python fitting two curves simultaneously with the same variable and params
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I am trying curving fitting with two functions simultaneously. I have xdata and both of mdata and ndata are function of xdata with same parameters (r1,r2,r3,l) as shown in the code. now I can plot the figure of mdata and ndata with respect to xdata as well as the figure of ndata with respect t mdata. but the results were not good. the code is below
the two functions are:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
# from scipy.signal import medfilt
import warnings
def func(x, r1, r2, r3,l):
# "brick wall" ensuring all parameters are positive
if r1 < 0.0 or r2 < 0.0 or r3 < 0.0 or l < 0.0 :
return 1.0E10 # large value gives large error, curve_fit hits a brick wall
c = 47e-8
return m
def gunc(x, r1, r2, r3,l):
c = 47e-8
w = 2 * np.pi * x
n = (r2 ** 2 * l * w) / (r2 ** 2 + l ** 2 * w ** 2) - r3 ** 3 * c * w / (1 + r3 * c ** 2 * w ** 2)
return n
and then a residual function was defined to minimize
def residual_two_functions(pars, x, mdata, ndata):
r1 = pars[0]
r2 = pars[1]
r3 = pars[2]
l = pars[3]
# c = pars[4]
diff1 = mdata - func(x, r1, r2, r3, l)
diff2 = ndata - gunc(x, r1, r2, r3, l)
return np.concatenate((diff1, diff2))
the rest of the code
def readdata(filename):
x = filename.readlines()
x = list(map(lambda s: s.strip(), x))
x = list(map(float, x))
return x
# test data
f_x= open(r'C:UsersDesktopageingmodelsimpletryfre.txt')
xdata = readdata(f_x)
f_m= open(r'C:UsersDesktopageingmodelsimpletryreal.txt')
mdata = readdata(f_m)
f_n= open(r'C:UsersDesktopageingmodelsimpletryimag.txt')
ndata = readdata(f_n)
xdata = np.array(xdata)
mdata = np.array(mdata)
ndata = np.array(ndata)
# mdata.flatten(order='C')
# medfilt(mdata)
x = xdata
# function for genetic algorithm to minimize (sum of squared error)
def sumOfSquaredError(parameterTuple):
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # do not print warnings by genetic algorithm
val = func(xdata, *parameterTuple)
return np.sum((mdata - val) ** 2.0)
def generate_Initial_Parameters():
# min and max used for bounds
maxX = max(xdata)
minX = min(xdata)
maxY = max(mdata)
minY = min(mdata)
minBound = min(minX, minY)
maxBound = max(maxX, maxY)
parameterBounds =
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for r1
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for r2
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for r3
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for l
# parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for c
# "seed" the numpy random number generator for repeatable results
result = differential_evolution(sumOfSquaredError, parameterBounds, seed=3)
return result.x
# by default, differential_evolution completes by calling curve_fit() using parameter bounds
par_init = generate_Initial_Parameters()
print (par_init)
# initial values
# par_init = np.array([0.1,10,1,10])
best, cov, info, message, ier = leastsq(residual_two_functions,
par_init, args=(x, mdata, ndata),
print(" Best-Fit Parameters: ", best)
# print(info)
m_fit = func(xdata, *best)
n_fit = gunc(xdata, *best)
plt.plot(mdata, ndata, 'bD', label='data')
plt.plot(m_fit,n_fit, 'r-',label='fitted curve')
plt.plot(xdata, mdata, 'bD', label='mdata')
plt.plot(xdata, m_fit, 'r-',label='fitted curve')
plt.plot(xdata, ndata, 'bD', label='ndata')
plt.plot(xdata, n_fit, 'r-',label='fitted curve')
the fit results are far to perfect. how to optimize the funtion?
thanks in advance!
