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89 0 2 1
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 29, 8:42pm

    @thunderscream: I thought that was a psiblast cause her hands go up to grip her head and she fell over because of the pain.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 27, 3:03pm

    I saw the Betsy was in her normal body again. Does this mean she lost telekinesis. Afterwords she was primarily using her telepathy to fight I don't think she used her tk once.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    x-men gold 27 discussion - spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    May 2, 2:45pm

    Personally, I hated this issue. But to be fair I haven't liked Gold for a while now. Also what is it with Rachel's power upgrade, she's doing fairly normal telepathic things and everyone acting like ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 6:06pm

    @elpendejo: possibly. Personally, I try not to use anything in DoX or IVX too seriously what so ever. Since she was effectively "insane" in that story talking to her psychic projection even while alon...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 2:47pm

    @elpendejo: She has that broadcast feat on Utopia without any help. Not to mention other feats that reach across the world. I think the cuckoos were just helping her because the 4 of them (Emma includ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:52pm

    @pyrofn: During Grant Morrison’s New X-men I swear Jean was accessing Phoenix cosmic power reserves throughout a majority of the story. Basically every day she’d get stronger leading up to her transfo...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:37pm

    Lmao I absolutely hate it. Her regression to being an antihero separate from the X-men (perhaps a bit darker) could’ve been done well. Scott’s death could’ve been the perfect thing to do it over. But ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 27, 4:36pm

    @marvelfan1992: I don’t know if losing to Cassandra Nova is jobbing though.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:14pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:13pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:10pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 26, 1:08pm

    Do you guys think Cassandra is gonna have any mind-controlled villains working for her? Or at least fighting the rest of her team while Jean has her tp fight with her. I'm guessing there's gonna be an...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    will emma get a lot of blame for unleashing "Mothervine".
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 12, 9:40pm

    Ugh trust me most Emma fans are not at all happy with this characterization so far in blue. The time capers Emma was a cool call back to Gen X and Jean Grey was the BEST Emma had been written in a whi...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Phoenix Resurrection #3 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Jan 10, 1:13pm

    Emma shouldn’t be there tho..... She’s knocked out with the other disappeared Psychics in Jeen Grey #10.....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    jean grey 9 review ....some spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 29, 4:52pm

    *Possible Spoilers*I loved this issue. Some classic Emma and Jean snark (which in my opinion ended to early with Jean’s death). The best part to me was that this WASNT the Emma from X-men Blue or IVX....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so Prof X(alive?) is going to meet the O5 teens?.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 8, 8:14am

    @darthphoenix: is Jeen even capable of fighting Prof X yet? The Emma incident was because the cosmic cube leaked into the mental scape and amped Jeen and Scott up or something. I remember Bunn mention...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ultimate X-Men by Mark Millar or Astonishing X-Men by Josh Whedon?.
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 21, 11:23pm

    Astonishing is my Fav all time run and pretty much what bought me into The X-Men.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Astonishing XMEN #1 SPOILERS (Huge Return).
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 20, 12:31pm

    Yeah why are non psychics going to the astral plane. It'd be far more interesting seeing a group of telepaths fight the shadow king together rather then this random assortment of people who should be ...


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This user has not updated recently.

89 0 2 1
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 29, 8:42pm

    @thunderscream: I thought that was a psiblast cause her hands go up to grip her head and she fell over because of the pain.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 27, 3:03pm

    I saw the Betsy was in her normal body again. Does this mean she lost telekinesis. Afterwords she was primarily using her telepathy to fight I don't think she used her tk once.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    x-men gold 27 discussion - spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    May 2, 2:45pm

    Personally, I hated this issue. But to be fair I haven't liked Gold for a while now. Also what is it with Rachel's power upgrade, she's doing fairly normal telepathic things and everyone acting like ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 6:06pm

    @elpendejo: possibly. Personally, I try not to use anything in DoX or IVX too seriously what so ever. Since she was effectively "insane" in that story talking to her psychic projection even while alon...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 2:47pm

    @elpendejo: She has that broadcast feat on Utopia without any help. Not to mention other feats that reach across the world. I think the cuckoos were just helping her because the 4 of them (Emma includ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:52pm

    @pyrofn: During Grant Morrison’s New X-men I swear Jean was accessing Phoenix cosmic power reserves throughout a majority of the story. Basically every day she’d get stronger leading up to her transfo...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:37pm

    Lmao I absolutely hate it. Her regression to being an antihero separate from the X-men (perhaps a bit darker) could’ve been done well. Scott’s death could’ve been the perfect thing to do it over. But ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 27, 4:36pm

