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Resident Evil RPG - Signup Thread

Resident Evil RPG - Signup Thread

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
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The Game

This is not just role playing your character, there are rules, mechanics, and dice rolling involved to determine outcomes. I'm currently running a Pathfinder campaign on CV, and it's up and running. If Pathfinder can work on CV, then any game system can work. Pathfinder is very complex compared to most systems. You can check out the thread here if you like.

If you saw the Pathfinder rules and character creation from my last thread, and are hesitant to join because of how complex it is, don't worry! This system is extremely simple, and character creation is about as easy as simply looking at a list and picking the archetype that looks fun. That's it, and you're pretty much ready to play as far as mechanics go. You barely even need to learn rules to start, I can explain the simple mechanics during gameplay. You will need to create a backstory and personality for your character though, unless you decide to play an in-universe character like Leon or something.

We will be using maps as well. The grids on a map help to show location and distance much easier then trying to explain it through text. This comes in handy mostly during combat. Here's an example of a map with grid coordinates:

No Caption Provided

This will be played exactly like you would play a tabletop RPG at home, but through posts, instead of through verbal dialogue. There are some drawbacks to this style of play, mainly that it takes a lot longer to wait for your turn. But the benefits of having time to actually think out an entire turn and roleplay it the way you want more then makes up for this IMO.


Three to Four players will be in this.

If you want to apply to play, just reply to me in this thread, express your interest, and give a general idea of what kind of game you would want to be in. Keep in mind that I'm taking applications. This isn't first come, first serve. Those with the most interest, and those most willing to engage this the most, will be accepted.

That doesn't mean you're instantly out if you're not picked from the start. There will be more games, players will drop, and I might decide to add more characters at a later time. Don't be discouraged if you don't get picked the first time.


At this time, I'm not going to advertise the campaign, because that will depend on YOU and the type of characters you want to play. The system I'm using allows for you to be anything from a slightly above average human, (like maybe yourself?), to a complete superhuman like Chris Redfield who can punch 10 ton boulders off of cliffs.

So if you want to be an average person who has their neighborhood attacked in a biohazard outbreak, the game will be designed for that.

If you want to be a grunt in some sort of military organization or police force, that are called in to stop an outbreak, then the game will have the stakes raised a bit more.

Or you can be a special agent, who is capable of soloing massive BOWs with anime-like fighting skills and overpowered weapons.

Any of these types of games are available, and everything in between. There can be a mix of these as well. Let me know what you would most like to play. I will design the game based on what applications are accepted, and how the players want the game.


If you'd like to start looking over the rules, you can find a link here: - Like I said earlier, if you don't feel like learning the rules, it's not going to be a problem. I will teach as we play.

We will also be including expanded rules from the Resident Evil addition, found here:

There are archetypes for your character choice in the main rules, but the archetypes you would likely base your character on would come from Resident Evil addition found here: - It's up to you though. You can pick from the main rules archetypes, which contain more of an Average Joe sort of character. They're weaker, but the game can be really fun with them.

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

People who might be interested. I know this is from the battle section, but I'm looking for people who are into RE lore, so thought I'd advertise to you guys. Apologies if you're not interested.

Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Avatar image for the_hajduk

Posted by

(4643 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: You know I’m down, even though I disapprove of your choice to use an image from the movie (ew)

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_hajduk: It was the only one that had a nice empty spot for me to PhotShop a title into it, but then I got lazy and didn’t put a title on the image.

But I think that’s at least from the first movie, that I didn’t hate.

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Resident Evil RPG - Signup Thread

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
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No Caption Provided

The Game

This is not just role playing your character, there are rules, mechanics, and dice rolling involved to determine outcomes. I'm currently running a Pathfinder campaign on CV, and it's up and running. If Pathfinder can work on CV, then any game system can work. Pathfinder is very complex compared to most systems. You can check out the thread here if you like.

If you saw the Pathfinder rules and character creation from my last thread, and are hesitant to join because of how complex it is, don't worry! This system is extremely simple, and character creation is about as easy as simply looking at a list and picking the archetype that looks fun. That's it, and you're pretty much ready to play as far as mechanics go. You barely even need to learn rules to start, I can explain the simple mechanics during gameplay. You will need to create a backstory and personality for your character though, unless you decide to play an in-universe character like Leon or something.

We will be using maps as well. The grids on a map help to show location and distance much easier then trying to explain it through text. This comes in handy mostly during combat. Here's an example of a map with grid coordinates:

No Caption Provided

This will be played exactly like you would play a tabletop RPG at home, but through posts, instead of through verbal dialogue. There are some drawbacks to this style of play, mainly that it takes a lot longer to wait for your turn. But the benefits of having time to actually think out an entire turn and roleplay it the way you want more then makes up for this IMO.


