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Geralt of Rivia Runs a Warhammer Fantasy Human Gauntlet

Geralt of Rivia Runs a Warhammer Fantasy Human Gauntlet

Avatar image for dagit

Edited by
(233 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

As Geralt has previously ran a gauntlet of best unnamed fighters in Warhammer Fantasy lore previously, figured we would throw him into another one, this time, against named characters. However, he will only be going up against 'human' foes.

Scenario 1: Mundane Equipment, No Signs or Magical Potions/Items may be used by anyone.

Scenario 2: Geralt may use signs, standard fatigue still applies, and may take any potion you feel will assist him [Although doesn't mean they will stand and let him drink it]. Warhammer Humans get their magical gear/abilities. But not their mounts [So no Deathclaw or Imperial Dragon for Karl]


  1. Geralt is rested and recovered after each round.

  2. This is Lore Geralt. No gameplay.

  3. No Prep for either side

  4. Neither side has prior knowledge of their foe.

  5. Fleeing the field counts as a loss

  6. All fights are 'in-character'.


Each fight starts in an empty field, fifty feet from one another.

The Combatants

Round One: Brunner the Bounty Hunter

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Round Two: Mathias Thulmann

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Round Three: Kurt Helborg

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Four: Ludwig Schwarzhelm

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Five: Karl Franz

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Six: Wulfrik the Wanderer

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Seven: Felix Jaeger

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Eight: Luthor Huss

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Nine: Valten

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Ten: Louen Leoncoeur

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

How far does Geralt get? Can he clear? Which rounds does he struggle with? Which rounds does he clear fairly easily?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 5 hours ago
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Weird order, as Kurt > Ludwig > Karl. Karl is a leader, not a peerless warrior like those two and Kurt has beaten Ludwig in every duel they ever fought, the only time Ludwig won was when he was bloodlusted and Kurt didn't want to kill him. Also take Kurt or Ludwig over Wulfrik. Felix is kinda an odd one to place because he beats foes the others would struggle with yet also struggles against foes the others wouldn't. Not sure I'd place him over Kurt Helborg.

Anyways, without magic or their normal gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. [Can't recall if Brunner has a gun or not... don't... don't think he does, been a long time since I read that novel].

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless Mathias is given his boomstick. Then, he should win via shooting Geralt, but I think that goes against the 'spirit' of this which seems to be more 'skill', so in a sword fight, Geralt should win without too much issue.

  • Kurt - Kurt. I think Kurt is a better duelist then Geralt and its not like he doesn't have his own fair share of cool stuff, like, Ludwig, a guy who Kurt has beaten in every duel, goes toe to toe with Doombulls and wins in a head on confrontation, something Geralt would not likely come out pretty in [although I think Geralt could take a doombull if he prepped like he normally does].

  • Ludwig - I'd probably take Ludwig, although I could be swayed to back Geralt.

  • Karl - Geralt. Karl is a master leader and statesmen, his warrior abilities are solid, but he is no Kurt.

  • Wulfrik - I'd take Geralt. Wulfrik is good and all, but I feel he isn't.. as good as the hype around him, also just don't really like Wulfrik too much. Used to, but his novel really soured him for me. Seriously. [Oh, I'ma dump you wife because you 'smell' like the other man. You know, the one they forced you into marrying when they told you I was dead and when you refused they locked you up and tortured you to the point your back is a mess of lash marks and scars, but, hey, lol, Wulfrik and its your fault for being raped and forced into this marriage with someone else.]

  • Felix - Geralt. Felix is very good, one of the best, but he is also easily intimidated, all things considered, so I think Geralt should take it. Felix would make him work for it thought. And Gotrek kills Geralt when he finds out his sidekick was killed. I can think of a few fates worse then being chased by Gotrek after you have killed Felix.

  • Luthor - Geralt. Luthor is great, but I feel like.. with no magic, so no divine amps, he isn't really suited to fighting someone as fast as Geralt. Luthor is a bruiser, at least, that is the impression I always got from his novel.

  • Valten - Valten. Despite losing to Archaon, he was pretty potent and was barely human.

  • Louen - Louen. This one is pretty obvious.

With Magic and their gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. By an even larger margin.

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless said pistols come into play and Geralt may still be able to win that one if we use game Geralt.

  • Kurt - Close. Guess it depends on how many potions and what kind Geralt prepares because the runefang is a very large obstacle to over come. The whole, 'my sword will cleave through yours so you can't parry me or let me parry you' is a pretty big deal. I could go either way.

  • Ludwig - Since Kurt is slightly better then Ludwig, if the above could go either way, I think Geralt can take this. In a hell of a fight.

  • Karl - Karl. While Karl isn't as good a warrior, his gear pushes him to victory especially if Sigmar decides to amp him like he has done in the past.

  • Wulfrik - I'd still take Geralt.

  • Felix - Unless there is a dragon nearby to amp Felix, Geralt will take this easier then he did in the last one. Again though, dies to Gotrek once Gotrek finds him... As will everyone in the room... and probably the building... and the next few over because that will be one pissed off dawi.

  • Luthor - Geralt. I.. don't believe Luthor carries any magical gear. Dude does everything mundane. Luthor could, possibly, win if he uses a lot of divine amps, but as he is fighting a human, I doubt he would spring for them... or even be blessed enough to do them at the time. So, Luthor 'could' win, but I think Geralt would win as his style is better suited to a duel while Luthor is more, 'I'ma wade into that army and start Sauroning it up' kinda guy.

  • Valten - Valten. Even more now with the gear he is given such as the anti-magic dwarf armor that was potent enough to no-sell Nagash's [albeit a weaker Nagash] magic and Ghal-Maraz.

  • Louen - Louen. Still pretty obvious.

@killerwasp Yeah, I said Geralt can take one of those sissy Doombulls. Fight me.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

God why did it have to be the Imperials

I am bad at these guys' lore

Also hardstop at Valten, who would demolish Geralt badly

Avatar image for killerwasp

Posted by

(16898 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
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@wut: I will puss, challenge me to a CAV if you have the balls to do so! Doombull one shots weakling Geralt! Taurox still one shots Grimgor!

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 48 minutes ago
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@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 31 minutes ago
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@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

I'd like to see Geralt vs Grimgor

you two think that would be fun?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 27 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 27 days, 17 hours ago
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@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Yea thats why I wanna see it

Avatar image for killerwasp

Edited by
(16898 posts)
- 27 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: grimgor grts stomped he can’t handle magic at all he’s a weak pos Xd

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Geralt of Rivia Runs a Warhammer Fantasy Human Gauntlet

Avatar image for dagit

Edited by
(233 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

As Geralt has previously ran a gauntlet of best unnamed fighters in Warhammer Fantasy lore previously, figured we would throw him into another one, this time, against named characters. However, he will only be going up against 'human' foes.

Scenario 1: Mundane Equipment, No Signs or Magical Potions/Items may be used by anyone.

Scenario 2: Geralt may use signs, standard fatigue still applies, and may take any potion you feel will assist him [Although doesn't mean they will stand and let him drink it]. Warhammer Humans get their magical gear/abilities. But not their mounts [So no Deathclaw or Imperial Dragon for Karl]


  1. Geralt is rested and recovered after each round.

  2. This is Lore Geralt. No gameplay.

  3. No Prep for either side

  4. Neither side has prior knowledge of their foe.

  5. Fleeing the field counts as a loss

  6. All fights are 'in-character'.


Each fight starts in an empty field, fifty feet from one another.

The Combatants

Round One: Brunner the Bounty Hunter

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Round Two: Mathias Thulmann

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Round Three: Kurt Helborg

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Four: Ludwig Schwarzhelm

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Five: Karl Franz

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Six: Wulfrik the Wanderer

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Seven: Felix Jaeger

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Eight: Luthor Huss

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Nine: Valten

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Ten: Louen Leoncoeur

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

How far does Geralt get? Can he clear? Which rounds does he struggle with? Which rounds does he clear fairly easily?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 5 hours ago
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Weird order, as Kurt > Ludwig > Karl. Karl is a leader, not a peerless warrior like those two and Kurt has beaten Ludwig in every duel they ever fought, the only time Ludwig won was when he was bloodlusted and Kurt didn't want to kill him. Also take Kurt or Ludwig over Wulfrik. Felix is kinda an odd one to place because he beats foes the others would struggle with yet also struggles against foes the others wouldn't. Not sure I'd place him over Kurt Helborg.

Anyways, without magic or their normal gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. [Can't recall if Brunner has a gun or not... don't... don't think he does, been a long time since I read that novel].

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless Mathias is given his boomstick. Then, he should win via shooting Geralt, but I think that goes against the 'spirit' of this which seems to be more 'skill', so in a sword fight, Geralt should win without too much issue.