    @marvelfan1992: I don’t know if losing to Cassandra Nova is jobbing though.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:14pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:13pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:10pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 26, 1:08pm

    Do you guys think Cassandra is gonna have any mind-controlled villains working for her? Or at least fighting the rest of her team while Jean has her tp fight with her. I'm guessing there's gonna be an...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    will emma get a lot of blame for unleashing "Mothervine".
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 12, 9:40pm

    Ugh trust me most Emma fans are not at all happy with this characterization so far in blue. The time capers Emma was a cool call back to Gen X and Jean Grey was the BEST Emma had been written in a whi...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Phoenix Resurrection #3 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Jan 10, 1:13pm

    Emma shouldn’t be there tho..... She’s knocked out with the other disappeared Psychics in Jeen Grey #10.....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    jean grey 9 review ....some spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 29, 4:52pm

    *Possible Spoilers*I loved this issue. Some classic Emma and Jean snark (which in my opinion ended to early with Jean’s death). The best part to me was that this WASNT the Emma from X-men Blue or IVX....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so Prof X(alive?) is going to meet the O5 teens?.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 8, 8:14am

    @darthphoenix: is Jeen even capable of fighting Prof X yet? The Emma incident was because the cosmic cube leaked into the mental scape and amped Jeen and Scott up or something. I remember Bunn mention...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ultimate X-Men by Mark Millar or Astonishing X-Men by Josh Whedon?.
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 21, 11:23pm

    Astonishing is my Fav all time run and pretty much what bought me into The X-Men.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Astonishing XMEN #1 SPOILERS (Huge Return).
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 20, 12:31pm

    Yeah why are non psychics going to the astral plane. It'd be far more interesting seeing a group of telepaths fight the shadow king together rather then this random assortment of people who should be ...


This user has not updated recently.

89 0 2 1
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 29, 8:42pm

    @thunderscream: I thought that was a psiblast cause her hands go up to grip her head and she fell over because of the pain.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 27, 3:03pm

    I saw the Betsy was in her normal body again. Does this mean she lost telekinesis. Afterwords she was primarily using her telepathy to fight I don't think she used her tk once.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    x-men gold 27 discussion - spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    May 2, 2:45pm

    Personally, I hated this issue. But to be fair I haven't liked Gold for a while now. Also what is it with Rachel's power upgrade, she's doing fairly normal telepathic things and everyone acting like ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 6:06pm

    @elpendejo: possibly. Personally, I try not to use anything in DoX or IVX too seriously what so ever. Since she was effectively "insane" in that story talking to her psychic projection even while alon...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 2:47pm

    @elpendejo: She has that broadcast feat on Utopia without any help. Not to mention other feats that reach across the world. I think the cuckoos were just helping her because the 4 of them (Emma includ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:52pm

    @pyrofn: During Grant Morrison’s New X-men I swear Jean was accessing Phoenix cosmic power reserves throughout a majority of the story. Basically every day she’d get stronger leading up to her transfo...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:37pm

    Lmao I absolutely hate it. Her regression to being an antihero separate from the X-men (perhaps a bit darker) could’ve been done well. Scott’s death could’ve been the perfect thing to do it over. But ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 27, 4:36pm

    @marvelfan1992: I don’t know if losing to Cassandra Nova is jobbing though.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:14pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:13pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:10pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 26, 1:08pm

    Do you guys think Cassandra is gonna have any mind-controlled villains working for her? Or at least fighting the rest of her team while Jean has her tp fight with her. I'm guessing there's gonna be an...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    will emma get a lot of blame for unleashing "Mothervine".
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 12, 9:40pm

    Ugh trust me most Emma fans are not at all happy with this characterization so far in blue. The time capers Emma was a cool call back to Gen X and Jean Grey was the BEST Emma had been written in a whi...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Phoenix Resurrection #3 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Jan 10, 1:13pm

    Emma shouldn’t be there tho..... She’s knocked out with the other disappeared Psychics in Jeen Grey #10.....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    jean grey 9 review ....some spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 29, 4:52pm

    *Possible Spoilers*I loved this issue. Some classic Emma and Jean snark (which in my opinion ended to early with Jean’s death). The best part to me was that this WASNT the Emma from X-men Blue or IVX....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so Prof X(alive?) is going to meet the O5 teens?.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 8, 8:14am

    @darthphoenix: is Jeen even capable of fighting Prof X yet? The Emma incident was because the cosmic cube leaked into the mental scape and amped Jeen and Scott up or something. I remember Bunn mention...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ultimate X-Men by Mark Millar or Astonishing X-Men by Josh Whedon?.
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 21, 11:23pm

    Astonishing is my Fav all time run and pretty much what bought me into The X-Men.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Astonishing XMEN #1 SPOILERS (Huge Return).
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 20, 12:31pm

    Yeah why are non psychics going to the astral plane. It'd be far more interesting seeing a group of telepaths fight the shadow king together rather then this random assortment of people who should be ...