Three to Four players will be in this.

If you want to apply to play, just reply to me in this thread, express your interest, and give a general idea of what kind of game you would want to be in. Keep in mind that I'm taking applications. This isn't first come, first serve. Those with the most interest, and those most willing to engage this the most, will be accepted.

That doesn't mean you're instantly out if you're not picked from the start. There will be more games, players will drop, and I might decide to add more characters at a later time. Don't be discouraged if you don't get picked the first time.


At this time, I'm not going to advertise the campaign, because that will depend on YOU and the type of characters you want to play. The system I'm using allows for you to be anything from a slightly above average human, (like maybe yourself?), to a complete superhuman like Chris Redfield who can punch 10 ton boulders off of cliffs.

So if you want to be an average person who has their neighborhood attacked in a biohazard outbreak, the game will be designed for that.

If you want to be a grunt in some sort of military organization or police force, that are called in to stop an outbreak, then the game will have the stakes raised a bit more.

Or you can be a special agent, who is capable of soloing massive BOWs with anime-like fighting skills and overpowered weapons.

Any of these types of games are available, and everything in between. There can be a mix of these as well. Let me know what you would most like to play. I will design the game based on what applications are accepted, and how the players want the game.


If you'd like to start looking over the rules, you can find a link here: - Like I said earlier, if you don't feel like learning the rules, it's not going to be a problem. I will teach as we play.

We will also be including expanded rules from the Resident Evil addition, found here:

There are archetypes for your character choice in the main rules, but the archetypes you would likely base your character on would come from Resident Evil addition found here: - It's up to you though. You can pick from the main rules archetypes, which contain more of an Average Joe sort of character. They're weaker, but the game can be really fun with them.

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
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People who might be interested. I know this is from the battle section, but I'm looking for people who are into RE lore, so thought I'd advertise to you guys. Apologies if you're not interested.

Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Avatar image for the_hajduk

Posted by

(4643 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: You know I’m down, even though I disapprove of your choice to use an image from the movie (ew)

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
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@the_hajduk: It was the only one that had a nice empty spot for me to PhotShop a title into it, but then I got lazy and didn’t put a title on the image.

But I think that’s at least from the first movie, that I didn’t hate.

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Resident Evil RPG - Signup Thread

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

The Game

This is not just role playing your character, there are rules, mechanics, and dice rolling involved to determine outcomes. I'm currently running a Pathfinder campaign on CV, and it's up and running. If Pathfinder can work on CV, then any game system can work. Pathfinder is very complex compared to most systems. You can check out the thread here if you like.

If you saw the Pathfinder rules and character creation from my last thread, and are hesitant to join because of how complex it is, don't worry! This system is extremely simple, and character creation is about as easy as simply looking at a list and picking the archetype that looks fun. That's it, and you're pretty much ready to play as far as mechanics go. You barely even need to learn rules to start, I can explain the simple mechanics during gameplay. You will need to create a backstory and personality for your character though, unless you decide to play an in-universe character like Leon or something.

We will be using maps as well. The grids on a map help to show location and distance much easier then trying to explain it through text. This comes in handy mostly during combat. Here's an example of a map with grid coordinates:

No Caption Provided

This will be played exactly like you would play a tabletop RPG at home, but through posts, instead of through verbal dialogue. There are some drawbacks to this style of play, mainly that it takes a lot longer to wait for your turn. But the benefits of having time to actually think out an entire turn and roleplay it the way you want more then makes up for this IMO.


Three to Four players will be in this.

If you want to apply to play, just reply to me in this thread, express your interest, and give a general idea of what kind of game you would want to be in. Keep in mind that I'm taking applications. This isn't first come, first serve. Those with the most interest, and those most willing to engage this the most, will be accepted.

That doesn't mean you're instantly out if you're not picked from the start. There will be more games, players will drop, and I might decide to add more characters at a later time. Don't be discouraged if you don't get picked the first time.


At this time, I'm not going to advertise the campaign, because that will depend on YOU and the type of characters you want to play. The system I'm using allows for you to be anything from a slightly above average human, (like maybe yourself?), to a complete superhuman like Chris Redfield who can punch 10 ton boulders off of cliffs.

So if you want to be an average person who has their neighborhood attacked in a biohazard outbreak, the game will be designed for that.

If you want to be a grunt in some sort of military organization or police force, that are called in to stop an outbreak, then the game will have the stakes raised a bit more.

Or you can be a special agent, who is capable of soloing massive BOWs with anime-like fighting skills and overpowered weapons.

Any of these types of games are available, and everything in between. There can be a mix of these as well. Let me know what you would most like to play. I will design the game based on what applications are accepted, and how the players want the game.


