated after doomsdays first blow was "He's to stupid to dodge". He go head to head. What he can do and what he will do are often different things

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35771 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Thor touches nothing but thin air for those 2 minutes.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8236 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

He gets humiliated for 2 minutes.

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Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by KalKent
(999 posts)
30 days, 21 hours ago

Poll: Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens? (13 votes)

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Avatar image for kalkent

Posted by KalKent
(999 posts)
30 days, 21 hours ago

Poll: Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens? (13 votes)

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Posted by KalKent
(999 posts)
30 days, 21 hours ago

Poll: Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens? (13 votes)

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Posted by KalKent
(999 posts)
30 days, 21 hours ago

Poll: Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens? (13 votes)

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Poll: Thor(No AOE attacks) gets 2 minutes to tag New-52 clark, what happens? (13 votes)

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Thor tags him. 15%

Thor can't tag him. 85%

Avatar image for thekinfing

Posted by

(10923 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Give him 2 weeks to make it more fair.


Avatar image for thekinfing

Posted by

(10923 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Give him 2 weeks to make it more fair.


Posted by

(10923 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Give him 2 weeks to make it more fair.


Posted by

(10923 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

Give him 2 weeks to make it more fair.


Avatar image for destinyman75

Edited by
(12518 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

In character Clark isn't going to do any zip around he's going to go head to head so yes Thor after a few misses will hit.

He actually might not even miss and hit em off the bat. Again Aquaman did Thor could too because as a kid in the death of Superman stated after doomsdays first blow was "He's to stupid to dodge". He go head to head. What he can do and what he will do are often different things

Avatar image for destinyman75

Edited by
(12518 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

In character Clark isn't going to do any zip around he's going to go head to head so yes Thor after a few misses will hit.

He actually might not even miss and hit em off the bat. Again Aquaman did Thor could too because as a kid in the death of Superman stated after doomsdays first blow was "He's to stupid to dodge". He go head to head. What he can do and what he will do are often different things

Edited by
(12518 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

In character Clark isn't going to do any zip around he's going to go head to head so yes Thor after a few misses will hit.

He actually might not even miss and hit em off the bat. Again Aquaman did Thor could too because as a kid in the death of Superman stated after doomsdays first blow was "He's to stupid to dodge". He go head to head. What he can do and what he will do are often different things

Edited by
(12518 posts)
- 30 days, 21 hours ago
- Show Bio

In character Clark isn't going to do any zip around he's going to go head to head so yes Thor after a few misses will hit.

He actually might not even miss and hit em off the bat. Again Aquaman did Thor could too because as a kid in the death of Superman stated after doomsdays first blow was "He's to stupid to dodge". He go head to head. What he can do and what he will do are often different things

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35771 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Thor touches nothing but thin air for those 2 minutes.

Avatar image for lvenger

Posted by

(35771 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Thor touches nothing but thin air for those 2 minutes.

Posted by

(35771 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Thor touches nothing but thin air for those 2 minutes.

Posted by

(35771 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

Thor touches nothing but thin air for those 2 minutes.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8236 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

He gets humiliated for 2 minutes.

Avatar image for thebestofthebest

Posted by

(8236 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

He gets humiliated for 2 minutes.

Posted by

(8236 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

He gets humiliated for 2 minutes.

Posted by

(8236 posts)
- 30 days, 20 hours ago
- Show Bio

He gets humiliated for 2 minutes.

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