This user has not updated recently.

89 0 2 1
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

89 0 2 1
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

89 0 2 1
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers


This user has not updated recently.

89 0 2 1
Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers

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  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 29, 8:42pm

    @thunderscream: I thought that was a psiblast cause her hands go up to grip her head and she fell over because of the pain.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 27, 3:03pm

    I saw the Betsy was in her normal body again. Does this mean she lost telekinesis. Afterwords she was primarily using her telepathy to fight I don't think she used her tk once.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    x-men gold 27 discussion - spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    May 2, 2:45pm

    Personally, I hated this issue. But to be fair I haven't liked Gold for a while now. Also what is it with Rachel's power upgrade, she's doing fairly normal telepathic things and everyone acting like ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 6:06pm

    @elpendejo: possibly. Personally, I try not to use anything in DoX or IVX too seriously what so ever. Since she was effectively "insane" in that story talking to her psychic projection even while alon...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 2:47pm

    @elpendejo: She has that broadcast feat on Utopia without any help. Not to mention other feats that reach across the world. I think the cuckoos were just helping her because the 4 of them (Emma includ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:52pm

    @pyrofn: During Grant Morrison’s New X-men I swear Jean was accessing Phoenix cosmic power reserves throughout a majority of the story. Basically every day she’d get stronger leading up to her transfo...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:37pm

    Lmao I absolutely hate it. Her regression to being an antihero separate from the X-men (perhaps a bit darker) could’ve been done well. Scott’s death could’ve been the perfect thing to do it over. But ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 27, 4:36pm

    @marvelfan1992: I don’t know if losing to Cassandra Nova is jobbing though.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:14pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:13pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:10pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 26, 1:08pm

    Do you guys think Cassandra is gonna have any mind-controlled villains working for her? Or at least fighting the rest of her team while Jean has her tp fight with her. I'm guessing there's gonna be an...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    will emma get a lot of blame for unleashing "Mothervine".
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 12, 9:40pm

    Ugh trust me most Emma fans are not at all happy with this characterization so far in blue. The time capers Emma was a cool call back to Gen X and Jean Grey was the BEST Emma had been written in a whi...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Phoenix Resurrection #3 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Jan 10, 1:13pm

    Emma shouldn’t be there tho..... She’s knocked out with the other disappeared Psychics in Jeen Grey #10.....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    jean grey 9 review ....some spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 29, 4:52pm

    *Possible Spoilers*I loved this issue. Some classic Emma and Jean snark (which in my opinion ended to early with Jean’s death). The best part to me was that this WASNT the Emma from X-men Blue or IVX....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so Prof X(alive?) is going to meet the O5 teens?.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 8, 8:14am

    @darthphoenix: is Jeen even capable of fighting Prof X yet? The Emma incident was because the cosmic cube leaked into the mental scape and amped Jeen and Scott up or something. I remember Bunn mention...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ultimate X-Men by Mark Millar or Astonishing X-Men by Josh Whedon?.
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 21, 11:23pm

    Astonishing is my Fav all time run and pretty much what bought me into The X-Men.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Astonishing XMEN #1 SPOILERS (Huge Return).
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 20, 12:31pm

    Yeah why are non psychics going to the astral plane. It'd be far more interesting seeing a group of telepaths fight the shadow king together rather then this random assortment of people who should be ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 29, 8:42pm

    @thunderscream: I thought that was a psiblast cause her hands go up to grip her head and she fell over because of the pain.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 27, 3:03pm

    I saw the Betsy was in her normal body again. Does this mean she lost telekinesis. Afterwords she was primarily using her telepathy to fight I don't think she used her tk once.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    x-men gold 27 discussion - spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    May 2, 2:45pm

    Personally, I hated this issue. But to be fair I haven't liked Gold for a while now. Also what is it with Rachel's power upgrade, she's doing fairly normal telepathic things and everyone acting like ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 6:06pm

    @elpendejo: possibly. Personally, I try not to use anything in DoX or IVX too seriously what so ever. Since she was effectively "insane" in that story talking to her psychic projection even while alon...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 2:47pm