If you'd like to start looking over the rules, you can find a link here: - Like I said earlier, if you don't feel like learning the rules, it's not going to be a problem. I will teach as we play.

We will also be including expanded rules from the Resident Evil addition, found here:

There are archetypes for your character choice in the main rules, but the archetypes you would likely base your character on would come from Resident Evil addition found here: - It's up to you though. You can pick from the main rules archetypes, which contain more of an Average Joe sort of character. They're weaker, but the game can be really fun with them.

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

People who might be interested. I know this is from the battle section, but I'm looking for people who are into RE lore, so thought I'd advertise to you guys. Apologies if you're not interested.

Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Avatar image for the_hajduk

Posted by

(4643 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: You know I’m down, even though I disapprove of your choice to use an image from the movie (ew)

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
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@the_hajduk: It was the only one that had a nice empty spot for me to PhotShop a title into it, but then I got lazy and didn’t put a title on the image.

But I think that’s at least from the first movie, that I didn’t hate.

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Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

The Game

This is not just role playing your character, there are rules, mechanics, and dice rolling involved to determine outcomes. I'm currently running a Pathfinder campaign on CV, and it's up and running. If Pathfinder can work on CV, then any game system can work. Pathfinder is very complex compared to most systems. You can check out the thread here if you like.

If you saw the Pathfinder rules and character creation from my last thread, and are hesitant to join because of how complex it is, don't worry! This system is extremely simple, and character creation is about as easy as simply looking at a list and picking the archetype that looks fun. That's it, and you're pretty much ready to play as far as mechanics go. You barely even need to learn rules to start, I can explain the simple mechanics during gameplay. You will need to create a backstory and personality for your character though, unless you decide to play an in-universe character like Leon or something.

We will be using maps as well. The grids on a map help to show location and distance much easier then trying to explain it through text. This comes in handy mostly during combat. Here's an example of a map with grid coordinates:

No Caption Provided

This will be played exactly like you would play a tabletop RPG at home, but through posts, instead of through verbal dialogue. There are some drawbacks to this style of play, mainly that it takes a lot longer to wait for your turn. But the benefits of having time to actually think out an entire turn and roleplay it the way you want more then makes up for this IMO.


Three to Four players will be in this.

If you want to apply to play, just reply to me in this thread, express your interest, and give a general idea of what kind of game you would want to be in. Keep in mind that I'm taking applications. This isn't first come, first serve. Those with the most interest, and those most willing to engage this the most, will be accepted.

That doesn't mean you're instantly out if you're not picked from the start. There will be more games, players will drop, and I might decide to add more characters at a later time. Don't be discouraged if you don't get picked the first time.


At this time, I'm not going to advertise the campaign, because that will depend on YOU and the type of characters you want to play. The system I'm using allows for you to be anything from a slightly above average human, (like maybe yourself?), to a complete superhuman like Chris Redfield who can punch 10 ton boulders off of cliffs.

So if you want to be an average person who has their neighborhood attacked in a biohazard outbreak, the game will be designed for that.

If you want to be a grunt in some sort of military organization or police force, that are called in to stop an outbreak, then the game will have the stakes raised a bit more.

Or you can be a special agent, who is capable of soloing massive BOWs with anime-like fighting skills and overpowered weapons.

Any of these types of games are available, and everything in between. There can be a mix of these as well. Let me know what you would most like to play. I will design the game based on what applications are accepted, and how the players want the game.


If you'd like to start looking over the rules, you can find a link here: - Like I said earlier, if you don't feel like learning the rules, it's not going to be a problem. I will teach as we play.

We will also be including expanded rules from the Resident Evil addition, found here:

There are archetypes for your character choice in the main rules, but the archetypes you would likely base your character on would come from Resident Evil addition found here: - It's up to you though. You can pick from the main rules archetypes, which contain more of an Average Joe sort of character. They're weaker, but the game can be really fun with them.

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

People who might be interested. I know this is from the battle section, but I'm looking for people who are into RE lore, so thought I'd advertise to you guys. Apologies if you're not interested.

Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Avatar image for the_hajduk

Posted by

(4643 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: You know I’m down, even though I disapprove of your choice to use an image from the movie (ew)

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_hajduk: It was the only one that had a nice empty spot for me to PhotShop a title into it, but then I got lazy and didn’t put a title on the image.

But I think that’s at least from the first movie, that I didn’t hate.

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Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

The Game

This is not just role playing your character, there are rules, mechanics, and dice rolling involved to determine outcomes. I'm currently running a Pathfinder campaign on CV, and it's up and running. If Pathfinder can work on CV, then any game system can work. Pathfinder is very complex compared to most systems. You can check out the thread here if you like.