  • Kurt - Kurt. I think Kurt is a better duelist then Geralt and its not like he doesn't have his own fair share of cool stuff, like, Ludwig, a guy who Kurt has beaten in every duel, goes toe to toe with Doombulls and wins in a head on confrontation, something Geralt would not likely come out pretty in [although I think Geralt could take a doombull if he prepped like he normally does].

  • Ludwig - I'd probably take Ludwig, although I could be swayed to back Geralt.

  • Karl - Geralt. Karl is a master leader and statesmen, his warrior abilities are solid, but he is no Kurt.

  • Wulfrik - I'd take Geralt. Wulfrik is good and all, but I feel he isn't.. as good as the hype around him, also just don't really like Wulfrik too much. Used to, but his novel really soured him for me. Seriously. [Oh, I'ma dump you wife because you 'smell' like the other man. You know, the one they forced you into marrying when they told you I was dead and when you refused they locked you up and tortured you to the point your back is a mess of lash marks and scars, but, hey, lol, Wulfrik and its your fault for being raped and forced into this marriage with someone else.]

  • Felix - Geralt. Felix is very good, one of the best, but he is also easily intimidated, all things considered, so I think Geralt should take it. Felix would make him work for it thought. And Gotrek kills Geralt when he finds out his sidekick was killed. I can think of a few fates worse then being chased by Gotrek after you have killed Felix.

  • Luthor - Geralt. Luthor is great, but I feel like.. with no magic, so no divine amps, he isn't really suited to fighting someone as fast as Geralt. Luthor is a bruiser, at least, that is the impression I always got from his novel.

  • Valten - Valten. Despite losing to Archaon, he was pretty potent and was barely human.

  • Louen - Louen. This one is pretty obvious.

With Magic and their gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. By an even larger margin.

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless said pistols come into play and Geralt may still be able to win that one if we use game Geralt.

  • Kurt - Close. Guess it depends on how many potions and what kind Geralt prepares because the runefang is a very large obstacle to over come. The whole, 'my sword will cleave through yours so you can't parry me or let me parry you' is a pretty big deal. I could go either way.

  • Ludwig - Since Kurt is slightly better then Ludwig, if the above could go either way, I think Geralt can take this. In a hell of a fight.

  • Karl - Karl. While Karl isn't as good a warrior, his gear pushes him to victory especially if Sigmar decides to amp him like he has done in the past.

  • Wulfrik - I'd still take Geralt.

  • Felix - Unless there is a dragon nearby to amp Felix, Geralt will take this easier then he did in the last one. Again though, dies to Gotrek once Gotrek finds him... As will everyone in the room... and probably the building... and the next few over because that will be one pissed off dawi.

  • Luthor - Geralt. I.. don't believe Luthor carries any magical gear. Dude does everything mundane. Luthor could, possibly, win if he uses a lot of divine amps, but as he is fighting a human, I doubt he would spring for them... or even be blessed enough to do them at the time. So, Luthor 'could' win, but I think Geralt would win as his style is better suited to a duel while Luthor is more, 'I'ma wade into that army and start Sauroning it up' kinda guy.

  • Valten - Valten. Even more now with the gear he is given such as the anti-magic dwarf armor that was potent enough to no-sell Nagash's [albeit a weaker Nagash] magic and Ghal-Maraz.

  • Louen - Louen. Still pretty obvious.

@killerwasp Yeah, I said Geralt can take one of those sissy Doombulls. Fight me.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

God why did it have to be the Imperials

I am bad at these guys' lore

Also hardstop at Valten, who would demolish Geralt badly

Avatar image for killerwasp

Posted by

(16898 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

@wut: I will puss, challenge me to a CAV if you have the balls to do so! Doombull one shots weakling Geralt! Taurox still one shots Grimgor!

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 48 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 31 minutes ago
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@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

I'd like to see Geralt vs Grimgor

you two think that would be fun?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 27 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 27 days, 17 hours ago
- Show Bio

@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Yea thats why I wanna see it

Avatar image for killerwasp

Edited by
(16898 posts)
- 27 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: grimgor grts stomped he can’t handle magic at all he’s a weak pos Xd

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Geralt of Rivia Runs a Warhammer Fantasy Human Gauntlet

Avatar image for dagit

Edited by
(233 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

As Geralt has previously ran a gauntlet of best unnamed fighters in Warhammer Fantasy lore previously, figured we would throw him into another one, this time, against named characters. However, he will only be going up against 'human' foes.

Scenario 1: Mundane Equipment, No Signs or Magical Potions/Items may be used by anyone.

Scenario 2: Geralt may use signs, standard fatigue still applies, and may take any potion you feel will assist him [Although doesn't mean they will stand and let him drink it]. Warhammer Humans get their magical gear/abilities. But not their mounts [So no Deathclaw or Imperial Dragon for Karl]


  1. Geralt is rested and recovered after each round.

  2. This is Lore Geralt. No gameplay.

  3. No Prep for either side

  4. Neither side has prior knowledge of their foe.

  5. Fleeing the field counts as a loss

  6. All fights are 'in-character'.


Each fight starts in an empty field, fifty feet from one another.

The Combatants

Round One: Brunner the Bounty Hunter

No Caption Provided

Round Two: Mathias Thulmann

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Three: Kurt Helborg

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Four: Ludwig Schwarzhelm

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Five: Karl Franz

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Six: Wulfrik the Wanderer

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Seven: Felix Jaeger

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Eight: Luthor Huss

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Nine: Valten

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Ten: Louen Leoncoeur

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

How far does Geralt get? Can he clear? Which rounds does he struggle with? Which rounds does he clear fairly easily?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 5 hours ago
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Weird order, as Kurt > Ludwig > Karl. Karl is a leader, not a peerless warrior like those two and Kurt has beaten Ludwig in every duel they ever fought, the only time Ludwig won was when he was bloodlusted and Kurt didn't want to kill him. Also take Kurt or Ludwig over Wulfrik. Felix is kinda an odd one to place because he beats foes the others would struggle with yet also struggles against foes the others wouldn't. Not sure I'd place him over Kurt Helborg.

Anyways, without magic or their normal gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. [Can't recall if Brunner has a gun or not... don't... don't think he does, been a long time since I read that novel].

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless Mathias is given his boomstick. Then, he should win via shooting Geralt, but I think that goes against the 'spirit' of this which seems to be more 'skill', so in a sword fight, Geralt should win without too much issue.

  • Kurt - Kurt. I think Kurt is a better duelist then Geralt and its not like he doesn't have his own fair share of cool stuff, like, Ludwig, a guy who Kurt has beaten in every duel, goes toe to toe with Doombulls and wins in a head on confrontation, something Geralt would not likely come out pretty in [although I think Geralt could take a doombull if he prepped like he normally does].

  • Ludwig - I'd probably take Ludwig, although I could be swayed to back Geralt.

  • Karl - Geralt. Karl is a master leader and statesmen, his warrior abilities are solid, but he is no Kurt.

  • Wulfrik - I'd take Geralt. Wulfrik is good and all, but I feel he isn't.. as good as the hype around him, also just don't really like Wulfrik too much. Used to, but his novel really soured him for me. Seriously. [Oh, I'ma dump you wife because you 'smell' like the other man. You know, the one they forced you into marrying when they told you I was dead and when you refused they locked you up and tortured you to the point your back is a mess of lash marks and scars, but, hey, lol, Wulfrik and its your fault for being raped and forced into this marriage with someone else.]

  • Felix - Geralt. Felix is very good, one of the best, but he is also easily intimidated, all things considered, so I think Geralt should take it. Felix would make him work for it thought. And Gotrek kills Geralt when he finds out his sidekick was killed. I can think of a few fates worse then being chased by Gotrek after you have killed Felix.

  • Luthor - Geralt. Luthor is great, but I feel like.. with no magic, so no divine amps, he isn't really suited to fighting someone as fast as Geralt. Luthor is a bruiser, at least, that is the impression I always got from his novel.

  • Valten - Valten. Despite losing to Archaon, he was pretty potent and was barely human.

  • Louen - Louen. This one is pretty obvious.

With Magic and their gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. By an even larger margin.

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless said pistols come into play and Geralt may still be able to win that one if we use game Geralt.

  • Kurt - Close. Guess it depends on how many potions and what kind Geralt prepares because the runefang is a very large obstacle to over come. The whole, 'my sword will cleave through yours so you can't parry me or let me parry you' is a pretty big deal. I could go either way.

  • Ludwig - Since Kurt is slightly better then Ludwig, if the above could go either way, I think Geralt can take this. In a hell of a fight.

  • Karl - Karl. While Karl isn't as good a warrior, his gear pushes him to victory especially if Sigmar decides to amp him like he has done in the past.

  • Wulfrik - I'd still take Geralt.