figure: ndata vs mdata mdata vs xdata ndata vs xdata
datalink: testdata_link
python curve-fitting least-squares
add a comment |
I am trying curving fitting with two functions simultaneously. I have xdata and both of mdata and ndata are function of xdata with same parameters (r1,r2,r3,l) as shown in the code. now I can plot the figure of mdata and ndata with respect to xdata as well as the figure of ndata with respect t mdata. but the results were not good. the code is below
the two functions are:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
# from scipy.signal import medfilt
import warnings
def func(x, r1, r2, r3,l):
# "brick wall" ensuring all parameters are positive
if r1 < 0.0 or r2 < 0.0 or r3 < 0.0 or l < 0.0 :
return 1.0E10 # large value gives large error, curve_fit hits a brick wall
c = 47e-8
return m
def gunc(x, r1, r2, r3,l):
c = 47e-8
w = 2 * np.pi * x
n = (r2 ** 2 * l * w) / (r2 ** 2 + l ** 2 * w ** 2) - r3 ** 3 * c * w / (1 + r3 * c ** 2 * w ** 2)
return n
and then a residual function was defined to minimize
def residual_two_functions(pars, x, mdata, ndata):
r1 = pars[0]
r2 = pars[1]
r3 = pars[2]
l = pars[3]
# c = pars[4]
diff1 = mdata - func(x, r1, r2, r3, l)
diff2 = ndata - gunc(x, r1, r2, r3, l)
return np.concatenate((diff1, diff2))
the rest of the code
def readdata(filename):
x = filename.readlines()
x = list(map(lambda s: s.strip(), x))
x = list(map(float, x))
return x
# test data
f_x= open(r'C:UsersDesktopageingmodelsimpletryfre.txt')
xdata = readdata(f_x)
f_m= open(r'C:UsersDesktopageingmodelsimpletryreal.txt')
mdata = readdata(f_m)
f_n= open(r'C:UsersDesktopageingmodelsimpletryimag.txt')
ndata = readdata(f_n)
xdata = np.array(xdata)
mdata = np.array(mdata)
ndata = np.array(ndata)
# mdata.flatten(order='C')
# medfilt(mdata)
x = xdata
# function for genetic algorithm to minimize (sum of squared error)
def sumOfSquaredError(parameterTuple):
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # do not print warnings by genetic algorithm
val = func(xdata, *parameterTuple)
return np.sum((mdata - val) ** 2.0)
def generate_Initial_Parameters():
# min and max used for bounds
maxX = max(xdata)
minX = min(xdata)
maxY = max(mdata)
minY = min(mdata)
minBound = min(minX, minY)
maxBound = max(maxX, maxY)
parameterBounds =
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for r1
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for r2
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for r3
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for l
# parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for c
# "seed" the numpy random number generator for repeatable results
result = differential_evolution(sumOfSquaredError, parameterBounds, seed=3)
return result.x
# by default, differential_evolution completes by calling curve_fit() using parameter bounds
par_init = generate_Initial_Parameters()
print (par_init)
# initial values
# par_init = np.array([0.1,10,1,10])
best, cov, info, message, ier = leastsq(residual_two_functions,
par_init, args=(x, mdata, ndata),
print(" Best-Fit Parameters: ", best)
# print(info)
m_fit = func(xdata, *best)
n_fit = gunc(xdata, *best)
plt.plot(mdata, ndata, 'bD', label='data')
plt.plot(m_fit,n_fit, 'r-',label='fitted curve')
plt.plot(xdata, mdata, 'bD', label='mdata')
plt.plot(xdata, m_fit, 'r-',label='fitted curve')
plt.plot(xdata, ndata, 'bD', label='ndata')
plt.plot(xdata, n_fit, 'r-',label='fitted curve')
the fit results are far to perfect. how to optimize the funtion?
thanks in advance!
figure: ndata vs mdata mdata vs xdata ndata vs xdata
datalink: testdata_link
python curve-fitting least-squares
this has been resolved by usingsymfit
which is typical to fit multicurves with parameters.