If you saw the Pathfinder rules and character creation from my last thread, and are hesitant to join because of how complex it is, don't worry! This system is extremely simple, and character creation is about as easy as simply looking at a list and picking the archetype that looks fun. That's it, and you're pretty much ready to play as far as mechanics go. You barely even need to learn rules to start, I can explain the simple mechanics during gameplay. You will need to create a backstory and personality for your character though, unless you decide to play an in-universe character like Leon or something.

We will be using maps as well. The grids on a map help to show location and distance much easier then trying to explain it through text. This comes in handy mostly during combat. Here's an example of a map with grid coordinates:

No Caption Provided

This will be played exactly like you would play a tabletop RPG at home, but through posts, instead of through verbal dialogue. There are some drawbacks to this style of play, mainly that it takes a lot longer to wait for your turn. But the benefits of having time to actually think out an entire turn and roleplay it the way you want more then makes up for this IMO.


Three to Four players will be in this.

If you want to apply to play, just reply to me in this thread, express your interest, and give a general idea of what kind of game you would want to be in. Keep in mind that I'm taking applications. This isn't first come, first serve. Those with the most interest, and those most willing to engage this the most, will be accepted.

That doesn't mean you're instantly out if you're not picked from the start. There will be more games, players will drop, and I might decide to add more characters at a later time. Don't be discouraged if you don't get picked the first time.


At this time, I'm not going to advertise the campaign, because that will depend on YOU and the type of characters you want to play. The system I'm using allows for you to be anything from a slightly above average human, (like maybe yourself?), to a complete superhuman like Chris Redfield who can punch 10 ton boulders off of cliffs.

So if you want to be an average person who has their neighborhood attacked in a biohazard outbreak, the game will be designed for that.

If you want to be a grunt in some sort of military organization or police force, that are called in to stop an outbreak, then the game will have the stakes raised a bit more.

Or you can be a special agent, who is capable of soloing massive BOWs with anime-like fighting skills and overpowered weapons.

Any of these types of games are available, and everything in between. There can be a mix of these as well. Let me know what you would most like to play. I will design the game based on what applications are accepted, and how the players want the game.


If you'd like to start looking over the rules, you can find a link here: - Like I said earlier, if you don't feel like learning the rules, it's not going to be a problem. I will teach as we play.

We will also be including expanded rules from the Resident Evil addition, found here:

There are archetypes for your character choice in the main rules, but the archetypes you would likely base your character on would come from Resident Evil addition found here: - It's up to you though. You can pick from the main rules archetypes, which contain more of an Average Joe sort of character. They're weaker, but the game can be really fun with them.

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

People who might be interested. I know this is from the battle section, but I'm looking for people who are into RE lore, so thought I'd advertise to you guys. Apologies if you're not interested.

Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Avatar image for the_hajduk

Posted by

(4643 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: You know I’m down, even though I disapprove of your choice to use an image from the movie (ew)

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_hajduk: It was the only one that had a nice empty spot for me to PhotShop a title into it, but then I got lazy and didn’t put a title on the image.

But I think that’s at least from the first movie, that I didn’t hate.

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Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

The Game

This is not just role playing your character, there are rules, mechanics, and dice rolling involved to determine outcomes. I'm currently running a Pathfinder campaign on CV, and it's up and running. If Pathfinder can work on CV, then any game system can work. Pathfinder is very complex compared to most systems. You can check out the thread here if you like.

If you saw the Pathfinder rules and character creation from my last thread, and are hesitant to join because of how complex it is, don't worry! This system is extremely simple, and character creation is about as easy as simply looking at a list and picking the archetype that looks fun. That's it, and you're pretty much ready to play as far as mechanics go. You barely even need to learn rules to start, I can explain the simple mechanics during gameplay. You will need to create a backstory and personality for your character though, unless you decide to play an in-universe character like Leon or something.

We will be using maps as well. The grids on a map help to show location and distance much easier then trying to explain it through text. This comes in handy mostly during combat. Here's an example of a map with grid coordinates:

No Caption Provided

This will be played exactly like you would play a tabletop RPG at home, but through posts, instead of through verbal dialogue. There are some drawbacks to this style of play, mainly that it takes a lot longer to wait for your turn. But the benefits of having time to actually think out an entire turn and roleplay it the way you want more then makes up for this IMO.


Three to Four players will be in this.

If you want to apply to play, just reply to me in this thread, express your interest, and give a general idea of what kind of game you would want to be in. Keep in mind that I'm taking applications. This isn't first come, first serve. Those with the most interest, and those most willing to engage this the most, will be accepted.

That doesn't mean you're instantly out if you're not picked from the start. There will be more games, players will drop, and I might decide to add more characters at a later time. Don't be discouraged if you don't get picked the first time.