    @elpendejo: She has that broadcast feat on Utopia without any help. Not to mention other feats that reach across the world. I think the cuckoos were just helping her because the 4 of them (Emma includ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:52pm

    @pyrofn: During Grant Morrison’s New X-men I swear Jean was accessing Phoenix cosmic power reserves throughout a majority of the story. Basically every day she’d get stronger leading up to her transfo...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:37pm

    Lmao I absolutely hate it. Her regression to being an antihero separate from the X-men (perhaps a bit darker) could’ve been done well. Scott’s death could’ve been the perfect thing to do it over. But ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 27, 4:36pm

    @marvelfan1992: I don’t know if losing to Cassandra Nova is jobbing though.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:14pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:13pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:10pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 26, 1:08pm

    Do you guys think Cassandra is gonna have any mind-controlled villains working for her? Or at least fighting the rest of her team while Jean has her tp fight with her. I'm guessing there's gonna be an...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    will emma get a lot of blame for unleashing "Mothervine".
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 12, 9:40pm

    Ugh trust me most Emma fans are not at all happy with this characterization so far in blue. The time capers Emma was a cool call back to Gen X and Jean Grey was the BEST Emma had been written in a whi...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Phoenix Resurrection #3 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Jan 10, 1:13pm

    Emma shouldn’t be there tho..... She’s knocked out with the other disappeared Psychics in Jeen Grey #10.....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    jean grey 9 review ....some spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 29, 4:52pm

    *Possible Spoilers*I loved this issue. Some classic Emma and Jean snark (which in my opinion ended to early with Jean’s death). The best part to me was that this WASNT the Emma from X-men Blue or IVX....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so Prof X(alive?) is going to meet the O5 teens?.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 8, 8:14am

    @darthphoenix: is Jeen even capable of fighting Prof X yet? The Emma incident was because the cosmic cube leaked into the mental scape and amped Jeen and Scott up or something. I remember Bunn mention...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ultimate X-Men by Mark Millar or Astonishing X-Men by Josh Whedon?.
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 21, 11:23pm

    Astonishing is my Fav all time run and pretty much what bought me into The X-Men.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Astonishing XMEN #1 SPOILERS (Huge Return).
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 20, 12:31pm

    Yeah why are non psychics going to the astral plane. It'd be far more interesting seeing a group of telepaths fight the shadow king together rather then this random assortment of people who should be ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 29, 8:42pm

    @thunderscream: I thought that was a psiblast cause her hands go up to grip her head and she fell over because of the pain.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 27, 3:03pm

    I saw the Betsy was in her normal body again. Does this mean she lost telekinesis. Afterwords she was primarily using her telepathy to fight I don't think she used her tk once.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    x-men gold 27 discussion - spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    May 2, 2:45pm

    Personally, I hated this issue. But to be fair I haven't liked Gold for a while now. Also what is it with Rachel's power upgrade, she's doing fairly normal telepathic things and everyone acting like ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 6:06pm

    @elpendejo: possibly. Personally, I try not to use anything in DoX or IVX too seriously what so ever. Since she was effectively "insane" in that story talking to her psychic projection even while alon...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 2:47pm

    @elpendejo: She has that broadcast feat on Utopia without any help. Not to mention other feats that reach across the world. I think the cuckoos were just helping her because the 4 of them (Emma includ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:52pm

    @pyrofn: During Grant Morrison’s New X-men I swear Jean was accessing Phoenix cosmic power reserves throughout a majority of the story. Basically every day she’d get stronger leading up to her transfo...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:37pm

    Lmao I absolutely hate it. Her regression to being an antihero separate from the X-men (perhaps a bit darker) could’ve been done well. Scott’s death could’ve been the perfect thing to do it over. But ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 27, 4:36pm

    @marvelfan1992: I don’t know if losing to Cassandra Nova is jobbing though.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:14pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:13pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:10pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 26, 1:08pm

    Do you guys think Cassandra is gonna have any mind-controlled villains working for her? Or at least fighting the rest of her team while Jean has her tp fight with her. I'm guessing there's gonna be an...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    will emma get a lot of blame for unleashing "Mothervine".
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 12, 9:40pm

    Ugh trust me most Emma fans are not at all happy with this characterization so far in blue. The time capers Emma was a cool call back to Gen X and Jean Grey was the BEST Emma had been written in a whi...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Phoenix Resurrection #3 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Jan 10, 1:13pm

    Emma shouldn’t be there tho..... She’s knocked out with the other disappeared Psychics in Jeen Grey #10.....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    jean grey 9 review ....some spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 29, 4:52pm