  • Felix - Unless there is a dragon nearby to amp Felix, Geralt will take this easier then he did in the last one. Again though, dies to Gotrek once Gotrek finds him... As will everyone in the room... and probably the building... and the next few over because that will be one pissed off dawi.

  • Luthor - Geralt. I.. don't believe Luthor carries any magical gear. Dude does everything mundane. Luthor could, possibly, win if he uses a lot of divine amps, but as he is fighting a human, I doubt he would spring for them... or even be blessed enough to do them at the time. So, Luthor 'could' win, but I think Geralt would win as his style is better suited to a duel while Luthor is more, 'I'ma wade into that army and start Sauroning it up' kinda guy.

  • Valten - Valten. Even more now with the gear he is given such as the anti-magic dwarf armor that was potent enough to no-sell Nagash's [albeit a weaker Nagash] magic and Ghal-Maraz.

  • Louen - Louen. Still pretty obvious.

@killerwasp Yeah, I said Geralt can take one of those sissy Doombulls. Fight me.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

God why did it have to be the Imperials

I am bad at these guys' lore

Also hardstop at Valten, who would demolish Geralt badly

Avatar image for killerwasp

Posted by

(16898 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

@wut: I will puss, challenge me to a CAV if you have the balls to do so! Doombull one shots weakling Geralt! Taurox still one shots Grimgor!

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 48 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 31 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

I'd like to see Geralt vs Grimgor

you two think that would be fun?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 27 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 27 days, 17 hours ago
- Show Bio

@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Yea thats why I wanna see it

Avatar image for killerwasp

Edited by
(16898 posts)
- 27 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: grimgor grts stomped he can’t handle magic at all he’s a weak pos Xd

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Avatar image for dagit

Edited by
(233 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
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No Caption Provided

As Geralt has previously ran a gauntlet of best unnamed fighters in Warhammer Fantasy lore previously, figured we would throw him into another one, this time, against named characters. However, he will only be going up against 'human' foes.

Scenario 1: Mundane Equipment, No Signs or Magical Potions/Items may be used by anyone.

Scenario 2: Geralt may use signs, standard fatigue still applies, and may take any potion you feel will assist him [Although doesn't mean they will stand and let him drink it]. Warhammer Humans get their magical gear/abilities. But not their mounts [So no Deathclaw or Imperial Dragon for Karl]


  1. Geralt is rested and recovered after each round.

  2. This is Lore Geralt. No gameplay.

  3. No Prep for either side

  4. Neither side has prior knowledge of their foe.

  5. Fleeing the field counts as a loss

  6. All fights are 'in-character'.


Each fight starts in an empty field, fifty feet from one another.

The Combatants

Round One: Brunner the Bounty Hunter

No Caption Provided

Round Two: Mathias Thulmann

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Three: Kurt Helborg

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Four: Ludwig Schwarzhelm

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Five: Karl Franz

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Six: Wulfrik the Wanderer

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Seven: Felix Jaeger

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Eight: Luthor Huss

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Nine: Valten

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Ten: Louen Leoncoeur

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

How far does Geralt get? Can he clear? Which rounds does he struggle with? Which rounds does he clear fairly easily?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 5 hours ago
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Weird order, as Kurt > Ludwig > Karl. Karl is a leader, not a peerless warrior like those two and Kurt has beaten Ludwig in every duel they ever fought, the only time Ludwig won was when he was bloodlusted and Kurt didn't want to kill him. Also take Kurt or Ludwig over Wulfrik. Felix is kinda an odd one to place because he beats foes the others would struggle with yet also struggles against foes the others wouldn't. Not sure I'd place him over Kurt Helborg.

Anyways, without magic or their normal gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. [Can't recall if Brunner has a gun or not... don't... don't think he does, been a long time since I read that novel].

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless Mathias is given his boomstick. Then, he should win via shooting Geralt, but I think that goes against the 'spirit' of this which seems to be more 'skill', so in a sword fight, Geralt should win without too much issue.

  • Kurt - Kurt. I think Kurt is a better duelist then Geralt and its not like he doesn't have his own fair share of cool stuff, like, Ludwig, a guy who Kurt has beaten in every duel, goes toe to toe with Doombulls and wins in a head on confrontation, something Geralt would not likely come out pretty in [although I think Geralt could take a doombull if he prepped like he normally does].

  • Ludwig - I'd probably take Ludwig, although I could be swayed to back Geralt.

  • Karl - Geralt. Karl is a master leader and statesmen, his warrior abilities are solid, but he is no Kurt.

  • Wulfrik - I'd take Geralt. Wulfrik is good and all, but I feel he isn't.. as good as the hype around him, also just don't really like Wulfrik too much. Used to, but his novel really soured him for me. Seriously. [Oh, I'ma dump you wife because you 'smell' like the other man. You know, the one they forced you into marrying when they told you I was dead and when you refused they locked you up and tortured you to the point your back is a mess of lash marks and scars, but, hey, lol, Wulfrik and its your fault for being raped and forced into this marriage with someone else.]

  • Felix - Geralt. Felix is very good, one of the best, but he is also easily intimidated, all things considered, so I think Geralt should take it. Felix would make him work for it thought. And Gotrek kills Geralt when he finds out his sidekick was killed. I can think of a few fates worse then being chased by Gotrek after you have killed Felix.

  • Luthor - Geralt. Luthor is great, but I feel like.. with no magic, so no divine amps, he isn't really suited to fighting someone as fast as Geralt. Luthor is a bruiser, at least, that is the impression I always got from his novel.

  • Valten - Valten. Despite losing to Archaon, he was pretty potent and was barely human.

  • Louen - Louen. This one is pretty obvious.

With Magic and their gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. By an even larger margin.

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless said pistols come into play and Geralt may still be able to win that one if we use game Geralt.

  • Kurt - Close. Guess it depends on how many potions and what kind Geralt prepares because the runefang is a very large obstacle to over come. The whole, 'my sword will cleave through yours so you can't parry me or let me parry you' is a pretty big deal. I could go either way.

  • Ludwig - Since Kurt is slightly better then Ludwig, if the above could go either way, I think Geralt can take this. In a hell of a fight.

  • Karl - Karl. While Karl isn't as good a warrior, his gear pushes him to victory especially if Sigmar decides to amp him like he has done in the past.

  • Wulfrik - I'd still take Geralt.

  • Felix - Unless there is a dragon nearby to amp Felix, Geralt will take this easier then he did in the last one. Again though, dies to Gotrek once Gotrek finds him... As will everyone in the room... and probably the building... and the next few over because that will be one pissed off dawi.

  • Luthor - Geralt. I.. don't believe Luthor carries any magical gear. Dude does everything mundane. Luthor could, possibly, win if he uses a lot of divine amps, but as he is fighting a human, I doubt he would spring for them... or even be blessed enough to do them at the time. So, Luthor 'could' win, but I think Geralt would win as his style is better suited to a duel while Luthor is more, 'I'ma wade into that army and start Sauroning it up' kinda guy.

  • Valten - Valten. Even more now with the gear he is given such as the anti-magic dwarf armor that was potent enough to no-sell Nagash's [albeit a weaker Nagash] magic and Ghal-Maraz.

  • Louen - Louen. Still pretty obvious.

@killerwasp Yeah, I said Geralt can take one of those sissy Doombulls. Fight me.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

God why did it have to be the Imperials

I am bad at these guys' lore

Also hardstop at Valten, who would demolish Geralt badly

Avatar image for killerwasp

Posted by

(16898 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

@wut: I will puss, challenge me to a CAV if you have the balls to do so! Doombull one shots weakling Geralt! Taurox still one shots Grimgor!

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 48 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 31 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

I'd like to see Geralt vs Grimgor

you two think that would be fun?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 27 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 27 days, 17 hours ago
- Show Bio

@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Yea thats why I wanna see it

Avatar image for killerwasp

Edited by
(16898 posts)
- 27 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: grimgor grts stomped he can’t handle magic at all he’s a weak pos Xd

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Avatar image for dagit

Edited by
(233 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

As Geralt has previously ran a gauntlet of best unnamed fighters in Warhammer Fantasy lore previously, figured we would throw him into another one, this time, against named characters. However, he will only be going up against 'human' foes.

Scenario 1: Mundane Equipment, No Signs or Magical Potions/Items may be used by anyone.

Scenario 2: Geralt may use signs, standard fatigue still applies, and may take any potion you feel will assist him [Although doesn't mean they will stand and let him drink it]. Warhammer Humans get their magical gear/abilities. But not their mounts [So no Deathclaw or Imperial Dragon for Karl]


  1. Geralt is rested and recovered after each round.

  2. This is Lore Geralt. No gameplay.

  3. No Prep for either side

  4. Neither side has prior knowledge of their foe.

  5. Fleeing the field counts as a loss

  6. All fights are 'in-character'.


Each fight starts in an empty field, fifty feet from one another.