At this time, I'm not going to advertise the campaign, because that will depend on YOU and the type of characters you want to play. The system I'm using allows for you to be anything from a slightly above average human, (like maybe yourself?), to a complete superhuman like Chris Redfield who can punch 10 ton boulders off of cliffs.

So if you want to be an average person who has their neighborhood attacked in a biohazard outbreak, the game will be designed for that.

If you want to be a grunt in some sort of military organization or police force, that are called in to stop an outbreak, then the game will have the stakes raised a bit more.

Or you can be a special agent, who is capable of soloing massive BOWs with anime-like fighting skills and overpowered weapons.

Any of these types of games are available, and everything in between. There can be a mix of these as well. Let me know what you would most like to play. I will design the game based on what applications are accepted, and how the players want the game.


If you'd like to start looking over the rules, you can find a link here: - Like I said earlier, if you don't feel like learning the rules, it's not going to be a problem. I will teach as we play.

We will also be including expanded rules from the Resident Evil addition, found here:

There are archetypes for your character choice in the main rules, but the archetypes you would likely base your character on would come from Resident Evil addition found here: - It's up to you though. You can pick from the main rules archetypes, which contain more of an Average Joe sort of character. They're weaker, but the game can be really fun with them.

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

People who might be interested. I know this is from the battle section, but I'm looking for people who are into RE lore, so thought I'd advertise to you guys. Apologies if you're not interested.

Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Avatar image for the_hajduk

Posted by

(4643 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: You know I’m down, even though I disapprove of your choice to use an image from the movie (ew)

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_hajduk: It was the only one that had a nice empty spot for me to PhotShop a title into it, but then I got lazy and didn’t put a title on the image.

But I think that’s at least from the first movie, that I didn’t hate.

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Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

The Game

This is not just role playing your character, there are rules, mechanics, and dice rolling involved to determine outcomes. I'm currently running a Pathfinder campaign on CV, and it's up and running. If Pathfinder can work on CV, then any game system can work. Pathfinder is very complex compared to most systems. You can check out the thread here if you like.

If you saw the Pathfinder rules and character creation from my last thread, and are hesitant to join because of how complex it is, don't worry! This system is extremely simple, and character creation is about as easy as simply looking at a list and picking the archetype that looks fun. That's it, and you're pretty much ready to play as far as mechanics go. You barely even need to learn rules to start, I can explain the simple mechanics during gameplay. You will need to create a backstory and personality for your character though, unless you decide to play an in-universe character like Leon or something.

We will be using maps as well. The grids on a map help to show location and distance much easier then trying to explain it through text. This comes in handy mostly during combat. Here's an example of a map with grid coordinates:

No Caption Provided

This will be played exactly like you would play a tabletop RPG at home, but through posts, instead of through verbal dialogue. There are some drawbacks to this style of play, mainly that it takes a lot longer to wait for your turn. But the benefits of having time to actually think out an entire turn and roleplay it the way you want more then makes up for this IMO.


Three to Four players will be in this.

If you want to apply to play, just reply to me in this thread, express your interest, and give a general idea of what kind of game you would want to be in. Keep in mind that I'm taking applications. This isn't first come, first serve. Those with the most interest, and those most willing to engage this the most, will be accepted.

That doesn't mean you're instantly out if you're not picked from the start. There will be more games, players will drop, and I might decide to add more characters at a later time. Don't be discouraged if you don't get picked the first time.


At this time, I'm not going to advertise the campaign, because that will depend on YOU and the type of characters you want to play. The system I'm using allows for you to be anything from a slightly above average human, (like maybe yourself?), to a complete superhuman like Chris Redfield who can punch 10 ton boulders off of cliffs.

So if you want to be an average person who has their neighborhood attacked in a biohazard outbreak, the game will be designed for that.

If you want to be a grunt in some sort of military organization or police force, that are called in to stop an outbreak, then the game will have the stakes raised a bit more.

Or you can be a special agent, who is capable of soloing massive BOWs with anime-like fighting skills and overpowered weapons.

Any of these types of games are available, and everything in between. There can be a mix of these as well. Let me know what you would most like to play. I will design the game based on what applications are accepted, and how the players want the game.


If you'd like to start looking over the rules, you can find a link here: - Like I said earlier, if you don't feel like learning the rules, it's not going to be a problem. I will teach as we play.

We will also be including expanded rules from the Resident Evil addition, found here:

There are archetypes for your character choice in the main rules, but the archetypes you would likely base your character on would come from Resident Evil addition found here: - It's up to you though. You can pick from the main rules archetypes, which contain more of an Average Joe sort of character. They're weaker, but the game can be really fun with them.

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

People who might be interested. I know this is from the battle section, but I'm looking for people who are into RE lore, so thought I'd advertise to you guys. Apologies if you're not interested.

Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Avatar image for the_hajduk

Posted by

(4643 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: You know I’m down, even though I disapprove of your choice to use an image from the movie (ew)

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_hajduk: It was the only one that had a nice empty spot for me to PhotShop a title into it, but then I got lazy and didn’t put a title on the image.

But I think that’s at least from the first movie, that I didn’t hate.

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Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
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No Caption Provided

The Game

This is not just role playing your character, there are rules, mechanics, and dice rolling involved to determine outcomes. I'm currently running a Pathfinder campaign on CV, and it's up and running. If Pathfinder can work on CV, then any game system can work. Pathfinder is very complex compared to most systems. You can check out the thread here if you like.

If you saw the Pathfinder rules and character creation from my last thread, and are hesitant to join because of how complex it is, don't worry! This system is extremely simple, and character creation is about as easy as simply looking at a list and picking the archetype that looks fun. That's it, and you're pretty much ready to play as far as mechanics go. You barely even need to learn rules to start, I can explain the simple mechanics during gameplay. You will need to create a backstory and personality for your character though, unless you decide to play an in-universe character like Leon or something.

We will be using maps as well. The grids on a map help to show location and distance much easier then trying to explain it through text. This comes in handy mostly during combat. Here's an example of a map with grid coordinates:

No Caption Provided

This will be played exactly like you would play a tabletop RPG at home, but through posts, instead of through verbal dialogue. There are some drawbacks to this style of play, mainly that it takes a lot longer to wait for your turn. But the benefits of having time to actually think out an entire turn and roleplay it the way you want more then makes up for this IMO.


Three to Four players will be in this.

If you want to apply to play, just reply to me in this thread, express your interest, and give a general idea of what kind of game you would want to be in. Keep in mind that I'm taking applications. This isn't first come, first serve. Those with the most interest, and those most willing to engage this the most, will be accepted.

That doesn't mean you're instantly out if you're not picked from the start. There will be more games, players will drop, and I might decide to add more characters at a later time. Don't be discouraged if you don't get picked the first time.


At this time, I'm not going to advertise the campaign, because that will depend on YOU and the type of characters you want to play. The system I'm using allows for you to be anything from a slightly above average human, (like maybe yourself?), to a complete superhuman like Chris Redfield who can punch 10 ton boulders off of cliffs.

So if you want to be an average person who has their neighborhood attacked in a biohazard outbreak, the game will be designed for that.

If you want to be a grunt in some sort of military organization or police force, that are called in to stop an outbreak, then the game will have the stakes raised a bit more.

Or you can be a special agent, who is capable of soloing massive BOWs with anime-like fighting skills and overpowered weapons.

Any of these types of games are available, and everything in between. There can be a mix of these as well. Let me know what you would most like to play. I will design the game based on what applications are accepted, and how the players want the game.


If you'd like to start looking over the rules, you can find a link here: - Like I said earlier, if you don't feel like learning the rules, it's not going to be a problem. I will teach as we play.

We will also be including expanded rules from the Resident Evil addition, found here:

There are archetypes for your character choice in the main rules, but the archetypes you would likely base your character on would come from Resident Evil addition found here: - It's up to you though. You can pick from the main rules archetypes, which contain more of an Average Joe sort of character. They're weaker, but the game can be really fun with them.

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

The Game

This is not just role playing your character, there are rules, mechanics, and dice rolling involved to determine outcomes. I'm currently running a Pathfinder campaign on CV, and it's up and running. If Pathfinder can work on CV, then any game system can work. Pathfinder is very complex compared to most systems. You can check out the thread here if you like.

If you saw the Pathfinder rules and character creation from my last thread, and are hesitant to join because of how complex it is, don't worry! This system is extremely simple, and character creation is about as easy as simply looking at a list and picking the archetype that looks fun. That's it, and you're pretty much ready to play as far as mechanics go. You barely even need to learn rules to start, I can explain the simple mechanics during gameplay. You will need to create a backstory and personality for your character though, unless you decide to play an in-universe character like Leon or something.

We will be using maps as well. The grids on a map help to show location and distance much easier then trying to explain it through text. This comes in handy mostly during combat. Here's an example of a map with grid coordinates:

No Caption Provided

This will be played exactly like you would play a tabletop RPG at home, but through posts, instead of through verbal dialogue. There are some drawbacks to this style of play, mainly that it takes a lot longer to wait for your turn. But the benefits of having time to actually think out an entire turn and roleplay it the way you want more then makes up for this IMO.


Three to Four players will be in this.

If you want to apply to play, just reply to me in this thread, express your interest, and give a general idea of what kind of game you would want to be in. Keep in mind that I'm taking applications. This isn't first come, first serve. Those with the most interest, and those most willing to engage this the most, will be accepted.