    *Possible Spoilers*I loved this issue. Some classic Emma and Jean snark (which in my opinion ended to early with Jean’s death). The best part to me was that this WASNT the Emma from X-men Blue or IVX....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so Prof X(alive?) is going to meet the O5 teens?.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 8, 8:14am

    @darthphoenix: is Jeen even capable of fighting Prof X yet? The Emma incident was because the cosmic cube leaked into the mental scape and amped Jeen and Scott up or something. I remember Bunn mention...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ultimate X-Men by Mark Millar or Astonishing X-Men by Josh Whedon?.
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 21, 11:23pm

    Astonishing is my Fav all time run and pretty much what bought me into The X-Men.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Astonishing XMEN #1 SPOILERS (Huge Return).
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 20, 12:31pm

    Yeah why are non psychics going to the astral plane. It'd be far more interesting seeing a group of telepaths fight the shadow king together rather then this random assortment of people who should be ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 29, 8:42pm

    @thunderscream: I thought that was a psiblast cause her hands go up to grip her head and she fell over because of the pain.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 27, 3:03pm

    I saw the Betsy was in her normal body again. Does this mean she lost telekinesis. Afterwords she was primarily using her telepathy to fight I don't think she used her tk once.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    x-men gold 27 discussion - spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    May 2, 2:45pm

    Personally, I hated this issue. But to be fair I haven't liked Gold for a while now. Also what is it with Rachel's power upgrade, she's doing fairly normal telepathic things and everyone acting like ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 6:06pm

    @elpendejo: possibly. Personally, I try not to use anything in DoX or IVX too seriously what so ever. Since she was effectively "insane" in that story talking to her psychic projection even while alon...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 2:47pm

    @elpendejo: She has that broadcast feat on Utopia without any help. Not to mention other feats that reach across the world. I think the cuckoos were just helping her because the 4 of them (Emma includ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:52pm

    @pyrofn: During Grant Morrison’s New X-men I swear Jean was accessing Phoenix cosmic power reserves throughout a majority of the story. Basically every day she’d get stronger leading up to her transfo...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:37pm

    Lmao I absolutely hate it. Her regression to being an antihero separate from the X-men (perhaps a bit darker) could’ve been done well. Scott’s death could’ve been the perfect thing to do it over. But ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 27, 4:36pm

    @marvelfan1992: I don’t know if losing to Cassandra Nova is jobbing though.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:14pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:13pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:10pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 26, 1:08pm

    Do you guys think Cassandra is gonna have any mind-controlled villains working for her? Or at least fighting the rest of her team while Jean has her tp fight with her. I'm guessing there's gonna be an...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    will emma get a lot of blame for unleashing "Mothervine".
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 12, 9:40pm

    Ugh trust me most Emma fans are not at all happy with this characterization so far in blue. The time capers Emma was a cool call back to Gen X and Jean Grey was the BEST Emma had been written in a whi...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Phoenix Resurrection #3 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Jan 10, 1:13pm

    Emma shouldn’t be there tho..... She’s knocked out with the other disappeared Psychics in Jeen Grey #10.....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    jean grey 9 review ....some spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 29, 4:52pm

    *Possible Spoilers*I loved this issue. Some classic Emma and Jean snark (which in my opinion ended to early with Jean’s death). The best part to me was that this WASNT the Emma from X-men Blue or IVX....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so Prof X(alive?) is going to meet the O5 teens?.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 8, 8:14am

    @darthphoenix: is Jeen even capable of fighting Prof X yet? The Emma incident was because the cosmic cube leaked into the mental scape and amped Jeen and Scott up or something. I remember Bunn mention...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ultimate X-Men by Mark Millar or Astonishing X-Men by Josh Whedon?.
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 21, 11:23pm

    Astonishing is my Fav all time run and pretty much what bought me into The X-Men.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Astonishing XMEN #1 SPOILERS (Huge Return).
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 20, 12:31pm

    Yeah why are non psychics going to the astral plane. It'd be far more interesting seeing a group of telepaths fight the shadow king together rather then this random assortment of people who should be ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 29, 8:42pm

    @thunderscream: I thought that was a psiblast cause her hands go up to grip her head and she fell over because of the pain.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
    on the X-Men board
    Aug 27, 3:03pm

    I saw the Betsy was in her normal body again. Does this mean she lost telekinesis. Afterwords she was primarily using her telepathy to fight I don't think she used her tk once.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    x-men gold 27 discussion - spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    May 2, 2:45pm

    Personally, I hated this issue. But to be fair I haven't liked Gold for a while now. Also what is it with Rachel's power upgrade, she's doing fairly normal telepathic things and everyone acting like ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 6:06pm