The Combatants

Round One: Brunner the Bounty Hunter

No Caption Provided

Round Two: Mathias Thulmann

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Three: Kurt Helborg

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Four: Ludwig Schwarzhelm

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Five: Karl Franz

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Six: Wulfrik the Wanderer

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Seven: Felix Jaeger

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Eight: Luthor Huss

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Nine: Valten

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Ten: Louen Leoncoeur

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

How far does Geralt get? Can he clear? Which rounds does he struggle with? Which rounds does he clear fairly easily?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 5 hours ago
- Show Bio

Weird order, as Kurt > Ludwig > Karl. Karl is a leader, not a peerless warrior like those two and Kurt has beaten Ludwig in every duel they ever fought, the only time Ludwig won was when he was bloodlusted and Kurt didn't want to kill him. Also take Kurt or Ludwig over Wulfrik. Felix is kinda an odd one to place because he beats foes the others would struggle with yet also struggles against foes the others wouldn't. Not sure I'd place him over Kurt Helborg.

Anyways, without magic or their normal gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. [Can't recall if Brunner has a gun or not... don't... don't think he does, been a long time since I read that novel].

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless Mathias is given his boomstick. Then, he should win via shooting Geralt, but I think that goes against the 'spirit' of this which seems to be more 'skill', so in a sword fight, Geralt should win without too much issue.

  • Kurt - Kurt. I think Kurt is a better duelist then Geralt and its not like he doesn't have his own fair share of cool stuff, like, Ludwig, a guy who Kurt has beaten in every duel, goes toe to toe with Doombulls and wins in a head on confrontation, something Geralt would not likely come out pretty in [although I think Geralt could take a doombull if he prepped like he normally does].

  • Ludwig - I'd probably take Ludwig, although I could be swayed to back Geralt.

  • Karl - Geralt. Karl is a master leader and statesmen, his warrior abilities are solid, but he is no Kurt.

  • Wulfrik - I'd take Geralt. Wulfrik is good and all, but I feel he isn't.. as good as the hype around him, also just don't really like Wulfrik too much. Used to, but his novel really soured him for me. Seriously. [Oh, I'ma dump you wife because you 'smell' like the other man. You know, the one they forced you into marrying when they told you I was dead and when you refused they locked you up and tortured you to the point your back is a mess of lash marks and scars, but, hey, lol, Wulfrik and its your fault for being raped and forced into this marriage with someone else.]

  • Felix - Geralt. Felix is very good, one of the best, but he is also easily intimidated, all things considered, so I think Geralt should take it. Felix would make him work for it thought. And Gotrek kills Geralt when he finds out his sidekick was killed. I can think of a few fates worse then being chased by Gotrek after you have killed Felix.

  • Luthor - Geralt. Luthor is great, but I feel like.. with no magic, so no divine amps, he isn't really suited to fighting someone as fast as Geralt. Luthor is a bruiser, at least, that is the impression I always got from his novel.

  • Valten - Valten. Despite losing to Archaon, he was pretty potent and was barely human.

  • Louen - Louen. This one is pretty obvious.

With Magic and their gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. By an even larger margin.

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless said pistols come into play and Geralt may still be able to win that one if we use game Geralt.

  • Kurt - Close. Guess it depends on how many potions and what kind Geralt prepares because the runefang is a very large obstacle to over come. The whole, 'my sword will cleave through yours so you can't parry me or let me parry you' is a pretty big deal. I could go either way.

  • Ludwig - Since Kurt is slightly better then Ludwig, if the above could go either way, I think Geralt can take this. In a hell of a fight.

  • Karl - Karl. While Karl isn't as good a warrior, his gear pushes him to victory especially if Sigmar decides to amp him like he has done in the past.

  • Wulfrik - I'd still take Geralt.

  • Felix - Unless there is a dragon nearby to amp Felix, Geralt will take this easier then he did in the last one. Again though, dies to Gotrek once Gotrek finds him... As will everyone in the room... and probably the building... and the next few over because that will be one pissed off dawi.

  • Luthor - Geralt. I.. don't believe Luthor carries any magical gear. Dude does everything mundane. Luthor could, possibly, win if he uses a lot of divine amps, but as he is fighting a human, I doubt he would spring for them... or even be blessed enough to do them at the time. So, Luthor 'could' win, but I think Geralt would win as his style is better suited to a duel while Luthor is more, 'I'ma wade into that army and start Sauroning it up' kinda guy.

  • Valten - Valten. Even more now with the gear he is given such as the anti-magic dwarf armor that was potent enough to no-sell Nagash's [albeit a weaker Nagash] magic and Ghal-Maraz.

  • Louen - Louen. Still pretty obvious.

@killerwasp Yeah, I said Geralt can take one of those sissy Doombulls. Fight me.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

God why did it have to be the Imperials

I am bad at these guys' lore

Also hardstop at Valten, who would demolish Geralt badly

Avatar image for killerwasp

Posted by

(16898 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

@wut: I will puss, challenge me to a CAV if you have the balls to do so! Doombull one shots weakling Geralt! Taurox still one shots Grimgor!

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 48 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 31 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

I'd like to see Geralt vs Grimgor

you two think that would be fun?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 27 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 27 days, 17 hours ago
- Show Bio

@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Yea thats why I wanna see it

Avatar image for killerwasp

Edited by
(16898 posts)
- 27 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: grimgor grts stomped he can’t handle magic at all he’s a weak pos Xd

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Avatar image for dagit

Edited by
(233 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

As Geralt has previously ran a gauntlet of best unnamed fighters in Warhammer Fantasy lore previously, figured we would throw him into another one, this time, against named characters. However, he will only be going up against 'human' foes.

Scenario 1: Mundane Equipment, No Signs or Magical Potions/Items may be used by anyone.

Scenario 2: Geralt may use signs, standard fatigue still applies, and may take any potion you feel will assist him [Although doesn't mean they will stand and let him drink it]. Warhammer Humans get their magical gear/abilities. But not their mounts [So no Deathclaw or Imperial Dragon for Karl]


  1. Geralt is rested and recovered after each round.

  2. This is Lore Geralt. No gameplay.

  3. No Prep for either side

  4. Neither side has prior knowledge of their foe.

  5. Fleeing the field counts as a loss

  6. All fights are 'in-character'.


Each fight starts in an empty field, fifty feet from one another.

The Combatants

Round One: Brunner the Bounty Hunter

No Caption Provided

Round Two: Mathias Thulmann

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Three: Kurt Helborg

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Four: Ludwig Schwarzhelm

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Five: Karl Franz

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Six: Wulfrik the Wanderer

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Seven: Felix Jaeger

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Eight: Luthor Huss

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Nine: Valten

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Ten: Louen Leoncoeur

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

How far does Geralt get? Can he clear? Which rounds does he struggle with? Which rounds does he clear fairly easily?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 5 hours ago
- Show Bio

Weird order, as Kurt > Ludwig > Karl. Karl is a leader, not a peerless warrior like those two and Kurt has beaten Ludwig in every duel they ever fought, the only time Ludwig won was when he was bloodlusted and Kurt didn't want to kill him. Also take Kurt or Ludwig over Wulfrik. Felix is kinda an odd one to place because he beats foes the others would struggle with yet also struggles against foes the others wouldn't. Not sure I'd place him over Kurt Helborg.

Anyways, without magic or their normal gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. [Can't recall if Brunner has a gun or not... don't... don't think he does, been a long time since I read that novel].

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless Mathias is given his boomstick. Then, he should win via shooting Geralt, but I think that goes against the 'spirit' of this which seems to be more 'skill', so in a sword fight, Geralt should win without too much issue.

  • Kurt - Kurt. I think Kurt is a better duelist then Geralt and its not like he doesn't have his own fair share of cool stuff, like, Ludwig, a guy who Kurt has beaten in every duel, goes toe to toe with Doombulls and wins in a head on confrontation, something Geralt would not likely come out pretty in [although I think Geralt could take a doombull if he prepped like he normally does].

  • Ludwig - I'd probably take Ludwig, although I could be swayed to back Geralt.

  • Karl - Geralt. Karl is a master leader and statesmen, his warrior abilities are solid, but he is no Kurt.

  • Wulfrik - I'd take Geralt. Wulfrik is good and all, but I feel he isn't.. as good as the hype around him, also just don't really like Wulfrik too much. Used to, but his novel really soured him for me. Seriously. [Oh, I'ma dump you wife because you 'smell' like the other man. You know, the one they forced you into marrying when they told you I was dead and when you refused they locked you up and tortured you to the point your back is a mess of lash marks and scars, but, hey, lol, Wulfrik and its your fault for being raped and forced into this marriage with someone else.]

  • Felix - Geralt. Felix is very good, one of the best, but he is also easily intimidated, all things considered, so I think Geralt should take it. Felix would make him work for it thought. And Gotrek kills Geralt when he finds out his sidekick was killed. I can think of a few fates worse then being chased by Gotrek after you have killed Felix.