– hao
Nov 16 '18 at 15:50
add a comment |
I am trying curving fitting with two functions simultaneously. I have xdata and both of mdata and ndata are function of xdata with same parameters (r1,r2,r3,l) as shown in the code. now I can plot the figure of mdata and ndata with respect to xdata as well as the figure of ndata with respect t mdata. but the results were not good. the code is below
the two functions are:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
# from scipy.signal import medfilt
import warnings
def func(x, r1, r2, r3,l):
# "brick wall" ensuring all parameters are positive
if r1 < 0.0 or r2 < 0.0 or r3 < 0.0 or l < 0.0 :
return 1.0E10 # large value gives large error, curve_fit hits a brick wall
c = 47e-8
return m
def gunc(x, r1, r2, r3,l):
c = 47e-8
w = 2 * np.pi * x
n = (r2 ** 2 * l * w) / (r2 ** 2 + l ** 2 * w ** 2) - r3 ** 3 * c * w / (1 + r3 * c ** 2 * w ** 2)
return n
and then a residual function was defined to minimize
def residual_two_functions(pars, x, mdata, ndata):
r1 = pars[0]
r2 = pars[1]
r3 = pars[2]
l = pars[3]
# c = pars[4]
diff1 = mdata - func(x, r1, r2, r3, l)
diff2 = ndata - gunc(x, r1, r2, r3, l)
return np.concatenate((diff1, diff2))
the rest of the code
def readdata(filename):
x = filename.readlines()
x = list(map(lambda s: s.strip(), x))
x = list(map(float, x))
return x
# test data
f_x= open(r'C:UsersDesktopageingmodelsimpletryfre.txt')
xdata = readdata(f_x)
f_m= open(r'C:UsersDesktopageingmodelsimpletryreal.txt')
mdata = readdata(f_m)
f_n= open(r'C:UsersDesktopageingmodelsimpletryimag.txt')
ndata = readdata(f_n)
xdata = np.array(xdata)
mdata = np.array(mdata)
ndata = np.array(ndata)
# mdata.flatten(order='C')
# medfilt(mdata)
x = xdata
# function for genetic algorithm to minimize (sum of squared error)
def sumOfSquaredError(parameterTuple):
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # do not print warnings by genetic algorithm
val = func(xdata, *parameterTuple)
return np.sum((mdata - val) ** 2.0)
def generate_Initial_Parameters():
# min and max used for bounds
maxX = max(xdata)
minX = min(xdata)
maxY = max(mdata)
minY = min(mdata)
minBound = min(minX, minY)
maxBound = max(maxX, maxY)
parameterBounds =
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for r1
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for r2
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for r3
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for l
# parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for c
# "seed" the numpy random number generator for repeatable results
result = differential_evolution(sumOfSquaredError, parameterBounds, seed=3)
return result.x
# by default, differential_evolution completes by calling curve_fit() using parameter bounds
par_init = generate_Initial_Parameters()
print (par_init)
# initial values
# par_init = np.array([0.1,10,1,10])
best, cov, info, message, ier = leastsq(residual_two_functions,
par_init, args=(x, mdata, ndata),
print(" Best-Fit Parameters: ", best)
# print(info)
m_fit = func(xdata, *best)
n_fit = gunc(xdata, *best)
plt.plot(mdata, ndata, 'bD', label='data')
plt.plot(m_fit,n_fit, 'r-',label='fitted curve')
plt.plot(xdata, mdata, 'bD', label='mdata')
plt.plot(xdata, m_fit, 'r-',label='fitted curve')
plt.plot(xdata, ndata, 'bD', label='ndata')
plt.plot(xdata, n_fit, 'r-',label='fitted curve')
the fit results are far to perfect. how to optimize the funtion?
thanks in advance!