    @elpendejo: possibly. Personally, I try not to use anything in DoX or IVX too seriously what so ever. Since she was effectively "insane" in that story talking to her psychic projection even while alon...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 25, 2:47pm

    @elpendejo: She has that broadcast feat on Utopia without any help. Not to mention other feats that reach across the world. I think the cuckoos were just helping her because the 4 of them (Emma includ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:52pm

    @pyrofn: During Grant Morrison’s New X-men I swear Jean was accessing Phoenix cosmic power reserves throughout a majority of the story. Basically every day she’d get stronger leading up to her transfo...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Thoughts on current Emma.
    on the X-Men board
    Apr 19, 12:37pm

    Lmao I absolutely hate it. Her regression to being an antihero separate from the X-men (perhaps a bit darker) could’ve been done well. Scott’s death could’ve been the perfect thing to do it over. But ...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 27, 4:36pm

    @marvelfan1992: I don’t know if losing to Cassandra Nova is jobbing though.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:14pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:13pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:12pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a new image.
    Feb 26, 1:10pm

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 26, 1:08pm

    Do you guys think Cassandra is gonna have any mind-controlled villains working for her? Or at least fighting the rest of her team while Jean has her tp fight with her. I'm guessing there's gonna be an...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    will emma get a lot of blame for unleashing "Mothervine".
    on the X-Men board
    Feb 12, 9:40pm

    Ugh trust me most Emma fans are not at all happy with this characterization so far in blue. The time capers Emma was a cool call back to Gen X and Jean Grey was the BEST Emma had been written in a whi...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Phoenix Resurrection #3 Discussion [SPOILERS].
    on the X-Men board
    Jan 10, 1:13pm

    Emma shouldn’t be there tho..... She’s knocked out with the other disappeared Psychics in Jeen Grey #10.....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    jean grey 9 review ....some spoilers.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 29, 4:52pm

    *Possible Spoilers*I loved this issue. Some classic Emma and Jean snark (which in my opinion ended to early with Jean’s death). The best part to me was that this WASNT the Emma from X-men Blue or IVX....

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    so Prof X(alive?) is going to meet the O5 teens?.
    on the X-Men board
    Nov 8, 8:14am

    @darthphoenix: is Jeen even capable of fighting Prof X yet? The Emma incident was because the cosmic cube leaked into the mental scape and amped Jeen and Scott up or something. I remember Bunn mention...

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Ultimate X-Men by Mark Millar or Astonishing X-Men by Josh Whedon?.
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 21, 11:23pm

    Astonishing is my Fav all time run and pretty much what bought me into The X-Men.

  • PsychicHobo
    posted a message
    in the forum topic
    Astonishing XMEN #1 SPOILERS (Huge Return).
    on the X-Men board
    Jul 20, 12:31pm

    Yeah why are non psychics going to the astral plane. It'd be far more interesting seeing a group of telepaths fight the shadow king together rather then this random assortment of people who should be ...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
on the X-Men board
Aug 29, 8:42pm

@thunderscream: I thought that was a psiblast cause her hands go up to grip her head and she fell over because of the pain.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
on the X-Men board
Aug 29, 8:42pm

@thunderscream: I thought that was a psiblast cause her hands go up to grip her head and she fell over because of the pain.

@thunderscream: I thought that was a psiblast cause her hands go up to grip her head and she fell over because of the pain.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
on the X-Men board
Aug 27, 3:03pm

I saw the Betsy was in her normal body again. Does this mean she lost telekinesis. Afterwords she was primarily using her telepathy to fight I don't think she used her tk once.

posted a message
in the forum topic
Psylocke is going back to being Caucasian again. (SPOILERS).
on the X-Men board
Aug 27, 3:03pm

I saw the Betsy was in her normal body again. Does this mean she lost telekinesis. Afterwords she was primarily using her telepathy to fight I don't think she used her tk once.

I saw the Betsy was in her normal body again. Does this mean she lost telekinesis. Afterwords she was primarily using her telepathy to fight I don't think she used her tk once.

posted a message
in the forum topic
x-men gold 27 discussion - spoilers.
on the X-Men board
May 2, 2:45pm

Personally, I hated this issue. But to be fair I haven't liked Gold for a while now. Also what is it with Rachel's power upgrade, she's doing fairly normal telepathic things and everyone acting like ...

posted a message
in the forum topic
x-men gold 27 discussion - spoilers.
on the X-Men board
May 2, 2:45pm

Personally, I hated this issue. But to be fair I haven't liked Gold for a while now. Also what is it with Rachel's power upgrade, she's doing fairly normal telepathic things and everyone acting like ...