  • Luthor - Geralt. Luthor is great, but I feel like.. with no magic, so no divine amps, he isn't really suited to fighting someone as fast as Geralt. Luthor is a bruiser, at least, that is the impression I always got from his novel.

  • Valten - Valten. Despite losing to Archaon, he was pretty potent and was barely human.

  • Louen - Louen. This one is pretty obvious.

With Magic and their gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. By an even larger margin.

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless said pistols come into play and Geralt may still be able to win that one if we use game Geralt.

  • Kurt - Close. Guess it depends on how many potions and what kind Geralt prepares because the runefang is a very large obstacle to over come. The whole, 'my sword will cleave through yours so you can't parry me or let me parry you' is a pretty big deal. I could go either way.

  • Ludwig - Since Kurt is slightly better then Ludwig, if the above could go either way, I think Geralt can take this. In a hell of a fight.

  • Karl - Karl. While Karl isn't as good a warrior, his gear pushes him to victory especially if Sigmar decides to amp him like he has done in the past.

  • Wulfrik - I'd still take Geralt.

  • Felix - Unless there is a dragon nearby to amp Felix, Geralt will take this easier then he did in the last one. Again though, dies to Gotrek once Gotrek finds him... As will everyone in the room... and probably the building... and the next few over because that will be one pissed off dawi.

  • Luthor - Geralt. I.. don't believe Luthor carries any magical gear. Dude does everything mundane. Luthor could, possibly, win if he uses a lot of divine amps, but as he is fighting a human, I doubt he would spring for them... or even be blessed enough to do them at the time. So, Luthor 'could' win, but I think Geralt would win as his style is better suited to a duel while Luthor is more, 'I'ma wade into that army and start Sauroning it up' kinda guy.

  • Valten - Valten. Even more now with the gear he is given such as the anti-magic dwarf armor that was potent enough to no-sell Nagash's [albeit a weaker Nagash] magic and Ghal-Maraz.

  • Louen - Louen. Still pretty obvious.

@killerwasp Yeah, I said Geralt can take one of those sissy Doombulls. Fight me.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

God why did it have to be the Imperials

I am bad at these guys' lore

Also hardstop at Valten, who would demolish Geralt badly

Avatar image for killerwasp

Posted by

(16898 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

@wut: I will puss, challenge me to a CAV if you have the balls to do so! Doombull one shots weakling Geralt! Taurox still one shots Grimgor!

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 48 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 31 minutes ago
- Show Bio

@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

I'd like to see Geralt vs Grimgor

you two think that would be fun?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 27 days, 19 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 27 days, 17 hours ago
- Show Bio

@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Yea thats why I wanna see it

Avatar image for killerwasp

Edited by
(16898 posts)
- 27 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: grimgor grts stomped he can’t handle magic at all he’s a weak pos Xd

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Avatar image for dagit

Edited by
(233 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

As Geralt has previously ran a gauntlet of best unnamed fighters in Warhammer Fantasy lore previously, figured we would throw him into another one, this time, against named characters. However, he will only be going up against 'human' foes.

Scenario 1: Mundane Equipment, No Signs or Magical Potions/Items may be used by anyone.

Scenario 2: Geralt may use signs, standard fatigue still applies, and may take any potion you feel will assist him [Although doesn't mean they will stand and let him drink it]. Warhammer Humans get their magical gear/abilities. But not their mounts [So no Deathclaw or Imperial Dragon for Karl]


  1. Geralt is rested and recovered after each round.

  2. This is Lore Geralt. No gameplay.

  3. No Prep for either side

  4. Neither side has prior knowledge of their foe.

  5. Fleeing the field counts as a loss

  6. All fights are 'in-character'.


Each fight starts in an empty field, fifty feet from one another.

The Combatants

Round One: Brunner the Bounty Hunter

No Caption Provided

Round Two: Mathias Thulmann

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Three: Kurt Helborg

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Four: Ludwig Schwarzhelm

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Five: Karl Franz

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Six: Wulfrik the Wanderer

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Seven: Felix Jaeger

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Eight: Luthor Huss

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Nine: Valten

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Ten: Louen Leoncoeur

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

How far does Geralt get? Can he clear? Which rounds does he struggle with? Which rounds does he clear fairly easily?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 5 hours ago
- Show Bio

Weird order, as Kurt > Ludwig > Karl. Karl is a leader, not a peerless warrior like those two and Kurt has beaten Ludwig in every duel they ever fought, the only time Ludwig won was when he was bloodlusted and Kurt didn't want to kill him. Also take Kurt or Ludwig over Wulfrik. Felix is kinda an odd one to place because he beats foes the others would struggle with yet also struggles against foes the others wouldn't. Not sure I'd place him over Kurt Helborg.

Anyways, without magic or their normal gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. [Can't recall if Brunner has a gun or not... don't... don't think he does, been a long time since I read that novel].

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless Mathias is given his boomstick. Then, he should win via shooting Geralt, but I think that goes against the 'spirit' of this which seems to be more 'skill', so in a sword fight, Geralt should win without too much issue.

  • Kurt - Kurt. I think Kurt is a better duelist then Geralt and its not like he doesn't have his own fair share of cool stuff, like, Ludwig, a guy who Kurt has beaten in every duel, goes toe to toe with Doombulls and wins in a head on confrontation, something Geralt would not likely come out pretty in [although I think Geralt could take a doombull if he prepped like he normally does].

  • Ludwig - I'd probably take Ludwig, although I could be swayed to back Geralt.

  • Karl - Geralt. Karl is a master leader and statesmen, his warrior abilities are solid, but he is no Kurt.

  • Wulfrik - I'd take Geralt. Wulfrik is good and all, but I feel he isn't.. as good as the hype around him, also just don't really like Wulfrik too much. Used to, but his novel really soured him for me. Seriously. [Oh, I'ma dump you wife because you 'smell' like the other man. You know, the one they forced you into marrying when they told you I was dead and when you refused they locked you up and tortured you to the point your back is a mess of lash marks and scars, but, hey, lol, Wulfrik and its your fault for being raped and forced into this marriage with someone else.]

  • Felix - Geralt. Felix is very good, one of the best, but he is also easily intimidated, all things considered, so I think Geralt should take it. Felix would make him work for it thought. And Gotrek kills Geralt when he finds out his sidekick was killed. I can think of a few fates worse then being chased by Gotrek after you have killed Felix.

  • Luthor - Geralt. Luthor is great, but I feel like.. with no magic, so no divine amps, he isn't really suited to fighting someone as fast as Geralt. Luthor is a bruiser, at least, that is the impression I always got from his novel.

  • Valten - Valten. Despite losing to Archaon, he was pretty potent and was barely human.

  • Louen - Louen. This one is pretty obvious.

With Magic and their gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. By an even larger margin.

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless said pistols come into play and Geralt may still be able to win that one if we use game Geralt.

  • Kurt - Close. Guess it depends on how many potions and what kind Geralt prepares because the runefang is a very large obstacle to over come. The whole, 'my sword will cleave through yours so you can't parry me or let me parry you' is a pretty big deal. I could go either way.

  • Ludwig - Since Kurt is slightly better then Ludwig, if the above could go either way, I think Geralt can take this. In a hell of a fight.

  • Karl - Karl. While Karl isn't as good a warrior, his gear pushes him to victory especially if Sigmar decides to amp him like he has done in the past.

  • Wulfrik - I'd still take Geralt.

  • Felix - Unless there is a dragon nearby to amp Felix, Geralt will take this easier then he did in the last one. Again though, dies to Gotrek once Gotrek finds him... As will everyone in the room... and probably the building... and the next few over because that will be one pissed off dawi.

  • Luthor - Geralt. I.. don't believe Luthor carries any magical gear. Dude does everything mundane. Luthor could, possibly, win if he uses a lot of divine amps, but as he is fighting a human, I doubt he would spring for them... or even be blessed enough to do them at the time. So, Luthor 'could' win, but I think Geralt would win as his style is better suited to a duel while Luthor is more, 'I'ma wade into that army and start Sauroning it up' kinda guy.

  • Valten - Valten. Even more now with the gear he is given such as the anti-magic dwarf armor that was potent enough to no-sell Nagash's [albeit a weaker Nagash] magic and Ghal-Maraz.

  • Louen - Louen. Still pretty obvious.

@killerwasp Yeah, I said Geralt can take one of those sissy Doombulls. Fight me.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

God why did it have to be the Imperials

I am bad at these guys' lore

Also hardstop at Valten, who would demolish Geralt badly

Avatar image for killerwasp

Posted by

(16898 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
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@wut: I will puss, challenge me to a CAV if you have the balls to do so! Doombull one shots weakling Geralt! Taurox still one shots Grimgor!