figure: ndata vs mdata mdata vs xdata ndata vs xdata
datalink: testdata_link
python curve-fitting least-squares
I am trying curving fitting with two functions simultaneously. I have xdata and both of mdata and ndata are function of xdata with same parameters (r1,r2,r3,l) as shown in the code. now I can plot the figure of mdata and ndata with respect to xdata as well as the figure of ndata with respect t mdata. but the results were not good. the code is below
the two functions are:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import leastsq
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
# from scipy.signal import medfilt
import warnings
def func(x, r1, r2, r3,l):
# "brick wall" ensuring all parameters are positive
if r1 < 0.0 or r2 < 0.0 or r3 < 0.0 or l < 0.0 :
return 1.0E10 # large value gives large error, curve_fit hits a brick wall
c = 47e-8
return m
def gunc(x, r1, r2, r3,l):
c = 47e-8
w = 2 * np.pi * x
n = (r2 ** 2 * l * w) / (r2 ** 2 + l ** 2 * w ** 2) - r3 ** 3 * c * w / (1 + r3 * c ** 2 * w ** 2)
return n
and then a residual function was defined to minimize
def residual_two_functions(pars, x, mdata, ndata):
r1 = pars[0]
r2 = pars[1]
r3 = pars[2]
l = pars[3]
# c = pars[4]
diff1 = mdata - func(x, r1, r2, r3, l)
diff2 = ndata - gunc(x, r1, r2, r3, l)
return np.concatenate((diff1, diff2))
the rest of the code
def readdata(filename):
x = filename.readlines()
x = list(map(lambda s: s.strip(), x))
x = list(map(float, x))
return x
# test data
f_x= open(r'C:UsersDesktopageingmodelsimpletryfre.txt')
xdata = readdata(f_x)
f_m= open(r'C:UsersDesktopageingmodelsimpletryreal.txt')
mdata = readdata(f_m)
f_n= open(r'C:UsersDesktopageingmodelsimpletryimag.txt')
ndata = readdata(f_n)
xdata = np.array(xdata)
mdata = np.array(mdata)
ndata = np.array(ndata)
# mdata.flatten(order='C')
# medfilt(mdata)
x = xdata
# function for genetic algorithm to minimize (sum of squared error)
def sumOfSquaredError(parameterTuple):
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # do not print warnings by genetic algorithm
val = func(xdata, *parameterTuple)
return np.sum((mdata - val) ** 2.0)
def generate_Initial_Parameters():
# min and max used for bounds
maxX = max(xdata)
minX = min(xdata)
maxY = max(mdata)
minY = min(mdata)
minBound = min(minX, minY)
maxBound = max(maxX, maxY)
parameterBounds =
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for r1
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for r2
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for r3
parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for l
# parameterBounds.append([minBound, maxBound]) # search bounds for c
# "seed" the numpy random number generator for repeatable results
result = differential_evolution(sumOfSquaredError, parameterBounds, seed=3)
return result.x
# by default, differential_evolution completes by calling curve_fit() using parameter bounds
par_init = generate_Initial_Parameters()
print (par_init)
# initial values
# par_init = np.array([0.1,10,1,10])
best, cov, info, message, ier = leastsq(residual_two_functions,
par_init, args=(x, mdata, ndata),
print(" Best-Fit Parameters: ", best)
# print(info)
m_fit = func(xdata, *best)
n_fit = gunc(xdata, *best)
plt.plot(mdata, ndata, 'bD', label='data')
plt.plot(m_fit,n_fit, 'r-',label='fitted curve')
plt.plot(xdata, mdata, 'bD', label='mdata')
plt.plot(xdata, m_fit, 'r-',label='fitted curve')
plt.plot(xdata, ndata, 'bD', label='ndata')
plt.plot(xdata, n_fit, 'r-',label='fitted curve')
the fit results are far to perfect. how to optimize the funtion?
thanks in advance!
figure: ndata vs mdata mdata vs xdata ndata vs xdata
datalink: testdata_link
python curve-fitting least-squares
python curve-fitting least-squares
asked Nov 15 '18 at 14:48

this has been resolved by usingsymfit
which is typical to fit multicurves with parameters.
– hao
Nov 16 '18 at 15:50
add a comment |
this has been resolved by usingsymfit
which is typical to fit multicurves with parameters.
– hao
Nov 16 '18 at 15:50
this has been resolved by using
which is typical to fit multicurves with parameters.– hao
Nov 16 '18 at 15:50
this has been resolved by using
which is typical to fit multicurves with parameters.– hao
Nov 16 '18 at 15:50
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this has been resolved by using
which is typical to fit multicurves with parameters.– hao
Nov 16 '18 at 15:50