Personally, I hated this issue. But to be fair I haven't liked Gold for a while now. Also what is it with Rachel's power upgrade, she's doing fairly normal telepathic things and everyone acting like ...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
on the X-Men board
Apr 25, 6:06pm

@elpendejo: possibly. Personally, I try not to use anything in DoX or IVX too seriously what so ever. Since she was effectively "insane" in that story talking to her psychic projection even while alon...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
on the X-Men board
Apr 25, 6:06pm

@elpendejo: possibly. Personally, I try not to use anything in DoX or IVX too seriously what so ever. Since she was effectively "insane" in that story talking to her psychic projection even while alon...

@elpendejo: possibly. Personally, I try not to use anything in DoX or IVX too seriously what so ever. Since she was effectively "insane" in that story talking to her psychic projection even while alon...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
on the X-Men board
Apr 25, 2:47pm

@elpendejo: She has that broadcast feat on Utopia without any help. Not to mention other feats that reach across the world. I think the cuckoos were just helping her because the 4 of them (Emma includ...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Jean Grey returns / Thoughts on Scott x Emma x Jean?.
on the X-Men board
Apr 25, 2:47pm

@elpendejo: She has that broadcast feat on Utopia without any help. Not to mention other feats that reach across the world. I think the cuckoos were just helping her because the 4 of them (Emma includ...

@elpendejo: She has that broadcast feat on Utopia without any help. Not to mention other feats that reach across the world. I think the cuckoos were just helping her because the 4 of them (Emma includ...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thoughts on current Emma.
on the X-Men board
Apr 19, 12:52pm

@pyrofn: During Grant Morrison’s New X-men I swear Jean was accessing Phoenix cosmic power reserves throughout a majority of the story. Basically every day she’d get stronger leading up to her transfo...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thoughts on current Emma.
on the X-Men board
Apr 19, 12:52pm

@pyrofn: During Grant Morrison’s New X-men I swear Jean was accessing Phoenix cosmic power reserves throughout a majority of the story. Basically every day she’d get stronger leading up to her transfo...

@pyrofn: During Grant Morrison’s New X-men I swear Jean was accessing Phoenix cosmic power reserves throughout a majority of the story. Basically every day she’d get stronger leading up to her transfo...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thoughts on current Emma.
on the X-Men board
Apr 19, 12:37pm

Lmao I absolutely hate it. Her regression to being an antihero separate from the X-men (perhaps a bit darker) could’ve been done well. Scott’s death could’ve been the perfect thing to do it over. But ...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Thoughts on current Emma.
on the X-Men board
Apr 19, 12:37pm

Lmao I absolutely hate it. Her regression to being an antihero separate from the X-men (perhaps a bit darker) could’ve been done well. Scott’s death could’ve been the perfect thing to do it over. But ...

Lmao I absolutely hate it. Her regression to being an antihero separate from the X-men (perhaps a bit darker) could’ve been done well. Scott’s death could’ve been the perfect thing to do it over. But ...

posted a message
in the forum topic
X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
on the X-Men board
Feb 27, 4:36pm

@marvelfan1992: I don’t know if losing to Cassandra Nova is jobbing though.

posted a message
in the forum topic
X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
on the X-Men board
Feb 27, 4:36pm

@marvelfan1992: I don’t know if losing to Cassandra Nova is jobbing though.

@marvelfan1992: I don’t know if losing to Cassandra Nova is jobbing though.

posted a new image.
Feb 26, 1:14pm

posted a new image.
Feb 26, 1:14pm

posted a new image.
Feb 26, 1:13pm

posted a new image.
Feb 26, 1:13pm

posted a new image.
Feb 26, 1:12pm

posted a new image.
Feb 26, 1:12pm

posted a new image.
Feb 26, 1:12pm

posted a new image.
Feb 26, 1:12pm

posted a new image.
Feb 26, 1:10pm

posted a new image.
Feb 26, 1:10pm

posted a message
in the forum topic
X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
on the X-Men board
Feb 26, 1:08pm

Do you guys think Cassandra is gonna have any mind-controlled villains working for her? Or at least fighting the rest of her team while Jean has her tp fight with her. I'm guessing there's gonna be an...

posted a message
in the forum topic
X-Men Red #1 Discussion [SPOILERS].
on the X-Men board
Feb 26, 1:08pm

Do you guys think Cassandra is gonna have any mind-controlled villains working for her? Or at least fighting the rest of her team while Jean has her tp fight with her. I'm guessing there's gonna be an...