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 48 minutes ago
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@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 31 minutes ago
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@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

I'd like to see Geralt vs Grimgor

you two think that would be fun?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 27 days, 19 hours ago
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@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 27 days, 17 hours ago
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@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Yea thats why I wanna see it

Avatar image for killerwasp

Edited by
(16898 posts)
- 27 days, 10 hours ago
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@decaf_wizard: grimgor grts stomped he can’t handle magic at all he’s a weak pos Xd

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Avatar image for dagit

Edited by
(233 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
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No Caption Provided

As Geralt has previously ran a gauntlet of best unnamed fighters in Warhammer Fantasy lore previously, figured we would throw him into another one, this time, against named characters. However, he will only be going up against 'human' foes.

Scenario 1: Mundane Equipment, No Signs or Magical Potions/Items may be used by anyone.

Scenario 2: Geralt may use signs, standard fatigue still applies, and may take any potion you feel will assist him [Although doesn't mean they will stand and let him drink it]. Warhammer Humans get their magical gear/abilities. But not their mounts [So no Deathclaw or Imperial Dragon for Karl]


  1. Geralt is rested and recovered after each round.

  2. This is Lore Geralt. No gameplay.

  3. No Prep for either side

  4. Neither side has prior knowledge of their foe.

  5. Fleeing the field counts as a loss

  6. All fights are 'in-character'.


Each fight starts in an empty field, fifty feet from one another.

The Combatants

Round One: Brunner the Bounty Hunter

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Round Two: Mathias Thulmann

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Three: Kurt Helborg

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Four: Ludwig Schwarzhelm

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Five: Karl Franz

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Round Six: Wulfrik the Wanderer

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Seven: Felix Jaeger

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Round Eight: Luthor Huss

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Round Nine: Valten

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Ten: Louen Leoncoeur

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How far does Geralt get? Can he clear? Which rounds does he struggle with? Which rounds does he clear fairly easily?

Avatar image for dagit

Edited by
(233 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
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No Caption Provided

As Geralt has previously ran a gauntlet of best unnamed fighters in Warhammer Fantasy lore previously, figured we would throw him into another one, this time, against named characters. However, he will only be going up against 'human' foes.

Scenario 1: Mundane Equipment, No Signs or Magical Potions/Items may be used by anyone.

Scenario 2: Geralt may use signs, standard fatigue still applies, and may take any potion you feel will assist him [Although doesn't mean they will stand and let him drink it]. Warhammer Humans get their magical gear/abilities. But not their mounts [So no Deathclaw or Imperial Dragon for Karl]


  1. Geralt is rested and recovered after each round.

  2. This is Lore Geralt. No gameplay.

  3. No Prep for either side

  4. Neither side has prior knowledge of their foe.

  5. Fleeing the field counts as a loss

  6. All fights are 'in-character'.


Each fight starts in an empty field, fifty feet from one another.

The Combatants

Round One: Brunner the Bounty Hunter

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Round Two: Mathias Thulmann

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Three: Kurt Helborg

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Round Four: Ludwig Schwarzhelm

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Five: Karl Franz

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Six: Wulfrik the Wanderer

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Seven: Felix Jaeger

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Eight: Luthor Huss

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Nine: Valten

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Ten: Louen Leoncoeur

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

How far does Geralt get? Can he clear? Which rounds does he struggle with? Which rounds does he clear fairly easily?

Edited by
(233 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

As Geralt has previously ran a gauntlet of best unnamed fighters in Warhammer Fantasy lore previously, figured we would throw him into another one, this time, against named characters. However, he will only be going up against 'human' foes.

Scenario 1: Mundane Equipment, No Signs or Magical Potions/Items may be used by anyone.

Scenario 2: Geralt may use signs, standard fatigue still applies, and may take any potion you feel will assist him [Although doesn't mean they will stand and let him drink it]. Warhammer Humans get their magical gear/abilities. But not their mounts [So no Deathclaw or Imperial Dragon for Karl]


  1. Geralt is rested and recovered after each round.

  2. This is Lore Geralt. No gameplay.

  3. No Prep for either side

  4. Neither side has prior knowledge of their foe.

  5. Fleeing the field counts as a loss

  6. All fights are 'in-character'.


Each fight starts in an empty field, fifty feet from one another.

The Combatants

Round One: Brunner the Bounty Hunter

No Caption Provided

Round Two: Mathias Thulmann

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Three: Kurt Helborg

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Four: Ludwig Schwarzhelm

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Five: Karl Franz

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Six: Wulfrik the Wanderer

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Seven: Felix Jaeger

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Eight: Luthor Huss

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Nine: Valten

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Ten: Louen Leoncoeur

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

How far does Geralt get? Can he clear? Which rounds does he struggle with? Which rounds does he clear fairly easily?

Edited by
(233 posts)
- 1 year, 3 months ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

As Geralt has previously ran a gauntlet of best unnamed fighters in Warhammer Fantasy lore previously, figured we would throw him into another one, this time, against named characters. However, he will only be going up against 'human' foes.

Scenario 1: Mundane Equipment, No Signs or Magical Potions/Items may be used by anyone.

Scenario 2: Geralt may use signs, standard fatigue still applies, and may take any potion you feel will assist him [Although doesn't mean they will stand and let him drink it]. Warhammer Humans get their magical gear/abilities. But not their mounts [So no Deathclaw or Imperial Dragon for Karl]


  1. Geralt is rested and recovered after each round.

  2. This is Lore Geralt. No gameplay.

  3. No Prep for either side

  4. Neither side has prior knowledge of their foe.

  5. Fleeing the field counts as a loss

  6. All fights are 'in-character'.


Each fight starts in an empty field, fifty feet from one another.

The Combatants

Round One: Brunner the Bounty Hunter

No Caption Provided

Round Two: Mathias Thulmann

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Three: Kurt Helborg

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Four: Ludwig Schwarzhelm

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Five: Karl Franz

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Six: Wulfrik the Wanderer

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Seven: Felix Jaeger

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Eight: Luthor Huss

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Nine: Valten

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

Round Ten: Louen Leoncoeur

No Caption ProvidedNo Caption Provided

How far does Geralt get? Can he clear? Which rounds does he struggle with? Which rounds does he clear fairly easily?

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 5 hours ago
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Weird order, as Kurt > Ludwig > Karl. Karl is a leader, not a peerless warrior like those two and Kurt has beaten Ludwig in every duel they ever fought, the only time Ludwig won was when he was bloodlusted and Kurt didn't want to kill him. Also take Kurt or Ludwig over Wulfrik. Felix is kinda an odd one to place because he beats foes the others would struggle with yet also struggles against foes the others wouldn't. Not sure I'd place him over Kurt Helborg.

Anyways, without magic or their normal gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. [Can't recall if Brunner has a gun or not... don't... don't think he does, been a long time since I read that novel].

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless Mathias is given his boomstick. Then, he should win via shooting Geralt, but I think that goes against the 'spirit' of this which seems to be more 'skill', so in a sword fight, Geralt should win without too much issue.

  • Kurt - Kurt. I think Kurt is a better duelist then Geralt and its not like he doesn't have his own fair share of cool stuff, like, Ludwig, a guy who Kurt has beaten in every duel, goes toe to toe with Doombulls and wins in a head on confrontation, something Geralt would not likely come out pretty in [although I think Geralt could take a doombull if he prepped like he normally does].

  • Ludwig - I'd probably take Ludwig, although I could be swayed to back Geralt.

  • Karl - Geralt. Karl is a master leader and statesmen, his warrior abilities are solid, but he is no Kurt.

  • Wulfrik - I'd take Geralt. Wulfrik is good and all, but I feel he isn't.. as good as the hype around him, also just don't really like Wulfrik too much. Used to, but his novel really soured him for me. Seriously. [Oh, I'ma dump you wife because you 'smell' like the other man. You know, the one they forced you into marrying when they told you I was dead and when you refused they locked you up and tortured you to the point your back is a mess of lash marks and scars, but, hey, lol, Wulfrik and its your fault for being raped and forced into this marriage with someone else.]

  • Felix - Geralt. Felix is very good, one of the best, but he is also easily intimidated, all things considered, so I think Geralt should take it. Felix would make him work for it thought. And Gotrek kills Geralt when he finds out his sidekick was killed. I can think of a few fates worse then being chased by Gotrek after you have killed Felix.

  • Luthor - Geralt. Luthor is great, but I feel like.. with no magic, so no divine amps, he isn't really suited to fighting someone as fast as Geralt. Luthor is a bruiser, at least, that is the impression I always got from his novel.

  • Valten - Valten. Despite losing to Archaon, he was pretty potent and was barely human.

  • Louen - Louen. This one is pretty obvious.

With Magic and their gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. By an even larger margin.

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless said pistols come into play and Geralt may still be able to win that one if we use game Geralt.