That doesn't mean you're instantly out if you're not picked from the start. There will be more games, players will drop, and I might decide to add more characters at a later time. Don't be discouraged if you don't get picked the first time.


At this time, I'm not going to advertise the campaign, because that will depend on YOU and the type of characters you want to play. The system I'm using allows for you to be anything from a slightly above average human, (like maybe yourself?), to a complete superhuman like Chris Redfield who can punch 10 ton boulders off of cliffs.

So if you want to be an average person who has their neighborhood attacked in a biohazard outbreak, the game will be designed for that.

If you want to be a grunt in some sort of military organization or police force, that are called in to stop an outbreak, then the game will have the stakes raised a bit more.

Or you can be a special agent, who is capable of soloing massive BOWs with anime-like fighting skills and overpowered weapons.

Any of these types of games are available, and everything in between. There can be a mix of these as well. Let me know what you would most like to play. I will design the game based on what applications are accepted, and how the players want the game.


If you'd like to start looking over the rules, you can find a link here: - Like I said earlier, if you don't feel like learning the rules, it's not going to be a problem. I will teach as we play.

We will also be including expanded rules from the Resident Evil addition, found here:

There are archetypes for your character choice in the main rules, but the archetypes you would likely base your character on would come from Resident Evil addition found here: - It's up to you though. You can pick from the main rules archetypes, which contain more of an Average Joe sort of character. They're weaker, but the game can be really fun with them.

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

The Game

This is not just role playing your character, there are rules, mechanics, and dice rolling involved to determine outcomes. I'm currently running a Pathfinder campaign on CV, and it's up and running. If Pathfinder can work on CV, then any game system can work. Pathfinder is very complex compared to most systems. You can check out the thread here if you like.

If you saw the Pathfinder rules and character creation from my last thread, and are hesitant to join because of how complex it is, don't worry! This system is extremely simple, and character creation is about as easy as simply looking at a list and picking the archetype that looks fun. That's it, and you're pretty much ready to play as far as mechanics go. You barely even need to learn rules to start, I can explain the simple mechanics during gameplay. You will need to create a backstory and personality for your character though, unless you decide to play an in-universe character like Leon or something.

We will be using maps as well. The grids on a map help to show location and distance much easier then trying to explain it through text. This comes in handy mostly during combat. Here's an example of a map with grid coordinates:

No Caption Provided

This will be played exactly like you would play a tabletop RPG at home, but through posts, instead of through verbal dialogue. There are some drawbacks to this style of play, mainly that it takes a lot longer to wait for your turn. But the benefits of having time to actually think out an entire turn and roleplay it the way you want more then makes up for this IMO.


Three to Four players will be in this.

If you want to apply to play, just reply to me in this thread, express your interest, and give a general idea of what kind of game you would want to be in. Keep in mind that I'm taking applications. This isn't first come, first serve. Those with the most interest, and those most willing to engage this the most, will be accepted.

That doesn't mean you're instantly out if you're not picked from the start. There will be more games, players will drop, and I might decide to add more characters at a later time. Don't be discouraged if you don't get picked the first time.


At this time, I'm not going to advertise the campaign, because that will depend on YOU and the type of characters you want to play. The system I'm using allows for you to be anything from a slightly above average human, (like maybe yourself?), to a complete superhuman like Chris Redfield who can punch 10 ton boulders off of cliffs.

So if you want to be an average person who has their neighborhood attacked in a biohazard outbreak, the game will be designed for that.

If you want to be a grunt in some sort of military organization or police force, that are called in to stop an outbreak, then the game will have the stakes raised a bit more.

Or you can be a special agent, who is capable of soloing massive BOWs with anime-like fighting skills and overpowered weapons.

Any of these types of games are available, and everything in between. There can be a mix of these as well. Let me know what you would most like to play. I will design the game based on what applications are accepted, and how the players want the game.


If you'd like to start looking over the rules, you can find a link here: - Like I said earlier, if you don't feel like learning the rules, it's not going to be a problem. I will teach as we play.

We will also be including expanded rules from the Resident Evil addition, found here:

There are archetypes for your character choice in the main rules, but the archetypes you would likely base your character on would come from Resident Evil addition found here: - It's up to you though. You can pick from the main rules archetypes, which contain more of an Average Joe sort of character. They're weaker, but the game can be really fun with them.

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

No Caption Provided

The Game

This is not just role playing your character, there are rules, mechanics, and dice rolling involved to determine outcomes. I'm currently running a Pathfinder campaign on CV, and it's up and running. If Pathfinder can work on CV, then any game system can work. Pathfinder is very complex compared to most systems. You can check out the thread here if you like.