Do you guys think Cassandra is gonna have any mind-controlled villains working for her? Or at least fighting the rest of her team while Jean has her tp fight with her. I'm guessing there's gonna be an...

posted a message
in the forum topic
will emma get a lot of blame for unleashing "Mothervine".
on the X-Men board
Feb 12, 9:40pm

Ugh trust me most Emma fans are not at all happy with this characterization so far in blue. The time capers Emma was a cool call back to Gen X and Jean Grey was the BEST Emma had been written in a whi...

posted a message
in the forum topic
will emma get a lot of blame for unleashing "Mothervine".
on the X-Men board
Feb 12, 9:40pm

Ugh trust me most Emma fans are not at all happy with this characterization so far in blue. The time capers Emma was a cool call back to Gen X and Jean Grey was the BEST Emma had been written in a whi...

Ugh trust me most Emma fans are not at all happy with this characterization so far in blue. The time capers Emma was a cool call back to Gen X and Jean Grey was the BEST Emma had been written in a whi...

posted a message
in the forum topic
Phoenix Resurrection #3 Discussion [SPOILERS].
on the X-Men board
Jan 10, 1:13pm

Emma shouldn’t be there tho..... She’s knocked out with the other disappeared Psychics in Jeen Grey #10.....

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Phoenix Resurrection #3 Discussion [SPOILERS].
on the X-Men board
Jan 10, 1:13pm

Emma shouldn’t be there tho..... She’s knocked out with the other disappeared Psychics in Jeen Grey #10.....

Emma shouldn’t be there tho..... She’s knocked out with the other disappeared Psychics in Jeen Grey #10.....

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in the forum topic
jean grey 9 review ....some spoilers.
on the X-Men board
Nov 29, 4:52pm

*Possible Spoilers*I loved this issue. Some classic Emma and Jean snark (which in my opinion ended to early with Jean’s death). The best part to me was that this WASNT the Emma from X-men Blue or IVX....

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jean grey 9 review ....some spoilers.
on the X-Men board
Nov 29, 4:52pm

*Possible Spoilers*I loved this issue. Some classic Emma and Jean snark (which in my opinion ended to early with Jean’s death). The best part to me was that this WASNT the Emma from X-men Blue or IVX....

*Possible Spoilers*I loved this issue. Some classic Emma and Jean snark (which in my opinion ended to early with Jean’s death). The best part to me was that this WASNT the Emma from X-men Blue or IVX....

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in the forum topic
so Prof X(alive?) is going to meet the O5 teens?.
on the X-Men board
Nov 8, 8:14am

@darthphoenix: is Jeen even capable of fighting Prof X yet? The Emma incident was because the cosmic cube leaked into the mental scape and amped Jeen and Scott up or something. I remember Bunn mention...

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so Prof X(alive?) is going to meet the O5 teens?.
on the X-Men board
Nov 8, 8:14am

@darthphoenix: is Jeen even capable of fighting Prof X yet? The Emma incident was because the cosmic cube leaked into the mental scape and amped Jeen and Scott up or something. I remember Bunn mention...

@darthphoenix: is Jeen even capable of fighting Prof X yet? The Emma incident was because the cosmic cube leaked into the mental scape and amped Jeen and Scott up or something. I remember Bunn mention...

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Ultimate X-Men by Mark Millar or Astonishing X-Men by Josh Whedon?.
on the X-Men board
Jul 21, 11:23pm

Astonishing is my Fav all time run and pretty much what bought me into The X-Men.

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Ultimate X-Men by Mark Millar or Astonishing X-Men by Josh Whedon?.
on the X-Men board
Jul 21, 11:23pm

Astonishing is my Fav all time run and pretty much what bought me into The X-Men.

Astonishing is my Fav all time run and pretty much what bought me into The X-Men.

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in the forum topic
Astonishing XMEN #1 SPOILERS (Huge Return).
on the X-Men board
Jul 20, 12:31pm

Yeah why are non psychics going to the astral plane. It'd be far more interesting seeing a group of telepaths fight the shadow king together rather then this random assortment of people who should be ...

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in the forum topic
Astonishing XMEN #1 SPOILERS (Huge Return).
on the X-Men board
Jul 20, 12:31pm

Yeah why are non psychics going to the astral plane. It'd be far more interesting seeing a group of telepaths fight the shadow king together rather then this random assortment of people who should be ...

Yeah why are non psychics going to the astral plane. It'd be far more interesting seeing a group of telepaths fight the shadow king together rather then this random assortment of people who should be ...

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