  • Kurt - Close. Guess it depends on how many potions and what kind Geralt prepares because the runefang is a very large obstacle to over come. The whole, 'my sword will cleave through yours so you can't parry me or let me parry you' is a pretty big deal. I could go either way.

  • Ludwig - Since Kurt is slightly better then Ludwig, if the above could go either way, I think Geralt can take this. In a hell of a fight.

  • Karl - Karl. While Karl isn't as good a warrior, his gear pushes him to victory especially if Sigmar decides to amp him like he has done in the past.

  • Wulfrik - I'd still take Geralt.

  • Felix - Unless there is a dragon nearby to amp Felix, Geralt will take this easier then he did in the last one. Again though, dies to Gotrek once Gotrek finds him... As will everyone in the room... and probably the building... and the next few over because that will be one pissed off dawi.

  • Luthor - Geralt. I.. don't believe Luthor carries any magical gear. Dude does everything mundane. Luthor could, possibly, win if he uses a lot of divine amps, but as he is fighting a human, I doubt he would spring for them... or even be blessed enough to do them at the time. So, Luthor 'could' win, but I think Geralt would win as his style is better suited to a duel while Luthor is more, 'I'ma wade into that army and start Sauroning it up' kinda guy.

  • Valten - Valten. Even more now with the gear he is given such as the anti-magic dwarf armor that was potent enough to no-sell Nagash's [albeit a weaker Nagash] magic and Ghal-Maraz.

  • Louen - Louen. Still pretty obvious.

@killerwasp Yeah, I said Geralt can take one of those sissy Doombulls. Fight me.

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 5 hours ago
- Show Bio

Weird order, as Kurt > Ludwig > Karl. Karl is a leader, not a peerless warrior like those two and Kurt has beaten Ludwig in every duel they ever fought, the only time Ludwig won was when he was bloodlusted and Kurt didn't want to kill him. Also take Kurt or Ludwig over Wulfrik. Felix is kinda an odd one to place because he beats foes the others would struggle with yet also struggles against foes the others wouldn't. Not sure I'd place him over Kurt Helborg.

Anyways, without magic or their normal gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. [Can't recall if Brunner has a gun or not... don't... don't think he does, been a long time since I read that novel].

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless Mathias is given his boomstick. Then, he should win via shooting Geralt, but I think that goes against the 'spirit' of this which seems to be more 'skill', so in a sword fight, Geralt should win without too much issue.

  • Kurt - Kurt. I think Kurt is a better duelist then Geralt and its not like he doesn't have his own fair share of cool stuff, like, Ludwig, a guy who Kurt has beaten in every duel, goes toe to toe with Doombulls and wins in a head on confrontation, something Geralt would not likely come out pretty in [although I think Geralt could take a doombull if he prepped like he normally does].

  • Ludwig - I'd probably take Ludwig, although I could be swayed to back Geralt.

  • Karl - Geralt. Karl is a master leader and statesmen, his warrior abilities are solid, but he is no Kurt.

  • Wulfrik - I'd take Geralt. Wulfrik is good and all, but I feel he isn't.. as good as the hype around him, also just don't really like Wulfrik too much. Used to, but his novel really soured him for me. Seriously. [Oh, I'ma dump you wife because you 'smell' like the other man. You know, the one they forced you into marrying when they told you I was dead and when you refused they locked you up and tortured you to the point your back is a mess of lash marks and scars, but, hey, lol, Wulfrik and its your fault for being raped and forced into this marriage with someone else.]

  • Felix - Geralt. Felix is very good, one of the best, but he is also easily intimidated, all things considered, so I think Geralt should take it. Felix would make him work for it thought. And Gotrek kills Geralt when he finds out his sidekick was killed. I can think of a few fates worse then being chased by Gotrek after you have killed Felix.

  • Luthor - Geralt. Luthor is great, but I feel like.. with no magic, so no divine amps, he isn't really suited to fighting someone as fast as Geralt. Luthor is a bruiser, at least, that is the impression I always got from his novel.

  • Valten - Valten. Despite losing to Archaon, he was pretty potent and was barely human.

  • Louen - Louen. This one is pretty obvious.

With Magic and their gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. By an even larger margin.

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless said pistols come into play and Geralt may still be able to win that one if we use game Geralt.

  • Kurt - Close. Guess it depends on how many potions and what kind Geralt prepares because the runefang is a very large obstacle to over come. The whole, 'my sword will cleave through yours so you can't parry me or let me parry you' is a pretty big deal. I could go either way.

  • Ludwig - Since Kurt is slightly better then Ludwig, if the above could go either way, I think Geralt can take this. In a hell of a fight.

  • Karl - Karl. While Karl isn't as good a warrior, his gear pushes him to victory especially if Sigmar decides to amp him like he has done in the past.

  • Wulfrik - I'd still take Geralt.

  • Felix - Unless there is a dragon nearby to amp Felix, Geralt will take this easier then he did in the last one. Again though, dies to Gotrek once Gotrek finds him... As will everyone in the room... and probably the building... and the next few over because that will be one pissed off dawi.

  • Luthor - Geralt. I.. don't believe Luthor carries any magical gear. Dude does everything mundane. Luthor could, possibly, win if he uses a lot of divine amps, but as he is fighting a human, I doubt he would spring for them... or even be blessed enough to do them at the time. So, Luthor 'could' win, but I think Geralt would win as his style is better suited to a duel while Luthor is more, 'I'ma wade into that army and start Sauroning it up' kinda guy.

  • Valten - Valten. Even more now with the gear he is given such as the anti-magic dwarf armor that was potent enough to no-sell Nagash's [albeit a weaker Nagash] magic and Ghal-Maraz.

  • Louen - Louen. Still pretty obvious.

@killerwasp Yeah, I said Geralt can take one of those sissy Doombulls. Fight me.

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 5 hours ago
- Show Bio

Weird order, as Kurt > Ludwig > Karl. Karl is a leader, not a peerless warrior like those two and Kurt has beaten Ludwig in every duel they ever fought, the only time Ludwig won was when he was bloodlusted and Kurt didn't want to kill him. Also take Kurt or Ludwig over Wulfrik. Felix is kinda an odd one to place because he beats foes the others would struggle with yet also struggles against foes the others wouldn't. Not sure I'd place him over Kurt Helborg.

Anyways, without magic or their normal gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. [Can't recall if Brunner has a gun or not... don't... don't think he does, been a long time since I read that novel].

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless Mathias is given his boomstick. Then, he should win via shooting Geralt, but I think that goes against the 'spirit' of this which seems to be more 'skill', so in a sword fight, Geralt should win without too much issue.

  • Kurt - Kurt. I think Kurt is a better duelist then Geralt and its not like he doesn't have his own fair share of cool stuff, like, Ludwig, a guy who Kurt has beaten in every duel, goes toe to toe with Doombulls and wins in a head on confrontation, something Geralt would not likely come out pretty in [although I think Geralt could take a doombull if he prepped like he normally does].

  • Ludwig - I'd probably take Ludwig, although I could be swayed to back Geralt.

  • Karl - Geralt. Karl is a master leader and statesmen, his warrior abilities are solid, but he is no Kurt.

  • Wulfrik - I'd take Geralt. Wulfrik is good and all, but I feel he isn't.. as good as the hype around him, also just don't really like Wulfrik too much. Used to, but his novel really soured him for me. Seriously. [Oh, I'ma dump you wife because you 'smell' like the other man. You know, the one they forced you into marrying when they told you I was dead and when you refused they locked you up and tortured you to the point your back is a mess of lash marks and scars, but, hey, lol, Wulfrik and its your fault for being raped and forced into this marriage with someone else.]

  • Felix - Geralt. Felix is very good, one of the best, but he is also easily intimidated, all things considered, so I think Geralt should take it. Felix would make him work for it thought. And Gotrek kills Geralt when he finds out his sidekick was killed. I can think of a few fates worse then being chased by Gotrek after you have killed Felix.

  • Luthor - Geralt. Luthor is great, but I feel like.. with no magic, so no divine amps, he isn't really suited to fighting someone as fast as Geralt. Luthor is a bruiser, at least, that is the impression I always got from his novel.

  • Valten - Valten. Despite losing to Archaon, he was pretty potent and was barely human.

  • Louen - Louen. This one is pretty obvious.

With Magic and their gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. By an even larger margin.

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless said pistols come into play and Geralt may still be able to win that one if we use game Geralt.

  • Kurt - Close. Guess it depends on how many potions and what kind Geralt prepares because the runefang is a very large obstacle to over come. The whole, 'my sword will cleave through yours so you can't parry me or let me parry you' is a pretty big deal. I could go either way.

  • Ludwig - Since Kurt is slightly better then Ludwig, if the above could go either way, I think Geralt can take this. In a hell of a fight.