If you saw the Pathfinder rules and character creation from my last thread, and are hesitant to join because of how complex it is, don't worry! This system is extremely simple, and character creation is about as easy as simply looking at a list and picking the archetype that looks fun. That's it, and you're pretty much ready to play as far as mechanics go. You barely even need to learn rules to start, I can explain the simple mechanics during gameplay. You will need to create a backstory and personality for your character though, unless you decide to play an in-universe character like Leon or something.

We will be using maps as well. The grids on a map help to show location and distance much easier then trying to explain it through text. This comes in handy mostly during combat. Here's an example of a map with grid coordinates:

No Caption Provided

This will be played exactly like you would play a tabletop RPG at home, but through posts, instead of through verbal dialogue. There are some drawbacks to this style of play, mainly that it takes a lot longer to wait for your turn. But the benefits of having time to actually think out an entire turn and roleplay it the way you want more then makes up for this IMO.


Three to Four players will be in this.

If you want to apply to play, just reply to me in this thread, express your interest, and give a general idea of what kind of game you would want to be in. Keep in mind that I'm taking applications. This isn't first come, first serve. Those with the most interest, and those most willing to engage this the most, will be accepted.

That doesn't mean you're instantly out if you're not picked from the start. There will be more games, players will drop, and I might decide to add more characters at a later time. Don't be discouraged if you don't get picked the first time.


At this time, I'm not going to advertise the campaign, because that will depend on YOU and the type of characters you want to play. The system I'm using allows for you to be anything from a slightly above average human, (like maybe yourself?), to a complete superhuman like Chris Redfield who can punch 10 ton boulders off of cliffs.

So if you want to be an average person who has their neighborhood attacked in a biohazard outbreak, the game will be designed for that.

If you want to be a grunt in some sort of military organization or police force, that are called in to stop an outbreak, then the game will have the stakes raised a bit more.

Or you can be a special agent, who is capable of soloing massive BOWs with anime-like fighting skills and overpowered weapons.

Any of these types of games are available, and everything in between. There can be a mix of these as well. Let me know what you would most like to play. I will design the game based on what applications are accepted, and how the players want the game.


If you'd like to start looking over the rules, you can find a link here: - Like I said earlier, if you don't feel like learning the rules, it's not going to be a problem. I will teach as we play.

We will also be including expanded rules from the Resident Evil addition, found here:

There are archetypes for your character choice in the main rules, but the archetypes you would likely base your character on would come from Resident Evil addition found here: - It's up to you though. You can pick from the main rules archetypes, which contain more of an Average Joe sort of character. They're weaker, but the game can be really fun with them.

Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

People who might be interested. I know this is from the battle section, but I'm looking for people who are into RE lore, so thought I'd advertise to you guys. Apologies if you're not interested.

Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Avatar image for tparks

Posted by

(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

People who might be interested. I know this is from the battle section, but I'm looking for people who are into RE lore, so thought I'd advertise to you guys. Apologies if you're not interested.

Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Posted by

(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

People who might be interested. I know this is from the battle section, but I'm looking for people who are into RE lore, so thought I'd advertise to you guys. Apologies if you're not interested.

Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Posted by

(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 19 days ago
- Show Bio

People who might be interested. I know this is from the battle section, but I'm looking for people who are into RE lore, so thought I'd advertise to you guys. Apologies if you're not interested.

Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Resident Evil:


Albert Wesker:


Avatar image for the_hajduk

Posted by

(4643 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: You know I’m down, even though I disapprove of your choice to use an image from the movie (ew)

Avatar image for the_hajduk

Posted by

(4643 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: You know I’m down, even though I disapprove of your choice to use an image from the movie (ew)

Posted by

(4643 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: You know I’m down, even though I disapprove of your choice to use an image from the movie (ew)

Posted by

(4643 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@tparks: You know I’m down, even though I disapprove of your choice to use an image from the movie (ew)

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_hajduk: It was the only one that had a nice empty spot for me to PhotShop a title into it, but then I got lazy and didn’t put a title on the image.

But I think that’s at least from the first movie, that I didn’t hate.

Avatar image for tparks

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_hajduk: It was the only one that had a nice empty spot for me to PhotShop a title into it, but then I got lazy and didn’t put a title on the image.

But I think that’s at least from the first movie, that I didn’t hate.

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_hajduk: It was the only one that had a nice empty spot for me to PhotShop a title into it, but then I got lazy and didn’t put a title on the image.

But I think that’s at least from the first movie, that I didn’t hate.

Edited by
(11528 posts)
- 2 months, 14 days ago
- Show Bio

@the_hajduk: It was the only one that had a nice empty spot for me to PhotShop a title into it, but then I got lazy and didn’t put a title on the image.

But I think that’s at least from the first movie, that I didn’t hate.

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