  • Karl - Karl. While Karl isn't as good a warrior, his gear pushes him to victory especially if Sigmar decides to amp him like he has done in the past.

  • Wulfrik - I'd still take Geralt.

  • Felix - Unless there is a dragon nearby to amp Felix, Geralt will take this easier then he did in the last one. Again though, dies to Gotrek once Gotrek finds him... As will everyone in the room... and probably the building... and the next few over because that will be one pissed off dawi.

  • Luthor - Geralt. I.. don't believe Luthor carries any magical gear. Dude does everything mundane. Luthor could, possibly, win if he uses a lot of divine amps, but as he is fighting a human, I doubt he would spring for them... or even be blessed enough to do them at the time. So, Luthor 'could' win, but I think Geralt would win as his style is better suited to a duel while Luthor is more, 'I'ma wade into that army and start Sauroning it up' kinda guy.

  • Valten - Valten. Even more now with the gear he is given such as the anti-magic dwarf armor that was potent enough to no-sell Nagash's [albeit a weaker Nagash] magic and Ghal-Maraz.

  • Louen - Louen. Still pretty obvious.

@killerwasp Yeah, I said Geralt can take one of those sissy Doombulls. Fight me.

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 5 hours ago
- Show Bio

Weird order, as Kurt > Ludwig > Karl. Karl is a leader, not a peerless warrior like those two and Kurt has beaten Ludwig in every duel they ever fought, the only time Ludwig won was when he was bloodlusted and Kurt didn't want to kill him. Also take Kurt or Ludwig over Wulfrik. Felix is kinda an odd one to place because he beats foes the others would struggle with yet also struggles against foes the others wouldn't. Not sure I'd place him over Kurt Helborg.

Anyways, without magic or their normal gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. [Can't recall if Brunner has a gun or not... don't... don't think he does, been a long time since I read that novel].

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless Mathias is given his boomstick. Then, he should win via shooting Geralt, but I think that goes against the 'spirit' of this which seems to be more 'skill', so in a sword fight, Geralt should win without too much issue.

  • Kurt - Kurt. I think Kurt is a better duelist then Geralt and its not like he doesn't have his own fair share of cool stuff, like, Ludwig, a guy who Kurt has beaten in every duel, goes toe to toe with Doombulls and wins in a head on confrontation, something Geralt would not likely come out pretty in [although I think Geralt could take a doombull if he prepped like he normally does].

  • Ludwig - I'd probably take Ludwig, although I could be swayed to back Geralt.

  • Karl - Geralt. Karl is a master leader and statesmen, his warrior abilities are solid, but he is no Kurt.

  • Wulfrik - I'd take Geralt. Wulfrik is good and all, but I feel he isn't.. as good as the hype around him, also just don't really like Wulfrik too much. Used to, but his novel really soured him for me. Seriously. [Oh, I'ma dump you wife because you 'smell' like the other man. You know, the one they forced you into marrying when they told you I was dead and when you refused they locked you up and tortured you to the point your back is a mess of lash marks and scars, but, hey, lol, Wulfrik and its your fault for being raped and forced into this marriage with someone else.]

  • Felix - Geralt. Felix is very good, one of the best, but he is also easily intimidated, all things considered, so I think Geralt should take it. Felix would make him work for it thought. And Gotrek kills Geralt when he finds out his sidekick was killed. I can think of a few fates worse then being chased by Gotrek after you have killed Felix.

  • Luthor - Geralt. Luthor is great, but I feel like.. with no magic, so no divine amps, he isn't really suited to fighting someone as fast as Geralt. Luthor is a bruiser, at least, that is the impression I always got from his novel.

  • Valten - Valten. Despite losing to Archaon, he was pretty potent and was barely human.

  • Louen - Louen. This one is pretty obvious.

With Magic and their gear:

  • Brunner - Geralt. By an even larger margin.

  • Mathias - Geralt. Unless said pistols come into play and Geralt may still be able to win that one if we use game Geralt.

  • Kurt - Close. Guess it depends on how many potions and what kind Geralt prepares because the runefang is a very large obstacle to over come. The whole, 'my sword will cleave through yours so you can't parry me or let me parry you' is a pretty big deal. I could go either way.

  • Ludwig - Since Kurt is slightly better then Ludwig, if the above could go either way, I think Geralt can take this. In a hell of a fight.

  • Karl - Karl. While Karl isn't as good a warrior, his gear pushes him to victory especially if Sigmar decides to amp him like he has done in the past.

  • Wulfrik - I'd still take Geralt.

  • Felix - Unless there is a dragon nearby to amp Felix, Geralt will take this easier then he did in the last one. Again though, dies to Gotrek once Gotrek finds him... As will everyone in the room... and probably the building... and the next few over because that will be one pissed off dawi.

  • Luthor - Geralt. I.. don't believe Luthor carries any magical gear. Dude does everything mundane. Luthor could, possibly, win if he uses a lot of divine amps, but as he is fighting a human, I doubt he would spring for them... or even be blessed enough to do them at the time. So, Luthor 'could' win, but I think Geralt would win as his style is better suited to a duel while Luthor is more, 'I'ma wade into that army and start Sauroning it up' kinda guy.

  • Valten - Valten. Even more now with the gear he is given such as the anti-magic dwarf armor that was potent enough to no-sell Nagash's [albeit a weaker Nagash] magic and Ghal-Maraz.

  • Louen - Louen. Still pretty obvious.

@killerwasp Yeah, I said Geralt can take one of those sissy Doombulls. Fight me.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

God why did it have to be the Imperials

I am bad at these guys' lore

Also hardstop at Valten, who would demolish Geralt badly

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
- Show Bio

God why did it have to be the Imperials

I am bad at these guys' lore

Also hardstop at Valten, who would demolish Geralt badly

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
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God why did it have to be the Imperials

I am bad at these guys' lore

Also hardstop at Valten, who would demolish Geralt badly

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
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God why did it have to be the Imperials

I am bad at these guys' lore

Also hardstop at Valten, who would demolish Geralt badly

Avatar image for killerwasp

Posted by

(16898 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
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@wut: I will puss, challenge me to a CAV if you have the balls to do so! Doombull one shots weakling Geralt! Taurox still one shots Grimgor!

Avatar image for killerwasp

Posted by

(16898 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
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@wut: I will puss, challenge me to a CAV if you have the balls to do so! Doombull one shots weakling Geralt! Taurox still one shots Grimgor!

Posted by

(16898 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
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@wut: I will puss, challenge me to a CAV if you have the balls to do so! Doombull one shots weakling Geralt! Taurox still one shots Grimgor!

Posted by

(16898 posts)
- 28 days, 4 hours ago
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@wut: I will puss, challenge me to a CAV if you have the balls to do so! Doombull one shots weakling Geralt! Taurox still one shots Grimgor!

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 48 minutes ago
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@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 48 minutes ago
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@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 48 minutes ago
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@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 28 days, 48 minutes ago
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@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 31 minutes ago
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@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

I'd like to see Geralt vs Grimgor

you two think that would be fun?

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 31 minutes ago
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@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

I'd like to see Geralt vs Grimgor

you two think that would be fun?

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 31 minutes ago
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@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

I'd like to see Geralt vs Grimgor

you two think that would be fun?

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 28 days, 31 minutes ago
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@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

I'd like to see Geralt vs Grimgor

you two think that would be fun?

@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

@wut said:

@killerwasp: Couldn't hear you over your love of the furry.

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 27 days, 19 hours ago
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@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Avatar image for wut

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 27 days, 19 hours ago
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@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 27 days, 19 hours ago
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@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Posted by

(6690 posts)
- 27 days, 19 hours ago
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@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 27 days, 17 hours ago
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@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Yea thats why I wanna see it

Avatar image for decaf_wizard

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 27 days, 17 hours ago
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@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Yea thats why I wanna see it

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 27 days, 17 hours ago
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@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Yea thats why I wanna see it

Posted by

(15467 posts)
- 27 days, 17 hours ago
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@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Yea thats why I wanna see it

@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

@wut said:

@decaf_wizard: Nah, Grimgor would slaughter pretty bad.

Avatar image for killerwasp

Edited by
(16898 posts)
- 27 days, 10 hours ago
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@decaf_wizard: grimgor grts stomped he can’t handle magic at all he’s a weak pos Xd

Avatar image for killerwasp

Edited by
(16898 posts)
- 27 days, 10 hours ago
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@decaf_wizard: grimgor grts stomped he can’t handle magic at all he’s a weak pos Xd

Edited by
(16898 posts)
- 27 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: grimgor grts stomped he can’t handle magic at all he’s a weak pos Xd

Edited by
(16898 posts)
- 27 days, 10 hours ago
- Show Bio

@decaf_wizard: grimgor grts stomped he can’t handle magic at all he’s a weak pos Xd

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